2017-10-11 12:35:36 +02:00

3063 lines
72 KiB

// PeHandler.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
// #include <stdio.h>
#include "../../../C/CpuArch.h"
#include "../../Common/DynamicBuffer.h"
#include "../../Common/ComTry.h"
#include "../../Common/IntToString.h"
#include "../../Common/StringConvert.h"
#include "../../Windows/PropVariantUtils.h"
#include "../../Windows/TimeUtils.h"
#include "../Common/LimitedStreams.h"
#include "../Common/ProgressUtils.h"
#include "../Common/RegisterArc.h"
#include "../Common/StreamObjects.h"
#include "../Common/StreamUtils.h"
#include "../Compress/CopyCoder.h"
#define Get16(p) GetUi16(p)
#define Get32(p) GetUi32(p)
#define Get64(p) GetUi64(p)
#define G16(offs, v) v = Get16(p + (offs))
#define G32(offs, v) v = Get32(p + (offs))
#define G64(offs, v) v = Get64(p + (offs))
#define RINOZ(x) { int __tt = (x); if (__tt != 0) return __tt; }
using namespace NWindows;
namespace NArchive {
namespace NPe {
static const UInt32 k_Signature32 = 0x00004550;
static HRESULT CalcCheckSum(ISequentialInStream *stream, UInt32 size, UInt32 excludePos, UInt32 &res)
const UInt32 kBufSizeMax = (UInt32)1 << 16;
UInt32 bufSize = MyMin(kBufSizeMax, size);
bufSize += (bufSize & 1);
CByteBuffer buffer(bufSize);
Byte *buf = buffer;
UInt32 sum = 0;
UInt32 pos = 0;
for (;;)
UInt32 rem = size - pos;
if (rem > bufSize)
rem = bufSize;
if (rem == 0)
size_t processed = rem;
RINOK(ReadStream(stream, buf, &processed));
if ((processed & 1) != 0)
buf[processed] = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++)
UInt32 e = excludePos + j;
if (pos <= e)
e -= pos;
if (e < processed)
buf[e] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < processed; i += 2)
sum += Get16(buf + i);
sum = (sum + (sum >> 16)) & 0xFFFF;
pos += (UInt32)processed;
if (rem != processed)
res = sum + pos;
return S_OK;
static AString GetDecString(UInt32 v)
char sz[16];
ConvertUInt32ToString(v, sz);
return sz;
struct CVersion
UInt16 Major;
UInt16 Minor;
void Parse(const Byte *p)
G16(0, Major);
G16(2, Minor);
void ToProp(NCOM::CPropVariant &prop);
void CVersion::ToProp(NCOM::CPropVariant &prop)
char sz[32];
ConvertUInt32ToString(Major, sz);
unsigned len = MyStringLen(sz);
sz[len] = '.';
ConvertUInt32ToString(Minor, sz + len + 1);
prop = sz;
static const unsigned kHeaderSize = 4 + 20;
static const unsigned k_OptHeader32_Size_MIN = 96;
static const unsigned k_OptHeader64_Size_MIN = 112;
static const UInt32 PE_IMAGE_FILE_DLL = (1 << 13);
struct CHeader
UInt16 Machine;
UInt16 NumSections;
UInt32 Time;
UInt32 PointerToSymbolTable;
UInt32 NumSymbols;
UInt16 OptHeaderSize;
UInt16 Flags;
bool Parse(const Byte *p);
bool IsDll() const { return (Flags & PE_IMAGE_FILE_DLL) != 0; }
bool CHeader::Parse(const Byte *p)
if (Get32(p) != k_Signature32)
return false;
p += 4;
G16( 0, Machine);
G16( 2, NumSections);
G32( 4, Time);
G32( 8, PointerToSymbolTable);
G32(12, NumSymbols);
G16(16, OptHeaderSize);
G16(18, Flags);
return OptHeaderSize >= k_OptHeader32_Size_MIN;
struct CDirLink
UInt32 Va;
UInt32 Size;
CDirLink(): Va(0), Size(0) {}
void Parse(const Byte *p)
G32(0, Va);
G32(4, Size);
kDirLink_Certificate = 4,
kDirLink_Debug = 6
static const UInt32 kNumDirItemsMax = 16;
struct CDebugEntry
UInt32 Flags;
UInt32 Time;
CVersion Ver;
UInt32 Type;
UInt32 Size;
UInt32 Va;
UInt32 Pa;
void Parse(const Byte *p)
G32(0, Flags);
G32(4, Time);
Ver.Parse(p + 8);
G32(12, Type);
G32(16, Size);
G32(20, Va);
G32(24, Pa);
static const UInt32 k_CheckSum_Field_Offset = 64;
static const UInt32 PE_OptHeader_Magic_32 = 0x10B;
static const UInt32 PE_OptHeader_Magic_64 = 0x20B;
static const UInt32 k_SubSystems_EFI_First = 10;
static const UInt32 k_SubSystems_EFI_Last = 13;
struct COptHeader
UInt16 Magic;
Byte LinkerVerMajor;
Byte LinkerVerMinor;
UInt32 CodeSize;
UInt32 InitDataSize;
UInt32 UninitDataSize;
// UInt32 AddressOfEntryPoint;
// UInt32 BaseOfCode;
// UInt32 BaseOfData32;
UInt64 ImageBase;
UInt32 SectAlign;
UInt32 FileAlign;
CVersion OsVer;
CVersion ImageVer;
CVersion SubsysVer;
UInt32 ImageSize;
UInt32 HeadersSize;
UInt32 CheckSum;
UInt16 SubSystem;
UInt16 DllCharacts;
UInt64 StackReserve;
UInt64 StackCommit;
UInt64 HeapReserve;
UInt64 HeapCommit;
UInt32 NumDirItems;
CDirLink DirItems[kNumDirItemsMax];
bool Is64Bit() const { return Magic == PE_OptHeader_Magic_64; }
bool Parse(const Byte *p, UInt32 size);
int GetNumFileAlignBits() const
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
if (((UInt32)1 << i) == FileAlign)
return i;
return -1;
bool IsSybSystem_EFI() const
SubSystem >= k_SubSystems_EFI_First &&
SubSystem <= k_SubSystems_EFI_Last;
bool COptHeader::Parse(const Byte *p, UInt32 size)
if (size < k_OptHeader32_Size_MIN)
return false;
Magic = Get16(p);
switch (Magic)
case PE_OptHeader_Magic_32:
case PE_OptHeader_Magic_64:
return false;
LinkerVerMajor = p[2];
LinkerVerMinor = p[3];
G32( 4, CodeSize);
G32( 8, InitDataSize);
G32(12, UninitDataSize);
// G32(16, AddressOfEntryPoint);
// G32(20, BaseOfCode);
G32(32, SectAlign);
G32(36, FileAlign);
OsVer.Parse(p + 40);
ImageVer.Parse(p + 44);
SubsysVer.Parse(p + 48);
// reserved = Get32(p + 52);
G32(56, ImageSize);
G32(60, HeadersSize);
G32(64, CheckSum);
G16(68, SubSystem);
G16(70, DllCharacts);
UInt32 pos;
if (Is64Bit())
if (size < k_OptHeader64_Size_MIN)
return false;
// BaseOfData32 = 0;
G64(24, ImageBase);
G64(72, StackReserve);
G64(80, StackCommit);
G64(88, HeapReserve);
G64(96, HeapCommit);
pos = 108;
// G32(24, BaseOfData32);
G32(28, ImageBase);
G32(72, StackReserve);
G32(76, StackCommit);
G32(80, HeapReserve);
G32(84, HeapCommit);
pos = 92;
G32(pos, NumDirItems);
if (NumDirItems > (1 << 16))
return false;
pos += 4;
if (pos + 8 * NumDirItems != size)
return false;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NumDirItems && i < kNumDirItemsMax; i++)
DirItems[i].Parse(p + pos + i * 8);
return true;
static const UInt32 kSectionSize = 40;
struct CSection
AString Name;
UInt32 VSize;
UInt32 Va;
UInt32 PSize;
UInt32 Pa;
UInt32 Flags;
UInt32 Time;
// UInt16 NumRelocs;
bool IsRealSect;
bool IsDebug;
bool IsAdditionalSection;
CSection(): IsRealSect(false), IsDebug(false), IsAdditionalSection(false) {}
const UInt32 GetSizeExtract() const { return PSize; }
const UInt32 GetSizeMin() const { return MyMin(PSize, VSize); }
void UpdateTotalSize(UInt32 &totalSize) const
UInt32 t = Pa + PSize;
if (totalSize < t)
totalSize = t;
void Parse(const Byte *p);
int Compare(const CSection &s) const
RINOZ(MyCompare(Pa, s.Pa));
UInt32 size1 = GetSizeExtract();
