net-nds/novell-xtier-base: correct xtier ebuild and init script
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
# $Header: $
08 Nov 2008; Mario Fetka <>
files/novell-xregd20.initd, +novell-xtier-base-
correct xtier ebuild and init script
03 Nov 2008; Mario Fetka <>
03 Nov 2008; Mario Fetka <>
lzma rpms not supported at the moment in portage
lzma rpms not supported at the moment in portage
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
AUX novell-xregd20.initd 650 RMD160 a68a152abd479ac2e4292dcb633b085b0683585d SHA1 ced9d00bb48bdc770b0e2c4ed6da0ac018794bbe SHA256 c708d5e30c1340dedea93a56294efbc66bb419d324c4b3a7ec8586c0d0e75d52
AUX novell-xregd20.initd 923 RMD160 f5f069c5d24f1fa5a9d4930a5edcfe478018fba0 SHA1 8acbaa2bc89372fdf80dfaf800b2bc21fb6c9191 SHA256 762f2e50f5ef915189cef05b16fa3174f5a5dc36a57aab28183000396fe119a8
DIST Novell_Client_11.0-i386-20081003-CD1.iso 10033152 RMD160 fadcd5ad983fd7c7dc103c16dcfe9830cf0cd574 SHA1 358e219ad0bda13bbd4835342f24c1b01c5f1775 SHA256 cc84aab8c954037479ed2fa3616b76de17047341d25a2aa6210ac050023e3c00
DIST Novell_Client_11.0-i386-20081003-CD1.iso 10033152 RMD160 fadcd5ad983fd7c7dc103c16dcfe9830cf0cd574 SHA1 358e219ad0bda13bbd4835342f24c1b01c5f1775 SHA256 cc84aab8c954037479ed2fa3616b76de17047341d25a2aa6210ac050023e3c00
DIST Novell_Client_11.0-x86_64-20081003-CD1.iso 10487808 RMD160 8965da596c4e339ff2b5b8d240f91a478f9ca2d5 SHA1 acb2ef899c9c593e6f16b1226ed68f54e12f7214 SHA256 81c3153f9fa435ab7251694873c9b4083b126ebae544bd30527fb8183e690789
DIST Novell_Client_11.0-x86_64-20081003-CD1.iso 10487808 RMD160 8965da596c4e339ff2b5b8d240f91a478f9ca2d5 SHA1 acb2ef899c9c593e6f16b1226ed68f54e12f7214 SHA256 81c3153f9fa435ab7251694873c9b4083b126ebae544bd30527fb8183e690789
DIST binutils- 4265211 RMD160 aa5d41e1cd94e2cdcffa655db49647794066d42d SHA1 b9a2ae1479543d887cb7caa9035759afa2796a8a SHA256 616f3acba1d84e59d243a8d1b1e3fb4814e5cd0f72d121e5beaf1221f4f54e2f
DIST binutils- 4265211 RMD160 aa5d41e1cd94e2cdcffa655db49647794066d42d SHA1 b9a2ae1479543d887cb7caa9035759afa2796a8a SHA256 616f3acba1d84e59d243a8d1b1e3fb4814e5cd0f72d121e5beaf1221f4f54e2f
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ DIST novell-client-2.0-sle10sp1-i386.iso 10866688 RMD160 b478e97de576987b0a3b801
DIST novell-client-2.0-sle10sp1-x86_64.iso 11649024 RMD160 4f3a08e9cfea2b78072ba9114ecf03b44d8da17a SHA1 f1f5c78851a66c963fef02c69d89e86a3ba12d00 SHA256 3b70e2c81ded3916771a22a5c284c0d5ac7b32b8a47207d01350f9f952fd216f
DIST novell-client-2.0-sle10sp1-x86_64.iso 11649024 RMD160 4f3a08e9cfea2b78072ba9114ecf03b44d8da17a SHA1 f1f5c78851a66c963fef02c69d89e86a3ba12d00 SHA256 3b70e2c81ded3916771a22a5c284c0d5ac7b32b8a47207d01350f9f952fd216f
EBUILD novell-xtier-base-3.1.5_p46.ebuild 7574 RMD160 1bcb33ddee3a12fc84e74947bbfbeb80265713f4 SHA1 05b63e4bb82acebeb185426c0ab1c3d8bb296288 SHA256 289f05b14c587d110675ba34a228f6a3839db6c65b3391e400b1a969051a5365
