Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "pristine-tar" have entirely different histories.

413 changed files with 3 additions and 109016 deletions

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin main site
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$preRelPath = strstr(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'admin.php', true);
$preBasePath = strstr(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'admin.php', true);
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 1;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Include Content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('NagiosQL Administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Welcome to NagiosQL, the administration module that can be used to easily '
. 'create, modify and delete configuration files for Nagios. The data is stored in a database '
. 'and can be written directly to the standard files at any time you want.'));
// Include footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Administration overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 7;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath. 'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Functions to administrate NagiosQL V3'));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Alarming overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 3;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Alarming'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('To define contact data, contact templates and contact groups and time '
. 'periods.'));
$conttp->setVariable('STATISTICS', translate('Statistical datas'));
$conttp->setVariable('TYPE', translate('Group'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE', translate('Active'));
$conttp->setVariable('INACTIVE', translate('Inactive'));
// Include statistical data
// ========================
// Get read access groups
$strAccess = $myVisClass->getAccessGroups('read');
$intGroupId14 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=14');
$intGroupId15 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=15');
$intGroupId16 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=16');
$intGroupId17 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=17');
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intGroupId14, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Contact data'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contact` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contact` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intGroupId15, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Contact groups'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contactgroup` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contactgroup` '
. "WHERE active='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intGroupId16, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Time periods'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_timeperiod` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_timeperiod` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intGroupId17, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Contact templates'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contacttemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_contacttemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : File editor cgi.cfg
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 29;
$preContent = 'admin/nagioscfg.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intRemoveTmp = 0;
$strConfig = '';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'nagiosbasedir', $strBaseDir);
$strConfigfile = str_replace('//', '/', $strBaseDir. '/cgi.cfg');
$strLocalBackup = str_replace('//', '/', $strBaseDir. '/cgi.cfg_old_').date('YmdHis');
// Convert Windows to UNIX
// =======================
$chkTaFileText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $chkTaFileText);
// Process data
// ============
if (($chkTaFileText != '') && ($arrConfigSet[0] != 0)) {
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strBaseDir) && (is_writable($strBaseDir) && is_writable($strConfigfile))) {
// Backup config file
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->moveFile('nagiosbasic', 'cgi.cfg', $intConfigId);
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Write configuration
$resFile = fopen($strConfigfile, 'wb');
fwrite($resFile, $chkTaFileText);
$myVisClass->processMessage('<span style="color:green">' .translate('Configuration file successfully '
. 'written!'). '</span>', $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration successfully written:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the '
. 'permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration write failed:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
// Backup config file
$intReturn1 = $myConfigClass->moveFile('nagiosbasic', 'cgi.cfg', $intConfigId);
if ($intReturn1 == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($_SESSION['SETS']['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_cgi');
$resFile = fopen($strFileName, 'wb');
fwrite($resFile, $chkTaFileText);
// Copy configuration to remoty system
$intReturn2 = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConfigfile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 1);
if ($intReturn2 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage('<span style="color:green">' .translate('Configuration file successfully '
. 'written!'). '</span>', $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration successfully written:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the permissions '
. 'on remote system)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration write failed (remote):'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} elseif ($arrConfigSet[0] == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('There are no nagios configuration files in common domain, please select a '.
'valid domain to edit this files!'), $strErrorMessage);
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('CGI configuration file'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('MAINSITE', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'admin.php');
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
// Open configuration
// ==================
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strConfigfile) && is_readable($strConfigfile)) {
$resFile = fopen($strConfigfile, 'rb');
if ($resFile) {
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strConfig .= fgets($resFile, 1024);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open the data file (check the permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($_SESSION['SETS']['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_cgi');
// Copy configuration from remoty system
$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage = '';
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConfigfile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 0);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$resFile = fopen($strFileName, 'rb');
if (is_resource($resFile)) {
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strConfig .= fgets($resFile, 1024);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open the temporary file'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration read failed (remote):'). ' ' .$strErrorMessage);
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NAGIOS_CONFIG', $strConfig);
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Command definitions
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 18;
$preContent = 'admin/checkcommands.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'checkcommand';
$preTableName = 'tbl_command';
$preKeyField = 'command_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `command_line`='$chkTfValue2', "
. "`command_type`=$chkSelValue1, $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New command inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Command modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Command definitions'));
$conttp->setVariable('NO_TYPE', translate('unclassified'));
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_TYPE', translate('check command'));
$conttp->setVariable('MISC_TYPE', translate('misc command'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// Insert command type
if ($arrModifyData['command_type'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_TYPE_SELECTED', 'selected');
if ($arrModifyData['command_type'] == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('MISC_TYPE_SELECTED', 'selected');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Command definitions'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Command name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Command line'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' "
. "OR `command_line` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `command_line` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `command_line`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'command_line', 40);
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Command line visualization
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preNoMain = 1;
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath. 'functions/prepend_adm.php';
$strCommandLine = '&nbsp;';
$intCount = 0;
// Get database values
// ===================
if (isset($_GET['cname']) && ($_GET['cname'] != '')) {
$strResult = $myDBClass->getFieldData("SELECT command_line FROM tbl_command WHERE id='".
filter_var($_GET['cname'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)."'");
if (($strResult != false) && ($strResult != '')) {
$strCommandLine = $strResult;
$intCount = substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG');
if (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG8') != 0) {
$intCount = 8;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG7') != 0) {
$intCount = 7;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG6') != 0) {
$intCount = 6;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG5') != 0) {
$intCount = 5;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG4') != 0) {
$intCount = 4;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG3') != 0) {
$intCount = 3;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG2') != 0) {
$intCount = 2;
} elseif (substr_count($strCommandLine, 'ARG1') != 0) {
$intCount = 1;
} else {
$intCount = 0;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #EDF5FF;
margin: 3px;
border: none;
<?php echo $strCommandLine; ?>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
parent.argcount = <?php echo $intCount; ?>;

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Commands overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 4;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Check commands'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('To define check and misc commands, notification commands and special '
. 'commands.'));
$conttp->setVariable('STATISTICS', translate('Statistical datas'));
$conttp->setVariable('TYPE', translate('Group'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE', translate('Active'));
$conttp->setVariable('INACTIVE', translate('Inactive'));
// Include statistical data
// ========================
// Get read access groups
$strAccess = $myVisClass->getAccessGroups('read');
$intGroupId = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=18');
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intGroupId, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Check commands'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_command` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_command` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin configuration target administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 36;
$preContent = 'admin/configtargets.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_common.htm.tpl';
$preTableName = 'tbl_configtarget';
$preKeyField = 'target';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intIsError = 0;
$strPathMessage = '';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Process path values (add slashes)
// =================================
$chkTfValue8 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue8);
$chkTfValue9 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue9);
$chkTfValue10 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue10);
$chkTfValue11 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue11);
$chkTfValue12 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue12);
$chkTfValue13 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue13);
$chkTfValue14 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue14);
$chkTfValue15 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue15);
$chkTfValue16 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue16);
// Check if the permissions and other parameters
// =============================================
if (($chkModus == 'modify' || $chkModus == 'insert') && $chkDataId != 0) {
if ($chkSelValue1 == 1) {
$arrPaths = array($chkTfValue8,$chkTfValue9,$chkTfValue10,$chkTfValue11,$chkTfValue12,$chkTfValue13);
foreach ($arrPaths as $elem) {
if ($myConfigClass->isDirWriteable($elem) == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($elem. ' ' .translate('is not writeable'), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Nagios base configuration files
if (!is_writable($chkTfValue20)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(' ', ' ', translate('Nagios config file'). ' ' .$chkTfValue20
. ' ' .translate('is not writeable')), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
} else {
$intCheck = 0;
if (file_exists($chkTfValue20) && is_readable($chkTfValue20)) {
$resFile = fopen($chkTfValue20, 'rb');
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strLine = trim(fgets($resFile));
if ((substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_dir') != 0) || (substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_file') != 0)) {
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(' ', ' ', translate('Nagios config file'). ' ' .
$chkTfValue20. ' ' .translate('is not a valid configuration file!')), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if (!is_writable($chkTfValue14)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(' ', ' ', translate('Nagios base directory'). ' ' .
$chkTfValue14. ' ' .translate('is not writeable')), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if (!is_writable($chkTfValue21)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(' ', ' ', translate('Nagios cgi config file'). ' ' .
$chkTfValue21. ' ' .translate('is not writeable')), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if (!is_readable($chkTfValue22)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(' ', ' ', translate('Nagios resource config file'). ' ' .
$chkTfValue22. ' ' .translate('is not readable')), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Check SSH Method
if (($chkSelValue1 == 3) && !function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('SSH module not loaded!'), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Check FTP Method
if (($chkSelValue1 == 2) && !function_exists('ftp_connect')) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('FTP module not loaded!'), $strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if ($intIsError == 1) {
$chkModus = 'add';
$chkSelModify = 'errormodify';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `server`='$chkTfValue4', "
. "`method`='$chkSelValue1', `user`='$chkTfValue5', `password`='$chkTfValue6', "
. "`ssh_key_path`='$chkTfValue7', `ftp_secure`=$chkChbValue1, `basedir`='$chkTfValue8', "
. "`hostconfig`='$chkTfValue9', `serviceconfig`='$chkTfValue10', `backupdir`='$chkTfValue11', "
. "`hostbackup`='$chkTfValue12', `servicebackup`='$chkTfValue13', `nagiosbasedir`='$chkTfValue14', "
. "`importdir`='$chkTfValue15', `picturedir`='$chkTfValue16', `commandfile`='$chkTfValue17', "
. "`binaryfile`='$chkTfValue18', `pidfile`='$chkTfValue19', `conffile`='$chkTfValue20', "
. "`cgifile`='$chkTfValue21', `resourcefile`='$chkTfValue22',`version`=$chkSelValue2, "
. "`access_group`=$chkSelAccGr, `active`='$chkActive',`last_modified`=NOW()";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '') && (($chkTfValue4 != '') || ($chkDataId == 0))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New Domain inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Domain modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Single view
// ===========
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Configuration domain administration'));
if ($intIsError == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('PATHMESSAGE', '<h2 style="padding-bottom:5px;">' .translate('Warning, at least one ' .
'error occured, please check!'). '</h2>' .$strPathMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ALLFIELDS', translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ILLEGALCHARS', translate('The following field contains illegal characters:'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, 0, '');
// Connection method
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('FILE_SELECTED', 'selected');
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('FTP_SELECTED', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementShow');
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('SFTP_SELECTED', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementHide');
if ($arrModifyData['ftp_secure'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('FTPS_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Nagios version
$conttp->setVariable('VER_SELECTED_' .$arrModifyData['version'], 'selected');
// Domain localhost cant' be renamed
if ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] == 'localhost') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
} elseif ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] == 'common') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('COMMON_INVISIBLE', 'class="elementHide"');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
if ($chkSelModify == 'errormodify') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TARGET', $chkTfValue1);
// Domain localhost cant' be renamed
if ($chkTfValue1 == 'localhost') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
} elseif ($chkTfValue1 == 'common') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('COMMON_INVISIBLE', 'class="elementHide"');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inpmust');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ALIAS', $chkTfValue2);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SERVER', $chkTfValue4);
// Connection method
if ($chkSelValue1 == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('FILE_SELECTED', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementHide');
if ($chkSelValue1 == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('FTP_SELECTED', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementShow');
if ($chkSelValue1 == 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('SFTP_SELECTED', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_3', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_USER', $chkTfValue5);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SSH_KEY_PATH', $chkTfValue7);
if ($chkChbValue1== 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('FTPS_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BASEDIR', $chkTfValue8);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOSTCONFIG', $chkTfValue9);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SERVICECONFIG', $chkTfValue10);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPDIR', $chkTfValue11);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOSTBACKUP', $chkTfValue12);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SERVICEBACKUP', $chkTfValue13);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NAGIOSBASEDIR', $chkTfValue14);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IMPORTDIR', $chkTfValue15);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COMMANDFILE', $chkTfValue17);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BINARYFILE', $chkTfValue18);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PIDFILE', $chkTfValue19);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CONFFILE', $chkTfValue20);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CGIFILE', $chkTfValue21);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_RESOURCEFILE', $chkTfValue22);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PICTUREDIR', $chkTfValue16);
// NagiosQL version
if ($chkSelValue2 == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('VER_SELECTED_1', 'selected');
if ($chkSelValue2 == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('VER_SELECTED_2', 'selected');
if ($chkSelValue2 == 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VER_SELECTED_3', 'selected');
// Hidden variables
$conttp->setVariable('MODUS', filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'modus', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ID', filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'hidId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT));
$conttp->setVariable('LIMIT', filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'hidLimit', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT));
// Active
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'chbActive')) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_CHECKED', 'checked');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_CHECKED', '');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Configuration domain administration'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Configuration target'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `active`, `nodelete`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString "
. "LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
$myContentClass->showMessages($mastertp, $strErrorMessage, $strInfoMessage, $strConsistMessage, array(), '', 1);
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Contactgroup definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 15;
$preContent = 'admin/contactgroups.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'contactgroup';
$preTableName = 'tbl_contactgroup';
$preKeyField = 'contactgroup_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `members`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`contactgroup_members`=$intMselValue2, $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '') && ($intMselValue1 != 0)) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New contact group inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Contact group modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContactgroupToContact', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContactgroupToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contact groups (contactgroups.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process contact member selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no contacts defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process contactgroup member selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['contactgroup_members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contactgroup_members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contact groups (contactgroups.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Contact group'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) "
. "$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Contact definitions
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 14;
$preContent = 'admin/contacts.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'contact';
$preTableName = 'tbl_contact';
$preKeyField = 'contact_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Checkbox data processing
// ========================
if (($intVersion == 3) || ($intVersion == 4)) {
$strHO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strSO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e.$chkChbGr2f.$chkChbGr2g, 0, -1);
} else {
$strHO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strSO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e.$chkChbGr2g, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', "
. "`contactgroups`=$intMselValue1, `contactgroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, "
. "`minimum_importance`=$chkTfNullVal1, "
. "`host_notifications_enabled`='$chkRadValue2', `service_notifications_enabled`='$chkRadValue3', "
. "`host_notification_period`='$chkSelValue1', `service_notification_period`='$chkSelValue2', "
. "`host_notification_options`='$strHO', `host_notification_commands_tploptions`=$chkRadValue4, "
. "`service_notification_options`='$strSO', `host_notification_commands`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`service_notification_commands`=$intMselValue3, "
. "`service_notification_commands_tploptions`=$chkRadValue5, `can_submit_commands`='$chkRadValue8', "
. "`retain_status_information`='$chkRadValue6', `retain_nonstatus_information`='$chkRadValue7', "
. "`email`='$chkTfValue3', `pager`='$chkTfValue4', `address1`='$chkTfValue5', `address2`='$chkTfValue6', "
. "`address3`='$chkTfValue7', `address4`='$chkTfValue8', `address5`='$chkTfValue9', "
. "`address6`='$chkTfValue10', `name`='$chkTfValue11', `use_variables`='$intVariables', "
. "`use_template`=$intTemplates, $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New contact inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Contact modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContactToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContactToCommandHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContactToCommandService', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
//if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3) != 0) {
//$strInfoMessage = "";
// Insert/update templates from session data
// =========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = "DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkContactToContacttemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkContactToContacttemplate` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`,'
. "`idTable`,`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ', '
. $elem['idTable']. ',' .$intSortId. ')';
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update variables from session data
// =========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkContactToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = "DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkContactToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkContactToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`) '
. "VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contacts (contacts.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template selection fields (Spezial)
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL5 = 'SELECT `id`,`template_name`, `active` '
. "FROM `tbl_contacttemplate` WHERE $strDomainWhere2 ORDER BY `template_name`";
$booReturn5 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL5, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn5 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['template_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL6 = 'SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `name` <> '' $strWhere AND $strDomainWhere ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn6 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL6, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn6 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process timeperiod selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'host_time', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'service_time', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no time periods defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process command selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_notification_commands'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_notification_commands'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_notification_commands'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_notification_commands'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no commands defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process contactgroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contactgroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contactgroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
$conttp->setVariable('DISABLE_SAVE', 'disabled');
if ($intVersion == 4) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1e,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2f,chbGr2g');
if ($intVersion == 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1e,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2f,chbGr2g');
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2g');
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', ',tfValue2');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
// Process radio fields
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HNE' .$arrModifyData['host_notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SNE' .$arrModifyData['service_notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_RSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CSC' .$arrModifyData['can_submit_commands']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_RNS' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
'DAT_SEC' .$arrModifyData['service_notification_commands_tploptions']. '_CHECKED',
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOC' .$arrModifyData['host_notification_commands_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contactgroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['host_notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['service_notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contacts (contacts.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Contact name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`email` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `pager` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address1` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address2` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address3` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address4` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address5` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address6` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL7 = 'SELECT count(*) AS `number` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn7 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL7, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn7 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL8 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `active`, `register`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn8 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL8, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn8 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Contact template definitions
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 17;
$preContent = 'admin/contacttemplates.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'contacttemplate';
$preTableName = 'tbl_contacttemplate';
$preKeyField = 'template_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Checkbox data processing
// ========================
if (($intVersion == 3) || ($intVersion == 4)) {
$strHO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strSO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e.$chkChbGr2f.$chkChbGr2g, 0, -1);
} else {
$strHO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strSO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e.$chkChbGr2g, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', "
. "`contactgroups`=$intMselValue1, `contactgroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, "
. "`minimum_importance`=$chkTfNullVal1, "
. "`host_notifications_enabled`='$chkRadValue2', `service_notifications_enabled`='$chkRadValue3', "
. "`host_notification_period`='$chkSelValue1', `service_notification_period`='$chkSelValue2', "
. "`host_notification_options`='$strHO', `host_notification_commands_tploptions`=$chkRadValue4, "
. "`service_notification_options`='$strSO', `host_notification_commands`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`service_notification_commands`=$intMselValue3, "
. "`service_notification_commands_tploptions`=$chkRadValue5, `can_submit_commands`='$chkRadValue8', "
. "`retain_status_information`='$chkRadValue6', `retain_nonstatus_information`='$chkRadValue7', "
. "`email`='$chkTfValue3', `pager`='$chkTfValue4', `address1`='$chkTfValue5', `address2`='$chkTfValue6', "
. "`address3`='$chkTfValue7', `address4`='$chkTfValue8', `address5`='$chkTfValue9', "
. "`address6`='$chkTfValue10', `use_variables`='$intVariables', `use_template`=$intTemplates, "
. $preSQLCommon2;
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New contact template inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Contact template modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContacttemplateToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkContacttemplateToCommandHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
//if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3) != 0) {
//$strInfoMessage = "";
// Insert/update templates from session data
// =========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkContacttemplateToContacttemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkContacttemplateToContacttemplate` (`idMaster`, '
. "`idSlave`,`idTable`,`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ', '
. $elem['idTable']. ',' .$intSortId. ')';
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update variables from session data
// =========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * '
. 'FROM `tbl_lnkContacttemplateToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkContacttemplateToVariabledefinition` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkContacttemplateToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`, '
. "`idSlave`) VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contact templates (contacttemplates.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template selection fields (Spezial)
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL1 = "SELECT `id`,`$preKeyField`, `active` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strWhere ORDER BY `$preKeyField`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem[$preKeyField], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` FROM `tbl_contact` '
. "WHERE `name` <> '' AND $strDomainWhere2 ORDER BY name";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCountHpl);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountHpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process timeperiod selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'host_time', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'service_time', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process command selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_notification_commands'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_notification_commands'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_notification_commands'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_notification_commands'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contactgroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contactgroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contactgroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion == 4) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1e,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2f,chbGr2g');
if ($intVersion == 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1e,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2f,chbGr2g');
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('HOST_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr1a,chbGr1b,chbGr1c,chbGr1d,chbGr1f');
$conttp->setVariable('SERVICE_OPTION_FIELDS', 'chbGr2a,chbGr2b,chbGr2c,chbGr2d,chbGr2e,chbGr2g');
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', ',tfValue2');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
// Process radio fields
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HNE' .$arrModifyData['host_notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SNE' .$arrModifyData['service_notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_RSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CSC' .$arrModifyData['can_submit_commands']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_RNS' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
'DAT_SEC' .$arrModifyData['service_notification_commands_tploptions']. '_CHECKED',
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOC' .$arrModifyData['host_notification_commands_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contactgroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['host_notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['service_notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define contact templates (contacttemplates.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Contact name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`email` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `pager` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address1` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address2` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address3` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address4` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`address5` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address6` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = 'SELECT count(*) AS `number` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `active`, `register`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) "
. "$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin domain administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 35;
$preContent = 'admin/datadomain.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_common.htm.tpl';
$preTableName = 'tbl_datadomain';
$preKeyField = 'domain';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
if ($chkTfValue1 == 'common') {
$chkSelValue1 = 0;
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `targets`=$chkSelValue1, "
. "`version`=$chkSelValue2, `access_group`=$chkSelAccGr, `enable_common`=$chkSelValue3, "
. "`active`='$chkActive', `last_modified`=NOW()";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '') && (($chkTfValue1 == 'common') || ($chkSelValue1 != 0))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New Domain inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Domain modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Single view
// ===========
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
// Process configuration target selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['targets'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['targets'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_configtarget', 'target', 'target', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no configuration targets defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Data domain administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ALLFIELDS', translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ILLEGALCHARS', translate('The following field contains illegal characters:'));
$conttp->setVariable('ENABLE', translate('Enable'));
$conttp->setVariable('DISABLE', translate('Disable'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, 0, '');
// Nagios version
$conttp->setVariable('VER_SELECTED_' .$arrModifyData['version'], 'selected');
// Enable common domain
$conttp->setVariable('ENA_COMMON_SELECTED_' .$arrModifyData['enable_common'], 'selected');
// Domain localhost cant' be renamed
if ($arrModifyData['domain'] == 'localhost') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
} elseif ($arrModifyData['domain'] == 'common') {
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_DISABLE', 'readonly');
$conttp->setVariable('COMMON_INVISIBLE', 'class="elementHide"');
$conttp->setVariable('LOCKCLASS', 'inputlock');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_TARGETS', ',selValue1');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Data domain administration'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Data domain'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `domain` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = 'SELECT `id`, `domain`, `alias`, `active`, `nodelete`, `access_group` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString "
. "LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
$myContentClass->showMessages($mastertp, $strErrorMessage, $strInfoMessage, $strConsistMessage, array(), '', 1);
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin file deletion
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 26;
$preContent = 'admin/delbackup.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'backupdir', $strBackupDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostbackup', $strHostBackupDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'servicebackup', $strServiceBackupDir);
// Process form inputs
// ===================
if (($chkMselValue1[0] != '') && ($chkStatus == 1)) {
/** @var array $chkMselValue1 */
foreach ($chkMselValue1 as $elem) {
$intCheck = $myConfigClass->removeFile(trim($elem), $intConfigId);
$strFileTmp1 = str_replace($strServiceBackupDir, '', $elem);
$strFileTmp2 = str_replace($strHostBackupDir, '', $strFileTmp1);
$strFile = str_replace($strBackupDir, '', $strFileTmp2);
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('File deleted'). ': ' .trim($strFile));
$myVisClass->processMessage($strFile. ' ' .translate('successfully deleted'). '!', $strInfoMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Delete backup files'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH_STRING', translate('Filter string'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH', translate('Search'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE', translate('Delete'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE_SEARCH', translate('Reset filter'));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEARCH', $chkTfSearch);
$conttp->setVariable('BACKUPFILE', translate('Backup file'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_REQUIRED', translate('required'));
$conttp->setVariable('MAKE', translate('Delete'));
$conttp->setVariable('ABORT', translate('Abort'));
$conttp->setVariable('CTRL_INFO', translate('Hold CTRL to select<br>more than one entry'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Build a local file list
if ($intMethod == 1) {
$output = array();
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strBackupDir, "\.cfg_old", '', $output, $strErrorMessage);
if (is_array($output) && (count($output) != 0)) {
foreach ($output as $elem) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', $elem);
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
// Set up basic connection
if ($myConfigClass->getFTPConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$arrFiles = array();
$arrFiles1 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strBackupDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles1)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles1);
$arrFiles2 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strHostBackupDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles2)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles2);
$arrFiles3 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strServiceBackupDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles3)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles3);
if (is_array($arrFiles) && (count($arrFiles) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', $elem);
} else {
translate('No backup files or no permission to read the backup files'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
// Set up basic connection
if ($myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$arrFiles = array();
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strBackupDir. '*.cfg_old*', $arrFiles1);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles1)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles1);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strHostBackupDir. '*.cfg_old*', $arrFiles2);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles2)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles2);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strServiceBackupDir. '*.cfg_old*', $arrFiles3);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles3)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles3);
if (is_array($arrFiles) && (count($arrFiles) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg_old')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', str_replace('//', '/', $elem));
} else {
translate('No backup files or no permission to read the backup files'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Footer ausgeben
// ===============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin file deletion
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 27;
$preContent = 'admin/delbackup.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostconfig', $strHostDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'serviceconfig', $strServiceDir);
// Process form inputs
// ===================
/** @var array $chkMselValue1 */
if (($chkMselValue1[0] != '') && ($chkStatus == 1)) {
foreach ($chkMselValue1 as $elem) {
$intCheck = $myConfigClass->removeFile(trim($elem), $intConfigId);
$strFileTmp1 = str_replace($strServiceDir, '', $elem);
$strFileTmp2 = str_replace($strHostDir, '', $strFileTmp1);
$strFile = str_replace($strBaseDir, '', $strFileTmp2);
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('File deleted'). ': ' .trim($strFile));
$myVisClass->processMessage($strFile. ' ' .translate('successfully deleted'). '!', $strInfoMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Delete config files'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH_STRING', translate('Filter string'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH', translate('Search'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE', translate('Delete'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE_SEARCH', translate('Reset filter'));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEARCH', $chkTfSearch);
$conttp->setVariable('BACKUPFILE', translate('Configuration file'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_REQUIRED', translate('required'));
$conttp->setVariable('MAKE', translate('Delete'));
$conttp->setVariable('ABORT', translate('Abort'));
$conttp->setVariable('CTRL_INFO', translate('Hold CTRL to select<br>more than one entry'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Build a local file list
if ($intMethod == 1) {
$output = array();
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strBaseDir, "\.cfg", '\.cfg_old', $output, $strErrorMessage);
if (is_array($output) && (count($output) != 0)) {
foreach ($output as $elem2) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem2, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', $elem2);
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
// Open ftp connection
if ($myConfigClass->getFTPConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$arrFiles = array();
$arrFiles1 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strBaseDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles1)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles1);
$arrFiles2 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strHostDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles2)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles2);
$arrFiles3 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strServiceDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles3)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles3);
if (is_array($arrFiles) && (count($arrFiles) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', str_replace('//', '/', $elem));
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
// Open ssh connection
if ($myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strBaseDir, $arrFiles1);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles1) && (count($arrFiles1) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles1 as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'cgi.cfg') != 0) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nagios.cfg') != 0) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', str_replace('//', '/', $strBaseDir. '/' .$elem));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE_FULL', str_replace('//', '/', $strBaseDir. '/' .$elem));
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strHostDir, $arrFiles2);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles2) && (count($arrFiles2) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles2 as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', str_replace('//', '/', $strHostDir. '/' .$elem));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE_FULL', str_replace('//', '/', $strHostDir. '/' .$elem));
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strServiceDir, $arrFiles3);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles3) && (count($arrFiles3) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles3 as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE', str_replace('//', '/', $strServiceDir. '/' .$elem));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_BACKUPFILE_FULL', str_replace('//', '/', $strServiceDir. '/' .$elem));
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Footer ausgeben
// ===============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Download config file
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Version control
// ===============
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
$preNoMain = 1;
$preNoLogin = 1;
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$chkTable = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'table', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkConfig = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'config', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkLine = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'line', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
// Header output
// ===============
$arrConfig = $myConfigClass->getConfData();
if (isset($arrConfig[$chkTable])) {
$strFile = $arrConfig[$chkTable]['filename'];
} else {
$strFile = $chkConfig. '.cfg';
if ($strFile == '.cfg') {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' .$strFile);
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// Get data
// ========
if ($chkLine == 0) {
$myConfigClass->createConfig($chkTable, 1);
} else {
$myConfigClass->createConfigSingle($chkTable, $chkLine, 1);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Download'). ' ' .$strFile);