UInt32 size2 = s.GetSizeExtract();
return MyCompare(size1, size2);
static const unsigned kNameSize = 8;
static void GetName(const Byte *name, AString &res)
res.SetFrom_CalcLen((const char *)name, kNameSize);
void CSection::Parse(const Byte *p)
GetName(p, Name);
G32( 8, VSize);
G32(12, Va);
G32(16, PSize);
G32(20, Pa);
// G16(32, NumRelocs);
G32(36, Flags);
static const CUInt32PCharPair g_HeaderCharacts[] =
{ 1, "Executable" },
{ 13, "DLL" },
{ 8, "32-bit" },
{ 5, "LargeAddress" },
{ 0, "NoRelocs" },
{ 2, "NoLineNums" },
{ 3, "NoLocalSyms" },
{ 4, "AggressiveWsTrim" },
{ 9, "NoDebugInfo" },
{ 10, "RemovableRun" },
{ 11, "NetRun" },
{ 12, "System" },
{ 14, "UniCPU" },
{ 7, "Little-Endian" },
{ 15, "Big-Endian" }
static const CUInt32PCharPair g_DllCharacts[] =
{ 6, "Relocated" },
{ 7, "Integrity" },
{ 8, "NX-Compatible" },
{ 9, "NoIsolation" },
{ 10, "NoSEH" },
{ 11, "NoBind" },
{ 13, "WDM" },
{ 15, "TerminalServerAware" }
static const CUInt32PCharPair g_SectFlags[] =
{ 3, "NoPad" },
{ 5, "Code" },
{ 6, "InitializedData" },
{ 7, "UninitializedData" },
{ 9, "Comments" },
{ 11, "Remove" },
{ 12, "COMDAT" },
{ 15, "GP" },
{ 24, "ExtendedRelocations" },
{ 25, "Discardable" },
{ 26, "NotCached" },
{ 27, "NotPaged" },
{ 28, "Shared" },
{ 29, "Execute" },
{ 30, "Read" },
{ 31, "Write" }
static const CUInt32PCharPair g_MachinePairs[] =
{ 0x014C, "x86" },
{ 0x014D, "I860" },
{ 0x0162, "MIPS-R3000" },
{ 0x0166, "MIPS-R4000" },
{ 0x0168, "MIPS-R10000" },
{ 0x0169, "MIPS-V2" },
{ 0x0184, "Alpha" },
{ 0x01A2, "SH3" },
{ 0x01A3, "SH3-DSP" },
{ 0x01A4, "SH3E" },
{ 0x01A6, "SH4" },
{ 0x01A8, "SH5" },
{ 0x01C0, "ARM" },
{ 0x01C2, "ARM-Thumb" },
{ 0x01C4, "ARM-NT" },
{ 0x01D3, "AM33" },
{ 0x01F0, "PPC" },
{ 0x01F1, "PPC-FP" },
{ 0x0200, "IA-64" },
{ 0x0266, "MIPS-16" },
{ 0x0284, "Alpha-64" },
{ 0x0366, "MIPS-FPU" },
{ 0x0466, "MIPS-FPU16" },
{ 0x0520, "TriCore" },
{ 0x0CEF, "CEF" },
{ 0x0EBC, "EFI" },
{ 0x8664, "x64" },
{ 0x9041, "M32R" },
{ 0xC0EE, "CEE" }
static const CUInt32PCharPair g_SubSystems[] =
{ 0, "Unknown" },
{ 1, "Native" },
{ 2, "Windows GUI" },
{ 3, "Windows CUI" },
{ 7, "Posix" },
{ 9, "Windows CE" },
{ 10, "EFI" },
{ 11, "EFI Boot" },
{ 12, "EFI Runtime" },
{ 13, "EFI ROM" },
{ 14, "XBOX" }
static const char * const g_ResTypes[] =
, "ICON"
, "MENU"
, "FONT"
, "VXD"
, "HTML"
static const UInt32 kFlag = (UInt32)1 << 31;
static const UInt32 kMask = ~kFlag;
struct CTableItem
UInt32 Offset;
UInt32 ID;
static const UInt32 kBmpHeaderSize = 14;
static const UInt32 kIconHeaderSize = 22;
struct CResItem
UInt32 Type;
UInt32 ID;
UInt32 Lang;
UInt32 Size;
UInt32 Offset;
UInt32 HeaderSize;
Byte Header[kIconHeaderSize]; // it must be enough for max size header.
bool Enabled;
bool IsNameEqual(const CResItem &item) const { return Lang == item.Lang; }
UInt32 GetSize() const { return Size + HeaderSize; }
bool IsBmp() const { return Type == 2; }
bool IsIcon() const { return Type == 3; }
bool IsString() const { return Type == 6; }
bool IsRcData() const { return Type == 10; }
bool IsVersion() const { return Type == 16; }
bool IsRcDataOrUnknown() const { return IsRcData() || Type > 64; }
struct CTextFile
CByteDynamicBuffer Buf;
size_t FinalSize() const { return Buf.GetPos(); }
void AddChar(Byte c);
void AddWChar(UInt16 c);
void AddWChar_Smart(UInt16 c);
void NewLine();
void AddString(const char *s);
void AddSpaces(int num);
void AddBytes(const Byte *p, size_t size)
Buf.AddData(p, size);
void OpenBlock(int num)
void CloseBlock(int num)
void CTextFile::AddChar(Byte c)
Byte *p = Buf.GetCurPtrAndGrow(2);
p[0] = c;
p[1] = 0;
void CTextFile::AddWChar(UInt16 c)
Byte *p = Buf.GetCurPtrAndGrow(2);
SetUi16(p, c);
void CTextFile::AddWChar_Smart(UInt16 c)
if (c == '\n')
c = 'n';
void CTextFile::NewLine()
void CTextFile::AddString(const char *s)
for (;; s++)
char c = *s;
if (c == 0)
void CTextFile::AddSpaces(int num)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
AddChar(' ');
struct CStringItem: public CTextFile
UInt32 Lang;
struct CByteBuffer_WithLang: public CByteBuffer
UInt32 Lang;
struct CMixItem
int SectionIndex;
int ResourceIndex;
int StringIndex;
int VersionIndex;
CMixItem(): SectionIndex(-1), ResourceIndex(-1), StringIndex(-1), VersionIndex(-1) {}
bool IsSectionItem() const { return ResourceIndex < 0 && StringIndex < 0 && VersionIndex < 0; }
struct CUsedBitmap
CByteBuffer Buf;
void Alloc(size_t size)
size = (size + 7) / 8;
memset(Buf, 0, size);
void Free()
bool SetRange(size_t from, unsigned size)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++)
size_t pos = (from + i) >> 3;
Byte mask = (Byte)(1 << ((from + i) & 7));
Byte b = Buf[pos];
if ((b & mask) != 0)
return false;
Buf[pos] = (Byte)(b | mask);
return true;
struct CStringKeyValue
UString Key;
UString Value;
class CHandler:
public IInArchive,
public IInArchiveGetStream,
public IArchiveAllowTail,
public CMyUnknownImp
CMyComPtr<IInStream> _stream;
CObjectVector<CSection> _sections;
UInt32 _peOffset;
CHeader _header;
UInt32 _totalSize;
Int32 _mainSubfile;
CRecordVector<CMixItem> _mixItems;
CRecordVector<CResItem> _items;
CObjectVector<CStringItem> _strings;
CObjectVector<CByteBuffer_WithLang> _versionFiles;
UString _versionFullString;
UString _versionShortString;
UString _originalFilename;
CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> _versionKeys;
CByteBuffer _buf;
bool _oneLang;
UString _resourcesPrefix;
CUsedBitmap _usedRes;
bool _parseResources;
bool _checksumError;
COptHeader _optHeader;
bool _allowTail;
HRESULT LoadDebugSections(IInStream *stream, bool &thereIsSection);
HRESULT Open2(IInStream *stream, IArchiveOpenCallback *callback);
void AddResNameToString(UString &s, UInt32 id) const;
void AddLangPrefix(UString &s, UInt32 lang) const;
HRESULT ReadString(UInt32 offset, UString &dest) const;
HRESULT ReadTable(UInt32 offset, CRecordVector<CTableItem> &items);
bool ParseStringRes(UInt32 id, UInt32 lang, const Byte *src, UInt32 size);
HRESULT OpenResources(unsigned sectIndex, IInStream *stream, IArchiveOpenCallback *callback);
void CloseResources();
bool CheckItem(const CSection &sect, const CResItem &item, size_t offset) const
return item.Offset >= sect.Va && offset <= _buf.Size() && _buf.Size() - offset >= item.Size;
CHandler(): _allowTail(false) {}
MY_UNKNOWN_IMP3(IInArchive, IInArchiveGetStream, IArchiveAllowTail)
STDMETHOD(GetStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **stream);
STDMETHOD(AllowTail)(Int32 allowTail);
kpidSectAlign = kpidUserDefined,
// kpidAddressOfEntryPoint,
