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2020-09-22 02:25:22 +02:00
export XTREEMFS=$1
if [[ "$2" == pbrpcs://* || "$2" == pbrpcg://* ]]; then
CREDS="-c $1/tests/certs/Client.p12 -cpass passphrase -t $1/tests/certs/trusted.jks -tpass passphrase"
# scrub volume with one file
# create file
echo "test" > file.txt
# execute scrub command
COMMAND="$1/bin/xtfs_scrub -dir $2 $CREDS -repair nomdcache"
echo "Running ${COMMAND}..."
if [ "$RESULT" -ne "0" ]; then echo "$COMMAND failed"; exit $RESULT; fi
# delete objects and scrub again
# parse the volume ID
FILE_ID=`getfattr --only-values -n xtreemfs.file_id file.txt`
echo "file ID of 'file.txt': $FILE_ID"
#COLON_INDEX=`awk -v a="$FILE_ID" -v b=":" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'`
# retrieve directory w/ file data and delete it
for i in `ls $TEST_DIR/data | grep osd`; do FILE_DIR=`find $TEST_DIR/data/$i -type d |grep $FILE_ID`; if [ "$FILE_DIR" != "" ]; then break; fi; done
if [ "$FILE_DIR" == "" ]; then echo "could not find file directory on any OSD"; exit 1
else echo "Deleting data at $FILE_DIR..."; rm -rf $FILE_DIR/*; fi
sleep 60s
# execute scrub command
COMMAND="$1/bin/xtfs_scrub -dir $2 $CREDS -repair nomdcache"
echo "Running ${COMMAND}..."
if [ "$RESULT" -ne "0" ]; then echo "$COMMAND failed"; exit $RESULT; fi
# check if the file size was corrected
SIZE=`stat --printf=%s file.txt`
if [ "$SIZE" -ne "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: Wrong file size detected after scrubbing: expected=0, actual=$SIZE"; exit 1; fi
# create and scrub 100 files
# create 100 files
echo "creating 100 files ..."
for i in `seq 1 100`; do echo "test" > $i.txt; done
# execute scrub command
COMMAND="$1/bin/xtfs_scrub -dir $2 $CREDS -repair nomdcache"
echo "Running ${COMMAND}..."
if [ "$RESULT" -ne "0" ]; then echo "$COMMAND failed"; exit $RESULT; fi