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Group administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 33;
$preContent = 'admin/group.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_common.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'group';
$preTableName = 'tbl_group';
$preKeyField = 'groupname';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$preNoAccessGrp = 1;
$arrDataLines = array();
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if (($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `groupname`='$chkTfValue1', `description`='$chkTfValue2', `active`='$chkActive', "
. '`last_modified`=NOW()';
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('A new group added:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('User modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update user/group data from session data
// ===============================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = "DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkGroupToUser` WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId";
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['groupuser']) && is_array($_SESSION['groupuser']) &&
(count($_SESSION['groupuser']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['groupuser'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$intRead = 0;
$intWrite = 0;
$intLink = 0;
if (substr_count($elem['rights'], 'READ') != 0) {
$intRead = 1;
if (substr_count($elem['rights'], 'WRITE') != 0) {
$intWrite = 1;
if (substr_count($elem['rights'], 'LINK') != 0) {
$intLink = 1;
if ($intWrite == 1) {
$intRead = 1;
$intLink = 1;
if ($intRead == 1) {
$intLink = 1;
// if ($intLink == 1) $intRead = 1;
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkGroupToUser` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`,`read`,`write`,'
. "`link`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['user'].",'$intRead','$intWrite',"
. "'$intLink')";
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
// Process data fields
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_user` WHERE `id`<>1 ORDER BY `username`';
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_USER_ID', $elem['id']);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_USER', $elem['username']);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Group administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_READ', translate('Read'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_WRITE', translate('Write'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_LINK', translate('Link'));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ID', $chkListId);
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ALLFIELDS', translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ILLEGALCHARS', translate('The following field contains illegal characters:'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, 0, '');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Group administration'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Groupname'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `groupname` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `description` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = 'SELECT `id`, `groupname`, `description`, `active` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'description');
// Show messages
$myContentClass->showMessages($mastertp, $strErrorMessage, $strInfoMessage, $strConsistMessage, array(), '', 1);
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin time definition list
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preAccess = 1;
$preNoMain = 1;
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process get parameters
// ======================
$chkDataId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'dataId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkVersion = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'version', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkMode = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'mode', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkUser = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'user', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkRights = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'rights', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkLinkTab = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'linktab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if (substr_count($chkRights, '-')) {
$arrRights = explode('-', $chkRights);
$strRights = '';
if ($arrRights[0] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'READ,';
if ($arrRights[1] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'WRITE,';
if ($arrRights[2] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'LINK,';
if ($strRights != '') {
$strRights = substr($strRights, 0, -1);
$chkRights = $strRights;
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$chkUser = addslashes($chkUser);
$chkRights = addslashes($chkRights);
// Get datasets
// ============
if ($chkLinkTab != '') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_user` LEFT JOIN `' .$chkLinkTab. '` ON `id`=`idSlave` '
. "WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId ORDER BY `username`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
// Write data to session
// =====================
if ($chkMode == '') {
$_SESSION['groupuser'] = array();
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
$arrTemp['id'] = $elem['id'];
$arrTemp['user'] = $elem['id'];
$strRights = '';
if ($elem['read'] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'READ,';
if ($elem['write'] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'WRITE,';
if ($elem['link'] == 1) {
$strRights .= 'LINK,';
if ($strRights != '') {
$strRights = substr($strRights, 0, -1);
$arrTemp['rights'] = $strRights;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['groupuser'][] = $arrTemp;
// Add mode
// ========
if ($chkMode == 'add') {
if (isset($_SESSION['groupuser']) && is_array($_SESSION['groupuser'])) {
$intCheck = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['groupuser'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['user'] == $chkUser) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['groupuser'][$key]['user'] = $chkUser;
$_SESSION['groupuser'][$key]['rights'] = $chkRights;
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['user'] = $chkUser;
$arrTemp['rights'] = $chkRights;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['groupuser'][] = $arrTemp;
} else {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['user'] = $chkUser;
$arrTemp['rights'] = $chkRights;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['groupuser'] = array();
$_SESSION['groupuser'][] = $arrTemp;
// Deletion mode
// =============
if ($chkMode == 'del' && isset($_SESSION['groupuser']) && is_array($_SESSION['groupuser'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['groupuser'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['user'] == $chkUser) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['groupuser'][$key]['status'] = 1;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>config/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function doDel(key) {
document.location.href = "<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>admin/groupusers.php?dataId=<?php
echo $chkDataId; ?>&mode=del&user="+key;
<body style="margin:0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
if (isset($_SESSION['groupuser']) && is_array($_SESSION['groupuser']) && (count($_SESSION['groupuser']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['groupuser'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strUser = $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `username` FROM `tbl_user` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['user']); ?>
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php echo $strUser; ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php
echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($elem['rights']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="width:50px" align="right"><img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/delete.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Delete'); ?>" onClick="doDel('<?php
echo $elem['user']; ?>')" style="cursor:pointer"></td>
} else {
<td class="tablerow"><?php echo translate('No data'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tablerow" align="right">&nbsp;</td>

