2019-04-17 11:40:50 +02:00

52 lines
1.8 KiB

// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin main site
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Path settings
// ===================
$preRelPath = strstr(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'admin.php', true);
$preBasePath = strstr(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'admin.php', true);
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 1;
$preContent = 'admin/mainpages.htm.tpl';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_adm.php';
require $preBasePath.'functions/prepend_content.php';
// Include Content
// ===============
$conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('NagiosQL Administration'));
$conttp->setVariable('DESC', translate('Welcome to NagiosQL, the administration module that can be used to easily '
. 'create, modify and delete configuration files for Nagios. The data is stored in a database '
. 'and can be written directly to the standard files at any time you want.'));
// Include footer
// ==============
$maintp->setVariable('VERSION_INFO', "<a href='' "
. "target='_blank'>NagiosQL</a> $setFileVersion");