// kpidBaseOfCode,
// kpidBaseOfData32,
static const CStatProp kArcProps[] =
// { NULL, kpidWarning, VT_BSTR},
{ NULL, kpidCpu, VT_BSTR},
{ NULL, kpidBit64, VT_BOOL},
{ NULL, kpidCharacts, VT_BSTR},
{ NULL, kpidCTime, VT_FILETIME},
{ NULL, kpidHeadersSize, VT_UI4},
{ NULL, kpidChecksum, VT_UI4},
{ NULL, kpidName, VT_BSTR},
{ "Image Size", kpidImageSize, VT_UI4},
{ "Section Alignment", kpidSectAlign, VT_UI4},
{ "File Alignment", kpidFileAlign, VT_UI4},
{ "Code Size", kpidCodeSize, VT_UI4},
{ "Initialized Data Size", kpidInitDataSize, VT_UI4},
{ "Uninitialized Data Size", kpidUnInitDataSize, VT_UI4},
{ "Linker Version", kpidLinkerVer, VT_BSTR},
{ "OS Version", kpidOsVer, VT_BSTR},
{ "Image Version", kpidImageVer, VT_BSTR},
{ "Subsystem Version", kpidSubsysVer, VT_BSTR},
{ "Subsystem", kpidSubSystem, VT_BSTR},
{ "DLL Characteristics", kpidDllCharacts, VT_BSTR},
{ "Stack Reserve", kpidStackReserve, VT_UI8},
{ "Stack Commit", kpidStackCommit, VT_UI8},
{ "Heap Reserve", kpidHeapReserve, VT_UI8},
{ "Heap Commit", kpidHeapCommit, VT_UI8},
{ "Image Base", kpidImageBase, VT_UI8},
{ NULL, kpidComment, VT_BSTR},
// { "Address Of Entry Point", kpidAddressOfEntryPoint, VT_UI8},
// { "Base Of Code", kpidBaseOfCode, VT_UI8},
// { "Base Of Data", kpidBaseOfData32, VT_UI8},
static const Byte kProps[] =
static void TimeToProp(UInt32 unixTime, NCOM::CPropVariant &prop)
if (unixTime != 0)
NTime::UnixTimeToFileTime(unixTime, ft);
prop = ft;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchiveProperty(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
switch (propID)
case kpidSectAlign: prop = _optHeader.SectAlign; break;
case kpidFileAlign: prop = _optHeader.FileAlign; break;
case kpidLinkerVer:
CVersion v = { _optHeader.LinkerVerMajor, _optHeader.LinkerVerMinor };
case kpidOsVer: _optHeader.OsVer.ToProp(prop); break;
case kpidImageVer: _optHeader.ImageVer.ToProp(prop); break;
case kpidSubsysVer: _optHeader.SubsysVer.ToProp(prop); break;
case kpidCodeSize: prop = _optHeader.CodeSize; break;
case kpidInitDataSize: prop = _optHeader.InitDataSize; break;
case kpidUnInitDataSize: prop = _optHeader.UninitDataSize; break;
case kpidImageSize: prop = _optHeader.ImageSize; break;
case kpidPhySize: prop = _totalSize; break;
case kpidHeadersSize: prop = _optHeader.HeadersSize; break;
case kpidChecksum: prop = _optHeader.CheckSum; break;
case kpidComment: if (!_versionFullString.IsEmpty()) prop = _versionFullString; break;
case kpidShortComment:
if (!_versionShortString.IsEmpty())
prop = _versionShortString;
PAIR_TO_PROP(g_MachinePairs, _header.Machine, prop);
case kpidName: if (!_originalFilename.IsEmpty()) prop = _originalFilename; break;
case kpidExtension:
if (_header.IsDll())
prop = _optHeader.IsSybSystem_EFI() ? "efi" : "dll";
// case kpidIsSelfExe: prop = !_header.IsDll(); break;
// case kpidError:
case kpidWarning: if (_checksumError) prop = "Checksum error"; break;
case kpidCpu: PAIR_TO_PROP(g_MachinePairs, _header.Machine, prop); break;
case kpidBit64: if (_optHeader.Is64Bit()) prop = true; break;
case kpidSubSystem: PAIR_TO_PROP(g_SubSystems, _optHeader.SubSystem, prop); break;
case kpidMTime:
case kpidCTime: TimeToProp(_header.Time, prop); break;
case kpidCharacts: FLAGS_TO_PROP(g_HeaderCharacts, _header.Flags, prop); break;
case kpidDllCharacts: FLAGS_TO_PROP(g_DllCharacts, _optHeader.DllCharacts, prop); break;
case kpidStackReserve: prop = _optHeader.StackReserve; break;
case kpidStackCommit: prop = _optHeader.StackCommit; break;
case kpidHeapReserve: prop = _optHeader.HeapReserve; break;
case kpidHeapCommit: prop = _optHeader.HeapCommit; break;
case kpidImageBase: prop = _optHeader.ImageBase; break;
// case kpidAddressOfEntryPoint: prop = _optHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; break;
// case kpidBaseOfCode: prop = _optHeader.BaseOfCode; break;
// case kpidBaseOfData32: if (!_optHeader.Is64Bit()) prop = _optHeader.BaseOfData32; break;
case kpidMainSubfile: if (_mainSubfile >= 0) prop = (UInt32)_mainSubfile; break;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CHandler::ReadString(UInt32 offset, UString &dest) const
if ((offset & 1) != 0 || offset >= _buf.Size())
return S_FALSE;
size_t rem = _buf.Size() - offset;
if (rem < 2)
return S_FALSE;
unsigned len = Get16(_buf + offset);
if ((rem - 2) / 2 < len)
return S_FALSE;
wchar_t *destBuf = dest.GetBuf(len);
offset += 2;
const Byte *src = _buf + offset;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
wchar_t c = (wchar_t)Get16(src + i * 2);
if (c == 0)
destBuf[i] = c;
destBuf[i] = 0;
return S_OK;
void CHandler::AddResNameToString(UString &s, UInt32 id) const
if ((id & kFlag) != 0)
UString name;
if (ReadString(id & kMask, name) == S_OK)
const wchar_t *str = L"[]";
if (name.Len() > 1 && name[0] == '"' && name.Back() == '"')
if (name.Len() != 2)
str = name.Ptr(1);
else if (!name.IsEmpty())
str = name;
s += str;
wchar_t sz[16];
ConvertUInt32ToString(id, sz);
s += sz;
void CHandler::AddLangPrefix(UString &s, UInt32 lang) const
if (!_oneLang)
AddResNameToString(s, lang);
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetProperty(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
const CMixItem &mixItem = _mixItems[index];
if (mixItem.StringIndex >= 0)
const CStringItem &item = _strings[mixItem.StringIndex];
switch (propID)
case kpidPath:
UString s = _resourcesPrefix;
AddLangPrefix(s, item.Lang);
prop = s;
case kpidSize:
case kpidPackSize:
prop = (UInt64)item.FinalSize(); break;
else if (mixItem.VersionIndex >= 0)
const CByteBuffer_WithLang &item = _versionFiles[mixItem.VersionIndex];
switch (propID)
case kpidPath:
UString s = _resourcesPrefix;
AddLangPrefix(s, item.Lang);
prop = s;
case kpidSize:
case kpidPackSize:
prop = (UInt64)item.Size(); break;
else if (mixItem.ResourceIndex >= 0)
const CResItem &item = _items[mixItem.ResourceIndex];
switch (propID)
case kpidPath:
UString s = _resourcesPrefix;
AddLangPrefix(s, item.Lang);
const char *p = NULL;
if (item.Type < ARRAY_SIZE(g_ResTypes))
p = g_ResTypes[item.Type];
if (p)
AddResNameToString(s, item.Type);
AddResNameToString(s, item.ID);
if (item.HeaderSize != 0)
if (item.IsBmp())
else if (item.IsIcon())
prop = s;
case kpidSize: prop = (UInt64)item.GetSize(); break;
case kpidPackSize: prop = (UInt64)item.Size; break;
const CSection &item = _sections[mixItem.SectionIndex];
switch (propID)
case kpidPath: prop = MultiByteToUnicodeString(item.Name); break;
case kpidSize: prop = (UInt64)item.PSize; break;