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Help text editor
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 39;
$preContent = 'admin/helpedit.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$setSaveLangId = 'private';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$chkHidVersion = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'hidVersion', 513, array('options' => array('default' => 'all')));
$chkKey1 = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selInfoKey1', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkKey2 = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selInfoKey2', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkVersion = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selInfoVersion', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Quote special characters
// ==========================
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$chkHidVersion = addslashes($chkHidVersion);
$chkKey1 = addslashes($chkKey1);
$chkKey2 = addslashes($chkKey2);
$chkVersion = addslashes($chkVersion);
// Security function for text fields
// =================================
$chkHidVersion = $myVisClass->tfSecure($chkHidVersion);
$chkKey1 = $myVisClass->tfSecure($chkKey1);
$chkKey2 = $myVisClass->tfSecure($chkKey2);
$chkVersion = $myVisClass->tfSecure($chkVersion);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if (($chkTaFileTextRaw != '') && ($chkTfValue3 == '1')) {
$strSQL = "SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` WHERE `key1`='$chkTfValue1' AND `key2`='$chkTfValue2' "
. "AND `version`='$chkHidVersion' AND `language`='$setSaveLangId'";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_info` (`key1`,`key2`,`version`,`language`,`infotext`) '
. "VALUES ('$chkTfValue1','$chkTfValue2','$chkHidVersion','$setSaveLangId','$chkTaFileTextRaw')";
} else {
$strSQL = "UPDATE `tbl_info` SET `infotext` = '$chkTaFileTextRaw' WHERE `key1` = '$chkTfValue1' "
. "AND `key2` = '$chkTfValue2' AND `version` = '$chkHidVersion' AND `language` = '$setSaveLangId'";
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Help text editor'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('MAINSITE', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'admin.php');
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_1', translate('Main key'));
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_2', translate('Sub key'));
$conttp->setVariable('INFO_LANG', translate('Language'));
$conttp->setVariable('INFO_VERSION', translate('Nagios version'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOAD_DEFAULT', translate('Load default text'));
if ($chkChbValue1 == '1') {
$conttp->setVariable('DEFAULT_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Get Key
// =======
$arrData = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT DISTINCT `key1` FROM `tbl_info` ORDER BY `key1`';
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_1_VAL', $elem['key1']);
if ($chkKey1 == $elem['key1']) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_1_SEL', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_1_SEL_VAL', $elem['key1']);
if ($chkKey1 != '') {
$strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT `key2` FROM `tbl_info` WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' ORDER BY `key1`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_2_VAL', $elem['key2']);
if ($chkKey2 == $elem['key2']) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_2_SEL', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('INFOKEY_2_SEL_VAL', $elem['key2']);
if (($chkKey1 != '') && ($chkKey2 != '')) {
$strSQL = 'SELECT DISTINCT `version` FROM `tbl_info` '
. "WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' AND `key2` = '$chkKey2' ORDER BY `version`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
if (($intDataCount == 1) && ($chkVersion == '')) {
$chkVersion = $arrData[0]['version'];
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOVERSION_2_VAL', $elem['version']);
if ($chkVersion == $elem['version']) {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOVERSION_2_SEL', 'selected');
$conttp->setVariable('INFOVERSION_2_SEL_VAL', $elem['version']);
// Insert content
// ==============
if (($chkKey1 != '') && ($chkKey2 != '') && ($chkVersion != '')) {
$strSQL = "SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` WHERE `key1`='$chkKey1' AND `key2`='$chkKey2' "
. "AND `version`='$chkVersion' AND `language`='$setSaveLangId'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if (($chkChbValue1 == 1) || ($strContentDB == '')) {
$strSQL = "SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` WHERE `key1`='$chkKey1' AND `key2`='$chkKey2' "
. "AND `version`='$chkVersion' AND `language`='default'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HELPTEXT', $strContentDB);
// Messages
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
if ($strInfoMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Host dependencies definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 19;
$preContent = 'admin/hostdependencies.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'hostdependencies';
$preTableName = 'tbl_hostdependency';
$preKeyField = 'config_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strEO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e, 0, -1);
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `dependent_host_name`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`host_name`=$intMselValue2, `dependent_hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue3, `hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue4, "
. "`inherits_parent`='$chkChbValue1', `execution_failure_criteria`='$strEO', "
. "`notification_failure_criteria`='$strNO', `dependency_period`=$chkSelValue1, $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ((($intMselValue1 != 0) && ($intMselValue2 != 0)) || (($intMselValue3 != 0) && ($intMselValue4 != 0)) ||
(($intMselValue1 != 0) && ($intMselValue4 != 0)) || (($intMselValue3 != 0) && ($intMselValue2 != 0))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host dependency inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host dependency modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostdependencyToHost_DH', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostdependencyToHost_H', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostdependencyToHostgroup_DH', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostdependencyToHostgroup_H', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$booReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($booReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host dependencies (hostdependencies.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process time period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependency_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependency_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'timeperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process host group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts and hostgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
if ($arrModifyData['inherits_parent'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_INHERIT', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['execution_failure_criteria']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_failure_criteria']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host dependencies (hostdependencies.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Config name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Dependent hosts'). ' / ' .translate('Dependent hostgroups'));
$mastertp->setVariable('DISABLE_SORT_2', 'disable');
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
$mastertp->setVariable('DISABLE_SORT_2', 'disable');
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `dependent_host_name`, `dependent_hostgroup_name`, `register`, "
. "`active`, `config_id`, `access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND "
. "`access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Host escalation definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 20;
$preContent = 'admin/hostescalations.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'hostescalation';
$preTableName = 'tbl_hostescalation';
$preKeyField = 'config_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strEO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `host_name`=$intMselValue3, "
. "`hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue4, `contacts`=$intMselValue1, `contact_groups`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`first_notification`=$chkTfNullVal1, `last_notification`=$chkTfNullVal2, "
. "`notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, `escalation_period`='$chkSelValue1', "
. "`escalation_options`='$strEO', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ((($intMselValue3 != 0) || ($chkMselValue4 != 0)) && (($intMselValue1 != 0) || ($intMselValue2 != 0)) &&
($chkTfNullVal1 != 'NULL') && ($chkTfNullVal2 != 'NULL') && ($chkTfNullVal3 != 'NULL')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host escalation inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host escalation modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostescalationToContact', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostescalationToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostescalationToHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostescalationToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$booReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($booReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host escalation (hostescalations.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process host and host group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts and hostgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process timeperiod selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['escalation_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['escalation_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'escperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no contacts and contactgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['escalation_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host escalation (hostescalations.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Config name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Hosts'). ' / ' .translate('Host groups'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
$mastertp->setVariable('DISABLE_SORT_2', 'disable');
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `host_name`, `hostgroup_name`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, "
. "`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Host extended information definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 21;
$preContent = 'admin/hostextinfo.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'hostextinfo';
$preTableName = 'tbl_hostextinfo';
$preKeyField = 'host_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`=$chkSelValue1, `notes`='$chkTfValue1', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue2', "
. "`action_url`='$chkTfValue3', `icon_image`='$chkTfValue4', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue5', "
. "`vrml_image`='$chkTfValue6', `statusmap_image`='$chkTfValue7', `2d_coords`='$chkTfValue8', "
. "`3d_coords`='$chkTfValue9', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ($chkSelValue1 != 0) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host extended information inserted:'). ' ' .$chkSelValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host extended information modified:'). ' ' .$chkSelValue1);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host extended information (hostextinfo.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
if (isset($arrModifyData[$preKeyField])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData[$preKeyField];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_host', $preKeyField, 'host', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host extended information (hostextinfo.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Host name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Notes'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`tbl_host`.`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `$preTableName`.`notes` "
. "LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `$preTableName`.`notes_url` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preTableName`.`config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preTableName`.`config_id`, `notes` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `$preTableName`.`$preKeyField`=`tbl_host`.`id` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `$preTableName`.`access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `$preTableName`.`id`, `tbl_host`.`$preKeyField`, `$preTableName`.`notes`, "
. "`$preTableName`.`register`, `$preTableName`.`active`, `$preTableName`.`config_id`, "
. "`$preTableName`.`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `$preTableName`.`$preKeyField` = `tbl_host`.`id` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `$preTableName`.`access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString "
. "LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'notes');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Hostgroup definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 10;
$preContent = 'admin/hostgroups.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'hostgroup';
$preTableName = 'tbl_hostgroup';
$preKeyField = 'hostgroup_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `members`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`hostgroup_members`=$intMselValue2, `notes`='$chkTfValue3', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue4', "
. "`action_url`='$chkTfValue5', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '') && (($intMselValue1 != 0) || ($intVersion >= 3))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host group inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host group modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostgroupToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host groups (hostgroups.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intVersion < 3)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process host group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define host groups (hostgroups.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Host group'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' "
. "OR `notes` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL1 = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL1, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Host definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 8;
$preContent = 'admin/hosts.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_hosts.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'host';
$preTableName = 'tbl_host';
$preKeyField = 'host_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e, 0, -1);
$strIS = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c, 0, -1);
$strFL = substr($chkChbGr3a.$chkChbGr3b.$chkChbGr3c, 0, -1);
$strST = substr($chkChbGr4a.$chkChbGr4b.$chkChbGr4c, 0, -1);
if ($chkSelValue1 != '') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$tmpVar = 'chkTfArg'.$i;
$$tmpVar = str_replace('!', '::bang::', $$tmpVar);
if ($$tmpVar != '') {
$chkSelValue1 .= '!' .$$tmpVar;
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue3', "
. "`display_name`='$chkTfValue4', `address`='$chkTfValue5', `name`='$chkTfValue6', "
. "`parents`=$intMselValue1, `importance`=$chkTfNullVal9, `parents_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, "
. "`hostgroups`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`hostgroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue2, `check_command`='$chkSelValue1', `use_template`=$intTemplates, "
. "`initial_state`='$strIS', `max_check_attempts`=$chkTfNullVal2, `check_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, "
. "`retry_interval`=$chkTfNullVal1, `active_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue5, "
. "`passive_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue6, `check_period`=$chkSelValue2, "
. "`obsess_over_host`=$chkRadValue8, `check_freshness`=$chkRadValue7, "
. "`freshness_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal4, `event_handler`=$chkSelValue3, "
. "`event_handler_enabled`=$chkRadValue9, `low_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal5, "
. "`high_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal6, `flap_detection_enabled`=$chkRadValue10, "
. "`flap_detection_options`='$strFL', `process_perf_data`=$chkRadValue13, "
. "`retain_status_information`=$chkRadValue11, `retain_nonstatus_information`=$chkRadValue12, "
. "`contacts`=$intMselValue3, `contacts_tploptions`=$chkRadValue3, `contact_groups`=$intMselValue4, "
. "`contact_groups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue4, `notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal7, "
. "`notification_period`=$chkSelValue4, `first_notification_delay`=$chkTfNullVal8, "
. "`notification_options`='$strNO', `notifications_enabled`=$chkRadValue14, `stalking_options`='$strST', "
. "`notes`='$chkTfValue7', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue9', `action_url`='$chkTfValue11', "
. "`icon_image`='$chkTfValue12', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue13', `vrml_image`='$chkTfValue8', "
. "`statusmap_image`='$chkTfValue10', `2d_coords`='$chkTfValue14', `3d_coords`='$chkTfValue15', "
. $preSQLCommon1;
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue5 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation('tbl_lnkHostToHost', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation('tbl_lnkHostToContact', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue3);
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation('tbl_lnkHostToHost', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1);
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostToHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation('tbl_lnkHostToContact', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue3);
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostToContact', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHostToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Removing the config file if an entry was deleted or renamed
// ===========================================================
if (($chkModus == 'modify') && ($chkTfValue2 != $chkTfValue1) && ($chkDomainId != 0)) {
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && is_array($arrConfigID)) {
$intReturn = 0;
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn += $myConfigClass->moveFile('host', $chkTfValue2. '.cfg', $intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('The assigned, no longer used configuration files '
. 'were deleted successfully!'), $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host file deleted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue2. '.cfg');
} else {
if ($chkDomainId == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Common files cannot be removed from target '
. 'systems - please check manually'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Errors while deleting the old configuration '
. 'file - please check!:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Removing the config file if an entry was dectivated
// ===================================================
if (($chkModus == 'modify') && ($chkActive == 0)) {
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && is_array($arrConfigID)) {
$intReturn = 0;
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn += $myConfigClass->moveFile('host', $chkTfValue2. '.cfg', $intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('The assigned, no longer used configuration files '
. 'were deleted successfully!'), $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host file deleted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1. '.cfg');
} else {
if ($chkDomainId == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Common files cannot be removed from target '
. 'systems - please check manually'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Errors while deleting the old configuration '
. 'file - please check!:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for templates
// ========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkHostToHosttemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkHostToHosttemplate` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`,`idTable`, '
. "`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ',' .$elem['idTable']. ', '
. $intSortId. ')';
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for free variables
// =============================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkHostToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkHostToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'UPDATE `tbl_host` SET `use_variables`=0 WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
$intCountVariable = 0;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkHostToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`) '
. "VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 == 0) && ($intReturn2 == 0)) {
if ($intCountVariable != 0) {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE `tbl_host` SET `use_variables`=1 WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/Update service <-> host relations
// ========================================
// Update service table last modified date
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idMaster` FROM `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` WHERE `idSlave`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE `tbl_service` SET `last_modified` = NOW() WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idMaster'];
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Remove any link data from host to service
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` WHERE `idSlave`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (is_array($chkMselValue5)) {
foreach ($chkMselValue5 as $elem) {
if ($elem != '') {
$intExclude = 0;
if (0 === strpos($elem, 'e')) {
$intExclude = 1;
$elem = substr_replace($elem, '', 0, 1);
$strSQL1 = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`,`exclude`) '
. "VALUES ($elem,$chkDataId,$intExclude)";
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL1, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Update service table last modified date
$strSQL2 = 'UPDATE `tbl_service` SET `last_modified` = NOW() WHERE `id`=' . $elem;
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL2, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Check if Service ID is not 0
$strSQL3 = "SELECT `$preKeyField` FROM `tbl_service` WHERE `id`=$elem";
$strResult3 = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL3);
if ($strResult3 == 0) {
$strSQL = "UPDATE `tbl_service` SET `$preKeyField`=1 WHERE `id`=$elem";
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define hosts (hosts.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template fields
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL1 = 'SELECT `id`,`template_name`, `active` ' .
"FROM `tbl_hosttemplate` WHERE $strDomainWhere2 ORDER BY `template_name`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['template_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` '
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `name` <> '' $strWhere AND $strDomainWhere ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCountHpl);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountHpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['parents'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['parents'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (isset($arrModifyData['id'])) {
$intKeyId = $arrModifyData['id'];
} else {
$intKeyId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process hostgroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check command selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_command']) && ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '')) {
$arrCommand = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
$intFieldId = $arrCommand[0];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'hostcommand', 2, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['check_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'checkperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn7 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'notifyperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn7 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no time periods defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process event handler selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['event_handler'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['event_handler'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn8 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'eventhandler', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn9 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn9 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn10 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn10 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn8 != 0) && ($intReturn10 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no contact groups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn11 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn11 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process service selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['id'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn12 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn12 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACE' .$arrModifyData['active_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PCE' .$arrModifyData['passive_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FRE' .$arrModifyData['check_freshness']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_OBS' .$arrModifyData['obsess_over_host']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EVH' .$arrModifyData['event_handler_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FLE' .$arrModifyData['flap_detection_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_STI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PED' .$arrModifyData['process_perf_data']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOE' .$arrModifyData['notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PAR' .$arrModifyData['parents_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOG' .$arrModifyData['hostgroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COT' .$arrModifyData['contacts_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contact_groups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Special processing for -1 values - write 'null' to integer fields
$strIntegerfelder = 'max_check_attempts,check_interval,retry_interval,freshness_threshold,low_flap_threshold,'
. 'high_flap_threshold,';
$strIntegerfelder .= 'notification_interval,first_notification_delay';
foreach (explode(',', $strIntegerfelder) as $elem) {
if ($arrModifyData[$elem] == -1) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($elem), 'null');
if ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '') {
$arrArgument = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
foreach ($arrArgument as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('IFRAME_SRC', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url'].
'admin/commandline.php?cname=' .$value);
} else {
$value1 = str_replace('::bang::', '!', $value);
$value2 = str_replace('::back::', "\\", $value1);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ARG' .$key, htmlentities($value2, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['initial_state']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IS' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['flap_detection_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FL' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['stalking_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ST' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define hosts (hosts.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Host name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR "
. "`display_name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `address` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `last_modified`, `config_id`, "
. "`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias', 0);
if ($myContentClass->strErrorMessage != '') {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myContentClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Show messages
$arrTimeData = array();
$strTimeInfoString = '';
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Hosttemplate definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 12;
$preContent = 'admin/hosttemplates.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'hosttemplate';
$preTableName = 'tbl_hosttemplate';
$preKeyField = 'template_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e, 0, -1);
$strIS = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c, 0, -1);
$strFL = substr($chkChbGr3a.$chkChbGr3b.$chkChbGr3c, 0, -1);
$strST = substr($chkChbGr4a.$chkChbGr4b.$chkChbGr4c, 0, -1);
if ($chkSelValue1 != '') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$tmpVar = 'chkTfArg'.$i;
$$tmpVar = str_replace('!', '::bang::', $$tmpVar);
if ($$tmpVar != '') {
$chkSelValue1 .= '!' .$$tmpVar;
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `parents`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`parents_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, `importance`=$chkTfNullVal9, `hostgroups`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`hostgroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue2, `check_command`='$chkSelValue1', `use_template`=$intTemplates, "
. "`initial_state`='$strIS', `max_check_attempts`=$chkTfNullVal2, `check_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, "
. "`retry_interval`=$chkTfNullVal1, `active_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue5, "
. "`passive_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue6, `check_period`=$chkSelValue2, "
. "`obsess_over_host`=$chkRadValue8, `check_freshness`=$chkRadValue7, "
. "`freshness_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal4, `event_handler`=$chkSelValue3, "
. "`event_handler_enabled`=$chkRadValue9, `low_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal5, "
. "`high_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal6, `flap_detection_enabled`=$chkRadValue10, "
. "`flap_detection_options`='$strFL', `process_perf_data`=$chkRadValue13, "
. "`retain_status_information`=$chkRadValue11, `retain_nonstatus_information`=$chkRadValue12, "
. "`contacts`=$intMselValue3, `contacts_tploptions`=$chkRadValue3, `contact_groups`=$intMselValue4, "
. "`contact_groups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue4, `notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal7, "
. "`notification_period`=$chkSelValue4, `first_notification_delay`=$chkTfNullVal8, "
. "`notification_options`='$strNO', `notifications_enabled`=$chkRadValue14, `stalking_options`='$strST', "
. "`notes`='$chkTfValue3', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue5', `action_url`='$chkTfValue7', "
. "`icon_image`='$chkTfValue8', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue10', `vrml_image`='$chkTfValue4', "
. "`statusmap_image`='$chkTfValue6', `2d_coords`='$chkTfValue9', `3d_coords`='$chkTfValue11', "
. "`use_variables`=$intVariables, $preSQLCommon2";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New host template inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Host template modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHosttemplateToHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHosttemplateToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHosttemplateToContact', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkHosttemplateToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Insert/update session data for templates
// ========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkHosttemplateToHosttemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkHosttemplateToHosttemplate` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`, '
. "`idTable`,`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ', '
. $elem['idTable']. ',' .$intSortId. ')';
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for free variables
// =============================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkHosttemplateToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`='
. $chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkHosttemplateToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkHosttemplateToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`, '
. "`idSlave`) VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Host template definition (hosttemplates.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template fields
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL1 = "SELECT `id`,`$preKeyField`, `active` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE `config_id` = $chkDomainId $strWhere ORDER BY `$preKeyField`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem[$preKeyField], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` FROM `tbl_host` '
. "WHERE `name` <> '' AND `config_id` = $chkDomainId ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCountHpl);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountHpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['parents'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['parents'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process hostgroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check command selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_command']) && ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '')) {
$arrCommand = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
$intFieldId = $arrCommand[0];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'hostcommand', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['check_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'checkperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'notifyperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process event handler selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['event_handler'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['event_handler'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'eventhandler', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn7 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn7 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn8 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn9 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn9 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACE' .$arrModifyData['active_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PCE' .$arrModifyData['passive_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FRE' .$arrModifyData['check_freshness']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_OBS' .$arrModifyData['obsess_over_host']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EVH' .$arrModifyData['event_handler_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FLE' .$arrModifyData['flap_detection_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_STI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PED' .$arrModifyData['process_perf_data']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOE' .$arrModifyData['notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PAR' .$arrModifyData['parents_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOG' .$arrModifyData['hostgroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COT' .$arrModifyData['contacts_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contact_groups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Special processing for -1 values - write 'null' to integer fields
$strIntegerfelder = 'max_check_attempts,check_interval,retry_interval,freshness_threshold,low_flap_threshold,';
$strIntegerfelder .= 'high_flap_threshold,notification_interval,first_notification_delay';
foreach (explode(',', $strIntegerfelder) as $elem) {
if ($arrModifyData[$elem] == -1) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($elem), 'null');
if ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '') {
$arrArgument = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
foreach ($arrArgument as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('IFRAME_SRC', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url'].
'admin/commandline.php?cname=' .$value);
} else {
$value1 = str_replace('::bang::', '!', $value);
$value2 = str_replace('::back::', "\\", $value1);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ARG' .$key, htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['initial_state']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IS' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['flap_detection_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FL' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['stalking_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ST' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Host template definition (hosttemplates.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Host template name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL1 = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL1, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `last_modified`, `config_id`, "
. "`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
if ($myContentClass->strErrorMessage != '') {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myContentClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin configuration verification
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 25;
$preContent = 'admin/import.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intModus = 0;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Initialize import class
// =======================
$myImportClass = new functions\NagImportClass($_SESSION);
$myImportClass->myDBClass =& $myDBClass;
$myImportClass->myDataClass =& $myDataClass;
$myImportClass->myConfigClass =& $myConfigClass;
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
// Process form variables
// ======================
if (isset($_FILES['datValue1']) && ($_FILES['datValue1']['name'] != '') && ($chkStatus == 1)) {
// Upload Error
if ($_FILES['datValue1']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
translate('File upload error:'). ' ' .$_FILES['filMedia']['error'],
} else {
$intModus = 1;
$strFileName = tempnam($_SESSION['SETS']['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_local_imp');
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['datValue1']['tmp_name'], $strFileName);
$intReturn = $myImportClass->fileImport($strFileName, $intConfigId, $chkChbValue1);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myImportClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myImportClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('File imported - File [overwrite flag]:'). ' ' .
$_FILES['datValue1']['name']. ' [' .$chkChbValue1. ']');
if (($chkMselValue1[0] != '') && ($chkStatus == 1)) {
/** @var array $chkMselValue1 */
foreach ($chkMselValue1 as $elem) {
$intModus = 1;
$myImportClass->strErrorMessage = '';
$myImportClass->strInfoMessage = '';
$intReturn = $myImportClass->fileImport($elem, $intConfigId, $chkChbValue1);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myImportClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myImportClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('File imported - File [overwrite flag]:'). ' ' .$elem. ' ['
.$chkChbValue1. ']');
// Start content
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Configuration import'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH_STRING', translate('Filter string'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SEARCH', translate('Search'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE', translate('Delete'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETE_SEARCH', translate('Reset filter'));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEARCH', $chkTfSearch);
$conttp->setVariable('TEMPLATE', translate('Template definition'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMPORTFILE', translate('Import file'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOCAL_FILE', translate('Local import file'));
$conttp->setVariable('OVERWRITE', translate('Overwrite database'));
$conttp->setVariable('MAKE', translate('Import'));
$conttp->setVariable('ABORT', translate('Abort'));
$conttp->setVariable('CTRL_INFO', translate('Hold CTRL to select<br>more than one'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IMPORTFILE_1', '');
$conttp->setVariable('IMPORT_INFO_1', translate('To prevent errors or misconfigurations, you should import your '
. 'configurations in an useful order. We recommend to do it like this:<br><br><b><i>commands -> '
. 'timeperiods -> contacttemplates -> contacts -> contactgroups -> hosttemplates -> hosts -> '
. 'hostgroups -> servicetemplates -> services -> servicegroups</i></b><br><br>'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMPORT_INFO_2', '<span style="color:#FF0000">' .translate('<b>Check your configuration after '
. 'import!</b><br>In cause of an error or an uncomplete configuration, re-importing the wrong configuration '
. 'can solve the problem.'). '</span>');
// Get settings
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostconfig', $strHostDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'serviceconfig', $strServiceDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'backupdir', $strBackupDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostbackup', $strHostBackupDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'servicebackup', $strServiceBackupDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'importdir', $strImportDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'nagiosbasedir', $strNagiosBaseDir);
if ($intMethod == 1) {
// Building local file list
$arrOutput1 = array();
if ($strNagiosBaseDir != $strBaseDir) {
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strHostDir, "\.cfg", '', $arrOutput1, $strErrorMessage);
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strServiceDir, "\.cfg", '', $arrOutput1, $strErrorMessage);
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strHostBackupDir, "\.cfg_", '', $arrOutput1, $strErrorMessage);
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strServiceBackupDir, "\.cfg_", '', $arrOutput1, $strErrorMessage);
if (($strImportDir != '') && ($strImportDir != $strBaseDir) && ($strImportDir != $strNagiosBaseDir)) {
$myConfigClass->storeDirToArray($strImportDir, "\.cfg", '', $arrOutput1, $strErrorMessage);
if (is_array($arrOutput2) && (count($arrOutput2) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrOutput2 as $elem) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IMPORTFILE_2', $elem);
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
// Set up basic connection
if ($myConfigClass->getFTPConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$arrFiles = array();
$arrFiles1 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strBaseDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles1)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles1);
$arrFiles2 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strHostDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles2)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles2);
$arrFiles3 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strServiceDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles3)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles3);
$arrFiles4 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strHostBackupDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles4)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles4);
$arrFiles5 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strServiceBackupDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles5)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles5);
if ($strImportDir != '') {
$arrFiles6 = ftp_nlist($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strImportDir);
if (is_array($arrFiles6)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles6);
if (is_array($arrFiles) && (count($arrFiles) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'resource.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nagios.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'cgi.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nrpe.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nsca.cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IMPORTFILE_2', str_replace('//', '/', $elem));
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
// Set up basic connection
if ($myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId) == '0') {
$arrFiles = array();
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strBaseDir. '*.cfg', $arrFiles1);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles1)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles1);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strHostDir. '*.cfg', $arrFiles2);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles2)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles2);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strServiceDir. '*.cfg', $arrFiles3);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles3)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles3);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strHostBackupDir. '*.cfg*', $arrFiles4);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles4)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles4);
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strServiceBackupDir. '*.cfg*', $arrFiles5);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles5)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles5);
if ($strImportDir != '') {
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' .$strImportDir. '*.cfg', $arrFiles6);
if (($intReturn == 0) && is_array($arrFiles6)) {
$arrFiles = array_merge($arrFiles, $arrFiles6);
if (is_array($arrFiles) && (count($arrFiles) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrFiles as $elem) {
if (!substr_count($elem, 'cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'resource.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nagios.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'cgi.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nrpe.cfg')) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'nsca.cfg')) {
if (($chkTfSearch == '') || (substr_count($elem, $chkTfSearch) != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IMPORTFILE_2', str_replace('//', '/', $elem));
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin information dialog
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
$preNoMain = 1;
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process get parameters
// ======================
$chkKey1 = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key1', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkKey2 = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key2', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkVersion = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'version', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Get information data
// ===================================================
if ($chkKey1 == 'admin' and isset($_SESSION['updInfo'])) {
// Exception for version check at admin.php
$strContentDB = $_SESSION['updInfo'];
} elseif ($chkKey1 == 'settings') {
// Exception for settings page to have gettext translated text
$arrTrans = array(
'txtRootPath' => translate('This is relative path of your NagiosQL Installation'),
'txtBasePath' => translate('This is the absolut path to your NagiosQL Installation'),
'selProtocol' => translate('If you need a secure connection, select HTTPS instead of HTTP'),
'txtTempdir' => translate('Please choose a temporary directory with write permissions. The default is the ' .
'temp directory provided by your OS'),
'selLanguage' => translate('Please choose your application language for new users and login portal'),
'txtEncoding' => translate('Encoding should be set to nothing else than utf-8. Any changes at your own risk'),
'txtDBserver' => translate('IP-Address or hostname of the database server<br>e.g. localhost'),
'txtDBport' => translate('MySQL Server Port, default is 3306'),
'txtDBname' => translate('Name of the NagiosQL database<br>e.g. db_nagiosql_v3'),
'txtDBuser' => translate('User with sufficient permission for the NagiosQL database<br>At least this user ' .
'should have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE permissions'),
'txtDBpass' => translate('Password for the above mentioned user'),
'txtLogoff' => translate('After the defined amount of seconds the session will terminate for security ' .
'selWSAuth' => translate('Decide between authentication based on your Webserver<br>e.g. Apache ' .
'configuration (config file or htaccess) or NagiosQL'),
'txtLines' => translate('Number of entries per side that should be visible (e.g. services or hosts)'),
'selSeldisable' => translate('Method of selection of multiple entries by using the new dialog or by holding ' .
'CTRL + left mouse button, as in NagiosQL 2'),
'templatecheck' => translate('Enable or disable the warning if a required field contains no data in objects ' .
'with templates'),
'updatecheck' => translate('Enable or disable the automatic online version check.'),
'chkUpdProxy' => translate('If you require a Proxyserver to connect to the Internet (Port 80), please ' .
'define one.'),
'txtProxyServer' => translate('Address of your Proxyserver e.g.'),
'txtProxyUser' => translate('Username to connect through your proxy (optional)'),
'txtProxyPasswd' => translate('Password to connect through your proxy (optional)'),
$strContentDB = $arrTrans[$chkKey2];
} else {
// Get information from tbl_info
$strSQL = 'SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` ' .
"WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' AND `key2` = '$chkKey2' AND `version` = '$chkVersion' ".
"AND `language` = 'private'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($strContentDB == '') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` ' .
"WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' AND `key2` = '$chkKey2' AND `version` = '$chkVersion' ".
"AND `language` = 'default'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php echo translate('Information PopUp');?></title>
<style type="text/css">
.infobody {
font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;
<body class="infobody">
if ($strContentDB != '') {
echo $strContentDB;
} else {
echo translate('No information available');

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin logbook
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 37;
$preContent = 'admin/logbook.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Delete log entries
// ==================
$strWhere = '';
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$strWhere .= "AND `time` > '$chkTfValue1 00:00:00'";
if ($chkTfValue2 != '') {
$strWhere .= "AND `time` < '$chkTfValue2 23:59:59'";
if ($strWhere != '') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_logbook` WHERE 1=1 ';
$strSQL .= $strWhere;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->insertData($strSQL);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Dataset successfully deleted. Affected rows:'). ' ' .
$myDBClass->intAffectedRows, $strInfoMessage);
// Search data
// ===========
if ($chkTfSearch != '') {
$strWhere = "WHERE `user` LIKE '%$chkTfSearch%' OR `ipadress` LIKE '%$chkTfSearch%' "
. "OR `domain` LIKE '%$chkTfSearch%' OR `entry` LIKE '%$chkTfSearch%'";
} else {
$strWhere = '';
// Get data
// ========
$intNumRows = $myDBClass->getFieldData("SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_logbook` $strWhere");
if ($intNumRows <= $chkFromLine) {
$chkFromLine = 0;
$strSQL = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS `time`, `user`, `ipadress`, `domain`, `entry` "
. "FROM `tbl_logbook` $strWhere ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $chkFromLine,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Start content
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('View logbook'));
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_ENTRIES_BEFORE', translate('Delete logentries between:'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOCALE', $SETS['data']['locale']);
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SELECT_DATE', translate('Please supply a start or a stop time at least'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DELETELOG', translate('Do you really want to delete all log entries between the '
. 'selected dates?'));
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEARCH', $chkTfSearch);
// Legende einblenden
if ($chkFromLine > 1) {
$intPrevNumber = $chkFromLine - 20;
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_PREVIOUS', '<a href="' .filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING).
'?from_line=' .$intPrevNumber. '"><< ' .translate('previous 20 entries'). '</a>');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_PREVIOUS', '');
if ($chkFromLine < $intNumRows-20) {
$intNextNumber = $chkFromLine + 20;
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_NEXT', '<a href="' .filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING).
'?from_line=' .$intNextNumber. '">' .translate('next 20 entries'). ' >></a>');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_NEXT', '');
// Output log data
// ===============
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $intDataCount; $i++) {
// Set default values
if ($arrDataLines[$i]['ipadress'] == '') {
$arrDataLines[$i]['ipadress'] = '&nbsp;';
// Insert data values
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TIME', $arrDataLines[$i]['time']);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACCOUNT', $arrDataLines[$i]['user']);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACTION', $arrDataLines[$i]['entry']);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IPADRESS', $arrDataLines[$i]['ipadress']);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_DOMAIN', $arrDataLines[$i]['domain']);
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', '<br>' .$strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', '<br>' .$strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Menu access administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 34;
$preContent = 'admin/menuaccess.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$preNoAccessGrp = 1;
$intFieldId = 0;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Process data
// ============
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'subSave') && ($chkSelValue1 != 0)) {
$strSQL = "UPDATE `tbl_menu` SET `mnuGrpId`='$chkSelValue2' WHERE `mnuId`=$chkSelValue1";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->insertData($strSQL);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while inserting the data into the database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Data were successfully inserted to the data base!'), $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Access group set for menu item:'). ' ' .
$myDBClass->getFieldData("SELECT `mnuName` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=$chkSelValue1"));
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define Menu Access Rights'));
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_ACCESSDESCRIPTION', translate('In order for a user to get access, he needs to be member '
. 'of the group selected here.'));
// Auswahlfeld einlesen
// ====================
$strSQL = 'SELECT A.`mnuId` , B.`mnuName` AS `mainitem`, A.`mnuName` AS `subitem`, A.`mnuGrpId` '
. 'FROM `tbl_menu` AS A LEFT JOIN `tbl_menu` AS B ON A.`mnuTopId` = B.`mnuId` '
. 'ORDER BY A.`mnuTopId`, A.`mnuOrderId`';
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_VALUE', '0');
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_NAME', '&nbsp;');
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_VALUE', $elem['mnuId']);
if ($elem['mainitem'] != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_NAME', translate($elem['mainitem']). ' - ' .translate($elem['subitem']));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_NAME', translate($elem['subitem']));
if ($chkSelValue1 == $elem['mnuId']) {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBMENU_SELECTED', 'selected');
$intFieldId = $elem['mnuGrpId'];
// Bypass main site
if ($elem['mnuId'] != 1) {
// Process access group selection field
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('DISABLE_SAVE', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin specials overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 2;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Monitoring'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Define host and service supervisions as well as host and service groups.'));
$conttp->setVariable('STATISTICS', translate('Statistical datas'));
$conttp->setVariable('TYPE', translate('Group'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE', translate('Active'));
$conttp->setVariable('INACTIVE', translate('Inactive'));
// Include statistical data
// ========================
// Get read access groups
$strAccess = $myVisClass->getAccessGroups('read');
$intAccessGrp8 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=8');
$intAccessGrp9 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=9');
$intAccessGrp10 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=10');
$intAccessGrp11 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=11');
$intAccessGrp12 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=12');
$intAccessGrp13 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=13');
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp8, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Hosts'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_host` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_host` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp9, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Services'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_service` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_service` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp10, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Host groups'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostgroup` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostgroup` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp11, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Service groups'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicegroup` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicegroup` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp12, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Host templates'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hosttemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hosttemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp13, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Service templates'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicetemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicetemplate` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin timeperiod definitions
// Website :
// Date : $LastChangedDate: 2018-04-10 10:48:30 +0200 (Tue, 10 Apr 2018) $
// Author : $LastChangedBy: martin $
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preContent = 'admin/mutdialog.htm.tpl';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$intExclude = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'exclude', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkObject = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'object', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$preNoMain = 1;
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('BASE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']);
$conttp->setVariable('OPENER_FIELD', $chkObject);
// Form
// ====
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('OPENER_FIELD', $chkObject);
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
$conttp->setVariable('AVAILABLE', translate('Available'));
$conttp->setVariable('SELECTED', translate('Selected'));
if (($intExclude == 1) || ($intVersion < 3)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DISABLE_HTML_BEGIN', '<!--');
$conttp->setVariable('DISABLE_HTML_END', '-->');