EBUILD novell-xtier-base-3.1.5_p46.ebuild 7574 RMD160 1bcb33ddee3a12fc84e74947bbfbeb80265713f4 SHA1 05b63e4bb82acebeb185426c0ab1c3d8bb296288 SHA256 289f05b14c587d110675ba34a228f6a3839db6c65b3391e400b1a969051a5365
EBUILD novell-xtier-base- 7640 RMD160 822529a90d48cbe36055b01ab3470497cd4078bb SHA1 0a6ad7b0be0d85559bc3ac71cb15a62132920acc SHA256 46bc360afa53e3d1696c47bb71229e0947d355cff90eb5592dcf98a167071191
EBUILD novell-xtier-base- 7640 RMD160 822529a90d48cbe36055b01ab3470497cd4078bb SHA1 0a6ad7b0be0d85559bc3ac71cb15a62132920acc SHA256 46bc360afa53e3d1696c47bb71229e0947d355cff90eb5592dcf98a167071191
EBUILD novell-xtier-base- 12130 RMD160 d4198d0fc72b6810972e1f5401426aefee73847f SHA1 5da2319c1582a67018cc0f647e5fa7e73a063db7 SHA256 aa2ec75cd2856fa1d8dbcec7dbdaf3e9a80ca0b4999fa117f48a538b6c4432af
EBUILD novell-xtier-base- 7666 RMD160 cc1b7516c3dc1acf69062b6c044c18742383f8a9 SHA1 e07459c18ca4b1714b5687aa51a7d6843ba85097 SHA256 a9eb238c359b089fae50a88be2918c9e706f441821c813d6b869db87e155e5e7
EBUILD novell-xtier-base- 7666 RMD160 cc1b7516c3dc1acf69062b6c044c18742383f8a9 SHA1 e07459c18ca4b1714b5687aa51a7d6843ba85097 SHA256 a9eb238c359b089fae50a88be2918c9e706f441821c813d6b869db87e155e5e7
MISC ChangeLog 1854 RMD160 622b2d6f6f1fc84e798f9c1f651d4f9d2e8d2b10 SHA1 6ed737a8393eb115efafebc1c53b5fff3abee0b2 SHA256 c305f754c02ea62bf659055bbdb8f380f4c3643423f3fe638d6149c7628490d4
MISC ChangeLog 2013 RMD160 302ac3c15d04cae9a4bad8b33cc60c8d9cf12df2 SHA1 489b2867c4c3dcd0fa5366f1b41ec0477ae21e7d SHA256 da6a7e7a40633dcfad7da40a15aae32e6a57d2500a70ef06a97fdb692971b33b
MISC metadata.xml 170 RMD160 645927a396fdc21cdeb089fe42c5397332420ea6 SHA1 ac7f48a14fec325926f9ce1be8fbf1f311b4f2e4 SHA256 d797a2ec6f9dc516c9f9c1a758ee87ad3e8c43101b5dc76c2f872d5bd4639b42
MISC metadata.xml 170 RMD160 645927a396fdc21cdeb089fe42c5397332420ea6 SHA1 ac7f48a14fec325926f9ce1be8fbf1f311b4f2e4 SHA256 d797a2ec6f9dc516c9f9c1a758ee87ad3e8c43101b5dc76c2f872d5bd4639b42
@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ start() {
# Update the limit parameters
# Update the limit parameters
ulimit -c unlimited
ulimit -c unlimited
ulimit -f unlimited
ulimit -f unlimited
# Force ownership of all directories and files required for
# smooth running. This is to get around possible LUM induced
# ID mismatch
chown novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier 2> /dev/null
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd 2> /dev/null
ebegin "Starting novell-xregd"
ebegin "Starting novell-xregd"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /opt/novell/xtier/bin/novell-xregd -u novlxregd -- -d
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /opt/novell/xtier/bin/novell-xregd -u novlxregd -- -d
eend $?
eend $?