case kpidPackSize: prop = (UInt64)item.PSize; break;
case kpidVirtualSize: prop = (UInt64)item.VSize; break;
case kpidOffset: prop = item.Pa; break;
case kpidVa: if (item.IsRealSect) prop = item.Va; break;
case kpidMTime:
case kpidCTime:
TimeToProp(item.IsDebug ? item.Time : _header.Time, prop); break;
case kpidCharacts: if (item.IsRealSect) FLAGS_TO_PROP(g_SectFlags, item.Flags, prop); break;
case kpidZerosTailIsAllowed: if (!item.IsRealSect) prop = true; break;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CHandler::LoadDebugSections(IInStream *stream, bool &thereIsSection)
thereIsSection = false;
const CDirLink &debugLink = _optHeader.DirItems[kDirLink_Debug];
if (debugLink.Size == 0)
return S_OK;
const unsigned kEntrySize = 28;
UInt32 numItems = debugLink.Size / kEntrySize;
if (numItems * kEntrySize != debugLink.Size || numItems > 16)
return S_FALSE;
UInt64 pa = 0;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _sections.Size(); i++)
const CSection &sect = _sections[i];
if (sect.Va <= debugLink.Va && debugLink.Va + debugLink.Size <= sect.Va + sect.PSize)
pa = sect.Pa + (debugLink.Va - sect.Va);
if (i == _sections.Size())
// Exe for ARM requires S_OK
// return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
CByteBuffer buffer(debugLink.Size);
Byte *buf = buffer;
RINOK(stream->Seek(pa, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, debugLink.Size));
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
CDebugEntry de;
if (de.Size == 0)
UInt32 totalSize = de.Pa + de.Size;
if (totalSize > _totalSize)
_totalSize = totalSize;
thereIsSection = true;
CSection &sect = _sections.AddNew();
sect.Name = ".debug" + GetDecString(i);
sect.IsDebug = true;
sect.Time = de.Time;
sect.Va = de.Va;
sect.Pa = de.Pa;
sect.PSize = sect.VSize = de.Size;
buf += kEntrySize;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CHandler::ReadTable(UInt32 offset, CRecordVector<CTableItem> &items)
if ((offset & 3) != 0 || offset >= _buf.Size())
return S_FALSE;
size_t rem = _buf.Size() - offset;
if (rem < 16)
return S_FALSE;
unsigned numNameItems = Get16(_buf + offset + 12);
unsigned numIdItems = Get16(_buf + offset + 14);
unsigned numItems = numNameItems + numIdItems;
if ((rem - 16) / 8 < numItems)
return S_FALSE;
if (!_usedRes.SetRange(offset, 16 + numItems * 8))
return S_FALSE;
offset += 16;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numItems; i++, offset += 8)
const Byte *buf = _buf + offset;
CTableItem item;
item.ID = Get32(buf + 0);
if ((bool)((item.ID & kFlag) != 0) != (bool)(i < numNameItems))
return S_FALSE;
item.Offset = Get32(buf + 4);
return S_OK;
static const UInt32 kFileSizeMax = (UInt32)1 << 31;
static const unsigned kNumResItemsMax = (unsigned)1 << 23;
static const unsigned kNumStringLangsMax = 256;
struct CBitmapInfoHeader
// UInt32 HeaderSize;
UInt32 XSize;
Int32 YSize;
UInt16 Planes;
UInt16 BitCount;
UInt32 Compression;
UInt32 SizeImage;
bool Parse(const Byte *p, size_t size);
static const UInt32 kBitmapInfoHeader_Size = 0x28;
bool CBitmapInfoHeader::Parse(const Byte *p, size_t size)
if (size < kBitmapInfoHeader_Size || Get32(p) != kBitmapInfoHeader_Size)
return false;
G32( 4, XSize);
G32( 8, YSize);
G16(12, Planes);
G16(14, BitCount);
G32(16, Compression);
G32(20, SizeImage);
return true;
static UInt32 GetImageSize(UInt32 xSize, UInt32 ySize, UInt32 bitCount)
return ((xSize * bitCount + 7) / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4 * ySize;
static UInt32 SetBitmapHeader(Byte *dest, const Byte *src, UInt32 size)
CBitmapInfoHeader h;
if (!h.Parse(src, size))
return 0;
if (h.YSize < 0)
h.YSize = -h.YSize;
if (h.XSize > (1 << 26) || h.YSize > (1 << 26) || h.Planes != 1 || h.BitCount > 32)
return 0;
if (h.SizeImage == 0)
if (h.Compression != 0) // BI_RGB
return 0;
h.SizeImage = GetImageSize(h.XSize, h.YSize, h.BitCount);
UInt32 totalSize = kBmpHeaderSize + size;
UInt32 offBits = totalSize - h.SizeImage;
SetUi16(dest, 0x4D42);
SetUi32(dest + 2, totalSize);
SetUi32(dest + 6, 0);
SetUi32(dest + 10, offBits);
return kBmpHeaderSize;
static UInt32 SetIconHeader(Byte *dest, const Byte *src, UInt32 size)
CBitmapInfoHeader h;
if (!h.Parse(src, size))
return 0;
if (h.YSize < 0)
h.YSize = -h.YSize;
if (h.XSize > (1 << 26) || h.YSize > (1 << 26) || h.Planes != 1 ||
h.Compression != 0) // BI_RGB
return 0;
UInt32 numBitCount = h.BitCount;
if (numBitCount != 1 &&
numBitCount != 4 &&
numBitCount != 8 &&
numBitCount != 24 &&
numBitCount != 32)
return 0;
if ((h.YSize & 1) != 0)
return 0;
h.YSize /= 2;
if (h.XSize > 0x100 || h.YSize > 0x100)
return 0;
UInt32 imageSize;
// imageSize is not correct if AND mask array contains zeros
// in this case it is equal image1Size
// UInt32 imageSize = h.SizeImage;
// if (imageSize == 0)
// {
UInt32 image1Size = GetImageSize(h.XSize, h.YSize, h.BitCount);
UInt32 image2Size = GetImageSize(h.XSize, h.YSize, 1);
imageSize = image1Size + image2Size;
// }
UInt32 numColors = 0;
if (numBitCount < 16)
numColors = 1 << numBitCount;
SetUi16(dest, 0); // Reserved
SetUi16(dest + 2, 1); // RES_ICON
SetUi16(dest + 4, 1); // ResCount
dest[6] = (Byte)h.XSize; // Width
dest[7] = (Byte)h.YSize; // Height
dest[8] = (Byte)numColors; // ColorCount
dest[9] = 0; // Reserved
SetUi32(dest + 10, 0); // Reserved1 / Reserved2
UInt32 numQuadsBytes = numColors * 4;
UInt32 BytesInRes = kBitmapInfoHeader_Size + numQuadsBytes + imageSize;
SetUi32(dest + 14, BytesInRes);
SetUi32(dest + 18, kIconHeaderSize);
Description = DWORDToString(xSize) +
kDelimiterChar + DWORDToString(ySize) +
kDelimiterChar + DWORDToString(numBitCount);
return kIconHeaderSize;
bool CHandler::ParseStringRes(UInt32 id, UInt32 lang, const Byte *src, UInt32 size)
if ((size & 1) != 0)
return false;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _strings.Size(); i++)
if (_strings[i].Lang == lang)
if (i == _strings.Size())
if (_strings.Size() >= kNumStringLangsMax)
return false;
CStringItem &item = _strings.AddNew();
item.Lang = lang;
CStringItem &item = _strings[i];
id = (id - 1) << 4;
UInt32 pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (size - pos < 2)
return false;
UInt32 len = Get16(src + pos);
pos += 2;
if (len != 0)
if (size - pos < len * 2)
return false;
char temp[32];
ConvertUInt32ToString(id + i, temp);
size_t tempLen = strlen(temp);
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < tempLen; j++)
for (j = 0; j < len; j++, pos += 2)
item.AddWChar_Smart(Get16(src + pos));
if (size == pos)
return true;
// Some rare case files have additional ZERO.