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin timeperiod definitions
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 28;
$preContent = 'admin/nagioscfg.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intRemoveTmp = 0;
$strConfig = '';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'nagiosbasedir', $strBaseDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'conffile', $strConfigfile);
$strLocalBackup = $strConfigfile. '_old_' .date('YmdHis');
// Convert Windows to UNIX
// =======================
$chkTaFileText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $chkTaFileText);
// Process data
// ============
if (($chkTaFileText != '') && ($arrConfigSet[0] != 0)) {
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strBaseDir) && (is_writable($strBaseDir) && is_writable($strConfigfile))) {
// Backup config file
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->moveFile('nagiosbasic', basename($strConfigfile), $intConfigId);
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Write configuration
$resFile = fopen($strConfigfile, 'wb');
fwrite($resFile, $chkTaFileText);
$myVisClass->processMessage('<span style="color:green">' .translate('Configuration file successfully '
. 'written!'). '</span>', $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration successfully written:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the '
. 'permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration write failed:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
// Backup config file
$intReturn1 = $myConfigClass->moveFile('nagiosbasic', basename($strConfigfile), $intConfigId);
if ($intReturn1 == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($_SESSION['SETS']['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_conf');
$resFile = fopen($strFileName, 'wb');
fwrite($resFile, $chkTaFileText);
// Copy configuration to remoty system
$intReturn2 = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConfigfile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 1);
if ($intReturn2 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage('<span style="color:green">' .translate('Configuration file successfully '
. 'written!'). '</span>', $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration successfully written:'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the permissions '
. 'on remote system)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration write failed (remote):'). ' ' .$strConfigfile);
} elseif ($arrConfigSet[0] == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('There are no nagios configuration files in common domain, please select a '.
'valid domain to edit this files!'), $strErrorMessage);
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Nagios main configuration file'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('MAINSITE', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'admin.php');
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
// Open configuration
// ==================
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strConfigfile) && is_readable($strConfigfile)) {
$resFile = fopen($strConfigfile, 'rb');
if ($resFile) {
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strConfig .= fgets($resFile, 1024);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open the data file (check the permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($_SESSION['SETS']['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_conf');
// Copy configuration from remoty system
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConfigfile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 0);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$resFile = fopen($strFileName, 'rb');
if (is_resource($resFile)) {
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strConfig .= fgets($resFile, 1024);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Cannot open the temporary file'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration read failed (remote):'). ' ' .$strErrorMessage);
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NAGIOS_CONFIG', $strConfig);
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Password administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 31;
$preContent = 'admin/password.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$preShowHeader = 0;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Change password
// =======================
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '')) {
// Check old password
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_user` '
. "WHERE `username`='".$_SESSION['username']."' AND `password`=MD5('$chkTfValue1')";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intDataCount == 1) {
// Check equality and password length
if (($chkTfValue2 === $chkTfValue3) && (strlen($chkTfValue2) >=5)) {
// Update database
$strSQLUpdate = "UPDATE `tbl_user` SET `password`=MD5('$chkTfValue2'), `last_login`=NOW() "
. "WHERE `username`='".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->insertData($strSQLUpdate);
if ($booReturn == true) {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Password successfully modified'));
// Force new login
$_SESSION['logged_in'] = 0;
$_SESSION['username'] = '';
$_SESSION['userid'] = 0;
$_SESSION['groupadm'] = 0;
$_SESSION['domain'] = 0;
header('Location: ' .$SETS['path']['protocol']. '://' .
$_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'index.php');
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
// New password wrong
translate('Password too short or password fields do not match!'),
} else {
// Old password wrong
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('The old password is invalid'), $strErrorMessage);
} elseif (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submit')) {
// Wrong data
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
// Output header variable
// ======================
echo $tplHeaderVar;
// Include content
// ===============
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SAVE', translate('Save'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_ABORT', translate('Abort'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ALLFIELDS', translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_NEW_PASSWD_NOT_EQUAL', translate('The new passwords don not match!'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_NEW_PWDSHORT', translate('The new password is too short - use at least 6 characters!'));
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Include footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Service dependencies definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 22;
$preContent = 'admin/servicedependencies.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'servicedependencies';
$preTableName = 'tbl_servicedependency';
$preKeyField = 'config_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strEO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d.$chkChbGr2e.$chkChbGr2f, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `dependent_host_name`=$intMselValue2, `dependent_hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue4, "
. "`dependent_service_description`=$intMselValue6, `dependent_servicegroup_name`=$intMselValue8, "
. "`host_name`=$intMselValue1, `hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue3, `service_description`=$intMselValue5, "
. "`servicegroup_name`=$intMselValue7, `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `inherits_parent`='$chkChbValue1', "
. "`execution_failure_criteria`='$strEO', `notification_failure_criteria`='$strNO', "
. "`dependency_period`=$chkSelValue1, $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && (($intMselValue5 != 0) || ($intMselValue7 != 0)) &&
(($intMselValue6 != 0) || ($intMselValue8 != 0))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service dependency inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service dependency modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet5 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet6) && ($intRet6 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue7 != 0) {
$intRet7 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet7) && ($intRet7 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue8 != 0) {
$intRet8 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet8) && ($intRet8 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_H', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_DH', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue7 != 0) {
$intRet7 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet7 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet7 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue8 != 0) {
$intRet8 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet8 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if ($intRet8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4 + $intRet5 + $intRet6 + $intRet7 + $intRet8) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$booReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($booReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if (($chkModus != 'add') && ($chkModus != 'refresh')) {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if (($chkModus == 'add') || ($chkModus == 'refresh')) {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service dependencies (servicedependencies.cfg)'));
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_host'] = $chkMselValue1;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_host'] = $chkMselValue2;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue3;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue4;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_service'] = $chkMselValue5;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_service'] = $chkMselValue6;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue7;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue8;
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
} else {
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_host'] = $chkMselValue1;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_host'] = $chkMselValue2;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue3;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue4;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_service'] = $chkMselValue5;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_service'] = $chkMselValue6;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue7;
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue8;
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_host_name']) && ($arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_DH` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($booReturn && ($intDC != 0)) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_host'] = $arrTemp;
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name']) && ($arrModifyData['host_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_H` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDC != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['host_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_host'] = $arrTemp;
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name']) && ($arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHostgroup_DH` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDC != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_dependent_hostgroup'] = $arrTemp;
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name']) && ($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHostgroup_H` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDC != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['sd_hostgroup'] = $arrTemp;
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue2) && (count($chkMselValue2) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_dependent_host';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue1) && (count($chkMselValue1) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_host';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process time period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependency_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependency_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$intFieldId = $chkSelValue1;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'timeperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process host group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue4) && (count($chkMselValue4) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_dependent_hostgroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue3) && (count($chkMselValue3) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_hostgroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts and hostgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process services selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_service_description'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_service_description'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue6) && (count($chkMselValue6) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_dependent_service';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_description'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_description'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue5) && (count($chkMselValue5) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_service';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process servicegroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['dependent_servicegroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['dependent_servicegroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue8) && (count($chkMselValue8) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_dependent_servicegroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['servicegroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['servicegroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue7) && (count($chkMselValue7) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'sd_servicegroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$intFieldId = $chkSelAccGr;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CONFIG_NAME', $chkTfValue1);
foreach (explode(',', $strEO) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $strNO) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
if ($chkActive != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkRegister != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('REG_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkChbValue1 == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_INHERIT', 'checked');
if ($chkDataId != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ID', $chkDataId);
$conttp->setVariable('MODUS', 'modify');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
} elseif (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// Setting special data
if ($arrModifyData['inherits_parent'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_INHERIT', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['execution_failure_criteria']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_failure_criteria']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service dependencies (servicedependencies.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Config name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Dependent services'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
$mastertp->setVariable('DISABLE_SORT_2', 'disable');
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasetsk
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `dependent_service_description`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, "
. "`access_group` FROM `$preTableName`WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` "
. "IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Service escalation definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 23;
$preContent = 'admin/serviceescalations.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'serviceescalation';
$preTableName = 'tbl_serviceescalation';
$preKeyField = 'config_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strEO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d, 0, -1);
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `host_name`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`service_description`=$intMselValue3, `hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue2, `contacts`=$intMselValue4, "
. "`contact_groups`=$intMselValue5, `servicegroup_name`=$intMselValue6, `first_notification`=$chkTfNullVal1, "
. "`last_notification`=$chkTfNullVal2, `notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, "
. "`escalation_period`='$chkSelValue1', `escalation_options`='$strEO', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ((($intMselValue1 != 0) || ($intMselValue2 != 0) || ($intMselValue6 != 0)) && (($intMselValue3 != 0) ||
($intMselValue6 != 0)) && (($intMselValue5 != 0) || ($intMselValue4 != 0)) && ($chkTfNullVal1 != 'NULL') &&
($chkTfNullVal2 != 'NULL') && ($chkTfNullVal3 != 'NULL')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service escalation inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service escalation modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet5 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet6) && ($intRet6 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHost', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceescalationToService', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceescalationToContact', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet5 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation(
if (isset($intRet6) && ($intRet6 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4 + $intRet5 + $intRet6) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$booReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($booReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if (($chkModus != 'add') && ($chkModus != 'refresh')) {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if (($chkModus == 'add') || ($chkModus == 'refresh')) {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service escalation (serviceescalations.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Refresh mode
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $chkMselValue1;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue2;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_service'] = $chkMselValue3;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_contact'] = $chkMselValue4;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_contactgroup'] = $chkMselValue5;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue6;
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
} else {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $chkMselValue1;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_hostgroup'] = $chkMselValue2;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_service'] = $chkMselValue3;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_contact'] = $chkMselValue4;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_contactgroup'] = $chkMselValue5;
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_servicegroup'] = $chkMselValue6;
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name']) && ($arrModifyData['host_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` '
. 'FROM `tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHost` WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDC != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['host_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $arrTemp;
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name']) && ($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'] > 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave`, `exclude` '
. 'FROM `tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHostgroup` WHERE `idMaster` = ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDC != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
if ($elem['exclude'] == 1) {
$arrTemp[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$arrTemp[] = $elem['idSlave'];
if ($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'] == 2) {
$arrTemp[] = '*';
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_hostgroup'] = $arrTemp;
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue1) && (count($chkMselValue1) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_host';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue2) && (count($chkMselValue2) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_hostgroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts and hostgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process time period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['escalation_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['escalation_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$intFieldId = $chkSelValue1;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'timeperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue4) && (count($chkMselValue4) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_contact';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue5) && (count($chkMselValue5) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_contactgroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intReturn2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no contacts and contactgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process services selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_description'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_description'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue3) && (count($chkMselValue3) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_service';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process servicegroup selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['servicegroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['servicegroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && is_array($chkMselValue6) && (count($chkMselValue6) != 0)) {
$strRefresh = 'se_servicegroup';
} else {
$strRefresh = '';
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$intFieldId = $chkSelAccGr;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
if ($chkTfNullVal1 != 'NULL') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FIRST_NOTIFICATION', $chkTfNullVal1);
if ($chkTfNullVal2 != 'NULL') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_LAST_NOTIFICATION', $chkTfNullVal2);
if ($chkTfNullVal3 != 'NULL') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL', $chkTfNullVal3);
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_CONFIG_NAME', $chkTfValue1);
foreach (explode(',', $strEO) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
if ($chkActive != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkRegister != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('REG_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkDataId != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('MODUS', 'modify');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ID', $chkDataId);
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
} elseif (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
.'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['escalation_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service escalation (serviceescalations.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Config name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Services'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
$mastertp->setVariable('DISABLE_SORT_2', 'disable');
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `service_description`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, "
. "`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN "
. "($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Service extended information definition
// Component : Service escalation definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 24;
$preContent = 'admin/serviceextinfo.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'serviceextinfo';
$preTableName = 'tbl_serviceextinfo';
$preKeyField = 'host_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkSelValue1', `service_description`='$chkSelValue2', "
. "`notes`='$chkTfValue1', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue2', `action_url`='$chkTfValue3', "
. "`icon_image`='$chkTfValue4', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue5', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkSelValue1 != 0) && ($chkSelValue2 != 0)) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service extended information inserted:'). ' ' .$chkSelValue1.
'::' .$chkSelValue2);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service extended information modified:'). ' ' .$chkSelValue1.
'::' .$chkSelValue2);
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$booReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($booReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if (($chkModus != 'add') && ($chkModus != 'refresh')) {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if (($chkModus == 'add') || ($chkModus == 'refresh')) {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service extended information (serviceextinfo.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Refresh mode
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $chkSelValue1;
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
} else {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $chkSelValue1;
if (isset($arrModifyData[$preKeyField]) && ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] != 0)) {
$strSQL = "SELECT `$preKeyField` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `id` = ".$arrModifyData['id'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($intDC != 0) {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $arrData[0][$preKeyField];
} else {
$strSQL = 'SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_host` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId ORDER BY `$preKeyField`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDC);
if ($intDC != 0) {
$_SESSION['refresh']['se_host'] = $arrData[0]['id'];
$myVisClass->arrSession = $_SESSION;
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData[$preKeyField])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData[$preKeyField];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (($chkModus == 'refresh') && ($chkSelValue1 != 0)) {
$intFieldId = $chkSelValue1;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_host', $preKeyField, 'host', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process service selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['service_description'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['service_description'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
if ($chkModus == 'refresh') {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOTES', $chkTfValue1);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOTES_URL', $chkTfValue2);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACTION_URL', $chkTfValue3);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ICON_IMAGE', $chkTfValue4);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ICON_IMAGE_ALT', $chkTfValue5);
if ($chkActive != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkRegister != 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('REG_CHECKED', '');
if ($chkDataId != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('MODUS', 'modify');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ID', $chkDataId);
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
} elseif (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
.'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service extended information (serviceextinfo.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Hostname'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Service'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`tbl_host`.`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `$preTableName`.`notes` "
. "LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `$preTableName`.`notes_url` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preTableName`.`config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preTableName`.`config_id`, `tbl_service`.`service_description` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `$preTableName`.`$preKeyField` = `tbl_host`.`id` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_service` ON `$preTableName`.`service_description` = `tbl_service`.`id` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `$preTableName`.`access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `$preTableName`.`id`, `tbl_host`.`$preKeyField`, `tbl_service`.`service_description`, "
. "`$preTableName`.`notes`, `$preTableName`.`register`, `$preTableName`.`active`, `$preTableName`.`config_id`, "
. "`$preTableName`.`access_group` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `$preTableName`.`$preKeyField` = `tbl_host`.`id` "
. "LEFT JOIN `tbl_service` ON `$preTableName`.`service_description` = `tbl_service`.`id` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `$preTableName`.`access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString "
. "LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin servicegroup definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 11;
$preContent = 'admin/servicegroups.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'servicegroup';
$preTableName = 'tbl_servicegroup';
$preKeyField = 'servicegroup_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `members`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`servicegroup_members`=$intMselValue2, `notes`='$chkTfValue3', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue4', "
. "`action_url`='$chkTfValue5', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '') && (($intMselValue1 != 0) || ($intVersion >= 3))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service group inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service group modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicegroupToService', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicegroupToServicegroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service groups (servicegroups.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process service selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 != 0) && ($intVersion < 3)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no services defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process service group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['servicegroup_members'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['servicegroup_members'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service groups (servicegroups.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Service group'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process search string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' "
. "OR `notes` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL1 = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL1, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) "
. "$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,793 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Service definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 9;
$preContent = 'admin/services.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_services.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'service';
$preTableName = 'tbl_service';
$preKeyField = 'config_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strIS = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d, 0, -1);
$strFL = substr($chkChbGr3a.$chkChbGr3b.$chkChbGr3c.$chkChbGr3d, 0, -1);
$strST = substr($chkChbGr4a.$chkChbGr4b.$chkChbGr4c.$chkChbGr4d, 0, -1);
if ($chkSelValue1 != '') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$tmpVar = 'chkTfArg'.$i;
$$tmpVar = str_replace('!', '::bang::', $$tmpVar);
if ($$tmpVar != '') {
$chkSelValue1 .= '!' .$$tmpVar;
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `host_name`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`host_name_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, `hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`hostgroup_name_tploptions`=$chkRadValue2, `service_description`='$chkTfValue3', "
. "`display_name`='$chkTfValue4', `parents`=$intMselValue6, `parents_tploptions`=$chkRadValue18, "
. "`importance`=$chkTfNullVal9, `servicegroups`=$intMselValue3, "
. "`servicegroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue3, `check_command`='$chkSelValue1', "
. "`use_template`=$intTemplates, `is_volatile`=$chkRadValue14, `initial_state`='$strIS', "
. "`max_check_attempts`=$chkTfNullVal2, `check_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, `retry_interval`=$chkTfNullVal1, "
. "`active_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue4, `passive_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue5, "
. "`check_period`=$chkSelValue2, `parallelize_check`=$chkRadValue6, `obsess_over_service`=$chkRadValue8, "
. "`check_freshness`=$chkRadValue7, `freshness_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal4, `event_handler`=$chkSelValue3, "
. "`event_handler_enabled`=$chkRadValue9, `low_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal5, "
. "`high_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal6, `flap_detection_enabled`=$chkRadValue10, "
. "`flap_detection_options`='$strFL', `process_perf_data`=$chkRadValue13, "
. "`retain_status_information`=$chkRadValue11, `retain_nonstatus_information`=$chkRadValue12, "
. "`contacts`=$intMselValue4, `contacts_tploptions`=$chkRadValue15, `contact_groups`=$intMselValue5, "
. "`contact_groups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue16, `notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal7, "
. "`notification_period`=$chkSelValue4, `first_notification_delay`=$chkTfNullVal8, "
. "`notification_options`='$strNO', `notifications_enabled`=$chkRadValue17, `stalking_options`='$strST', "
. "`notes`='$chkTfValue5', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue6', `action_url`='$chkTfValue7', "
. "`icon_image`='$chkTfValue8', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue9', `name`='$chkTfValue10', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue3 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToHost', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet5 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet6) && ($intRet6 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToHost', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1);
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToHost', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToServicegroup', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToContact', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServiceToService', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4 + $intRet5 + $intRet6) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Removing the config file if an entry was deleted or renamed
// ===========================================================
if (($chkModus == 'modify') && ($chkTfValue2 != $chkTfValue1) && ($chkDomainId != 0)) {
$intServiceCount = $myDBClass->countRows("SELECT * FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE BINARY `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue2' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId "
. "AND `active`='1'");
if ($intServiceCount == 0) {
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && is_array($arrConfigID)) {
$intReturn = 0;
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn += $myConfigClass->moveFile('service', $chkTfValue2. '.cfg', $intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('The assigned, no longer used configuration '
. 'files were deleted successfully!'), $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service file deleted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue2. '.cfg');
} else {
if ($chkDomainId == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Common files cannot be removed from target '
. 'systems - please check manually'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Errors while deleting the old configuration '
. 'file - please check!:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Removing the config file if an entry was dectivated
// ===================================================
if (($chkModus == 'modify') && ($chkActive == 0)) {
$intServiceCount = $myDBClass->countRows("SELECT * FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue2' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `active`='1'");
if ($intServiceCount == 0) {
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && is_array($arrConfigID)) {
$intReturn = 0;
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn += $myConfigClass->moveFile('service', $chkTfValue2. '.cfg', $intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('The assigned, no longer used configuration '
. 'files were deleted successfully!'), $strInfoMessage);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service file deleted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue2. '.cfg');
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Errors while deleting the old configuration '
. 'file - please check!:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for templates