@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ start() {
stop() {
stop() {
ebegin "Stopping novell-xregd"
ebegin "Stopping novell-xregd"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal INT --retry 30 --name /opt/novell/xtier/bin/novell-xregd
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry TERM/30/KILL/5 --name /opt/novell/xtier/bin/novell-xregd
eend $?
eend $?
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $
RESTRICT="mirror strip"
inherit novell eutils rpm versionator
MY_PVV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '-')
DESCRIPTION="Novell Xtier Base"
| )
| )"
KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
src_unpack() {
cd "${WORKDIR}"
if use x86
7z x "${DISTDIR}"/${NOVELL_FILE32}
elif use amd64
7z x "${DISTDIR}"/${NOVELL_FILE64}
7z x "${DISTDIR}"/binutils-${narch}.rpm
7z x "${WORKDIR}"/binutils-${narch}.cpio.lzma
7z x "${WORKDIR}"/binutils-${narch}.cpio
mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${MY_PV}
cd ${PN}-${MY_PV}
rpm_unpack "${WORKDIR}"/suse/${narch}/${PN}-${MY_PV}.${narch}.rpm
src_compile() { :; }
src_install() {
into /opt/novell/xtier
# still a hack
| "${WORKDIR}"/usr/${nlib}/libbfd-*.so
dobin "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${MY_PV}/opt/novell/xtier/bin/*
| "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${MY_PV}/opt/novell/xtier/${nlib}/*
dodoc "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${MY_PV}/usr/share/doc/packages/${PN}/*
dodir /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db
keepdir /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db
dodir /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xregd
keepdir /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xregd
insinto /etc/opt/novell/xtier/
doins "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${MY_PV}/etc/opt/novell/xtier/*
newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/novell-xregd20.initd novell-xregd
pkg_nofetch() {
einfo "This files require you to register at ${HOMEPAGE} (free account)"
einfo "Please download following file:"
if use x86
einfo " - ${NOVELL_FILE32}"
elif use amd64
einfo " - ${NOVELL_FILE64}"
einfo "from${NOVELL_BUILDID}"
einfo "and place it in ${DISTDIR}"
einfo ""
einfo "To get rid of downloading files from ${HOMEPAGE}"
einfo "you can create a file /etc/portage/novell.acc"
einfo "containing the novell account infos with following commands"
einfo "# echo \"NOVELL_ACCOUNT_USERNAME=\\\"balduin\\\"\" >> /etc/portage/novell.acc"
einfo "# echo \"NOVELL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=\\\"derfisch\\\"\" >> /etc/portage/novell.acc"
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of pre script ***********
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base pre script..."
# We just want to stop the novell-xregd service and export the XTier registry to a
# temporary file if this is an upgrade.
#if test "$1" != 1; then
# echo " doing rpm upgrade processing"
# if [ "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" != "instsys" ]; then
#echo "Novell XTier Base pre script stoping novell-xregd for upgrade"
/etc/init.d/novell-xregd stop
# fi
# Check if we need to export the XTier registry
# Note: We export the registry at this time to avoid losing its settings in case
# that we have to rebuild the database.
if [ -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Exporting XTier Registry to temporary file..."
rm -f /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -e /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " done exporting XTier Xml Registry"
einfo " Saving Pre-XFlaim registry file for upgrade..."
cp /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.upgrade
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base pre script!"
# exit 0
#echo " doing rpm install processing"
# Do necessary user and group administration
#group_present=`getent group | grep ^novlxtier`
#if [ -z "$group_present" ] ; then
# /usr/sbin/groupadd -r -g 81 novlxtier
#user_present=`getent passwd | grep ^novlxregd`
#if [ -z "$user_present" ] ; then
# /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Novell XRegD System User" -s /bin/false -r -d /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd -g novlxtier -u 81 novlxregd 2> /dev/null || :
enewgroup novlxtier
enewuser novlxregd -1 -1 /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd novlxtier
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base pre script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of pre script *************
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of post script **********
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base post script..."
