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2017-09-14 11:26:13 +02:00
use strict;
# Shared defs for test programs
# Paths. Must make case-insensitive.
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use File::Spec;
BEGIN { mkdir 'testdir' }
use constant TESTDIR => do {
my $tmpdir = File::Spec->abs2rel(tempdir(DIR => 'testdir', CLEANUP => 1));
$tmpdir =~ s!\\!/!g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
use constant INPUTZIP =>
(tempfile('testin-XXXXX', SUFFIX => '.zip', TMPDIR => 1, $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? () : (UNLINK => 1)))[1];
use constant OUTPUTZIP =>
(tempfile('testout-XXXXX', SUFFIX => '.zip', TMPDIR => 1, $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? () : (UNLINK => 1)))[1];
# Do we have the 'zip' and 'unzip' programs?
# Embed a copy of the module, rather than adding a dependency
package File::Which;
use File::Spec;
my $Is_VMS = ($^O eq 'VMS');
my $Is_MacOS = ($^O eq 'MacOS');
my $Is_DOSish =
(($^O eq 'MSWin32') or ($^O eq 'dos') or ($^O eq 'os2'));
# For Win32 systems, stores the extensions used for
# executable files
# For others, the empty string is used
# because 'perl' . '' eq 'perl' => easier
my @path_ext = ('');
if ($Is_DOSish) {
if ($ENV{PATHEXT} and $Is_DOSish)
{ # WinNT. PATHEXT might be set on Cygwin, but not used.
push @path_ext, split ';', $ENV{PATHEXT};
} else {
push @path_ext, qw(.com .exe .bat)
; # Win9X or other: doesn't have PATHEXT, so needs hardcoded.
} elsif ($Is_VMS) {
push @path_ext, qw(.exe .com);
sub which {
my ($exec) = @_;
return undef unless $exec;
my $all = wantarray;
my @results = ();
# check for aliases first
if ($Is_VMS) {
my $symbol = `SHOW SYMBOL $exec`;
if (!$?) {
return $symbol unless $all;
push @results, $symbol;
if ($Is_MacOS) {
my @aliases = split /\,/, $ENV{Aliases};
foreach my $alias (@aliases) {
# This has not been tested!!
# PPT which says MPW-Perl cannot resolve `Alias $alias`,
# let's just hope it's fixed
if (lc($alias) eq lc($exec)) {
chomp(my $file = `Alias $alias`);
last unless $file; # if it failed, just go on the normal way
return $file unless $all;
push @results, $file;
# we can stop this loop as if it finds more aliases matching,
# it'll just be the same result anyway
my @path = File::Spec->path();
unshift @path, File::Spec->curdir if $Is_DOSish or $Is_VMS or $Is_MacOS;
for my $base (map { File::Spec->catfile($_, $exec) } @path) {
for my $ext (@path_ext) {
my $file = $base . $ext;
# print STDERR "$file\n";
if (
-x $file or # executable, normal case
|| # MacOS doesn't mark as executable so we check -e
and grep { $file =~ /$_$/i }
@path_ext[1 .. $#path_ext])
# DOSish systems don't pass -x on non-exe/bat/com files.
# so we check -e. However, we don't want to pass -e on files
# that aren't in PATHEXT, like README.
and -e _))
and !-d _)
{ # and finally, we don't want dirs to pass (as they are -x)
# print STDERR "-x: ", -x $file, " -e: ", -e _, " -d: ", -d _, "\n";
return $file unless $all;
push @results, $file; # Make list to return later
if ($all) {
return @results;
} else {
return undef;
use constant HAVEZIP => !!File::Which::which('zip');
use constant HAVEUNZIP => !!File::Which::which('unzip');
use constant ZIP => 'zip ';
use constant ZIPTEST => 'unzip -t ';
# 300-character test string
use constant TESTSTRING => join("\n", 1 .. 102) . "\n";
use constant TESTSTRINGLENGTH => length(TESTSTRING);
use Archive::Zip ();
# CRC-32 should be ac373f32
use constant TESTSTRINGCRC => Archive::Zip::computeCRC32(TESTSTRING);
# This is so that it will work on other systems.
use constant CAT => $^X . ' -pe "BEGIN{binmode(STDIN);binmode(STDOUT)}"';
use constant CATPIPE => '| ' . CAT . ' >';
use vars qw($zipWorks $testZipDoesntWork $catWorks);
# Run ZIPTEST to test a zip file.
sub testZip {
my $zipName = shift || OUTPUTZIP;
if ($testZipDoesntWork) {
return wantarray ? (0, '') : 0;
my $cmd = ZIPTEST . $zipName . ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : ' 2>&1');
my $zipout = `$cmd`;
return wantarray ? ($?, $zipout) : $?;
# Return the crc-32 of the given file (0 if empty or error)
sub fileCRC {
my $fileName = shift;
local $/ = undef;
my $fh = IO::File->new($fileName, "r");
return 0 if not defined($fh);
my $contents = <$fh>;
return Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($contents);
#--------- check to see if cat works
sub testCat {
my $fh = IO::File->new(CATPIPE . OUTPUTZIP);
my $testString = pack('C256', 0 .. 255);
my $testCrc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($testString);
$fh->write($testString, length($testString)) or return 0;
(-f OUTPUTZIP) or return 0;
my @stat = stat(OUTPUTZIP);
$stat[7] == length($testString) or return 0;
fileCRC(OUTPUTZIP) == $testCrc or return 0;
return 1;
$catWorks = testCat();
unless ($catWorks) {
warn('warning: ', CAT, " doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests");
#--------- check to see if zip works (and make INPUTZIP)
# Do we have zip installed?
if (HAVEZIP) {
my $cmd = ZIP . INPUTZIP . ' *' . ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : ' 2>&1');
my $zipout = `$cmd`;
$zipWorks = not $?;
unless ($zipWorks) {
warn('warning: ', ZIP,
" doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests");
#--------- check to see if unzip -t works
$testZipDoesntWork = 1;
my ($status, $zipout) = do { local $testZipDoesntWork = 0; testZip(INPUTZIP) };
$testZipDoesntWork = $status;
# Again, on Win32 no big surprise if this doesn't work
if ($testZipDoesntWork) {
warn('warning: ', ZIPTEST,
" doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests");
sub passthrough
my $fromFile = shift ;
my $toFile = shift ;
my $action = shift ;
my $z = Archive::Zip->new;
if ($action)
for my $member($z->members())
&$action($member) ;
sub readFile
my $name = shift ;
local $/;
open F, "<$name"
or die "Cannot open $name: $!\n";
my $data = <F>;
close F ;
return $data;