// ========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkServiceToServicetemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkServiceToServicetemplate` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`, '
. "`idTable`,`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ', '
. $elem['idTable']. ',' .$intSortId. ')';
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for free variables
// =============================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkServiceToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL1 = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkServiceToVariabledefinition` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL1, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL2 = 'UPDATE `tbl_service` SET `use_variables`=0 WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL2, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
$intCountVariable = 0;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkServiceToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`) '
. "VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn1 == 0) && ($intReturn2 == 0)) {
if ($intCountVariable != 0) {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE `tbl_service` SET `use_variables`=1 WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Update Import HASH
// ==================
$intReturn = $myDataClass->updateHash($preTableName, $chkDataId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define services (services.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template fields
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL1 = 'SELECT `id`,`template_name`, `active` FROM `tbl_servicetemplate` '
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere2 ORDER BY `template_name`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['template_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE `name` <> '' $strWhere AND $strDomainWhere ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCountHpl);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountHpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn3 != 0) && ($intReturn4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no hosts or hostgroups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process service selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['parents'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['parents'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (isset($arrModifyData['id'])) {
$intKeyId = $arrModifyData['id'];
} else {
$intKeyId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process service groups selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['servicegroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['servicegroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check command selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_command']) && ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '')) {
$arrCommand = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
$intFieldId = $arrCommand[0];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'servicecommand', 2, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no check commands defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process check period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['check_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn7 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'checkperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn7 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn8 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'notifyperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intReturn8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no time periods defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process event handler selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['event_handler'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['event_handler'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn9 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'eventhandler', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn9 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn10 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn10 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn12 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn12 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intReturn9 != 0) && ($intReturn12 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Attention, no contacts or contact groups defined!'), $strDBWarning);
$intDataWarning = 1;
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn13 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn13 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACE' .$arrModifyData['active_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PCE' .$arrModifyData['passive_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PAC' .$arrModifyData['parallelize_check']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FRE' .$arrModifyData['check_freshness']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_OBS' .$arrModifyData['obsess_over_service']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EVH' .$arrModifyData['event_handler_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FLE' .$arrModifyData['flap_detection_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_STI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PED' .$arrModifyData['process_perf_data']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ISV' .$arrModifyData['is_volatile']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOE' .$arrModifyData['notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOS' .$arrModifyData['host_name_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOG' .$arrModifyData['hostgroup_name_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEG' .$arrModifyData['servicegroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COT' .$arrModifyData['contacts_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contact_groups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Special processing for -1 values - write 'null' to integer fields
$strIntegerfelder = 'max_check_attempts,check_interval,retry_interval,freshness_threshold,';
$strIntegerfelder .= 'low_flap_threshold,high_flap_threshold,notification_interval,first_notification_delay';
foreach (explode(',', $strIntegerfelder) as $elem) {
if ($arrModifyData[$elem] == -1) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($elem), 'null');
if ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '') {
$arrArgument = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
foreach ($arrArgument as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('IFRAME_SRC', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url'].
'admin/commandline.php?cname=' .$value);
} else {
$value1 = str_replace('::bang::', '!', $value);
$value2 = str_replace('::back::', "\\", $value1);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ARG' .$key, htmlentities($value2, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['initial_state']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IS' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['flap_detection_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FL' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['stalking_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ST' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define services (services.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Config name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Service name'));
// Configuration name selection
$mastertp->setVariable('DAT_CONFIGNAME', translate('All configs'));
$strSQL1 = "SELECT DISTINCT `$preKeyField` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere ORDER BY `$preKeyField`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataConfig, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intDataCount != 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $intDataCount; $i++) {
$mastertp->setVariable('DAT_CONFIGNAME', $arrDataConfig[$i][$preKeyField]);
if ($_SESSION['search']['config_selection'] == $arrDataConfig[$i][$preKeyField]) {
$mastertp->setVariable('DAT_CONFIGNAME_SEL', 'selected');
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `service_description` "
. "LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `display_name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
if ($_SESSION['search']['config_selection'] != '') {
$strSearchTxt2 = $_SESSION['search']['config_selection'];
if ($strSearchTxt2 != translate('All configs')) {
$strSearchWhere2 = " AND `$preKeyField` = '".$strSearchTxt2."' ";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`,`$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `service_description` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL2 = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere2 "
. "$strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL2, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Datensätze holen
$strSQL3 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `service_description`, `register`, `active`, `last_modified`, "
. "`config_id`, `access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere2 "
. "$strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString "
. "LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn3 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL3, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn3 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
if ($myContentClass->strErrorMessage != '') {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myContentClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Show messages
$arrTimeData = array();
$strTimeInfoString = '';
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Service template definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 13;
$preContent = 'admin/servicetemplates.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'servicetemplate';
$preTableName = 'tbl_servicetemplate';
$preKeyField = 'template_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Data processing
// ===============
$strNO = substr($chkChbGr1a.$chkChbGr1b.$chkChbGr1c.$chkChbGr1d.$chkChbGr1e.$chkChbGr1f, 0, -1);
$strIS = substr($chkChbGr2a.$chkChbGr2b.$chkChbGr2c.$chkChbGr2d, 0, -1);
$strFL = substr($chkChbGr3a.$chkChbGr3b.$chkChbGr3c.$chkChbGr3d, 0, -1);
$strST = substr($chkChbGr4a.$chkChbGr4b.$chkChbGr4c.$chkChbGr4d, 0, -1);
if ($chkSelValue1 != '') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$tmpVar = 'chkTfArg'.$i;
if ($$tmpVar != '') {
$chkSelValue1 .= '!' .$$tmpVar;
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `host_name`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`host_name_tploptions`=$chkRadValue1, `hostgroup_name`=$intMselValue2, "
. "`hostgroup_name_tploptions`=$chkRadValue2, `service_description`='$chkTfValue2', "
. "`display_name`='$chkTfValue3', `parents`=$intMselValue6, `parents_tploptions`=$chkRadValue18, "
. "`importance`=$chkTfNullVal9, `servicegroups`=$intMselValue3, "
. "`servicegroups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue3, `check_command`='$chkSelValue1', "
. "`use_template`=$intTemplates, `is_volatile`=$chkRadValue16, `initial_state`='$strIS', "
. "`max_check_attempts`=$chkTfNullVal2, `check_interval`=$chkTfNullVal3, `retry_interval`=$chkTfNullVal1, "
. "`active_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue6, `passive_checks_enabled`=$chkRadValue7, "
. "`check_period`=$chkSelValue2, `parallelize_check`=$chkRadValue8, `obsess_over_service`=$chkRadValue10, "
. "`check_freshness`=$chkRadValue9, `freshness_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal4, `event_handler`=$chkSelValue3, "
. "`event_handler_enabled`=$chkRadValue11, `low_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal5, "
. "`high_flap_threshold`=$chkTfNullVal6, `flap_detection_enabled`=$chkRadValue12, "
. "`flap_detection_options`='$strFL', `process_perf_data`=$chkRadValue15, "
. "`retain_status_information`=$chkRadValue13, `retain_nonstatus_information`=$chkRadValue14, "
. "`contacts`=$intMselValue4, `contacts_tploptions`=$chkRadValue4, `contact_groups`=$intMselValue5, "
. "`contact_groups_tploptions`=$chkRadValue5, `notification_interval`=$chkTfNullVal7, "
. "`notification_period`=$chkSelValue4, `first_notification_delay`=$chkTfNullVal8, "
. "`notification_options`='$strNO', `notifications_enabled`=$chkRadValue17, `stalking_options`='$strST', "
. "`notes`='$chkTfValue4', `notes_url`='$chkTfValue5', `action_url`='$chkTfValue6', "
. "`icon_image`='$chkTfValue7', `icon_image_alt`='$chkTfValue8', `use_variables`=$intVariables, "
. $preSQLCommon2;
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if ($chkTfValue1 != '') {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New service template inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Service template modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet3) && ($intRet3 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet4) && ($intRet4 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet5) && ($intRet5 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet6) && ($intRet6 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToHost', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToHostgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue3 != 0) {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet3 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToServicegroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue4 != 0) {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet4 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToContact', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue5 != 0) {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet5 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToContactgroup', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue6 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet6 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkServicetemplateToService', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2 + $intRet3 + $intRet4 + $intRet5 + $intRet6) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Insert/update session data for templates
// ========================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkServicetemplateToServicetemplate` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
$intSortId = 1;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkServicetemplateToServicetemplate` (`idMaster`,`idSlave`,'
. "`idTable`,`idSort`) VALUES ($chkDataId,".$elem['idSlave']. ', '
. $elem['idTable']. ',' .$intSortId. ')';
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Insert/update session data for free variables
// =============================================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkServicetemplateToVariabledefinition` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` WHERE `id`=' .$elem['idSlave'];
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL = 'DELETE FROM `tbl_lnkServicetemplateToVariabledefinition` '
. 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$chkDataId;
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$strSQL1 = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_variabledefinition` (`name`,`value`,`last_modified`) '
. "VALUES ('".$elem['definition']."','".$elem['range']."',now())";
$intReturn1 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL1, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$strSQL2 = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_lnkServicetemplateToVariabledefinition` (`idMaster`, '
. "`idSlave`) VALUES ($chkDataId,$intInsertId)";
$intReturn2 = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL2, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service templates (servicetemplates.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process template fields
$strWhere = '';
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
$strWhere = 'AND `id` <> ' .$arrModifyData['id'];
$strSQL1 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `active` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strWhere ORDER BY `$preKeyField`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrDataTpl, $intDataCountTpl);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountTpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataTpl */
foreach ($arrDataTpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem[$preKeyField], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::1');
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `id`, `name`, `active` FROM `tbl_service` '
. "WHERE `name` <> '' AND $strDomainWhere2 ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataHpl, $intDataCountHpl);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intDataCountHpl != 0) {
/** @var array $arrDataHpl */
foreach ($arrDataHpl as $elem) {
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
$strActive = ' [inactive]';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option');
} else {
$strActive = '';
$conttp->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', '');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE', htmlspecialchars($elem['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TEMPLATE_ID', $elem['id']. '::2');
// Process host selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['host_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['host_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['hostgroup_name'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process service selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['parents'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['parents'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if (isset($arrModifyData['id'])) {
$intKeyId = $arrModifyData['id'];
} else {
$intKeyId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process service groups selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['servicegroups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['servicegroups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check command selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_command']) && ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '')) {
$arrCommand = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
$intFieldId = $arrCommand[0];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn4 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'servicecommand', 2, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn4 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process check period selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['check_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['check_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn5 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'checkperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn5 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['notification_period'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['notification_period'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn6 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_timeperiod', 'timeperiod_name', 'notifyperiod', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn6 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process event handler selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['event_handler'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['event_handler'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn7 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_command', 'command_name', 'eventhandler', 1, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn7 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process contact and contact group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['contacts'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contacts'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn8 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn8 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($arrModifyData['contact_groups'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['contact_groups'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn9 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn9 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process access group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn10 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn10 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp, $strChbFields);
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo, $strChbFields);
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ACE' .$arrModifyData['active_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PCE' .$arrModifyData['passive_checks_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PAC' .$arrModifyData['parallelize_check']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FRE' .$arrModifyData['check_freshness']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_OBS' .$arrModifyData['obsess_over_service']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_EVH' .$arrModifyData['event_handler_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FLE' .$arrModifyData['flap_detection_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_STI' .$arrModifyData['retain_status_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NSI' .$arrModifyData['retain_nonstatus_information']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_PED' .$arrModifyData['process_perf_data']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ISV' .$arrModifyData['is_volatile']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NOE' .$arrModifyData['notifications_enabled']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOS' .$arrModifyData['host_name_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_HOG' .$arrModifyData['hostgroup_name_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_SEG' .$arrModifyData['servicegroups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COT' .$arrModifyData['contacts_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_COG' .$arrModifyData['contact_groups_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_TPL' .$arrModifyData['use_template_tploptions']. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Special processing for -1 values - write 'null' to integer fields
$strIntegerfelder = 'max_check_attempts,check_interval,retry_interval,freshness_threshold,low_flap_threshold,';
$strIntegerfelder .= 'high_flap_threshold,notification_interval,first_notification_delay';
foreach (explode(',', $strIntegerfelder) as $elem) {
if ($arrModifyData[$elem] == -1) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($elem), 'null');
if ($arrModifyData['check_command'] != '') {
$arrArgument = explode('!', $arrModifyData['check_command']);
foreach ($arrArgument as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('IFRAME_SRC', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url'].
'admin/commandline.php?cname=' .$value);
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ARG' .$key, htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
// Process option fields
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['initial_state']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_IS' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['flap_detection_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_FL' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['notification_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_NO' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
foreach (explode(',', $arrModifyData['stalking_options']) as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('DAT_ST' .strtoupper($elem). '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Define service templates (servicetemplates.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Template name'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Service description'));
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `service_description` "
. "LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `display_name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `service_description` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL1 = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` "
. "WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL1, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `service_description`, `register`, `active`, `last_modified`, "
. "`config_id`, `access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL2, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Settings configuration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 38;
$preContent = 'admin/settings.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$arrSQL = array();
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Process initial values
// ======================
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue1') == null) {
$chkTfValue1 = $SETS['path']['tempdir'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue2') == null) {
$chkTfValue2 = $SETS['data']['encoding'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue3') == null) {
$chkTfValue3 = $SETS['db']['server'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue4') == null) {
$chkTfValue4 = $SETS['db']['port'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue5') == null) {
$chkTfValue5 = $SETS['db']['database'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue6') == null) {
$chkTfValue6 = $SETS['db']['username'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue7') == null) {
$chkTfValue7 = $SETS['db']['password'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue8') == null) {
$chkTfValue8 = $SETS['security']['logofftime'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue9') == null) {
$chkTfValue9 = $SETS['common']['pagelines'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue10') == null) {
$chkTfValue10 = $SETS['network']['proxyserver'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue11') == null) {
$chkTfValue11 = $SETS['network']['proxyuser'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'tfValue12') == null) {
$chkTfValue12 = $SETS['network']['proxypasswd'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selValue3') == null) {
$chkSelValue3 = $SETS['security']['wsauth'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selValue4') == null) {
$chkSelValue4 = $SETS['common']['seldisable'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'radValue1') == null) {
$chkRadValue1 = $SETS['common']['tplcheck'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'radValue2') == null) {
$chkRadValue2 = $SETS['common']['updcheck'];
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'radValue3') == null) {
$chkRadValue3 = $SETS['network']['proxy'];
// Save changes
// ============
if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'selValue1')) {
// Write settings to database
// ==========================
if ($chkSelValue1 == 2) {
$strProtocol = 'https';
} else {
$strProtocol = 'http';
$strLocale = $myDBClass->getFieldData("SELECT `locale` FROM `tbl_language` WHERE `id`='".$chkSelValue2."'");
if ($strLocale == '') {
$strLocale = 'en_GB';
$SETS['path']['protocol'] = $strProtocol;
$SETS['data']['locale'] = $strLocale;
// Check Proxy via curl
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Curl module not loaded, Proxy will be deactivated!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkRadValue3 = 0;
// Check base paths
$strSQLBase = "UPDATE `tbl_settings` SET `value`='%s' WHERE `category`='%s' AND `name`='%s'";
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $strProtocol, 'path', 'protocol');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue1, 'path', 'tempdir');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $preRelPath, 'path', 'base_url');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $preBasePath, 'path', 'base_path');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $strLocale, 'data', 'locale');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue2, 'data', 'encoding');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue8, 'security', 'logofftime');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkSelValue3, 'security', 'wsauth');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue9, 'common', 'pagelines');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkSelValue4, 'common', 'seldisable');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkRadValue1, 'common', 'tplcheck');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkRadValue2, 'common', 'updcheck');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkRadValue3, 'network', 'proxy');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue10, 'network', 'proxyserver');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue11, 'network', 'proxyuser');
$arrSQL[] = sprintf($strSQLBase, $chkTfValue12, 'network', 'proxypasswd');
foreach ($arrSQL as $elem) {
$booReturn = $myDBClass->insertData($elem);
if ($booReturn == false) {
translate('An error occured while writing settings to database:'),
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Write db settings to file
if (is_writable($preBasePath. 'config/settings.php')) {
$filSettings = fopen($preBasePath. 'config/settings.php', 'wb');
if ($filSettings) {
fwrite($filSettings, "<?php\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "exit;\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "?>\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "; NagiosQL\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "; Project : NagiosQL\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "; Component: Database Configuration\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "; Website :\n");
fwrite($filSettings, '; Date : ' .date('F j, Y, g:i a')."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, '; Version : ' .$setFileVersion."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";\n");
fwrite($filSettings, ";///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "[db]\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "type = mysqli\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'server = ' .$chkTfValue3."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'port = ' .$chkTfValue4."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'database = ' .$chkTfValue5."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'username = ' .$chkTfValue6."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'password = ' .$chkTfValue7."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, "[path]\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'base_url = ' .$preRelPath."\n");
fwrite($filSettings, 'base_path = ' .$preBasePath."\n");
// Activate new language settings
$arrLocale = explode('.', $strLocale);
$strDomain = $arrLocale[0];
$loc = setlocale(
$strLocale. '.utf-8',
$strLocale. '.utf-8',
$strLocale. '.utf8',
if (!isset($loc)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error setting the correct locale. Please report this error '
. "with the associated output of 'locale -a'"), $strErrorMessage);
putenv('LC_ALL=' .$strLocale. '.utf-8');
putenv('LANG=' .$strLocale. '.utf-8');
bindtextdomain($strLocale, $preBasePath. 'config/locale');
bind_textdomain_codeset($strLocale, $chkTfValue2);
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Settings were changed'), $strInfoMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('An error occured while writing settings.php. Please '
. 'check permissions!'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($preBasePath. 'config/settings.php ' .translate('is not writeable, please '
. 'check permissions!'), $strErrorMessage);
// Start content
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Configure Settings'));
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DESCRIPTION', translate('Change your current NagiosQL settings (e.g. Database user, '
. 'Language).'));
// Path settings
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('PATH', translate('Path'));
$conttp->setVariable('TEMPDIR_NAME', translate('Temporary Directory'));
$conttp->setVariable('TEMPDIR_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue1, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('PROTOCOL_NAME', translate('Server protocol'));
$conttp->setVariable(strtoupper($SETS['path']['protocol']). '_SELECTED', 'selected');
// Data settings
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('DATA', translate('Language'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOCALE', translate('Language'));
// Process language selection field
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_language` WHERE `active`='1' ORDER BY `id`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable('LANGUAGE_ID', $elem['id']);
$conttp->setVariable('LANGUAGE_NAME', translate($elem['language']));
if ($elem['locale'] == $SETS['data']['locale']) {
$conttp->setVariable('LANGUAGE_SELECTED', 'selected');
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('ENCODING_NAME', translate('Encoding'));
$conttp->setVariable('ENCODING_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue2, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
// Database settings
// =================
$conttp->setVariable('DB', translate('Database'));
$conttp->setVariable('SERVER_NAME', translate('MySQL Server'));
$conttp->setVariable('SERVER_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue3, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('SERVER_PORT', translate('MySQL Server Port'));
$conttp->setVariable('PORT_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue4, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('DATABASE_NAME', translate('Database name'));
$conttp->setVariable('DATABASE_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue5, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('USERNAME_NAME', translate('Database user'));
$conttp->setVariable('USERNAME_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue6, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_NAME', translate('Database password'));
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue7, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
// Security settings
// =================
$conttp->setVariable('SECURITY', translate('Security'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOGOFFTIME_NAME', translate('Session auto logoff time'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOGOFFTIME_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue8, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_NAME', translate('Authentication type'));
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_' .$chkSelValue3. '_SELECTED', 'selected');
// Common settings
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('COMMON', translate('Common'));
$conttp->setVariable('PAGELINES_NAME', translate('Data lines per page'));
$conttp->setVariable('PAGELINES_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue9, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('SELDISABLE_NAME', translate('Selection method'));
$conttp->setVariable('SELDISABLE_' .$chkSelValue4. '_SELECTED', 'selected');
// Template Check
// ==============
$conttp->setVariable('TEMPLATE_CHECK', translate('Template warn message'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_ENABLE', translate('Enable'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_DISABLE', translate('Disable'));
$conttp->setVariable('TPL_CHECK_' .$chkRadValue1. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Online version check
// ====================
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementHide');
$conttp->setVariable('UPDATE_CHECK', translate('Online version check'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_CHECK_' .$chkRadValue2. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
if ($chkRadValue2 == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_1', 'elementShow');
// Online update proxy settings
// ============================
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_CHECK', translate('Proxyserver'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_' .$chkRadValue3. '_CHECKED', 'checked');
if (($chkRadValue3 == 1) && ($chkRadValue2 == 1)) {
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_NAME_2', 'elementShow');
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_SERVER', translate('Proxy Address'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_SERVER_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue10, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_USERNAME', translate('Proxy Username (optional)'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_USERNAME_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue11, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_PASSWORD', translate('Proxy Password (optional)'));
$conttp->setVariable('UPD_PROXY_PASSWORD_VALUE', htmlspecialchars($chkTfValue12, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
// Requirements of form
// ====================
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_SAVE', translate('Save'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_ABORT', translate('Abort'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_REQUIRED', translate('required'));
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
// ==========================================
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Footer ausgeben