if (size == pos + 2 && Get16(src + pos) == 0)
return true;
return false;
// ---------- VERSION ----------
static const UInt32 kMy_VS_FFI_SIGNATURE = 0xFEEF04BD;
// UInt32 Signature;
// UInt32 StrucVersion;
UInt32 VersionMS;
UInt32 VersionLS;
UInt32 ProductVersionMS;
UInt32 ProductVersionLS;
UInt32 FlagsMask;
UInt32 Flags;
UInt32 OS;
UInt32 Type;
UInt32 Subtype;
UInt32 DateMS;
UInt32 DateLS;
bool Parse(const Byte *p);
void PrintToTextFile(CTextFile &f, CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> &keys);
bool CMy_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::Parse(const Byte *p)
if (Get32(p) != kMy_VS_FFI_SIGNATURE) // signature;
return false;
// G32(0x04, StrucVersion);
G32(0x08, VersionMS);
G32(0x0C, VersionLS);
G32(0x10, ProductVersionMS);
G32(0x14, ProductVersionLS);
G32(0x18, FlagsMask);
G32(0x1C, Flags);
G32(0x20, OS);
G32(0x24, Type);
G32(0x28, Subtype);
G32(0x2C, DateMS);
G32(0x40, DateLS);
return true;
static void PrintUInt32(CTextFile &f, UInt32 v)
char s[16];
ConvertUInt32ToString(v, s);
static void PrintUInt32(UString &dest, UInt32 v)
wchar_t s[16];
ConvertUInt32ToString(v, s);
dest += s;
static void PrintHex(CTextFile &f, UInt32 val)
char temp[16];
temp[0] = '0';
temp[1] = 'x';
ConvertUInt32ToHex(val, temp + 2);
static void PrintVersion(CTextFile &f, UInt32 ms, UInt32 ls)
PrintUInt32(f, HIWORD(ms)); f.AddChar(',');
PrintUInt32(f, LOWORD(ms)); f.AddChar(',');
PrintUInt32(f, HIWORD(ls)); f.AddChar(',');
PrintUInt32(f, LOWORD(ls));
static void PrintVersion(UString &s, UInt32 ms, UInt32 ls)
PrintUInt32(s, HIWORD(ms)); s += L'.';
PrintUInt32(s, LOWORD(ms)); s += L'.';
PrintUInt32(s, HIWORD(ls)); s += L'.';
PrintUInt32(s, LOWORD(ls));
static const char * const k_VS_FileFlags[] =
static const CUInt32PCharPair k_VS_FileOS[] =
{ 0x10001, "VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16" },
{ 0x10004, "VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32" },
{ 0x20002, "VOS_OS216_PM16" },
{ 0x30003, "VOS_OS232_PM32" },
{ 0x40004, "VOS_NT_WINDOWS32" }
static const char * const k_VS_FileOS_High[] =
, "VOS_OS216"
, "VOS_OS232"
, "VOS_NT"
static const UInt32 kMY_VFT_DRV = 3;
static const UInt32 kMY_VFT_FONT = 4;
static const char * const k_VS_FileOS_Low[] =
, "VOS__PM16"
, "VOS__PM32"
static const char * const k_VS_FileType[] =
, "0x6"
// Subtype for VFT_DRV Type
static const char * const k_VS_FileSubType_DRV[] =
, "COMM"
// Subtype for VFT_FONT Type
static const char * const k_VS_FileSubType_FONT[] =
static int FindKey(CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> &v, const char *key)
if (v[i].Key.IsEqualTo(key))
return i;
return -1;
static void AddToUniqueUStringVector(CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> &v, const UString &key, const UString &value)
bool needInsert = false;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < v.Size(); i++)
if (v[i].Key == key)
if (v[i].Value == value)
needInsert = true;
else if (needInsert)
CStringKeyValue &pair = v.InsertNew(i);
pair.Key = key;
pair.Value = value;
void CMy_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::PrintToTextFile(CTextFile &f, CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> &keys)
f.AddString("FILEVERSION ");
PrintVersion(f, VersionMS, VersionLS);
PrintVersion(f, ProductVersionMS, ProductVersionLS);
UString s;
PrintVersion(s, VersionMS, VersionLS);
AddToUniqueUStringVector(keys, L"FileVersion", s);
UString s;
PrintVersion(s, ProductVersionMS, ProductVersionLS);
AddToUniqueUStringVector(keys, L"ProductVersion", s);
f.AddString("FILEFLAGSMASK ");
PrintHex(f, FlagsMask);
f.AddString("FILEFLAGS ");
bool wasPrinted = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileFlags); i++)
if ((Flags & ((UInt32)1 << i)) != 0)
if (wasPrinted)
f.AddString(" | ");
wasPrinted = true;
UInt32 v = Flags & ~(((UInt32)1 << ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileFlags)) - 1);
if (v != 0 || !wasPrinted)
if (wasPrinted)
f.AddString(" | ");
PrintHex(f, v);
// OS = 0x111230;
f.AddString("FILEOS ");
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileOS); i++)
const CUInt32PCharPair &pair = k_VS_FileOS[i];
if (OS == pair.Value)
// continue;
// f.AddString("VOS_");
if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileOS))
UInt32 high = OS >> 16;
if (high < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileOS_High))
PrintHex(f, high << 16);
UInt32 low = OS & 0xFFFF;
if (low != 0)
f.AddString(" | ");
if (low < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileOS_Low))
PrintHex(f, low);
f.AddString("FILETYPE ");
if (Type < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileType))
PrintHex(f, Type);
f.AddString("FILESUBTYPE ");
bool needPrintSubType = true;
if (Type == kMY_VFT_DRV)
if (Subtype != 0 && Subtype < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileSubType_DRV))
needPrintSubType = false;
else if (Type == kMY_VFT_FONT)
if (Subtype != 0 && Subtype < ARRAY_SIZE(k_VS_FileSubType_FONT))
needPrintSubType = false;
if (needPrintSubType)
PrintHex(f, Subtype);
static void CopyToUString(const Byte *p, UString &s)
for (;;)
wchar_t c = (wchar_t)Get16(p);
p += 2;
if (c == 0)
s += c;
static bool CompareWStrStrings(const Byte *p, const char *s)
unsigned pos = 0;
for (;;)
Byte c = *s++;
if (Get16(p + pos) != c)
return false;
pos += 2;
if (c == 0)
return true;
struct CVersionBlock
UInt32 TotalLen;
UInt32 ValueLen;
bool IsTextValue;
unsigned StrSize;
bool Parse(const Byte *p, UInt32 size);
static int Get_Utf16Str_Len_InBytes(const Byte *p, size_t size)
unsigned pos = 0;
for (;;)
if (pos + 1 >= size)
return -1;
if (Get16(p + pos) == 0)
return pos;
pos += 2;
static const unsigned k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size = 6;
bool CVersionBlock::Parse(const Byte *p, UInt32 size)
if (size < k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size)
return false;
TotalLen = Get16(p);
ValueLen = Get16(p + 2);
if (TotalLen == 0 || TotalLen > size)
return false;
switch (Get16(p + 4))
case 0: IsTextValue = false; break;
case 1: IsTextValue = true; break;
default: return false;
StrSize = 0;
int t = Get_Utf16Str_Len_InBytes(p + k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size, TotalLen - k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size);
if (t < 0)
return false;
StrSize = t;
return true;
static void AddParamString(CTextFile &f, const Byte *p, size_t sLen)
f.AddChar(' ');
f.AddBytes(p, sLen);
static bool ParseVersion(const Byte *p, UInt32 size, CTextFile &f, CObjectVector<CStringKeyValue> &keys)
UInt32 pos;
const unsigned k_sizeof_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO = 13 * 4;
CVersionBlock vb;
if (!vb.Parse(p, size))
return false;
if (vb.ValueLen != k_sizeof_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) // maybe 0 is allowed here?
return false;
if (vb.IsTextValue)
return false;
pos = k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size;
if (!CompareWStrStrings(p + pos, "VS_VERSION_INFO"))
return false;
pos += vb.StrSize + 2;
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos + vb.ValueLen > vb.TotalLen)
return false;
/* sometimes resource contains zeros in remainder.
So we don't check that size != vb.TotalLen
// if (size != vb.TotalLen) return false;
if (size > vb.TotalLen)
size = vb.TotalLen;
if (!FixedFileInfo.Parse(p + pos))
return false;
FixedFileInfo.PrintToTextFile(f, keys);
pos += vb.ValueLen;
for (;;)
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos >= size)
CVersionBlock vb;
if (!vb.Parse(p + pos, size - pos))
return false;
if (vb.ValueLen != 0)
return false;
UInt32 endPos = pos + vb.TotalLen;
pos += k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size;
AddParamString(f, p + pos, vb.StrSize);
if (CompareWStrStrings(p + pos, "VarFileInfo"))
pos += vb.StrSize + 2;
for (;;)
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos >= endPos)
CVersionBlock vb2;
if (!vb2.Parse(p + pos, endPos - pos))
return false;
UInt32 endPos2 = pos + vb2.TotalLen;
if (vb2.IsTextValue)
return false;
pos += k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size;
AddParamString(f, p + pos, vb2.StrSize);
if (!CompareWStrStrings(p + pos, "Translation"))
return false;
pos += vb2.StrSize + 2;
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos + vb2.ValueLen != endPos2)
return false;
if ((vb2.ValueLen & 3) != 0)
return false;
UInt32 num = (vb2.ValueLen >> 2);
for (; num != 0; num--, pos += 4)
UInt32 dw = Get32(p + pos);
UInt32 lang = LOWORD(dw);
UInt32 codePage = HIWORD(dw);
f.AddString(", ");
PrintHex(f, lang);
f.AddString(", ");
PrintUInt32(f, codePage);
if (!CompareWStrStrings(p + pos, "StringFileInfo"))
return false;
pos += vb.StrSize + 2;
for (;;)
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos >= endPos)
CVersionBlock vb2;
if (!vb2.Parse(p + pos, endPos - pos))
return false;
UInt32 endPos2 = pos + vb2.TotalLen;
if (vb2.ValueLen != 0)
return false;
pos += k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size;
AddParamString(f, p + pos, vb2.StrSize);
pos += vb2.StrSize + 2;
for (;;)
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (pos >= endPos2)
CVersionBlock vb3;
if (!vb3.Parse(p + pos, endPos2 - pos))
return false;
// ValueLen sometimes is a number of characters (not bytes)?
// So we don't use it.
