2020-09-22 02:25:22 +02:00

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.TH xtfsutil 1 "July 2011" "The XtreemFS Distributed File System" "XtreemFS utility"
xtfsutil \- shows and modifies XtreemFS specific file, directory and volume attributes
\fBxtfsutil \fP[\fIpath\fP]\fR \- shows the XtreemFS attributes such as URL, locations etc.
\fBxtfsutil \fP[OPTIONS] [\fIpath\fP]\fR \- modifies XtreemFS attributes, adds/removes replicas, snapshots, etc.
.I xtfsutil
when no options are provided, xtfsutl shows information about a file or directory \fIpath\fP.
Display information about the file "/somedir/myfile":
.B "xtfsutil xtfs-mount/somedir/myfile"
Add another replica to the replicated file "/somedir/myfile" which will be created on an automatically chosen OSD. If the file is not replicated yet, set a replication policy for the file first (see option \-r / \-\-set-replication-policy). Or set a default replication policy for future files.
.B "xtfsutil \--add-replica AUTO xtfs-mount/somedir/myfile"
Set the default replication policy to "WqRq" and a default replication factor of 3 for the mounted volume:
.B "xtfsutil \--set-drp \--replication-policy WqRq \--replication-factor 3 xtfs-mount/"
Shows a list of recent error messages the client has reveived,
e.g. more detailed XtreemFS error messages.
\fB\-\-set-acl [acl]
Sets or updates a POSIX ACL entry for a file, directory or volume.
The acl entry must have the following format: u|g|m|o:[<name>]:[<rwx>|<octal>]
\fB\-\-del-acl [acl]
Removes a POSIX ACL entry for a file, directory or volume.
The acl entry must have the following format: u|g|m|o:[<name>]
Changes the default striping policy for a volume.
This policy defines, how new files are striped but does not affect
files that already exist on the volume.
Requires the following options: \-\-striping-policy-width, \-\-striping-policy-stripe-size
Additional options: \-\-striping-policy
Changes the default replication policy for a volume.
If a replication policy is defined, all new files will be replicated.
Requires the following options: \-\-replication-policy, \-\-replication-factor
Additional options: \-\-full
\fB\-\-replication-policy ronly|WqRq|WaR1|none (the aliases readonly|quorum|all are also allowed)
Sets the replication policy.
.B ronly
Read-only replication, files are immutable. Files will be replicated after closing them.
.B WqRq
Quorum-based replication. Files are mutable and provide regular POSIX semantics. A WqRq-replicated file is available for reading and writing as long as the majority of its replicas are available. Please read more about the technical details of the WqRq replication policy in the XtreemFS user guide (Section "Read/Write File Replication").
.B WaR1
Files are mutable and provide regular POSIX semantics. Writes have to be acknowledged by all replicas. Data can be read from any replica.
.B none
Disables replication.
\fB\-\-replication-factor num
Sets the replication factor to num.
If replication policy is ronly (read-only replication), this flag will create full replicas.
By default, read-only replicas are partial.
\fB\-\-set-osp [comma separated list of policy IDs] or \fIDEFAULT,FQDN,UUID,DCMAP,VIVALDI
Changes the OSD selection policy for a volume. The OSD selection policy defines which OSDs are used
for new files and replicas. In general, this command accepts a comma separated list of
policy IDs without spaces. The command also accepts one of the following predefined policies:
\fBDEFAULT OSDs are selected randomly.
\fBFQDN OSDs are sorted by the number of characters matching the client's FQDN.
\fBUUID OSDs are selected based on their UUID.
\fBDCMAP OSDs are sorted by the distance to the client according to the datacenter map.
\fBVIVALDI OSDs are sorted by the distance to the client based on dynamic network coordinates (VIVALDI).
\fB\-\-set-rsp [comma separated list of policy IDs] or \fIDEFAULT,FQDN,DCMAP,VIVALDI
Changes the Replica selection policy for a volume. The Replica selection policy defines how the list of
replicas for a file is sorted for a client when it accesses a file. Clients iterate over the list of
replicas from the first to the last. In general, this command accepts a comma separated list of
policy IDs without spaces. The command also accepts one of the following predefined policies:
\fBDEFAULT The list of replicas is not modified.
\fBFQDN Replicas are sorted by the number of characters matching the client's FQDN.
\fBDCMAP Replicas are sorted by the distance to the client according to the datacenter map.
\fBVIVALDI Replicas are sorted by the distance to the client based on dynamic network coordinates (VIVALDI).
\fB\-\-set-pattr [value name] \-\-value [attribute value]
Changes the value of a policy attribute for a volume. See the XtreemFS user guide for attribute names.
Policy attributes can be removed by setting an empty value, e.g.:
$> xtfsutil \--set-pattr 1001.domains \--value "" /xtreemfs
Lists all policy attributes that are set on a volume.
Enables snapshots on the volume.
Disables snapshots on the volume.
Lists all available snapshots.
\fB\-\-create-snapshot \fP[\fIname\fP]
Creates a snapshot of the volume/directory with the name \fIname\fP. If \fIname\fP is empty, the current server time will be used as snapshot name.
\fB\-\-create-snapshot-non-recursive \fP[\fIname\fP]
Same as \--create-snapshot but excludes any subdirectories.
\fB\-\-delete-snapshot \fP[\fIname\fP]
Deletes the snapshot with the name \fIname\fP.
\fB\-\-set-quota [quota size]MB|GB|TB
Sets the volume quota (set quota to 0 to disable the quota)
\fB\-a, \-\-add-replica [OSD UUID] or AUTO
Adds a new replica on the specified OSD or on an automatically selected OSD (if AUTO is set).
Additional options: \-\-full (creates a full read-only replica)
\fB\-d, \-\-delete-replica [OSD UUID]
Removes the replica on the OSD with the specified UUID.
\fB\-l, \-\-list-osds
Prints a list of up to ten OSDs that can be used for new replicas for the specified file.
\fB\-r, \-\-set-replication-policy ronly|WqRq|WaR1|none (the aliases readonly|quorum|all are also allowed)
Sets the replication policy for a file. Mode cane only be changed when a file has no replicas. See \--replication-policy for values.
.BR lsfs.xtreemfs (1),
.BR mkfs.xtreemfs (1),
.BR mount.xtreemfs (1),
.BR rmfs.xtreemfs (1),
.BR umount.xtreemfs (1),
The xtfsutil command is part of the XtreemFS-client package and is available from http://www.xtreemfs.org.