2011-10-12 23:26:40 +02:00

310 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Getopt::Long;
# A simple script to insert data to particle/molecule file.
# Sławomir Nizio <slawomir.nizio<at>>
my $tmp_file = "/tmp/add-data.temp";
my $lock_file = "/tmp/add-data.lock";
my %opts = (
force_on_unsorted => 0,
sort => 0,
noask => 0,
help => 0,
delete => 0,
section => undef
# common sections
my %sections = (
common => 'packages_to_add:',
particle => 'packages:'
my $text_to_input;
my $file;
my $section;
my $warn_on_unsorted = 1; # true; warn only once
my @section_strings;
##### options ######
exit 1 unless
GetOptions (
help => \$opts{help}, sort => \$opts{sort},
force => \$opts{force_on_unsorted}, noask => \$opts{noask},
'section=s' => \$opts{section}, delete => \$opts{delete}
if ($opts{help}) {
say "usage examples:\n\t$0 kde.common dev-util/geany";
say "\t$0 --sort kde.common dev-util/geany";
say "\t$0 --sort kde.common";
say "\t$0 --delete kde.common x11-terms/xterm";
say "--sort - sort entries";
say "--force - don't abort if entries aren't sorted (default for --delete)";
say "--noask - don't ask for confirmation";
say "--delete - delete instead of adding";
say "--section - provide own \"section\" to update, for example: ",
'"packages_to_remove:" (note the colon)';
exit 0;
$file = shift;
$text_to_input = shift;
if (not defined $file or $file !~ /\S/ or
(not $opts{sort}) and (not defined $text_to_input or $text_to_input !~ /\S/)) {
die "no arg(s)... try --help\n";
if ($opts{delete} and (not defined $text_to_input or $text_to_input !~ /\S/)) {
die "keyword is required when --delete used even with --sort\n";
if (defined $opts{section}) {
$section = $opts{section}
} else {
my $ext;
my $tmp = rindex ($file, ".");
$ext = substr ($file, $tmp+1);
if ($sections{$ext}) {
$section = $sections{$ext}
else {
die "unknown extension, specify --section (and see --help)\n";
open my $fh_lock, '>', $lock_file or die "cannot open lock file\n";
flock($fh_lock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die ("Cannot lock file!\n");
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "cannot open file $file: $!\n";
open my $fh_out, '>', $tmp_file or die "cannot open temp. file\n";
my $in_section = 0;
my $indent = "\t";
my $line_after;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
if ($in_section) {
if ($line =~ /^(\s+)(\S+)$/) {
$indent = $1;
my $cur_section_line = $2;
push @section_strings, $cur_section_line;
# end of "section"
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
$line_after = $line;
# malformed line
else {
say "Section $section is not ended correctly.";
say "Current line: $line.";
else {
say $fh_out $line;
# if ($line eq $section) {
if ($line =~ /^\Q$section\E(\s*)/) {
say "* in section $line ($file)";
say " warning, trailing whitespace after section name" if ($1);
$in_section = 1;
unless ($in_section) {
abort ("Section $section not found in the file $file.");
my $ret = $opts{delete} ? delete_elem() : insert_elem();
unless ($ret) {
# no change made
close $fh;
close $fh_out;
close $fh_lock;
exit 0;
write_strings ($indent, @section_strings);
say $fh_out $line_after if defined $line_after;
# now continue to end of the file
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
print $fh_out $line;
if ($opts{noask}) {
unless (rename $tmp_file, $file) {
warn "moving file failed: $!\n";
exit 1;
say "Wrote to $file.";
exit 0;
else {
show_diff($file, $tmp_file);
say "OK to proceed? [y/n]";
while (my $inp = <STDIN>) {
chomp $inp;
given (lc($inp)) {
when ('y') {
unless (rename $tmp_file, $file) {
warn "moving file failed: $!\n";
exit 1;
say "Wrote to $file.";
exit 0;
when ('n') {
say "Okay, not saving changes.";
unlink $tmp_file or warn "removing temp. file failed: $!\n";
unlink $lock_file or warn "removing lock file failed: $!\n";
exit 0;
default {
say "I don't can not understand the answer!";
# Close them here due to the lock.
close $fh;
close $fh_out;
close $fh_lock;
# returns 1 if inserted anything and 0 otherwise
sub insert_elem {
# check if it's not there already is not --sort only
if (defined $text_to_input) {
my $dup = search_dups ($text_to_input, 1);
if ($dup) {
say "Entry $text_to_input is already in the file.";
return 0;
if ($opts{sort}) {
# $text_to_input doesn't need to be defined - provide --sort without
# adding anything
if (@section_strings > 0) {
# to have commas where they need to be after sorting
$section_strings[-1] .= "," unless $section_strings[-1] =~ /,$/;
push @section_strings, $text_to_input . "," if defined $text_to_input;
@section_strings = sort @section_strings;
if (@section_strings > 0) {
chop ($section_strings[-1]) if $section_strings[-1] =~ /,$/;
# cannot simply check if array before and after is the same and return 0
# because it happens to fix indentation too (using $indent)
return 1;
else {
# No --sort, $text_to_sort is always defined.
my $prev_line;
my $line;
my $done = 0;
if (@section_strings == 0) {
push @section_strings, $text_to_input;
return 1;
for (0..$#section_strings) {
$line = $section_strings[$_];
if ($prev_line and $prev_line gt $line) {
if ($warn_on_unsorted) {
say "The file is not sorted well! (Use --force to override.)";
say "previous:\t$prev_line";
say "current:\t$line";
abort() unless ($opts{force_on_unsorted});
if ($warn_on_unsorted) {
say "Ignoring such warnings from now.";
$warn_on_unsorted = 0;
if ($line gt $text_to_input) {
# insert
$text_to_input .= ",";
splice @section_strings, $_, 0, $text_to_input;
$done = 1;
$prev_line = $line;
# insert as last element
unless ($done) {
$section_strings[-1] .= ",";
push @section_strings, $text_to_input;
return 1;
# returns 1 if deleted anything and 0 otherwise
sub delete_elem {
my @dups = search_dups ($text_to_input);
unless (@dups) {
say "Entry $text_to_input not present, nothing to delete.";
return 0;
for my $del (@dups) {
if ($del == $#section_strings and @section_strings > 1) {
chop ($section_strings[-2]) if $section_strings[-2] =~ /,$/;
splice @section_strings, $del, 1;
if ($opts{sort}) {
@section_strings = sort @section_strings;
# cannot simply check if array before and after is the same and return 0
# because it happens to fix indentation too (using $indent)
return 1;
# search for duplicated entries, return their indexes
sub search_dups {
my $text = shift or die "no arg to search_dups";
my $text_c = $text . ",";
my $stop_at_first = shift;
my @ret = ();
for (0..$#section_strings) {
if ($section_strings[$_] ~~ [ $text, $text_c ]) {
push @ret, $_;
last if $stop_at_first;
# write "section" strings only
sub write_strings {
my ($indent, @strings) = @_;
say $fh_out $indent . $_ for @strings;
sub show_diff {
my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
system ("diff", "-u", $file1, $file2);
sub abort {
my $ohnoes = shift // "Aborting.";
say $ohnoes;
close $fh;
close $fh_out;
unlink $tmp_file or warn "removing temp. file failed: $!\n";
unlink $lock_file or warn "removing lock file failed: $!\n";
close $fh_lock;
exit 1;