# Check if we need to import the XTier registry
if [ ! -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Importing XTier Xml Registry..."
# Import the registry.
# Note: We could be dealing with an upgrade from a Pre-XFlaim registry in which
# case we would have saved the previous registry contents to let us upgrade to XFlaim based
# registry without loosing configuration settings.
if [ -e "/etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.upgrade" ]; then
einfo " Using Pre-XFlaim registry file"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.upgrade
rm -f /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.upgrade
# Make registry changes necessary to bring the base registry up to date
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -v "XTier\Configuration\XSrv\Authentication Domains" "Default Authentication Provider" REG_SZ "{6AC0492F-3EEF-11d3-BBF3-00A0C9EA53EF}"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -d "Client\Policies\Network\IP\Address Resolution Providers\Available" "5"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -d "Client\Policies\Network\IP\Address Resolution Providers\Configured" "5"
einfo " Using newly installed registry file"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml
# Make sure that novlxregd has rights to the registry db
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/
einfo " done importing XTier Xml Registry"
# The XTier registry exists, check its integrity.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -c
# if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
# echo " Existing XTier Registry Db Unsupported or Corrupted"
# echo " Re-installing XTier Registry Db"
# Delete the XFlaim DB files
# rm -f /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.rfl/*
# rmdir /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.rfl
# rm -f /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/*
# Import the registry. Use registry file that was exported earlier if present to
# avoid losing configuration settings that may have been made.
if [ -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export" ]; then
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " Exported registry file not found"
einfo " Configuration settings stored in the registry after initial install have been lost"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml
# Make sure that novlxregd has rights to the registry db
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/
einfo " done importing XTier Xml Registry"
# fi
# Make sure that we are not leaving the temporary registry xml file around
rm -f /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
# Do not run the rest of the script if this is an upgrade
#if test "$1" != 1; then
# echo " doing rpm upgrade processing"
# echo "done running Novell XTier Base post script!"
# exit 0
#echo " doing rpm install processing"
# Install XRegD init script
# if test -n "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" ; then
# else
# fi
# sbin/insserv $INSSERV_FORCE etc/init.d/novell-xregd
#/usr/lib/lsb/install_initd /etc/init.d/novell-xregd
# Create link to init.d script in /usr/sbin
#if [ -f /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd ] || [ -L /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd ]; then
# rm -f /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd
#ln -s /etc/init.d/novell-xregd /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base post script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of post script ************
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of pre-remove script ****
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base preun script ..."
# Do not run script if this is an install
#if test "$1" == 1; then
# echo "done running Novell XTier Base preun script!"
# exit 0
#echo " doing rpm removal processing"
# Stop novell-xregd
/etc/init.d/novell-xregd stop
# Remove XRegD init script
#/usr/lib/lsb/remove_initd /etc/init.d/novell-xregd
# Check if we need to export the XTier registry
if [ -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Exporting XTier Xml Registry..."
rm -f /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/xtier/lib /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -e /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " done exporting XTier Xml Registry"
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base preun script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of pre-remove script ******
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of postun script ********
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base postun script ..."
# We just want to start the novell-xregd service if this is an upgrade
#if test "$1" == 1; then
# if [ "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" != "instsys" ]; then
# echo " doing rpm upgrade processing"
#echo "Novell XTier Base postun script starting novell-xregd for upgrade"
/etc/init.d/novell-xregd start
# fi
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base postun script!"
# exit 0
#echo " doing rpm removal processing"
# Remove symbolic link to init.d script
#if [ -f /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd ] || [ -L /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd ]; then
# rm -f /usr/sbin/rcnovell-xregd
# Delete the novlxregd user
#userdel novlxregd
# Delete the var files
#rm -rf /var/opt/novell/xtier
#einfo "done running Novell XTier Base postun script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of postun script **********
# ***************************************
Reference in New Issue
Block a user