2017-09-15 16:12:49 +02:00

67 lines
2.1 KiB

# Perl Makefile for Test::SimpleUnit
# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.5 2003/01/15 20:47:17 deveiant Exp $
# Invocation:
# $ perl Makefile.PL # interactive behaviour
# $ perl Makefile.PL --defaultdeps # accept default value on prompts
# $ perl Makefile.PL --checkdeps # check only, no Makefile produced
# $ perl Makefile.PL --skipdeps # ignores all dependencies
# $ perl Makefile.PL --testonly # don't write installation targets
# Then, to build:
# $ make [all|test|install] # install dependencies first
# $ make checkdeps # same as the --checkdeps above
# $ make installdeps # install dependencies only
# ExtUtils::AutoInstall Bootstrap Code, version 5.
BEGIN{my$p='ExtUtils::AutoInstall';my$v=0.40;eval"use $p $v;1
"or do{my$e=$ENV{PERL_EXTUTILS_AUTOINSTALL};(!defined($e)||$e
!~m/--(?:default|skip|testonly)/and-t STDIN or eval"use Ext".
exit)and print"==> $p $v required. Install it from CPAN? [Y".
"/n] "and<STDIN>!~/^n/i and print"*** Installing $p\n"and do{
eval{require CPANPLUS;CPANPLUS::install $p};eval"use $p $v;1"
or eval{require CPAN;CPAN::install$p};eval"use $p $v;1"or die
"*** Please install $p $v manually from first.\n"}}}
# the above handlers must be declared before the 'use' statement
use ExtUtils::AutoInstall (
# required AutoInstall version
-version => '0.40',
# core modules; may also be 'all'
-core => {
Data::Compare => '0.02',
Data::Dumper => '',
Scalar::Util => '',
Carp => '',
IO::Handle => '',
IO::File => '',
Fcntl => '',
constant => '',
NAME => 'Test::SimpleUnit',
DISTNAME => 'Test-SimpleUnit',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Test/', # finds $VERSION
AUTHOR => 'Michael Granger <>',
ABSTRACT => 'A simplified XUnit testing framework',
dist => {
CI => "cvs commit",
SUFFIX => ".bz2",
DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist',
COMPRESS => "bzip2",
clean => { FILES => "*testdata*" },