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2020-09-22 02:25:22 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Michael Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/condition.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "pbrpc/RPC.pb.h"
#include "rpc/callback_interface.h"
#include "xtreemfs/GlobalTypes.pb.h"
#include "xtreemfs/MRC.pb.h"
#include "libxtreemfs/client_implementation.h"
#include "libxtreemfs/file_handle.h"
#include "libxtreemfs/interrupt.h"
#include "libxtreemfs/xcap_handler.h"
namespace xtreemfs {
namespace rpc {
class SyncCallbackBase;
} // namespace rpc
namespace pbrpc {
class FileCredentials;
class Lock;
class MRCServiceClient;
class OSDServiceClient;
class readRequest;
class writeRequest;
} // namespace pbrpc
class FileInfo;
class ObjectCache;
class Options;
class StripeTranslator;
class UUIDIterator;
class UUIDResolver;
class Volume;
class XCapManager;
class XCapManager :
public rpc::CallbackInterface<xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap>,
public XCapHandler {
const xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap& xcap,
pbrpc::MRCServiceClient* mrc_service_client,
UUIDResolver* uuid_resolver,
UUIDIterator* mrc_uuid_iterator,
const pbrpc::Auth& auth_bogus,
const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials_bogus);
/** Renew xcap_ asynchronously. */
void RenewXCapAsync(const RPCOptions& options);
/** Blocks until the callback has completed (if an XCapRenewal is pending). */
void WaitForPendingXCapRenewal();
/** XCapHandler: Get current capability.*/
virtual void GetXCap(xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap* xcap);
/** Update the capability with the provided one. */
void SetXCap(const xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap& xcap);
/** Get the file id from the capability. */
uint64_t GetFileId();
/** Implements callback for an async xtreemfs_renew_capability request. */
virtual void CallFinished(xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap* new_xcap,
char* data,
uint32_t data_length,
pbrpc::RPCHeader::ErrorResponse* error,
void* context);
/** Any modification to the object must obtain a lock first. */
boost::mutex mutex_;
/** Capabilitiy for the file, used to authorize against services */
xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap xcap_;
/** True if there is an outstanding xcap_renew callback. */
bool xcap_renewal_pending_;
/** Used to wait for pending XCap renewal callbacks. */
boost::condition xcap_renewal_pending_cond_;
/** UUIDIterator of the MRC. */
pbrpc::MRCServiceClient* mrc_service_client_;
UUIDResolver* uuid_resolver_;
UUIDIterator* mrc_uuid_iterator_;
/** Auth needed for ServiceClients. Always set to AUTH_NONE by Volume. */
const pbrpc::Auth auth_bogus_;
/** For same reason needed as auth_bogus_. Always set to user "xtreemfs". */
const pbrpc::UserCredentials user_credentials_bogus_;
/** Default implementation of the FileHandle Interface. */
class FileHandleImplementation
: public FileHandle,
public XCapHandler,
public rpc::CallbackInterface<pbrpc::timestampResponse> {
ClientImplementation* client,
const std::string& client_uuid,
FileInfo* file_info,
const pbrpc::XCap& xcap,
UUIDIterator* mrc_uuid_iterator,
UUIDIterator* osd_uuid_iterator,
UUIDResolver* uuid_resolver,
pbrpc::MRCServiceClient* mrc_service_client,
pbrpc::OSDServiceClient* osd_service_client,
const std::map<pbrpc::StripingPolicyType,
StripeTranslator*>& stripe_translators,
bool async_writes_enabled,
ObjectCache* object_cache, // owned by the caller
const Options& options,
const pbrpc::Auth& auth_bogus,
const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials_bogus);
virtual ~FileHandleImplementation();
virtual int Read(char *buf, size_t count, int64_t offset);
virtual int Write(const char *buf, size_t count, int64_t offset);
virtual void Flush();
virtual void Truncate(
const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials,
int64_t new_file_size);
/** Used by Truncate() and Volume->OpenFile() to truncate the file to
* "new_file_size" on the OSD and update the file size at the MRC.