UInt32 endPos3 = pos + vb3.TotalLen;
pos += k_ResoureBlockHeader_Size;
// we don't write string if it's not text
if (vb3.IsTextValue)
AddParamString(f, p + pos, vb3.StrSize);
UString key;
UString value;
CopyToUString(p + pos, key);
pos += vb3.StrSize + 2;
pos += (4 - pos) & 3;
if (vb3.ValueLen > 0 && pos + 2 <= endPos3)
f.AddSpaces((34 - (int)vb3.StrSize) / 2);
int sLen = Get_Utf16Str_Len_InBytes(p + pos, endPos3 - pos);
if (sLen < 0)
return false;
AddParamString(f, p + pos, (unsigned)sLen);
CopyToUString(p + pos, value);
pos += sLen + 2;
AddToUniqueUStringVector(keys, key, value);
pos = endPos3;
return true;
HRESULT CHandler::OpenResources(unsigned sectionIndex, IInStream *stream, IArchiveOpenCallback *callback)
const CSection &sect = _sections[sectionIndex];
size_t fileSize = sect.PSize;
size_t fileSizeMin = sect.PSize;
if (sect.VSize < sect.PSize)
fileSize = fileSizeMin = sect.VSize;
const int numBits = _optHeader.GetNumFileAlignBits();
if (numBits > 0)
const UInt32 mask = ((UInt32)1 << numBits) - 1;
const size_t end = (size_t)((sect.VSize + mask) & (UInt32)~mask);
if (end > sect.VSize)
if (end <= sect.PSize)
fileSize = end;
fileSize = sect.PSize;
if (fileSize > kFileSizeMax)
return S_FALSE;
const UInt64 fileSize64 = fileSize;
if (callback)
RINOK(callback->SetTotal(NULL, &fileSize64));
RINOK(stream->Seek(sect.Pa, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
size_t pos;
for (pos = 0; pos < fileSize;)
const UInt64 offset64 = pos;
if (callback)
RINOK(callback->SetCompleted(NULL, &offset64))
size_t rem = MyMin(fileSize - pos, (size_t)(1 << 22));
RINOK(ReadStream(stream, _buf + pos, &rem));
if (rem == 0)
if (pos < fileSizeMin)
return S_FALSE;
pos += rem;
if (pos < fileSize)
memset(_buf + pos, 0, fileSize - pos);
CRecordVector<CTableItem> specItems;
RINOK(ReadTable(0, specItems));
_oneLang = true;
bool stringsOk = true;
size_t maxOffset = 0;
FOR_VECTOR (i, specItems)
const CTableItem &item1 = specItems[i];
if ((item1.Offset & kFlag) == 0)
return S_FALSE;
CRecordVector<CTableItem> specItems2;
RINOK(ReadTable(item1.Offset & kMask, specItems2));
FOR_VECTOR (j, specItems2)
const CTableItem &item2 = specItems2[j];
if ((item2.Offset & kFlag) == 0)
return S_FALSE;
CRecordVector<CTableItem> specItems3;
RINOK(ReadTable(item2.Offset & kMask, specItems3));
CResItem item;
item.Type = item1.ID;
item.ID = item2.ID;
FOR_VECTOR (k, specItems3)
if (_items.Size() >= kNumResItemsMax)
return S_FALSE;
const CTableItem &item3 = specItems3[k];
if ((item3.Offset & kFlag) != 0)
return S_FALSE;
if (item3.Offset >= _buf.Size() || _buf.Size() - item3.Offset < 16)
return S_FALSE;
const Byte *buf = _buf + item3.Offset;
item.Lang = item3.ID;
item.Offset = Get32(buf + 0);
item.Size = Get32(buf + 4);
// UInt32 codePage = Get32(buf + 8);
if (Get32(buf + 12) != 0)
return S_FALSE;
if (!_items.IsEmpty() && _oneLang && !item.IsNameEqual(_items.Back()))
_oneLang = false;
item.HeaderSize = 0;
size_t offset = item.Offset - sect.Va;
if (offset > maxOffset)
maxOffset = offset;
if (offset + item.Size > maxOffset)
maxOffset = offset + item.Size;
if (CheckItem(sect, item, offset))
const Byte *data = _buf + offset;
if (item.IsBmp())
item.HeaderSize = SetBitmapHeader(item.Header, data, item.Size);
else if (item.IsIcon())
item.HeaderSize = SetIconHeader(item.Header, data, item.Size);
else if (item.IsString())
if (stringsOk)
stringsOk = ParseStringRes(item.ID, item.Lang, data, item.Size);
if (item.IsVersion())
if (offset > _buf.Size() || _buf.Size() - offset < item.Size)
CTextFile f;
if (ParseVersion((const Byte *)_buf + offset, item.Size, f, _versionKeys))
CMixItem mixItem;
mixItem.VersionIndex = _versionFiles.Size();
mixItem.SectionIndex = sectionIndex; // check it !!!!
CByteBuffer_WithLang &vf = _versionFiles.AddNew();
vf.Lang = item.Lang;
vf.CopyFrom(f.Buf, f.Buf.GetPos());
// PrintError("ver.Parse error");
item.Enabled = true;
if (stringsOk && !_strings.IsEmpty())
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _items.Size(); i++)
CResItem &item = _items[i];
if (item.IsString())
item.Enabled = false;
for (i = 0; i < _strings.Size(); i++)
if (_strings[i].FinalSize() == 0)
CMixItem mixItem;
mixItem.StringIndex = i;
mixItem.SectionIndex = sectionIndex;
// PSize can be much larger than VSize in some exe installers.
// it contains archive data after PE resources.
// So we need to use PSize here!
if (maxOffset < sect.PSize)
size_t end = fileSize;
// we skip Zeros to start of aligned block
size_t i;
for (i = maxOffset; i < end; i++)
if (_buf[i] != 0)
if (i == end)
maxOffset = end;
CSection sect2;
sect2.Flags = 0;
sect2.Pa = sect.Pa + (UInt32)maxOffset;
sect2.Va = sect.Va + (UInt32)maxOffset;
// 9.29: we use sect.PSize instead of sect.VSize to support some CAB-SFX
// the code for .rsrc_2 is commented.
sect2.PSize = sect.PSize - (UInt32)maxOffset;
if (sect2.PSize != 0)
sect2.VSize = sect2.PSize;
sect2.Name = ".rsrc_1";
sect2.Time = 0;
sect2.IsAdditionalSection = true;
return S_OK;
static inline bool CheckPeOffset(UInt32 pe)
return (pe >= 0x40 && pe <= 0x1000 && (pe & 7) == 0);
static const unsigned kStartSize = 0x40;
API_FUNC_static_IsArc IsArc_Pe(const Byte *p, size_t size)
if (size < 2)
return k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE;
if (p[0] != 'M' || p[1] != 'Z')
return k_IsArc_Res_NO;
if (size < kStartSize)
return k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE;
UInt32 pe = Get32(p + 0x3C);
if (!CheckPeOffset(pe))
return k_IsArc_Res_NO;
if (pe + kHeaderSize > size)
return k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE;
CHeader header;
if (!header.Parse(p + pe))
return k_IsArc_Res_NO;
return k_IsArc_Res_YES;
HRESULT CHandler::Open2(IInStream *stream, IArchiveOpenCallback *callback)
Byte h[kStartSize];
_mainSubfile = -1;
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, h, kStartSize));
if (h[0] != 'M' || h[1] != 'Z')
return S_FALSE;
/* most of PE files contain 0x0090 at offset 2.
But some rare PE files contain another values. So we don't use that check.
if (Get16(h + 2) != 0x90) return false; */
_peOffset = Get32(h + 0x3C);
if (!CheckPeOffset(_peOffset))
return S_FALSE;
Byte h[kHeaderSize];
RINOK(stream->Seek(_peOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, h, kHeaderSize));
if (!_header.Parse(h))
return S_FALSE;
UInt32 bufSize = _header.OptHeaderSize + (UInt32)_header.NumSections * kSectionSize;
_totalSize = _peOffset + kHeaderSize + bufSize;
CByteBuffer buffer(bufSize);
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buffer, bufSize));
if (!_optHeader.Parse(buffer, _header.OptHeaderSize))
return S_FALSE;
UInt32 pos = _header.OptHeaderSize;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _header.NumSections; i++, pos += kSectionSize)
CSection &sect = _sections.AddNew();
sect.Parse(buffer + pos);
sect.IsRealSect = true;
/* PE pre-file in .hxs file has errors:
PSize of resource is larger tnan real size.
So it overlaps next ".its" section.
We correct it. */
if (i > 0)
CSection &prev = _sections[i - 1];
if (prev.Pa < sect.Pa &&
prev.Pa + prev.PSize > sect.Pa &&
sect.PSize > 0)
// printf("\n !!!! Section correction: %s\n ", prev.Name);
// fflush(stdout);
prev.PSize = sect.Pa - prev.Pa;
/* last ".its" section in hxs file has incorrect sect.PSize.
So we reduce it to real sect.VSize */
if (sect.VSize == 24 && sect.PSize == 512 && i == (unsigned)_header.NumSections - 1)
sect.PSize = sect.VSize;
for (i = 0; i < _sections.Size(); i++)
bool thereISDebug;
RINOK(LoadDebugSections(stream, thereISDebug));
const CDirLink &certLink = _optHeader.DirItems[kDirLink_Certificate];
if (certLink.Size != 0)
CSection &sect = _sections.AddNew();
sect.Name = "CERTIFICATE";
sect.Va = 0;
sect.Pa = certLink.Va;
sect.PSize = sect.VSize = certLink.Size;
if (thereISDebug)
/* sometime there is some data after debug section.
We don't see any reference in exe file to that data.