// ===============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Specials overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 5;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Misc commands'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Define host and service dependencies, host and service escalations as well '.
'as host and service additional data.'));
$conttp->setVariable('STATISTICS', translate('Statistical datas'));
$conttp->setVariable('TYPE', translate('Group'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE', translate('Active'));
$conttp->setVariable('INACTIVE', translate('Inactive'));
// Include statistical data
// ========================
// Get read access groups
$strAccess = $myVisClass->getAccessGroups('read');
$intAccessGrp19 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=19');
$intAccessGrp20 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=20');
$intAccessGrp21 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=21');
$intAccessGrp22 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=22');
$intAccessGrp23 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=23');
$intAccessGrp24 = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `mnuGrpId` FROM `tbl_menu` WHERE `mnuId`=24');
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp19, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Host dependencies'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostdependency` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostdependency` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp20, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Host escalations'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostescalation` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostescalation` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp21, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Host ext. info'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostextinfo` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_hostextinfo` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp22, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Service dependencies'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicedependency` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_servicedependency` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp23, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Service escalations'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_serviceescalation` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_serviceescalation` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($intAccessGrp24, 'read') == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME', translate('Service ext. info'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_serviceextinfo` '
. "WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
$conttp->setVariable('INACT_COUNT', $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT count(*) FROM `tbl_serviceextinfo` '
. "WHERE `active`='0' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Support page
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 40;
$preContent = 'admin/support.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$setSaveLangId = 'private';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Start content
// =============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('NagiosQL support page'));
// Single data form
// ================
$conttp->setVariable('MAINSITE', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'admin.php');
foreach ($arrDescription as $elem) {
$conttp->setVariable($elem['name'], $elem['string']);
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_1', translate('Support contact information'));
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_1', translate('For questions, the online support forum or contact information '
. 'visit our website:'));
$conttp->setVariable('WEBSITE_LINK', translate('NagiosQL on sourceforge'));
// Donation
// ========
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_2', translate('Donate to support NagiosQL'));
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_2', translate('If you like NagiosQL and it simplifies your daily work, then you '
. 'may want to support the project by making a donation. This helps us to keep NagiosQL alive and to cover '
. 'our costs. Thank you for your donation!'));
$conttp->setVariable('DONATE_LINK', translate('Donate for NagiosQL on sourceforge'));
// Translations
// ============
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_3', translate('Translation services'));
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_3', translate('NagiosQL was translated into various languages. Since some '
. 'translators are no longer available in later versions, there may be untranslated words or phrases. If '
. 'you want to help us complete the translation, correct them or introduce a new language, then sign up '
. 'with us now! The translations are simply feasible online - we use an open translation service where '
. 'you can register for free at any time:'));
$conttp->setVariable('TRANSLATION_LINK', translate('Transifex translation service'));
// GIT repository
// ==============
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_8', translate('GIT software repository'));
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_5', translate('The NagiosQL sources are available on GitLab. There you will '
.'always find the latest bugfixes and changes as well as older branches.'));
$conttp->setVariable('GIT_LINK', translate('GitLab'));
// Online version check
// ====================
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_4', translate('Version check'));
if (!isset($SETS['common']['updcheck']) || ($SETS['common']['updcheck'] == '0')) {
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_4', translate('The online version check is not enabled. You can enable it '
. 'on the settings page.'));
} elseif (isset($SETS['common']['updcheck']) && ($SETS['common']['updcheck'] == '1')) {
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_4', translate('The online version check connects the NagiosQL page to find '
. 'out, if your version is still up to date.'));
$conttp->setVariable('LOADER_IMAGE', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/loader.gif');
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_IF_SRC', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'admin/versioncheck.php?show=0');
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_IF_SRC_RELOAD', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url'].
// Environment check
// =================
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_5', translate('Environment check'));
// Javascript check
$conttp->setVariable('FAILED', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('OK', translate('ok'));
// PHP version check
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_VERSION', translate('PHP version'));
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500) {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .PHP_VERSION. ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .PHP_VERSION. ' - '
.translate('Required:'). ' 5.5.0)');
// PHP modules / extensions
$strExtPath = ini_get('extension_dir');
$strPrefix = (PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === 'dll') ? 'php_' : '';
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SESSION_MODULE', translate('PHP module:'). ' session');
if (extension_loaded('session')) {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SESSION_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SESSION_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SESSION_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SESSION_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_GETTEXT_MODULE', translate('PHP module:'). ' gettext');
if (extension_loaded('gettext')) {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_GETTEXT_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_GETTEXT_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_GETTEXT_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_GETTEXT_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_FTP_MODULE', translate('PHP module:'). ' ftp');
if (extension_loaded('ftp')) {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_FTP_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_FTP_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intFTP_ok = 1;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_FTP_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_FTP_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$intFTP_ok = 0;
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SSH2_MODULE', translate('PHP module:'). ' ssh');
if (extension_loaded('ssh2')) {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SSH2_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SSH2_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intSSH_ok = 1;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SSH2_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('PHP_SSH2_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$intSSH_ok = 0;
// Datenbankversion
if ($SETS['db']['type'] == 'mysql') {
$conttp->setVariable('DB_VERSION', translate('MySQL version'));
$strSQL = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataset);
if ($booReturn && (count($arrDataset) != 0)) {
$strDBVersion = $arrDataset['Value'];
if (version_compare($strDBVersion, '5.0.0', '>=')) {
$conttp->setVariable('DB_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('DB_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .$strDBVersion. ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('DB_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('DB_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .$strDBVersion. ' - ' .translate('Required:').
' 5.0.0)');
// INI settings
$conttp->setVariable('INI_FILE_UPLOADS', translate('PHP ini settings:'). ' file_uploads');
$strStatus1 = ini_get('file_uploads');
if (empty($strStatus1) || ($strStatus1 == 1)) {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_FILE_UPLOADS_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_FILE_UPLOADS_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_FILE_UPLOADS_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_FILE_UPLOADS_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('INI_AUTO_START', translate('PHP ini settings:'). ' session.auto_start');
$strStatus2 = ini_get('session.auto_start');
if (empty($strStatus2) || ($strStatus2 == 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_AUTO_START_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_AUTO_START_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_AUTO_START_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_AUTO_START_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('INI_SUHO_SESS_ENC', translate('PHP ini settings:'). ' suhosin.session.encrypt');
$strStatus3 = ini_get('suhosin.session.encrypt');
if (empty($strStatus3) || ($strStatus3 == 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_SUHO_SESS_ENC_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_SUHO_SESS_ENC_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_SUHO_SESS_ENC_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_SUHO_SESS_ENC_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$conttp->setVariable('INI_DATE_TIMEZONE', translate('PHP ini settings:'). ' date.timezone');
$strStatus4 = ini_get('date.timezone');
if (!empty($strStatus4)) {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_DATE_TIMEZONE_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_DATE_TIMEZONE_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .$strStatus4. ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('INI_DATE_TIMEZONE_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('INI_DATE_TIMEZONE_RESULT', translate('failed'));
// File access checks
$conttp->setVariable('RW_CONFIG', translate('Read/Write access:'). ' settings.php');
$strConfigFile = '../config/settings.php';
if (file_exists($strConfigFile) && is_readable($strConfigFile) && is_writable($strConfigFile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_CONFIG_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_CONFIG_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_CONFIG_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_CONFIG_RESULT', translate('failed'));
// Domain checks
// =============
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
if ($intConfigId != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_6', translate('Config domain checks'));
$conttp->setVariable('SUPPORT_TEXT_6', translate('The checks below are based on your data domain and config '
. 'domain settings. To change the data domain, use the pull down menu in the upper right corner. Repeat '
. 'this check for any data domain you have configured. To change the config domain, use the data domain '
. 'menu and select a different config domain value.'));
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'conffile', $strConffile);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'target', $strConfName);
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_NAME', translate('Config domain name'));
$conttp->setVariable('DOMAIN_NAME_VALUE', $strConfName);
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE', translate('Connection type'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_RESULT', 'Fileaccess');
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
if ($intFTP_ok == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_RESULT', 'FTP');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_RESULT', 'FTP (no FTP module)');
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
if ($intSSH_ok == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_RESULT', 'SSH/SFTP');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_TYPE_RESULT', 'SSH/SFTP (no SSH2 module)');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK', translate('Connection check'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$booReturn = 0;
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getFTPConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intConnectCheck = 0;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intConnectCheck = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
$booReturn = 0;
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intConnectCheck = 0;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CONNECT_CHECK_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intConnectCheck = 1;
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF', translate('Nagios config file'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strConffile) && is_readable($strConffile)) {
if (is_writable($strConffile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('readonly'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('failed'));
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($SETS['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_conf');
// Copy configuration from remote system
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConffile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 0);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$intCheck = 0;
} else {
$intCheck = 1;
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
// Copy configuration to remote system
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConffile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 1);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$intCheck = 0;
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intCheck = 2;
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
// Write Results
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} elseif ($intCheck == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('failed'));
} elseif ($intCheck == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_CONF_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('readonly'). ')');
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'pidfile', $strPidfile);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'binaryfile', $strBinary);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'commandfile', $strCommandfile);
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK', translate('Nagios process file'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (substr_count(PHP_OS, 'Linux') != 0) {
exec('ps -ef | grep '.basename($strBinary).' | grep -v grep', $arrExec);
} else {
$arrExec[0] = 1;
if (isset($arrExec[0])) {
if (file_exists($strPidfile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intDemonOk = 0;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('failed') . ' ('
. translate('file is missed') . ')');
$intDemonOk = 1;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('failed'));
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Nagios daemon is not running'), $strErrorMessage);
$intDemonOk = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('not used with FTP'). ')');
$intDemonOk = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
$arrResultBinary = array();
$arrResultPid = array();
$intBinary = 1;
$intPid = 1;
if ($strBinary != '') {
$intBinary = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ps -ef | grep '.basename($strBinary).' | grep '.
basename($strConffile).' | grep -v grep', $arrResultBinary);
if ($strPidfile != '') {
$intPid = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls ' . $strPidfile, $arrResult2);
if (($intBinary == 0) && ($intPid == 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('ok'));
$intDemonOk = 0;
} elseif (($intBinary == 0) && ($intPid == 1)) {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('file is missed'). ')');
$intDemonOk = 1;
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_NAG_LOCK_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('demon dead'). ')');
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Nagios daemon is not running'), $strErrorMessage);
$intDemonOk = 1;
// Command file
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND', translate('Nagios command file'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strCommandfile) && is_readable($strCommandfile) && is_writable($strCommandfile)) {
if ($intDemonOk == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('demon dead'). '?)');
if (!file_exists($strCommandfile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('file is missed'). ')');
} elseif (!is_writable($strCommandfile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('readonly'). ')');
} elseif (!is_readable($strCommandfile)) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'));
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('not used with FTP'). ')');
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
if ($strCommandfile != '') {
if ($intDemonOk == 0) {
$myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('echo "TEST" >>' . $strCommandfile . '; echo $?; echo ""', $arrTemp);
if ($arrTemp[0] == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' ('
.translate('readonly'). ')');
} elseif ($intDemonOk == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('demon dead'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' ('
.translate('file is missed'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('RW_NAG_COMMAND_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('file is missed'). ')');
// Binary file
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY', translate('Nagios binary file'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strBinary)) {
if (is_executable($strBinary)) {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' ('
.translate('not executable'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .translate('file is missed'). ')');
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkorange');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('ok'). ' (' .translate('not used with FTP'). ')');
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
$booReturn = 0;
/** @noinspection IsEmptyFunctionUsageInspection */
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
if (($strBinary != '') && ($strConffile != '') &&
($myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strBinary, $arrTemp) == 0)) {
$myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand($strBinary.' -V', $arrResult);
if (!is_array($arrResult) || ($arrResult == false)) {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .
translate('not executable'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkgreen');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('ok'));
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_CLASS', 'checkred');
$conttp->setVariable('EXE_NAG_BINARY_RESULT', translate('failed'). ' (' .
translate('file is missed'). ')');
// Check config files
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'basedir', $strBasedir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostconfig', $strHostdir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'serviceconfig', $strServicedir);
$conttp->setVariable('SUBTITLE_7', translate('Verify configuration files and demon configuration'));
$conttp->setVariable('CONFIGURATION_NAME', translate('Configuration name'));
$conttp->setVariable('USED', translate('Used in data domain'));
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CONFIG', translate('Included in demon configuration'). ' ('
.basename($strConffile). ')');
$arrConfig = array();
$arrConfigFiles = array(
'Hosts' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_host', 'file' => 'directory'),
'Services' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_service', 'file' => 'directory'),
'Hostgroups' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_hostgroup', 'file' => 'hostgroups.cfg'),
'Servicegroups' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_servicegroup', 'file' => 'servicegroups.cfg'),
'Hosttemplates' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_hosttemplate', 'file' => 'hosttemplates.cfg'),
'servicetemplates' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_servicetemplate', 'file' => 'servicetemplates.cfg'),
'Contacts' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_contact', 'file' => 'contacts.cfg'),
'Contactgroups' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_contactgroup', 'file' => 'contactgroups.cfg'),
'Timeperiods' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_timeperiod', 'file' => 'timeperiods.cfg'),
'Contacttemplates' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_contacttemplate', 'file' => 'contacttemplates.cfg'),
'Commands' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_command', 'file' => 'commands.cfg'),
'Hostdependencies' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_hostdependency', 'file' => 'hostdependencies.cfg'),
'Hostescalations' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_hostescalation', 'file' => 'hostescalations.cfg'),
'Hostextinfo' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_hostextinfo', 'file' => 'hostextinfo.cfg'),
'Servicedependencies' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_servicedependency', 'file' => 'servicedependencies.cfg'),
'Serviceescalations' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_serviceescalation', 'file' => 'serviceescalations.cfg'),
'Serviceextinfo' => array( 'table' => 'tbl_serviceextinfo', 'file' => 'serviceextinfo.cfg'));
if ($intMethod == 1) {
$intCheck = 1;
if (file_exists($strConffile) && is_readable($strConffile)) {
$resFile = fopen($strConffile, 'rb');
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strLine = trim(fgets($resFile));
if ((0 === strpos($strLine, 'c')) && ((substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_dir') != 0) ||
(substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_file') != 0))) {
$arrConfig[] = $strLine;
$intCheck = 0;
} elseif (($intMethod == 2) || ($intMethod == 3)) {
$intCheck = 1;
// Write file to temporary
$strFileName = tempnam($SETS['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql_conf');
// Copy configuration from remote system
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->remoteFileCopy($strConffile, $intConfigId, $strFileName, 0);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$intCheck = 0;
if (file_exists($strFileName) && is_readable($strFileName)) {
$resFile = fopen($strFileName, 'rb');
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strLine = trim(fgets($resFile));
if ((0 === strpos($strLine, 'c')) && ((substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_dir') != 0) ||
(substr_count($strLine, 'cfg_file') != 0))) {
$arrConfig[] = $strLine;
$intCheck = 0;
} else {
$intCheck = 1;
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($arrConfigFiles as $key => $elem) {
// Line colours
$strClassL = 'tdlb';
$strClassM = 'tdmb';
if ($i%2 == 1) {
$strClassL = 'tdld';
$strClassM = 'tdmd';
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_L', $strClassL);
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_M', $strClassM);
// Write configuiration name
$conttp->setVariable('CONFIG_NAME', $key);
// Count active datasets
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$elem['table']."` WHERE `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$chkDomainId";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE_CONFIG_COUNT', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('ok'). ' (' .
$intDataCount. ')</span>');
} elseif ($intDataCount == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE_CONFIG_COUNT', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('not used'). '</span>');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE_CONFIG_COUNT', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('failed'). '</span>');
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('failed'). '</span> (' .
translate('cfg definition missed'). ')');
if (($intCheck == 0) && is_array($arrConfig) && (count($arrConfig) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrConfig as $line) {
if ($elem['file'] != 'directory') {
if ((substr_count($line, 'cfg_dir=' .$strBasedir) != 0) && (substr_count($line, 'cfg_dir=' .
substr($strHostdir, 0, -1)) == 0) && (substr_count($line, 'cfg_dir=' .
substr($strServicedir, 0, -1)) == 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .$line. ')');
if (substr_count($line, $strBasedir.$elem['file']) != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .$line. ')');
if ($intDataCount == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkorange">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .translate('cfg definition missed, but actually not used'). ')');
} elseif (substr_count($line, $elem['file']) != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('failed').
'</span> (' .translate('wrong base path:'). ' ' .$line. ')');
} elseif ($elem['table'] == 'tbl_host') {
if (substr_count($line, 'cfg_dir=' .substr($strHostdir, 0, -1)) != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .$line. ')');
if ($intDataCount == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkorange">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .translate('cfg definition missed, but actually not used'). ')');
} elseif ($elem['table'] == 'tbl_service') {
if (substr_count($line, 'cfg_dir=' .substr($strServicedir, 0, -1)) != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkgreen">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .$line. ')');
if ($intDataCount == 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkorange">' .translate('ok').
'</span> (' .translate('cfg definition missed, but actually not used'). ')');
} else {
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('failed').
'</span> (' .translate('cfg file not readable'). ')');
// Check for unused config
if (($intCheck == 0) && is_array($arrConfig) && (count($arrConfig) != 0)) {
foreach ($arrConfig as $line) {
foreach ($arrConfigFiles as $elem) {
if (substr_count($line, $elem['file']) != 0) {
$intTest = 1;
if ($intTest == 0) {
if (substr_count($line, substr('cfg_dir=' .$strHostdir, 0, -1)) != 0) {
$intTest = 1;
if (substr_count($line, substr('cfg_dir=' .$strServicedir, 0, -1)) != 0) {
$intTest = 1;
//if (substr_count($line,substr("cfg_dir=".$strBasedir,0,-1)) != 0) $intTest = 1;
if ($intTest == 0) {
// Line colours
$strClassL = 'tdlb';
$strClassM = 'tdmb';
if ($i%2 == 1) {
$strClassL = 'tdld';
$strClassM = 'tdmd';
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_L', $strClassL);
$conttp->setVariable('CLASS_M', $strClassM);
$conttp->setVariable('CONFIG_NAME', translate('Not used'));
$conttp->setVariable('ACTIVE_CONFIG_COUNT', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('failed'). '</span>');
$conttp->setVariable('DEMON_CFG_OK', '<span class="checkred">' .translate('unused - please delete!').
'</span> (' .$line. ')');
// Messages
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
if ($strInfoMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Process footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Template definition list
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preAccess = 1;
$preNoMain = 1;
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$chkDataId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'dataId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkMode = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'mode', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkKey = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkDef = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'def', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkType = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'type', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if ($chkDataId == '') {
$chkDataId = 0;
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$chkDef = addslashes($chkDef);
$arrDefinition = explode('::', $chkDef);
if ($chkType == '') {
if ($chkType == 'host') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkHostToHosttemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'host';
if ($chkType == 'hosttemplate') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkHosttemplateToHosttemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'host';
if ($chkType == 'service') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkServiceToServicetemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'service';
if ($chkType == 'servicetemplate') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkServicetemplateToServicetemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'service';
if ($chkType == 'contact') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkContactToContacttemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'contact';
if ($chkType == 'contacttemplate') {
$chkLinkTab = 'tbl_lnkContacttemplateToContacttemplate';
$chkPreTab = 'contact';
// Get data
// ========
if ($chkLinkTab != '') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$chkLinkTab."` WHERE `idMaster` = $chkDataId ORDER BY `idSort`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
// Store data to session
// ============================
if ($chkMode == '') {
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'] = array();
$arrTemp = array();
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
if ($elem['idTable'] == 1) {
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `template_name` '
. 'FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. 'template` WHERE `id` = ' .$elem['idSlave'];
$strSQL3 = 'SELECT `active` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. 'template` WHERE `id` = ' .$elem['idSlave'];
} else {
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `name` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. '` WHERE `id` = ' .$elem['idSlave'];
$strSQL3 = 'SELECT `active` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. '` WHERE `id` = ' .$elem['idSlave'];
$arrTemp['idSlave'] = $elem['idSlave'];
$arrTemp['definition'] = addslashes($myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL2));
$arrTemp['idTable'] = $elem['idTable'];
$arrTemp['idSort'] = $elem['idSort'];
$arrTemp['active'] = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL3);
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Add mode
// ========
if ($chkMode == 'add') {
$arrTemp = array();
if ($arrDefinition[1] == 1) {
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `template_name` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. 'template` WHERE `id` = ' .$arrDefinition[0];
$strSQL3 = 'SELECT `active` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. 'template` WHERE `id` = ' .$arrDefinition[0];
} else {
$strSQL2 = 'SELECT `name` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. '` WHERE `id` = ' .$arrDefinition[0];
$strSQL3 = 'SELECT `active` FROM `tbl_' .$chkPreTab. '` WHERE `id` = ' .$arrDefinition[0];
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition'])) {
$intCheck = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['idSlave'] == $arrDefinition[0]) && ($elem['idTable'] == $arrDefinition[1]) &&
($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$arrTemp['idSlave'] = $arrDefinition[0];
$arrTemp['definition'] = addslashes($myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL2));
$arrTemp['idTable'] = $arrDefinition[1];
$arrTemp['idSort'] = 0;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$arrTemp['active'] = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL3);
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
} else {
$arrTemp['idSlave'] = $arrDefinition[0];
$arrTemp['definition'] = addslashes($myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL2));
$arrTemp['idTable'] = $arrDefinition[1];
$arrTemp['idSort'] = 0;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$arrTemp['active'] = (int)$myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL3);
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Deletion mode
// =============
if ($chkMode == 'del' && isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['idSlave'] == $arrDefinition[0]) && ($elem['idTable'] == $arrDefinition[1]) &&
($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'][$key]['status'] = 1;
// Sort mode
// =========
if ($chkMode == 'sortup') {
$chkKey = (int)$chkKey;
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) > 1) && ($chkKey != 0)) {
$arrTemp = array();
$arrWait = array();
$intNow = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if ($key != ($chkKey-1)) {
$arrTemp[] = $elem;
if ($intNow == 1) {
$intNow = 0;
$arrTemp[] = $arrWait;
} else {
$arrWait = $elem;
$intNow = 1;
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'] = $arrTemp;
if ($chkMode == 'sortdown') {
$chkKey = (int)$chkKey;
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) > 1) && ($chkKey < (count($_SESSION['templatedefinition'])-1))) {
$arrTemp = array();
$arrWait = array();
$intNow = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if ($key != $chkKey) {
$arrTemp[] = $elem;
if ($intNow == 1) {
$intNow = 0;
$arrTemp[] = $arrWait;
} else {
$arrWait = $elem;
$intNow = 1;
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'] = $arrTemp;
// Clean up data structure
// =======================
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition'])) {
$arrTemp = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
$arrTemp[] = $elem;
$_SESSION['templatedefinition'] = $arrTemp;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="<?php echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']?>config/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
const base = "<?php echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>admin/templatedefinitions.php?dataId=";
function doDel(key) {
let link;
link = base+"<?php echo $chkDataId; ?>&type=<?php echo $chkType; ?>&mode=del&def="+key;
document.location.href = link;
function doUp(key,elem) {
let link;
link = base+"<?php echo $chkDataId; ?>&type=<?php echo $chkType; ?>&mode=sortup&key="+key+"def="+elem;
document.location.href = link;
function doDown(key,elem) {
let link;
link = base+"<?php echo $chkDataId; ?>&type=<?php echo $chkType; ?>&mode=sortdown&key="+key+"def="+elem;
document.location.href = link;
<body style="margin:0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
if (isset($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['templatedefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['templatedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px;"><?php
echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($elem['definition']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
if ($elem['active'] == 0) {
echo ' [inactive]';
} ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" align="right"><img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/up.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Up'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Up'); ?>" onClick="doUp('<?php
echo $key; ?>','<?php
echo $elem['idSlave']. '::' .$elem['idTable']; ?>')" style="cursor:pointer">&nbsp;<img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/down.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Down'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Down'); ?>" onClick="doDown('<?php
echo $key; ?>','<?php
echo $elem['idSlave']. '::' .$elem['idTable']; ?>')" style="cursor:pointer">&nbsp;<img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/delete.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Delete'); ?>" onClick="doDel('<?php
echo $elem['idSlave']. '::' .$elem['idTable']; ?>')" style="cursor:pointer"></td>
} else {
<td class="tablerow"><?php echo translate('No data'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" align="right">&nbsp;</td>

