202 lines
6.7 KiB
202 lines
6.7 KiB
# author rgiannetto@babel.it, rpolli@babel.it
# create the ldif file used to initialize Fedora Directory Server
# with Mailware Collaboration Suite
# specify by command line the following arguments:
# first administator domain (ex. babel.it )
# dn (the base dn ex. $dn)
# username - the username of the SA
# password - the password of the SA
# aisle - the name of the mail aisle
use Getopt::Std;
our %opt;
our $domain, $dn, $user, $password, $isola, $addressbooks, $mailAlternateAddress;
my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if($numArgs < 10) {
printf(STDERR "Usage: mcs-ldapinit.pl -d [dominio] -b [basedn] -s [sa user] -p [sa password] -a [aisle name] [-B addressbook basedn ] [-f output file]]\n");
printf(STDERR "
specify by command line the following arguments:
-d first administator domain (ex. babel.it )
-b dn (the base dn ex. $dn)
-s username - the username of the SA
-p password - the password of the SA
-a aisle - the name of the mail aisle
-B \"db1,db2\" - the databases to create under your server
-f filename.ldif - the output file
# mcs-ldapinit.pl babel.it \"$dn\" sa secret node1 -f base.ldif
# ldapmodify -a -D \"cn=directory manager\" -W -f base.ldif
getopts('vd:b:s:p:a:B:f:', \%opt); # options as above. Values in %opts
$domain = $opt{'d'};
$dn =$opt{'b'};
$user = $opt{'s'};
$password = $opt{'p'};
$isola = $opt{'a'};
$addressbooks = $opt{'B'};
$mailAlternateAddress = $opt{'m'};
$ldifFileName = $opt{'f'};
if ($opt{'v'}) {
print STDERR "parameters $domain\n$dn\n$user\n$password\n$isola\n$addressbooks\n";
sub create_calendar_ldif() {
open (FH, ">>$ldifFileName")
or die("Cannot create $ldifFileName: ".$!);
printf(FH "dn: uid=caladmin,ou=People,$dn\n");
printf(FH "businessCategory: sa\n");
printf(FH "userPassword: $password\n");
printf(FH "mail: caladmin\n");
printf(FH "uid: caladmin\n");
printf(FH "givenName: caladmin\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: person\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: inetorgperson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: mailrecipient\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: babmware\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: babmwcompany\n");
printf(FH "sn: caladmin\n");
printf(FH "cn: caladmin caladmin\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "dn: uid=public-user,ou=People,$dn\n");
printf(FH "mail: public-user\n");
printf(FH "uid: public-user\n");
printf(FH "givenName: public\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: person\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: inetorgperson\n");
printf(FH "sn: user\n");
printf(FH "cn: public user\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "dn: uid=realtime01,ou=People,$dn\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: person\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: babmwcompany\n");
printf(FH "mail: realtime01\n");
printf(FH "givenName: realtime01\n");
printf(FH "uid: realtime01\n");
printf(FH "sn: realtime01\n");
printf(FH "cn: realtime01\n");
printf(FH "businessCategory: sa\n");
printf(FH "\n");
sub create_ldif() {
open (FH, ">$ldifFileName")
or die("Cannot create $ldifFileName: ".$!);
printf(FH "# Service Administrators \n");
printf(FH "# the tree of the MCS administration\n");
printf(FH "dn: ou=Service Administrators,$dn\n");
printf(FH "changetype: add\n");
printf(FH "description: Tree containing all Service Administrators\n");
printf(FH "ou: Service Administrators\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: organizationalunit\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "# The first administrator\n");
printf(FH "# $user, Service Administrators, $domain\n");
printf(FH "dn: uid=$user,ou=Service Administrators,$dn\n");
printf(FH "changetype: add\n");
printf(FH "mail: $user\@$domain\n");
printf(FH "uid: $user\n");
printf(FH "givenName: Service\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: person\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: inetorgperson\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: babmwcompany\n");
printf(FH "sn: Administrator\n");
printf(FH "cn: Service Administrator\n");
printf(FH "userPassword: $password\n");
printf(FH "businessCategory: sa\n");
# !!! DOESN'T WORK !!!
# printf(FH "mailAlternateAddress: $mailAlternateAddress\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "# sa role, $domain\n");
printf(FH "dn: cn=sa role,$dn\n");
printf(FH "changetype: add\n");
printf(FH "nsRoleFilter: (&(businesscategory=sa)(objectclass=inetorgperson)(objectclass=babmwcompany))\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: ldapsubentry\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: nsroledefinition\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: nscomplexroledefinition\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: nsfilteredroledefinition\n");
printf(FH "cn: sa role\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "# sa role, aci\n");
printf(FH "dn: $dn\n");
printf(FH "changetype: modify\n");
printf(FH "add: aci\n");
printf(FH "ACI: (targetattr = \"*\") (version 3.0;acl \"SA administration\";allow (all)(roledn = \"ldap:///cn=SA role,$dn\");)\n");
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "# isola-mcs, $domain\n");
printf(FH "dn: node=$isola, $dn\n");
printf(FH "changetype: add\n");
printf(FH "node: $isola\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectClass: babmwcompany\n");
printf(FH "\n");
if (defined $addressbooks) {
foreach my $i (split(/[, ]+/, $addressbooks)) {
printf(FH "# Create database and BackendInstance for storing personal contacts\n");
printf(FH "dn: cn=Addressbook%s,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config\n", $i);
printf(FH "objectclass: extensibleObject\n");
printf(FH "objectclass: nsBackendInstance\n");
printf(FH "nsslapd-suffix: o=%s\n", $i);
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "dn: cn=\"o=%s\",cn=mapping tree,cn=config\n", $i);
printf(FH "objectclass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectclass: extensibleObject\n");
printf(FH "objectclass: nsMappingTree\n");
printf(FH "nsslapd-state: backend\n");
printf(FH "nsslapd-backend: Addressbook%s\n", $i);
printf(FH "cn: \"o=%s\"\n", $i);
printf(FH "\n");
printf(FH "dn: o=%s\n",$i);
printf(FH "objectclass: top\n");
printf(FH "objectclass: organization\n");
printf(FH "o: %s\n", $i);
printf(FH "\n");
sub create_balance() {
$addressbooks =~ s/ +//g;
my $command = "bash -c './balance.sh $isola:ldap://localhost:389/{$addressbooks}'";
print STDERR "executing $command\n" if ($opt{'v'});
system($command) == 0
or die("Error creating balance.xml");
sub main() {
# &create_balance;