But we suppose that it's part of EXE file */
const UInt32 kAlign = 1 << 12;
UInt32 alignPos = _totalSize & (kAlign - 1);
if (alignPos != 0)
UInt32 size = kAlign - alignPos;
RINOK(stream->Seek(_totalSize, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
Byte *buf = buffer;
size_t processed = size;
RINOK(ReadStream(stream, buf, &processed));
if (processed != 0)
printf("\ndata after debug %d, %d \n", (int)size, (int)processed);
size_t k;
for (k = 0; k < processed; k++)
if (buf[k] != 0)
if (processed < size && processed < 100)
_totalSize += (UInt32)processed;
else if (((_totalSize + k) & 0x1FF) == 0 || processed < size)
_totalSize += (UInt32)k;
if (_header.NumSymbols > 0 && _header.PointerToSymbolTable >= 512)
if (_header.NumSymbols >= (1 << 24))
return S_FALSE;
UInt32 size = _header.NumSymbols * 18;
RINOK(stream->Seek((UInt64)_header.PointerToSymbolTable + size, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
Byte buf[4];
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, 4));
UInt32 size2 = Get32(buf);
if (size2 >= (1 << 28))
return S_FALSE;
size += size2;
CSection &sect = _sections.AddNew();
sect.Name = "COFF_SYMBOLS";
sect.Va = 0;
sect.Pa = _header.PointerToSymbolTable;
sect.PSize = sect.VSize = size;
CObjectVector<CSection> sections = _sections;
UInt32 limit = (1 << 12);
unsigned num = 0;
FOR_VECTOR (k, sections)
const CSection &s = sections[k];
if (s.Pa > limit)
CSection &s2 = _sections.AddNew();
s2.Pa = s2.Va = limit;
s2.PSize = s2.VSize = s.Pa - limit;
s2.IsAdditionalSection = true;
s2.Name = '[';
s2.Name += GetDecString(num++);
s2.Name += ']';
limit = s.Pa;
UInt32 next = s.Pa + s.PSize;
if (next < s.Pa)
if (next >= limit)
limit = next;
if (_optHeader.CheckSum != 0)
RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
UInt32 checkSum = 0;
RINOK(CalcCheckSum(stream, _totalSize, _peOffset + kHeaderSize + k_CheckSum_Field_Offset, checkSum));
_checksumError = (checkSum != _optHeader.CheckSum);
if (!_allowTail)
UInt64 fileSize;
RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_END, &fileSize));
if (fileSize > _totalSize)
return S_FALSE;
_parseResources = true;
// _parseResources = false;
UInt64 mainSize = 0, mainSize2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < _sections.Size(); i++)
const CSection &sect = _sections[i];
CMixItem mixItem;
mixItem.SectionIndex = i;
if (_parseResources && sect.Name == ".rsrc" && _items.IsEmpty())
HRESULT res = OpenResources(i, stream, callback);
if (res == S_OK)
FOR_VECTOR (j, _items)
const CResItem &item = _items[j];
if (item.Enabled)
mixItem.ResourceIndex = j;
if (item.IsRcDataOrUnknown())
if (item.Size >= mainSize)
mainSize2 = mainSize;
mainSize = item.Size;
_mainSubfile = _mixItems.Size();
else if (item.Size >= mainSize2)
mainSize2 = item.Size;
// 9.29: .rsrc_2 code was commented.
// .rsrc_1 now must include that .rsrc_2 block.
if (sect.PSize > sect.VSize)
int numBits = _optHeader.GetNumFileAlignBits();
if (numBits >= 0)
UInt32 mask = (1 << numBits) - 1;
UInt32 end = ((sect.VSize + mask) & ~mask);
if (sect.PSize > end)
CSection &sect2 = _sections.AddNew();
sect2.Flags = 0;
sect2.Pa = sect.Pa + end;
sect2.Va = sect.Va + end;
sect2.PSize = sect.PSize - end;
sect2.VSize = sect2.PSize;
sect2.Name = ".rsrc_2";
sect2.Time = 0;
sect2.IsAdditionalSection = true;
if (res != S_FALSE)
return res;
if (sect.IsAdditionalSection)
if (sect.PSize >= mainSize)
mainSize2 = mainSize;
mainSize = sect.PSize;
_mainSubfile = _mixItems.Size();
else if (sect.PSize >= mainSize2)
mainSize2 = sect.PSize;
if (mainSize2 >= (1 << 20) && mainSize < mainSize2 * 2)
_mainSubfile = -1;
for (i = 0; i < _mixItems.Size(); i++)
const CMixItem &mixItem = _mixItems[i];
if (mixItem.StringIndex < 0 && mixItem.ResourceIndex < 0 && _sections[mixItem.SectionIndex].Name == "_winzip_")
_mainSubfile = i;
for (i = 0; i < _versionKeys.Size(); i++)
if (i != 0)
const CStringKeyValue &k = _versionKeys[i];
_versionFullString += k.Key;
_versionFullString += L": ";
_versionFullString += k.Value;
int keyIndex = FindKey(_versionKeys, "OriginalFilename");
if (keyIndex >= 0)
_originalFilename = _versionKeys[keyIndex].Value;
int keyIndex = FindKey(_versionKeys, "FileDescription");
if (keyIndex >= 0)
_versionShortString = _versionKeys[keyIndex].Value;
int keyIndex = FindKey(_versionKeys, "FileVersion");
if (keyIndex >= 0)
_versionShortString += _versionKeys[keyIndex].Value;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Open(IInStream *inStream, const UInt64 *, IArchiveOpenCallback *callback)
RINOK(Open2(inStream, callback));
_stream = inStream;
return S_OK;
void CHandler::CloseResources()
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Close()
_totalSize = 0;
_checksumError = false;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfItems(UInt32 *numItems)
*numItems = _mixItems.Size();
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Extract(const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems,
Int32 testMode, IArchiveExtractCallback *extractCallback)
bool allFilesMode = (numItems == (UInt32)(Int32)-1);
if (allFilesMode)
numItems = _mixItems.Size();
if (numItems == 0)
return S_OK;
UInt64 totalSize = 0;
UInt32 i;
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
const CMixItem &mixItem = _mixItems[allFilesMode ? i : indices[i]];
UInt64 size;
if (mixItem.StringIndex >= 0)
size = _strings[mixItem.StringIndex].FinalSize();
else if (mixItem.VersionIndex >= 0)
size = _versionFiles[mixItem.VersionIndex].Size();
else if (mixItem.ResourceIndex >= 0)
size = _items[mixItem.ResourceIndex].GetSize();
size = _sections[mixItem.SectionIndex].GetSizeExtract();
totalSize += size;
UInt64 currentTotalSize = 0;
UInt64 currentItemSize;
NCompress::CCopyCoder *copyCoderSpec = new NCompress::CCopyCoder();
CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> copyCoder = copyCoderSpec;
CLocalProgress *lps = new CLocalProgress;
CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progress = lps;
lps->Init(extractCallback, false);
CLimitedSequentialInStream *streamSpec = new CLimitedSequentialInStream;
CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream(streamSpec);
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++, currentTotalSize += currentItemSize)
lps->InSize = lps->OutSize = currentTotalSize;
Int32 askMode = testMode ?
NExtract::NAskMode::kTest :
UInt32 index = allFilesMode ? i : indices[i];
CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> outStream;
RINOK(extractCallback->GetStream(index, &outStream, askMode));
const CMixItem &mixItem = _mixItems[index];
const CSection &sect = _sections[mixItem.SectionIndex];
bool isOk = true;
if (mixItem.StringIndex >= 0)
const CStringItem &item = _strings[mixItem.StringIndex];
currentItemSize = item.FinalSize();
if (!testMode && !outStream)
if (outStream)
RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, item.Buf, item.FinalSize()));
else if (mixItem.VersionIndex >= 0)
const CByteBuffer &item = _versionFiles[mixItem.VersionIndex];
currentItemSize = item.Size();
if (!testMode && !outStream)
if (outStream)
RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, item, item.Size()));
else if (mixItem.ResourceIndex >= 0)
const CResItem &item = _items[mixItem.ResourceIndex];
currentItemSize = item.GetSize();
if (!testMode && !outStream)
size_t offset = item.Offset - sect.Va;
if (!CheckItem(sect, item, offset))
isOk = false;
else if (outStream)
if (item.HeaderSize != 0)
RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, item.Header, item.HeaderSize));
RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, _buf + offset, item.Size));
currentItemSize = sect.GetSizeExtract();
if (!testMode && !outStream)
RINOK(_stream->Seek(sect.Pa, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
RINOK(copyCoder->Code(inStream, outStream, NULL, NULL, progress));
isOk = (copyCoderSpec->TotalSize == currentItemSize);
RINOK(extractCallback->SetOperationResult(isOk ?
NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK :
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetStream(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **stream)
*stream = 0;
const CMixItem &mixItem = _mixItems[index];
const CSection &sect = _sections[mixItem.SectionIndex];
if (mixItem.IsSectionItem())
return CreateLimitedInStream(_stream, sect.Pa, sect.PSize, stream);
CBufInStream *inStreamSpec = new CBufInStream;
CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> streamTemp = inStreamSpec;
CReferenceBuf *referenceBuf = new CReferenceBuf;
CMyComPtr<IUnknown> ref = referenceBuf;
if (mixItem.StringIndex >= 0)
const CStringItem &item = _strings[mixItem.StringIndex];
referenceBuf->Buf.CopyFrom(item.Buf, item.FinalSize());
else if (mixItem.VersionIndex >= 0)
const CByteBuffer &item = _versionFiles[mixItem.VersionIndex];
referenceBuf->Buf.CopyFrom(item, item.Size());
const CResItem &item = _items[mixItem.ResourceIndex];
size_t offset = item.Offset - sect.Va;
if (!CheckItem(sect, item, offset))
return S_FALSE;
if (item.HeaderSize == 0)
CBufInStream *streamSpec = new CBufInStream;
CMyComPtr<IInStream> streamTemp2 = streamSpec;
streamSpec->Init(_buf + offset, item.Size, (IInArchive *)this);
*stream = streamTemp2.Detach();
return S_OK;
referenceBuf->Buf.Alloc(item.HeaderSize + item.Size);
memcpy(referenceBuf->Buf, item.Header, item.HeaderSize);
if (item.Size != 0)
memcpy(referenceBuf->Buf + item.HeaderSize, _buf + offset, item.Size);
*stream = streamTemp.Detach();
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::AllowTail(Int32 allowTail)
_allowTail = IntToBool(allowTail);
return S_OK;
static const Byte k_Signature[] = { 'M', 'Z' };
"PE", "exe dll sys", 0, 0xDD,
namespace NTe {
// Terse Executable (TE) image
struct CDataDir
UInt32 Va;
UInt32 Size;
void Parse(const Byte *p)
G32(0, Va);
G32(4, Size);
static const UInt32 kHeaderSize = 40;
static bool FindValue(const CUInt32PCharPair *pairs, unsigned num, UInt32 value)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (pairs[i].Value == value)
return true;
return false;
#define MY_FIND_VALUE(pairs, value) FindValue(pairs, ARRAY_SIZE(pairs), value)
static const UInt32 kNumSection_MAX = 32;
struct CHeader
UInt16 Machine;
Byte NumSections;
Byte SubSystem;
UInt16 StrippedSize;
UInt32 AddressOfEntryPoint;
UInt32 BaseOfCode;
UInt64 ImageBase;
CDataDir DataDir[2]; // base relocation and debug directory
bool ConvertPa(UInt32 &pa) const
if (pa < StrippedSize)
return false;
pa = pa - StrippedSize + kHeaderSize;
return true;
bool Parse(const Byte *p);
bool CHeader::Parse(const Byte *p)
NumSections = p[4];
if (NumSections > kNumSection_MAX)
return false;
SubSystem = p[5];
G16(2, Machine);
G16(6, StrippedSize);
G32(8, AddressOfEntryPoint);
G32(12, BaseOfCode);
G64(16, ImageBase);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
CDataDir &dd = DataDir[i];
dd.Parse(p + 24 + i * 8);
if (dd.Size >= ((UInt32)1 << 28))
return false;
MY_FIND_VALUE(NPe::g_MachinePairs, Machine) &&
MY_FIND_VALUE(NPe::g_SubSystems, SubSystem);
API_FUNC_static_IsArc IsArc_Te(const Byte *p, size_t size)
if (size < 2)
return k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE;
if (p[0] != 'V' || p[1] != 'Z')
return k_IsArc_Res_NO;
if (size < kHeaderSize)
return k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE;
CHeader h;
if (!h.Parse(p))
return k_IsArc_Res_NO;
return k_IsArc_Res_YES;
struct CSection
Byte Name[NPe::kNameSize];
UInt32 VSize;
UInt32 Va;
UInt32 PSize;
UInt32 Pa;
UInt32 Flags;
// UInt16 NumRelocs;
void Parse(const Byte *p)
memcpy(Name, p, NPe::kNameSize);
G32(8, VSize);
G32(12, Va);
G32(16, PSize);
G32(20, Pa);
// G32(p + 32, NumRelocs);
G32(36, Flags);
bool Check() const
Pa <= ((UInt32)1 << 30) &&
PSize <= ((UInt32)1 << 30);
void UpdateTotalSize(UInt32 &totalSize)
UInt32 t = Pa + PSize;
if (t > totalSize)
totalSize = t;
class CHandler:
public IInArchive,
public IInArchiveGetStream,
public IArchiveAllowTail,
public CMyUnknownImp
CRecordVector<CSection> _items;
CMyComPtr<IInStream> _stream;
UInt32 _totalSize;
bool _allowTail;
CHeader _h;
HRESULT Open2(IInStream *stream);
MY_UNKNOWN_IMP3(IInArchive, IInArchiveGetStream, IArchiveAllowTail)
STDMETHOD(GetStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **stream);
STDMETHOD(AllowTail)(Int32 allowTail);
CHandler(): _allowTail(false) {}
static const Byte kProps[] =
kpidSubSystem = kpidUserDefined,
// , kpidImageBase
static const CStatProp kArcProps[] =
// { NULL, kpidHeadersSize, VT_UI4 },
{ NULL, kpidCpu, VT_BSTR},
{ "Subsystem", kpidSubSystem, VT_BSTR },
// { "Image Base", kpidImageBase, VT_UI8 }
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchiveProperty(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
switch (propID)
case kpidPhySize: prop = _totalSize; break;
case kpidCpu: PAIR_TO_PROP(NPe::g_MachinePairs, _h.Machine, prop); break;
case kpidSubSystem: PAIR_TO_PROP(NPe::g_SubSystems, _h.SubSystem, prop); break;
case kpidImageBase: prop = _h.ImageBase; break;
case kpidAddressOfEntryPoint: prop = _h.AddressOfEntryPoint; break;
case kpidBaseOfCode: prop = _h.BaseOfCode; break;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetProperty(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
const CSection &item = _items[index];
switch (propID)
case kpidPath:
AString name;
NPe::GetName(item.Name, name);
prop = MultiByteToUnicodeString(name);
case kpidSize:
case kpidPackSize: prop = (UInt64)item.PSize; break;
case kpidVirtualSize: prop = (UInt64)item.VSize; break;
case kpidOffset: prop = item.Pa; break;
case kpidVa: prop = item.Va; break;
case kpidCharacts: FLAGS_TO_PROP(NPe::g_SectFlags, item.Flags, prop); break;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CHandler::Open2(IInStream *stream)
Byte h[kHeaderSize];
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, h, kHeaderSize));
if (h[0] != 'V' || h[1] != 'Z')
return S_FALSE;
if (!_h.Parse(h))
return S_FALSE;
UInt32 headerSize = NPe::kSectionSize * (UInt32)_h.NumSections;
CByteArr buf(headerSize);
RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, headerSize));
headerSize += kHeaderSize;
_totalSize = headerSize;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < _h.NumSections; i++)
CSection sect;
sect.Parse(buf + i * NPe::kSectionSize);
if (!_h.ConvertPa(sect.Pa))
return S_FALSE;
if (sect.Pa < headerSize)
return S_FALSE;
if (!sect.Check())
return S_FALSE;
if (!_allowTail)
UInt64 fileSize;
RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_END, &fileSize));
if (fileSize > _totalSize)
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Open(IInStream *inStream,
const UInt64 * /* maxCheckStartPosition */,
IArchiveOpenCallback * /* openArchiveCallback */)
if (Open2(inStream) != S_OK)
return S_FALSE;
_stream = inStream;
catch(...) { return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Close()
_totalSize = 0;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfItems(UInt32 *numItems)
*numItems = _items.Size();
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Extract(const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems,
Int32 testMode, IArchiveExtractCallback *extractCallback)
bool allFilesMode = (numItems == (UInt32)(Int32)-1);
if (allFilesMode)
numItems = _items.Size();
if (numItems == 0)
return S_OK;
UInt64 totalSize = 0;
UInt32 i;
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
totalSize += _items[allFilesMode ? i : indices[i]].PSize;
UInt64 currentTotalSize = 0;
NCompress::CCopyCoder *copyCoderSpec = new NCompress::CCopyCoder();
CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> copyCoder = copyCoderSpec;
CLocalProgress *lps = new CLocalProgress;
CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progress = lps;
lps->Init(extractCallback, false);
CLimitedSequentialInStream *streamSpec = new CLimitedSequentialInStream;
CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream(streamSpec);
for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
lps->InSize = lps->OutSize = currentTotalSize;
CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> realOutStream;
Int32 askMode = testMode ?
NExtract::NAskMode::kTest :
UInt32 index = allFilesMode ? i : indices[i];
const CSection &item = _items[index];
RINOK(extractCallback->GetStream(index, &realOutStream, askMode));
currentTotalSize += item.PSize;
if (!testMode && !realOutStream)
int res = NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
RINOK(_stream->Seek(item.Pa, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
RINOK(copyCoder->Code(inStream, realOutStream, NULL, NULL, progress));
if (copyCoderSpec->TotalSize == item.PSize)
res = NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetStream(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **stream)
const CSection &item = _items[index];
return CreateLimitedInStream(_stream, item.Pa, item.PSize, stream);
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::AllowTail(Int32 allowTail)
_allowTail = IntToBool(allowTail);
return S_OK;
static const Byte k_Signature[] = { 'V', 'Z' };
"TE", "te", 0, 0xCF,