View File

@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin time definition list
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preAccess = 1;
$preNoMain = 1;
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$chkTipId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'tipId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkVersion = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'version', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkMode = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'mode', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkDef = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'def', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkRange = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'range', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$chkDef = addslashes($chkDef);
$chkRange = addslashes($chkRange);
// Get data
// ========
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_timedefinition` WHERE `tipId`=$chkTipId ORDER BY `definition`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
// Store data to session
// ============================
if ($chkMode == '') {
$_SESSION['timedefinition'] = array();
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
$arrTemp['id'] = $elem['id'];
$arrTemp['definition'] = addslashes($elem['definition']);
$arrTemp['range'] = addslashes($elem['range']);
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Add mode
// =========
if ($chkMode == 'add') {
if (isset($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['timedefinition'])) {
$intCheck = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['timedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['definition'] == $chkDef) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][$key]['definition'] = $chkDef;
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][$key]['range'] = $chkRange;
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['definition'] = $chkDef;
$arrTemp['range'] = $chkRange;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
} else {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['definition'] = $chkDef;
$arrTemp['range'] = $chkRange;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Deletion mode
// =============
if ($chkMode == 'del' && isset($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['timedefinition'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['timedefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['definition'] == $chkDef) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['timedefinition'][$key]['status'] = 1;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>config/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--suppress JSUnresolvedVariable -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function doEdit(key,range) {
if ($chkVersion == 3) {
parent.document.frmDetail.txtTimedefinition.value = decodeURIComponent(key);
parent.document.frmDetail.txtTimerange2.value = decodeURIComponent(range);
} else {
if (key === "monday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 0;
} else if (key === "tuesday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 1;
} else if (key === "wednesday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 2;
} else if (key === "thursday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 3;
} else if (key === "friday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 4;
} else if (key === "saturday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 5;
} else if (key === "sunday") {
parent.document.frmDetail.selTimedefinition.selectedIndex = 6;
parent.document.frmDetail.txtTimerange1.value = range;
function doDel(key) {
document.location.href = "<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>admin/timedefinitions.php?tipId=<?php
echo $chkTipId; ?>&mode=del&def="+key;
<style type="text/css">
.tablerow {
border-bottom:1px solid #009900;
<body style="margin:0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
if (isset($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['timedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['timedefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['timedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php
echo htmlentities(stripslashes($elem['definition']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php
echo htmlentities(stripslashes($elem['range']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="width:50px" align="right"><img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/edit.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Modify'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Modify'); ?>" onClick="doEdit('<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['definition'])); ?>','<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['range'])); ?>')" style="cursor:pointer">&nbsp;<img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/delete.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Delete'); ?>" onClick="doDel('<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['definition'])); ?>')" style="cursor:pointer"></td>
} else {
<td class="tablerow"><?php echo translate('No data'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tablerow" align="right">&nbsp;</td>

View File

@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Timeperiod definitions
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 16;
$preContent = 'admin/timeperiods.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'timeperiod';
$preTableName = 'tbl_timeperiod';
$preKeyField = 'timeperiod_name';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `exclude`=$intMselValue1, "
. "`use_template`=$intMselValue2, `name`='$chkTfValue3', $preSQLCommon1";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$chkDataId = $intInsertId;
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New time period inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Time period modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
// Insert/update relations
// =======================
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation(
if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') {
if ($intMselValue1 != 0) {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiod', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if ($intMselValue2 != 0) {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation(
} else {
$intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiodUse', $chkDataId);
if ($intRet2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (($intRet1 + $intRet2) != 0) {
$strInfoMessage = '';
// Insert/update time defintions
// =============================
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$strSQL = "DELETE FROM `tbl_timedefinition` WHERE `tipId`=$chkDataId";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
if (isset($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['timedefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['timedefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['timedefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
if ($elem['definition'] != 'use') {
$elem['range'] = str_replace(' ', '', $elem['range']);
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_timedefinition` (`tipId`,`definition`,`range`, '
. "`last_modified`) VALUES ($chkDataId,'".$elem['definition']."',"
. "'".$elem['range']."',now())";
$booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation
// ===========================================================
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString);
if ($intReturn != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Time period definitions (timeperiods.cfg)'));
// Do not show modified time list
$intNoTime = 1;
// Process exclude selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['exclude'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['exclude'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process include selection fields
if (isset($arrModifyData['use_template'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['use_template'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti(
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
$intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn3 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
if ($intDataWarning == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '<br>' .translate('Saving not possible!'));
if ($intVersion < 3) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,');
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_INSERT_ALL_TIMERANGE', translate('Please insert a time definition and a time range'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets
$intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage);
$strInfo = '<br><span class="redmessage">' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by '
. 'another configuration'). ':</span>';
$strInfo .= '<br><span class="greenmessage">' .$strRelMessage. '</span>';
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo);
$conttp->setVariable('TIP_ID', $arrModifyData['id']);
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Time period definitions (timeperiods.cfg)'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Time period'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Process filter string
if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') {
$strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession];
$strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' "
. "OR `name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')";
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere "
. "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) "
. "$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Tools overview
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 6;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Different tools'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Useful functions for data import, main configuration, daemon control, etc.'));
// Include Footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : User administration
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 32;
$preContent = 'admin/user.htm.tpl';
$preListTpl = 'admin/datalist_common.htm.tpl';
$preSearchSession = 'user';
$preTableName = 'tbl_user';
$preKeyField = 'username';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$preNoAccessGrp = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == 'insert') || ($chkModus == 'modify')) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
// Check password
if ((($chkTfValue3 === $chkTfValue4) && (strlen($chkTfValue3) > 5)) ||
(($chkModus == 'modify') && ($chkTfValue3 == ''))) {
if ($chkTfValue3 == '') {
$strPasswd = '';
} else {
$strPasswd = "`password`=MD5('$chkTfValue3'),";
// Grant admin rights
if ($chkTfValue5 == 'Admin') {
$chkTfValue1 = 'Admin';
$chkActive = '1';
$chkChbValue1 = '1';
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', $strPasswd "
. "`admin_enable`='$chkChbValue1', `wsauth`='$chkChbValue2', `active`='$chkActive', "
. "`language`='$chkSelValue1', `domain`='$chkSelValue2', `last_modified`=NOW()";
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' .$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = 'UPDATE ' .$strSQLx. ' WHERE `id`=' .$chkDataId;
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != '') && ($chkTfValue2 != '')) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId);
if ($intReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage);
if ($chkModus == 'insert') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New user added:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == 'modify') {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('User modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1);
} else {
translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Password too short or password fields do not match!'), $strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = 'display';
if ($chkModus != 'add') {
$chkModus = 'display';
// Singe data form
// ===============
if ($chkModus == 'add') {
// Process domain selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['domain'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['domain'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 1;
$intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_datadomain', 'domain', 'std_domain', 0, $intFieldId, 0);
if ($intReturn1 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process language selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['language'])) {
$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['language'];
} else {
$intFieldId = 0;
if ($intFieldId == 0) {
$intFieldId = $myDBClass->getFieldData('SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_language` '
. "WHERE `locale`='".$_SESSION['SETS']['data']['locale']."'");
$intFieldId = (int)$intFieldId;
$intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_language', 'language', 'language_name', 0, $intFieldId);
if ($intReturn2 != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('User administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_DISABLE', 'disabled');
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ALLFIELDS', translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_ILLEGALCHARS', translate('The following field contains illegal characters:'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_PASSWD_NOT_EQUAL', translate('The passwords do not match!'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_PASSWORD', translate('Please fill in the password'));
$conttp->setVariable('FILL_PWDSHORT', translate('The password is too short - use at least 6 characters!'));
$conttp->setVariable('LANG_WEBSERVER_AUTH', translate('Webserver authentification'));
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_MUST', 'class="inpmust"');
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_MUST_STAR', '*');
// If webserver authetification is enabled - show option field
if (isset($SETS['security']['wsauth']) && ($SETS['security']['wsauth'] == 1)) {
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_DISABLE', '');
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) {
// Process data
$myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, 0, '');
// Webserver authentification
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_CHECKED', '');
if ($arrModifyData['wsauth'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Object based group administration
$conttp->setVariable('ADMINENABLE_CHECKED', '');
if ($arrModifyData['admin_enable'] == 1) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADMINENABLE_CHECKED', 'checked');
// Admin rules
if ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] == 'Admin') {
$conttp->setVariable('NAME_DISABLE', 'disabled');
$conttp->setVariable('ACT_DISABLE', 'disabled');
$conttp->setVariable('WSAUTH_DISABLE', 'disabled');
$conttp->setVariable('ADMINENABLE_DISABLE', 'disabled');
$conttp->setVariable('ADMINENABLE_CHECKED', 'checked');
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_MUST', '');
$conttp->setVariable('PASSWORD_MUST_STAR', '');
// Data table
// ==========
if ($chkModus == 'display') {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('User administration'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Username'));
$mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description'));
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) {
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName`";
$booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn1 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) {
$chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `active`, `nodelete` "
. "FROM `$preTableName` $strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn2 == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage);
$myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
// Process data
$myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias');
// Show messages
$myContentClass->showMessages($mastertp, $strErrorMessage, $strInfoMessage, $strConsistMessage, array(), '', 1);
// Process footer
// ==============
$myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Variable definition list
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preAccess = 1;
$preNoMain = 1;
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
// Process post parameters
// =======================
$chkDataId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'dataId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
$chkMode = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'mode', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkDef = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'def', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkRange = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'range', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$chkLinkTab = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'linktab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0) {
$chkDef = addslashes($chkDef);
$chkRange = addslashes($chkRange);
// Get data
// ========
if ($chkLinkTab != '') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` LEFT JOIN `' .$chkLinkTab. '` ON `id`=`idSlave` ' .
"WHERE `idMaster`=$chkDataId ORDER BY `name`";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount);
// Store data to session
// ============================
if ($chkMode == '') {
$arrTemp = array();
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'] = array();
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrDataLines as $elem) {
$arrTemp['id'] = $elem['id'];
$arrTemp['definition'] = addslashes($elem['name']);
$arrTemp['range'] = addslashes($elem['value']);
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Add mode
// ========
if ($chkMode == 'add') {
$arrTemp = array();
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition'])) {
$intCheck = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['definition'] == $chkDef) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][$key]['definition'] = $chkDef;
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][$key]['range'] = $chkRange;
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['definition'] = $chkDef;
$arrTemp['range'] = $chkRange;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
} else {
$arrTemp['id'] = 0;
$arrTemp['definition'] = $chkDef;
$arrTemp['range'] = $chkRange;
$arrTemp['status'] = 0;
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][] = $arrTemp;
// Deletion mode
// =============
if ($chkMode == 'del' && isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $key => $elem) {
if (($elem['definition'] == $chkDef) && ($elem['status'] == 0)) {
$_SESSION['variabledefinition'][$key]['status'] = 1;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="<?php echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>config/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--suppress JSUnresolvedVariable -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function doEdit(key,range) {
parent.document.frmDetail.txtVariablename.value = decodeURIComponent(key);
parent.document.frmDetail.txtVariablevalue.value = decodeURIComponent(range);
function doDel(key) {
let link;
link = '<?php echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>';
link = link+'admin/variabledefinitions.php?dataId=<?php echo $chkDataId; ?>&mode=del&def='+key;
document.location.href = link;
<body style="margin:0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
if (isset($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) &&
(count($_SESSION['variabledefinition']) != 0)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['variabledefinition'] as $elem) {
if ($elem['status'] == 0) {
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php
echo htmlentities(stripslashes($elem['definition']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="padding-bottom:2px; width:260px"><?php
echo htmlentities(stripslashes($elem['range']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow" style="width:50px" align="right"><img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/edit.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Modify'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Modify'); ?>" onClick="doEdit('<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['definition'])); ?>','<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['range'])); ?>')" style="cursor:pointer">&nbsp;<img src="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>images/delete.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="<?php
echo translate('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo translate('Delete'); ?>" onClick="doDel('<?php
echo rawurlencode(stripslashes($elem['definition'])); ?>')" style="cursor:pointer"></td>
} else {
<td class="tablerow"><?php echo translate('No data'); ?></td>
<td class="tablerow">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tablerow" align="right">&nbsp;</td>

View File

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Configuration verification
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 30;
$preContent = 'admin/verify.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intModus = 0;
$strInfo = '';
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Get configuration set ID
// ========================
$intConfigId = $arrConfigSet[0];
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $intMethod);
// Process form variables
// ======================
$intProcessError = 0;
$intError = 0;
// Write monitoring data
if ($chkButValue1 != '') {
$strNoData = translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset or not activated dataset found'). '::';
// Write host configuration
$strSQL1 = "SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_host` WHERE `config_id` = $chkDomainId AND `active`='1'";
$myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL1, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
$intError = 0;
foreach ($arrData as $data) {
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->createConfigSingle('tbl_host', $data['id']);
$intError += $intReturn;
if (($intError == 0) && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write host configurations'). ' ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosts: ' .translate('Configuration file successfully written!'), $strInfo);
} elseif ($intDataCount != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosts: ' .translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the '
. 'permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosts: ' .translate('No configuration items defined!'), $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write service configuration
$strSQL = 'SELECT `id`, `config_name` '
. "FROM `tbl_service` WHERE `config_id` = $chkDomainId AND `active`='1' GROUP BY `config_name`";
$myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($intDataCount != 0) {
$intError = 0;
foreach ($arrData as $data) {
$intReturn = $myConfigClass->createConfigSingle('tbl_service', $data['id']);
$intError += $intReturn;
if (($intError == 0) && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write service configurations'). ' ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Services: ' .translate('Configuration file successfully written!'), $strInfo);
} elseif ($intDataCount != 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Services: ' .translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the '
. 'permissions)!'), $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Services: ' .translate('No configuration items defined!'), $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write hostgroup configuration
$intReturn1 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_hostgroup');
if ($intReturn1 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostgroups.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostgroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostgroups.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostgroups: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - empty '
. 'configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostgroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write servicegroup configuration
$intReturn2 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_servicegroup');
if ($intReturn2 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicegroups.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicegroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicegroups.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicegroups: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - empty '
. 'configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicegroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write hosttemplate configuration
$intReturn3 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_hosttemplate');
if ($intReturn3 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hosttemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosttemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hosttemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosttemplates: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - empty '
. 'configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hosttemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write servicetemplate configuration
$intReturn4 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_servicetemplate');
if ($intReturn4 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicetemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicetemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicetemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicetemplates: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicetemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write additional data
if ($chkButValue2 != '') {
$strNoData = translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset or not activated dataset found'). '::';
// Write timeperiod configuration
$intReturn5 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_timeperiod');
if ($intReturn5 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' timeperiods.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Timeperiods: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Timeperiods: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write command configuration
$intReturn6 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_command');
if ($intReturn6 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' commands.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Commands: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Commands: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write contact configuration
$intReturn7 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_contact');
if ($intReturn7 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' contacts.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contacts: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contacts: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write contactgroup configuration
$intReturn8 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_contactgroup');
if ($intReturn8 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' contactgroups.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contactgroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contactgroups: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write contacttemplate configuration
$intReturn9 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_contacttemplate');
if ($intReturn9 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' contacttemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contacttemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' contacttemplates.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contacttemplates: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Contacttemplates: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write servicedependency configuration
$intReturn10 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_servicedependency');
if ($intReturn10 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicedependencies.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicedependencies: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' servicedependencies.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicedependencies: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Servicedependencies: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write hostdependency configuration
$intReturn11 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_hostdependency');
if ($intReturn11 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostdependencies.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostdependencies: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostdependencies.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostdependencies: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostdependencies: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write serviceescalation configuration
$intReturn12 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_serviceescalation');
if ($intReturn12 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' serviceescalations.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceescalations: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' serviceescalations.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceescalations: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceescalations: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write hostescalation configuration
$intReturn13 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_hostescalation');
if ($intReturn13 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostescalations.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostescalations: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostescalations.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostescalations: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostescalations: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write serviceextinfo configuration
$intReturn14 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_serviceextinfo');
if ($intReturn14 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' serviceextinfo.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceextinfo: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' serviceextinfo.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceextinfo: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - '
. 'empty configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Serviceextinfo: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Write hostextinfo configuration
$intReturn15 = $myConfigClass->createConfig('tbl_hostextinfo');
if ($intReturn15 == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostextinfo.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostextinfo: ' .$myConfigClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfo);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage == $strNoData) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Write'). ' hostextinfo.cfg ...', $strInfo);
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostextinfo: ' .translate('No dataset or no activated dataset found - empty '
. 'configuration written'). '::', $strInfo);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage('Hostextinfo: ' .$myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
$intProcessError = 1;
// Check configuration
if ($chkButValue3 != '') {
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'binaryfile', $strBinary);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'nagiosbasedir', $strNagiosBaseDir);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'conffile', $strConffile);
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (file_exists($strBinary) && is_executable($strBinary)) {
$resFile = popen($strBinary. ' -v ' .$strConffile, 'r');
} else {
translate('Cannot find the Nagios binary or no execute permissions!'),
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$booReturn = 0;
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getFTPConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!($resFile = ftp_exec($myConfigClass->resConnectId, $strBinary.' -v '.$strConffile))) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Remote execution (FTP SITE EXEC) is not supported on your '
. 'system!'), $strErrorMessage);
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
$booReturn = 0;
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
if (($strBinary != '') && ($strConffile != '') &&
$myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strBinary, $arrTemp) == 0 &&
$myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strConffile, $arrTemp) == 0) {
$intResult = $myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand($strBinary.' -v '.$strConffile, $arrResult, 15000);
if (!is_array($arrResult) || ($arrResult == false)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Remote execution of nagios verify command failed (remote '
. 'SSH)!'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
translate('Nagios binary or configuration file not found (remote SSH)!'),
// Restart nagios
if ($chkButValue4 != '') {
// Read config file
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'commandfile', $strCommandfile);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'binaryfile', $strBinary);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'pidfile', $strPidfile);
$myConfigClass->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'version', $intVersion);
// Check state nagios demon
if ($intMethod == 1) {
if (substr_count(PHP_OS, 'Linux') != 0) {
exec('ps -ef | grep '.basename($strBinary).' | grep -v grep', $arrExec);
} else {
$arrExec[0] = 1;
if (file_exists($strPidfile) && isset($arrExec[0])) {
if (file_exists($strCommandfile) && is_writable($strCommandfile)) {
if ($intVersion == 4) {
$strCommandString = '[' .time(). "] RESTART_PROGRAM\n";
} else {
$strCommandString = '[' .time(). '] RESTART_PROGRAM;' .time()."\n";
$timeout = 3;
$old = ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $timeout);
$resCmdFile = fopen($strCommandfile, 'wb');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $old);
stream_set_timeout($resCmdFile, $timeout);
stream_set_blocking($resCmdFile, 0);
if ($resCmdFile) {
fwrite($resCmdFile, $strCommandString);
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Nagios daemon successfully restarted'));
translate('Restart command successfully send to Nagios'),
} else {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Restart failed - Nagios command file not found or no execute '
. 'permissions'));
translate('Nagios command file not found or no write permissions!'),
} else {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Restart failed - Nagios command file not found or no execute '
. 'permissions'));
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Restart failed - Nagios command file not found or no rights '
. 'to execute'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Restart failed - Nagios daemon was not running'));
translate('Nagios daemon is not running, cannot send restart command!'),
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Restart failed - FTP restrictions'));
translate('Nagios restart is not possible via FTP remote connection!'),
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) {
$booReturn = 0;
if (empty($myConfigClass->resConnectId) || !is_resource($myConfigClass->resConnectId)) {
$booReturn = $myConfigClass->getSSHConnection($intConfigId);
if ($booReturn == 1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage);
} else {
if ($myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strCommandfile, $arrTemp) == 0) {
if ($intVersion == 4) {
$strCommandString = '[' .time(). "] RESTART_PROGRAM\n";
} else {
$strCommandString = '[' .time(). '] RESTART_PROGRAM;' .time()."\n";
$arrInfo1 = ssh2_sftp_stat($myConfigClass->resSFTP, $strCommandfile);
$intFileStamp1 = $arrInfo1['mtime'];
$myConfigClass->sendSSHCommand('echo "'.$strCommandString.'" >> '.$strCommandfile, $arrResult);
$arrInfo2 = ssh2_sftp_stat($myConfigClass->resSFTP, $strCommandfile);
$intFileStamp2 = $arrInfo2['mtime'];
if ($intFileStamp2 <= $intFileStamp1) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Restart failed - Nagios command file not found or no '
. 'rights to execute (remote SSH)!'), $strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Nagios daemon successfully restarted (remote SSH)'));
translate('Restart command successfully send to Nagios (remote SSH)'),
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Nagios command file not found (remote SSH)!'), $strErrorMessage);
// include content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Check written configuration files'));
$conttp->setVariable('CHECK_CONFIG', translate('Check configuration files:'));
$conttp->setVariable('RESTART_NAGIOS', translate('Restart Nagios:'));
$conttp->setVariable('WRITE_MONITORING_DATA', translate('Write monitoring data'));
$conttp->setVariable('WRITE_ADDITIONAL_DATA', translate('Write additional data'));
if (($chkButValue3 == '') && ($chkButValue4 == '')) {
$conttp->setVariable('WARNING', translate('Warning, always check the configuration files before restarting '
$conttp->setVariable('MAKE', translate('Do it'));
$conttp->setVariable('IMAGE_PATH', $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']. 'images/');
$conttp->setVariable('ACTION_INSERT', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$strOutput = '';
if (isset($resFile) && ($resFile != false)) {
$intError = 0;
$intWarning = 0;
$intLines = 0;
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strLine = fgets($resFile, 1024);
if ((substr_count($strLine, 'Error:') != 0) || (substr_count($strLine, 'Total Errors:') != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'errormessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', $strLine);
if (substr_count($strLine, 'Total Errors:') != 0) {
if ((substr_count($strLine, 'Warning:') != 0) || (substr_count($strLine, 'Total Warnings:') != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'warnmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', $strLine);
if (substr_count($strLine, 'Total Warnings:') != 0) {
$strOutput .= $strLine. '<br>';
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Nagios written configuration files checked - Warnings/Errors:'). ' '
.$intWarning. '/' .
if (($intError == 0) && ($intWarning == 0) && ($intLines > 5)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'greenmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', '<b>' .translate('Written configuration files are valid, Nagios can be '
. 'restarted!'). '</b>');
if ($intLines < 5) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'redmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', '<b>' .translate('The configuration could not be tested successfully. '
. 'The Nagios binary may have crashed during the test. Please repeat the test or try using the '
. 'commandline to test. A running Nagios service should not be restarted because the configuration may '
. 'be invalid.'). '</b>');
$conttp->setVariable('DATA', $strOutput);
} elseif (isset($arrResult) && is_array($arrResult)) {
$intError = 0;
$intWarning = 0;
foreach ($arrResult as $elem) {
if ((substr_count($elem, 'Error:') != 0) || (substr_count($elem, 'Total Errors:') != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'errormessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', $elem);
if (substr_count($elem, 'Total Errors:') != 0) {
if ((substr_count($elem, 'Warning:') != 0) || (substr_count($elem, 'Total Warnings:') != 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'warnmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', $elem);
if (substr_count($elem, 'Total Warnings:') != 0) {
$strOutput .= $elem. '<br>';
$myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Nagios written configuration files checked - Warnings/Errors:'). ' '
.$intWarning. '/' .
if (($intError == 0) && ($intWarning == 0)) {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'greenmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', '<b>' .translate('Written configuration files are valid, Nagios can be '
. 'restarted!'). '</b>');
$conttp->setVariable('DATA', $strOutput);
if ($strErrorMessage != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('ERRORMESSAGE', $strErrorMessage);
$conttp->setVariable('INFOMESSAGE', $strInfoMessage);
if ($strInfo != '') {
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_CLASS', 'greenmessage');
$conttp->setVariable('VERIFY_LINE', '<br>' .$strInfo);
// Check access rights for adding new objects
if ($myVisClass->checkAccountGroup($prePageKey, 'write') != 0) {
$conttp->setVariable('ADD_CONTROL', 'disabled="disabled"');
// Insert footer
// =============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");

View File

@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Online version check
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$strPattern = '(admin/[^/]*.php)';
$preRelPath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$preBasePath = preg_replace($strPattern, '', filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
// Define common variables
// =======================
$preNoMain = 1;
$chkShow = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'show', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 0)));
// Include preprocessing file
// ==========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
$strCommandLine = '&nbsp;';
$intCount = 0;
// Get database values
// ===================
if ($chkShow == 1) {
$versionfeed = '' .urlencode($setFileVersion);
$strError = '';
if ((isset($SETS['network']['proxy']) && ($SETS['network']['proxy'] == '1')) &&
(isset($SETS['network']['proxyserver']) && ($SETS['network']['proxyserver'] != ''))) {
if ((isset($SETS['network']['proxyuser']) && ($SETS['network']['proxyuser'] != '')) &&
(isset($SETS['network']['proxypasswd']) && ($SETS['network']['proxypasswd'] != ''))) {
$strProxyAuth = base64_encode($SETS['network']['proxyuser']. ':' .$SETS['network']['proxypasswd']);
$aContext = array(
'http' => array(
'proxy' => 'tcp://'.$SETS['network']['proxyserver'],
'request_fulluri' => true,
'header' => "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $strProxyAuth",
'timeout' => 1,
} else {
$aContext = array(
'http' => array(
'proxy' => 'tcp://'.$SETS['network']['proxyserver'],
'request_fulluri' => true,
'timeout' => 1,
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$cxContext = stream_context_create($aContext);
$arrFile = file($versionfeed, false, $cxContext);
$arrError = error_get_last();
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$strError .= utf8_encode($arrError['message']). ' (' .translate('check proxy settings'). ')';
} else {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$cxContext = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 1)));
$arrFile = file($versionfeed, false, $cxContext);
$arrError = error_get_last();
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$strError .= utf8_encode($arrError['message']). ' (' .translate('check proxy settings'). ')';
$strInstalled = translate('Installed');
$strAvailable = translate('Available');
$strInformation = translate('Information');
$strVersion = '';
$strRelease = '';
$strRelInfo = '';
if (is_array($arrFile) && count($arrFile) != 0) {
foreach ($arrFile as $elem) {
if (substr_count($elem, 'version') != 0) {
$strVersion = trim(strip_tags($elem));
if (substr_count($elem, 'release_date') != 0) {
$strRelease = trim(strip_tags($elem));
if (substr_count($elem, 'error') != 0) {
$strError = trim(strip_tags($elem));
if (substr_count($elem, 'information') != 0) {
$strRelInfo = trim(strip_tags($elem));
$setFileAvailable = $strVersion;
if (version_compare($strVersion, $setFileVersion, '==')) {
$setFileInformation = "<span class='greenmessage'>".translate('You already have the latest version installed').
} elseif (version_compare($strVersion, $setFileVersion, '>=')) {
$setFileInformation = "<span class='redmessage'>".translate('You are using an old NagiosQL version. Please '.
'update to the latest stable version'). '</span>: ';
$setFileInformation .= '<a href="" target="_blank">' .
'NagiosQL on Sourceforge</a>';
} elseif (version_compare($strVersion, $setFileVersion, '<=')) {
$setFileInformation = "<span class='redmessage'>".translate('You are using a newer development version '.
'without official support'). '</span>';
if (($strError != 'none') && ($strError != '')) {
$setFileInformation = "<span class='redmessage'>".$strError. '</span>';
} ?>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Version check</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="<?php
echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>config/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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echo $_SESSION['SETS']['path']['base_url']; ?>config/content.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0;
border: none;
<table width="100%" border="0" class="content_listtable" style="padding:0; margin:0; top:3px;">
<th style="text-align: center"><?php echo $strInstalled; ?></th>
<th style="text-align: center"><?php echo $strAvailable; ?></th>
<th style="text-align: left; padding-left: 30px;"><?php echo $strInformation; ?></th>
<td class="tdmb" style="width:90px;vertical-align:top;padding-top:4px;"><?php
echo $setFileVersion; ?></td>
<td class="tdmb" style="width:90px;vertical-align:top;padding-top:4px;"><?php
echo $setFileAvailable; ?></td>
<td class="tdlb" style="width:470px;vertical-align:top;padding-top:4px;"><?php
echo $setFileInformation; ?></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
parent.document.getElementById('vcheck').className = 'elementHide';
parent.document.getElementById('versioncheck').className = 'elementShow';
if (($strError != 'none') && ($strError != '')) {
echo " parent.document.getElementById('versioncheck').height = '65';";
} else {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0;
border: none;

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
@charset "utf-8";
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : CSS content definition
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
/* Content main div */
#content_main {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 10px;
font-size: 12px;
/* Content title (list and single view) */
#content_title {
color: #0c4271;
margin: 0 0 0 2px;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
padding: 0 0 5px;
/* Content special definitions */
.elementHide {
.elementShow {}
.redmessage {
color: #FF0000;
.greenmessage {
color: #009900;
.blackmessage {
.bluemessage {
.checkred {
color: #FF0000;
.checkgreen {
color: #009900;
.checkorange {
color: #FF9900;
.env_table {
.env_table td {
font-size: 12px;
/*noinspection CssUnusedSymbol*/
#content_main .warnmessage {
font-size: 12px;
color: #FF9900;
font-weight: bold;
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/* END */

View File

@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : field language variables (for replace in templates)
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Feldvariabeln setzen
// ====================
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DOMAIN', 'string' => translate('Domain'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DESCRIPTION', 'string' => translate('Description'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVER_NAMEe', 'string' => translate('Server name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_METHOD', 'string' => translate('Method'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USERNAME', 'string' => translate('Username'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PASSWORD', 'string' => translate('Password'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SSH_KEY',
'string' => translate('Directory with SSH key pair'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FTPS',
'string' => translate('Use encrypted FTP (FTPS)'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVER_NAME', 'string' => translate('Server name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORIES',
'string' => translate('Configuration directories'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_DIRECTORIES',
'string' => translate('Nagios configuration files and directories'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_BASE_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Base directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Host directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Service directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_BACKUP_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Backup directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_BACKUP_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Host backup directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY',
'string' => translate('Service backup directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PICTURE_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Picture base directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_COMMAND_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios command file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_BINARY_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios binary file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_PROCESS_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios process file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_CONFIG_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios config file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_CGI_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios cgi file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_RESOURCE_FILE', 'string' => translate('Nagios resource file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_VERSION', 'string' => translate('Nagios version'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ENABLE_COMMON_DOMAIN', 'string' => translate('Use common domain'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ENABLE_UTF8_DECODE',
'string' => translate('Decode UTF8 data in config files'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACCESS_KEY_HOLES', 'string' => translate('Access key holes'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACCESS_KEYS', 'string' => translate('Access keys'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACTIVE', 'string' => translate('Active'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_REGISTERED', 'string' => translate('Registered'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_REQUIRED', 'string' => translate('required'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SAVE', 'string' => translate('Save'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ABORT', 'string' => translate('Abort'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FUNCTION', 'string' => translate('Function'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MARKED', 'string' => translate('Marked'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DO_IT', 'string' => translate('Do it'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADD', 'string' => translate('Add'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FORMCHECK', 'string' => translate('Form check'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SECURE_QUESTION', 'string' => translate('Secure question'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_YES', 'string' => translate('Yes'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NO', 'string' => translate('No'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME', 'string' => translate('Time'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USER', 'string' => translate('User'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_IP', 'string' => translate('IP Address'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ENTRY', 'string' => translate('Entry'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FROM', 'string' => translate('From'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TO', 'string' => translate('To'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DELETE_LOG_ENTRIES', 'string' => translate('Delete log entries'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COPY', 'string' => translate('Copy'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DELETE', 'string' => translate('Delete'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MODIFY', 'string' => translate('Modify'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONFIRM_PASSWORD', 'string' => translate('Confirm password'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_OLD_PASSWORD', 'string' => translate('Old password'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NEW_PASSWORD', 'string' => translate('New password'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHANGE_PASSWORD', 'string' => translate('Change password'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MENU_PAGE', 'string' => translate('Menu page'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SEARCH_STRING', 'string' => translate('Search string'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SEARCH', 'string' => translate('Search'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DELETE_SEARCH', 'string' => translate('Reset filter'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_WRITE_CONFIG_FILE', 'string' => translate('Write config file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DOWNLOAD', 'string' => translate('Download'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DUPLICATE', 'string' => translate('Copy'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COMMAND', 'string' => translate('Command'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COMMAND_LINE', 'string' => translate('Command line'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COMMAND_TYPE', 'string' => translate('Command type'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_PERIOD', 'string' => translate('Time period'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_EXCLUDE', 'string' => translate('Exclude'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_INCLUDE', 'string' => translate('Include'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_DEFINITIONS', 'string' => translate('Time definitions'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_WEEKDAY', 'string' => translate('Weekday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_RANGE', 'string' => translate('Time range'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_DEFINITION', 'string' => translate('Time definition'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_INSERT', 'string' => translate('Insert'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MODIFY_SELECTION', 'string' => translate('Modify selection'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONTACT_NAME', 'string' => translate('Contact name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONTACT_GROUP', 'string' => translate('Contact group'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MINIMUM_IMPORTANCE', 'string' => translate('Minimum importance'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_PERIOD_HOSTS', 'string' => translate('Time period hosts'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TIME_PERIOD_SERVICES', 'string' => translate('Time period services'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Host options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Service options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_COMMAND', 'string' => translate('Host command'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_COMMAND', 'string' => translate('Service command'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'string' => translate('EMail address'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PAGER_NUMBER', 'string' => translate('Pager number'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADDON_ADDRESS', 'string' => translate('Addon address'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_NOTIF_ENABLE', 'string' => translate('Host notif. enable'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_NOTIF_ENABLE', 'string' => translate('Service notif. enable'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CAN_SUBMIT_COMMANDS', 'string' => translate('Can submit commands'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_RETAIN_STATUS_INFO', 'string' => translate('Retain status info'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_RETAIN_NONSTATUS_INFO', 'string' => translate('Retain non-status info'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MEMBERS', 'string' => translate('Members'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_GROUP_MEMBERS', 'string' => translate('Group members'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COMMON_SETTINGS', 'string' => translate('Common settings'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_SETTINGS', 'string' => translate('Service settings'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_SETTINGS_DESC',
'string' => translate('Add this host configuration to existing service definitions'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TEMPLATE_NAME', 'string' => translate('Template name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PARENTS', 'string' => translate('Parents'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PARENT_SERVICES', 'string' => translate('Parent services'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_GROUPS', 'string' => translate('Host groups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHECK_COMMAND', 'string' => translate('Check command'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_COMMAND_VIEW', 'string' => translate('Command view'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADDITIONAL_TEMPLATES', 'string' => translate('Additional templates'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHECK_SETTINGS', 'string' => translate('Check settings'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_INITIAL_STATE', 'string' => translate('Initial state'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_RETRY_INTERVAL', 'string' => translate('Retry interval'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MAX_CHECK_ATTEMPTS', 'string' => translate('Max check attempts'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHECK_INTERVAL', 'string' => translate('Check interval'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACTIVE_CHECKS_ENABLED', 'string' => translate('Active checks enabled'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PASSIVE_CHECKS_ENABLED', 'string' => translate('Passive checks enabled'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHECK_PERIOD', 'string' => translate('Check period'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FRESHNESS_TRESHOLD', 'string' => translate('Freshness treshold'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CHECK_FRESHNESS', 'string' => translate('Check freshness'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_OBSESS_OVER_HOST', 'string' => translate('Obsess over host'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_OBSESS_OVER_SERVICE', 'string' => translate('Obsess over service'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_EVENT_HANDLER', 'string' => translate('Event handler'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_EVENT_HANDLER_ENABLED', 'string' => translate('Event handler enabled'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_LOW_FLAP_THRESHOLD', 'string' => translate('Low flap threshold'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HIGH_FLAP_THRESHOLD', 'string' => translate('High flap threshold'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FLAP_DETECTION_ENABLED', 'string' => translate('Flap detection enabled'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FLAP_DETECTION_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Flap detection options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_RETAIN_STATUS_INFORMATION',
'string' => translate('Retain status information'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_RETAIN_NOSTATUS_INFORMATION',
'string' => translate('Retain non-status information'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PROCESS_PERF_DATA', 'string' => translate('Process perf data'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ALARM_SETTINGS', 'string' => translate('Alarm settings'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONTACTS', 'string' => translate('Contacts'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONTACT_GROUPS', 'string' => translate('Contact groups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTIFICATION_PERIOD', 'string' => translate('Notification period'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Notification options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL', 'string' => translate('Notification interval'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FIRST_NOTIFICATION_DELAY',
'string' => translate('First notification delay'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED', 'string' => translate('Notification enabled'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_IMPORTANCE', 'string' => translate('Importance'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_STALKING_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Stalking options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADDON_SETTINGS', 'string' => translate('Addon settings'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTES', 'string' => translate('Notes'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_VRML_IMAGE', 'string' => translate('VRML image'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTES_URL', 'string' => translate('Notes URL'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_STATUS_IMAGE', 'string' => translate('Status image'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ICON_IMAGE', 'string' => translate('Icon image'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACTION_URL', 'string' => translate('Action URL'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_2D_COORDS', 'string' => translate('2D coords'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_3D_COORDS', 'string' => translate('3D coords'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ICON_IMAGE_ALT_TEXT', 'string' => translate('Icon image ALT text'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_STANDARD', 'string' => translate('standard'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ON', 'string' => translate('on'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_OFF', 'string' => translate('off'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SKIP', 'string' => translate('skip'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FREE_VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS',
'string' => translate('Free variable definitions'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_VARIABLE_NAME', 'string' => translate('Variable name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_VARIABLE_VALUE', 'string' => translate('Variable value'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'DELETE', 'string' => translate('Delete'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'DUPLICATE', 'string' => translate('Copy'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'ACTIVATE', 'string' => translate('Activate'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'DEACTIVATE', 'string' => translate('Deactivate'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'INFO', 'string' => translate('Information'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'WRITE_CONFIG', 'string' => translate('Write config file'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DELETESINGLE',
'string' => translate('Do you really want to delete this database entry:'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DELETEOK',
'string' => translate('Do you really want to delete all marked entries?'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MARKALL',
'string' => translate('Mark all shown datasets'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FILE', 'string' => translate('File'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_WRITE_CONF_ALL', 'string' => translate('Write all config files'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADDRESS', 'string' => translate('Address'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DISPLAY_NAME', 'string' => translate('Display name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USE_THIS_AS_TEMPLATE',
'string' => translate('Use this configuration as a template'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_GENERIC_NAME', 'string' => translate('Generic name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOST_NAME', 'string' => translate('Host name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'FILL_ALLFIELDS',
'string' => translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'FILL_ILLEGALCHARS',
'string' => translate('The following field contains illegal characters:'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'FILL_BOXES',
'string' => translate('Please check at least one option from:'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOSTGROUP_NAME', 'string' => translate('Host group name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOSTGROUP_MEMBERS', 'string' => translate('Host group members'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOSTS', 'string' => translate('Hosts'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION', 'string' => translate('Service description'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICEGROUPS', 'string' => translate('Service groups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_IS_VOLATILE', 'string' => translate('Is volatile'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_PARALLELIZE_CHECK', 'string' => translate('Parallelize checks'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONFIGFILTER', 'string' => translate('Config name filter'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONFIG_NAME', 'string' => translate('Config name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_IMPORT_DIRECTORY', 'string' => translate('Import directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_INSERT_ALL_VARIABLE',
'string' => translate('Please insert a variable name and a variable definition'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MUST_BUT_TEMPLATE',
'string' => '<b>' .translate('Warning:'). '</b> ' .translate('You have not filled in some required fields!<br><br>'
. 'If this values are set by a template, you can save anyway - otherwise you will get an invalid '
. 'configuration!'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TPLNAME', 'string' => translate('Template name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NAGIOS_BASEDIR', 'string' => translate('Nagios base directory'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_WRITE_CONFIG', 'string' => translate('Write config'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'FILL_ARGUMENTS',
'string' => '<b>' .translate('Warning:'). '</b> ' .translate('You have not filled in all command arguments (ARGx) '
. 'for your selected command!<br><br>If this arguments are optional, you can save anyway - otherwise '
. 'you will get an invalid configuration!'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICEGROUP_MEMBERS', 'string' => translate('Service group members'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICEGROUP_NAME', 'string' => translate('Service group name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DEPENDHOSTS', 'string' => translate('Dependent hosts'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DEPENDHOSTGRS', 'string' => translate('Dependent hostgroups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HOSTGROUPS', 'string' => translate('Hostgroups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_INHERIT', 'string' => translate('Inherit parents'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_EXECFAILCRIT',
'string' => translate('Execution failure criteria'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_NOTIFFAILCRIT',
'string' => translate('Nofification failure criteria'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DEPENDENCY_PERIOD', 'string' => translate('Dependency period'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ESCALATION_PERIOD', 'string' => translate('Escalation period'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ESCALATION_OPTIONS', 'string' => translate('Escalation options'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FIRST_NOTIFICATION', 'string' => translate('First notification'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_LAST_NOTIFICATION', 'string' => translate('Last notification'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DEPENDSERVICES', 'string' => translate('Dependent services'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICES', 'string' => translate('Services'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_DEPENDSERVICEGROUPS',
'string' => translate('Dependent servicegroups'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HELP', 'string' => translate('Help'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CALENDAR', 'string' => translate('Calendar'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_GROUPNAME', 'string' => translate('Group name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USERS', 'string' => translate('Users'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ACCESS_GROUP', 'string' => translate('Access group'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USER_DEFINITIONS', 'string' => translate('User definitions'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USER_NAME', 'string' => translate('User name'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_USER_RIGHTS', 'string' => translate('User rights'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_OBJECT_ACCESS_RESTRICTIONS',
'string' => translate('Object access restrictions'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_ADMIN_ENABLE',
'string' => translate('Enable group administration'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SHOW_RELATION_DATA', 'string' => translate('Show relation data'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_HIDE_RELATION_DATA', 'string' => translate('Hide relation data'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CONFIG_TARGET', 'string' => translate('Configuration target'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_LANGUAGE', 'string' => translate('User language'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_STANDARD_DOMAIN', 'string' => translate('Standard domain'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SERVICES_WARNING',
'string' => '<b>' .translate('Warning:'). '</b> ' .translate('The associated services must be additionally '.
'written to the files. Only writing the host configuration is not sufficient because the modification is ' .
'stored inside the service files!'));
// weekdays
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_MONDAY', 'string' => translate('Monday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_TUESDAY', 'string' => translate('Tuesday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_WEDNESDAY', 'string' => translate('Wednesday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_THURSDAY', 'string' => translate('Thursday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_FRIDAY', 'string' => translate('Friday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SATURDAY', 'string' => translate('Saturday'));
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_SUNDAY', 'string' => translate('Sunday'));
if ($SETS['common']['seldisable'] == 0) {
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CTRLINFO',
'string' => translate('Hold CTRL to select<br>more than one entry'));
} else {
$arrDescription[] = array('name' => 'LANG_CTRLINFO', 'string' => '&nbsp;');
// Quick fix for poEdit for dynamically loaded Parameters
// ======================================================
// Main menu
translate('Main page');
// Submenu
translate('Time periods');
translate('Host templates');
translate('Contact data');
translate('Contact groups');
translate('Host groups');
translate('Service groups');
translate('Service dependency');
translate('Service escalation');
translate('Host dependency');
translate('Host escalation');
translate('Extended Host');
translate('Extended Service');
translate('Data import');
translate('Delete config files');
translate('Delete backup files');
translate('User admin');
translate('Group admin');
translate('Nagios control');
translate('New password');
translate('Nagios config');
translate('CGI config');
translate('Menu access');
translate('Host templates');
translate('Service templates');
translate('Contact templates');
translate('Help editor');
translate('Data domains');
translate('Config targets');

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More