* @throws AddressToUUIDNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
* @throws PosixErrorException
* @throws UnknownAddressSchemeException
void TruncatePhaseTwoAndThree(int64_t new_file_size);
virtual void GetAttr(
const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials,
pbrpc::Stat* stat);
virtual xtreemfs::pbrpc::Lock* AcquireLock(
int process_id,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
bool exclusive,
bool wait_for_lock);
virtual xtreemfs::pbrpc::Lock* CheckLock(
int process_id,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
bool exclusive);
virtual void ReleaseLock(
int process_id,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
bool exclusive);
/** Also used by FileInfo object to free active locks. */
void ReleaseLock(const pbrpc::Lock& lock);
virtual void ReleaseLockOfProcess(int process_id);
virtual void PingReplica(const std::string& osd_uuid);
virtual void Close();
/** Returns the StripingPolicy object for a given type (e.g. Raid0).
* @remark Ownership is NOT transferred to the caller.
const StripeTranslator* GetStripeTranslator(
pbrpc::StripingPolicyType type);
/** Sets async_writes_failed_ to true. */
void MarkAsyncWritesAsFailed();
/** Thread-safe check if async_writes_failed_ */
bool DidAsyncWritesFail();
/** Thread-safe check and throw if async_writes_failed_ */
void ThrowIfAsyncWritesFailed();
/** Sends pending file size updates synchronous (needed for flush/close).
* @throws AddressToUUIDNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
* @throws PosixErrorException
* @throws UnknownAddressSchemeException
void WriteBackFileSize(const pbrpc::OSDWriteResponse& owr,
bool close_file);
/** Sends osd_write_response_for_async_write_back_ asynchronously. */
void WriteBackFileSizeAsync(const RPCOptions& options);
/** Overwrites the current osd_write_response_ with "owr". */
void set_osd_write_response_for_async_write_back(
const pbrpc::OSDWriteResponse& owr);
/** Wait for all asyncronous operations to finish */
void WaitForAsyncOperations();
/** Execute period tasks */
void ExecutePeriodTasks(const RPCOptions& options);
/** XCapHandler: Get current capability. */
virtual void GetXCap(xtreemfs::pbrpc::XCap* xcap);
* Execute the operation and check on invalid view exceptions.
* If the operation was executed with an outdated, the view
* will be renewed and the operation retried.
template<typename T>
T ExecuteViewCheckedOperation(boost::function<T()> operation);
/** Renew the xLocSet synchronously. */
void RenewXLocSet();
/** Implements callback for an async xtreemfs_update_file_size request. */
virtual void CallFinished(
pbrpc::timestampResponse* response_message,
char* data,
uint32_t data_length,
pbrpc::RPCHeader::ErrorResponse* error,
void* context);
/** Same as Flush(), takes special actions if called by Close(). */
void Flush(bool close_file);
/** Actual implementation of Flush(). */
void DoFlush(bool close_file);
/** Actual implementation of Read(). */
int DoRead(
char *buf,
size_t count,
int64_t offset);
/** Read data from the OSD. Objects owned by the caller. */
int ReadFromOSD(
UUIDIterator* uuid_iterator,
const pbrpc::FileCredentials& file_credentials,
int object_no,
char* buffer,
int offset_in_object,
int bytes_to_read);
/** Actual implementation of Write(). */
int DoWrite(
const char *buf,
size_t count,
int64_t offset);
/** Write data to the OSD. Objects owned by the caller. */
void WriteToOSD(
UUIDIterator* uuid_iterator,
const pbrpc::FileCredentials& file_credentials,
int object_no,
int offset_in_object,
const char* buffer,
int bytes_to_write);
/** Acutal implementation of TruncatePhaseTwoAndThree(). */
void DoTruncatePhaseTwoAndThree(int64_t new_file_size);
/** Actual implementation of AcquireLock(). */
xtreemfs::pbrpc::Lock* DoAcquireLock(
int process_id,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
bool exclusive,
bool wait_for_lock);
/** Actual implementation of CheckLock(). */
xtreemfs::pbrpc::Lock* DoCheckLock(
int process_id,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
bool exclusive);
/** Actual implementation of ReleaseLock(). */
void DoReleaseLock(const pbrpc::Lock& lock);
/** Actual implementation of PingReplica(). */
void DoPingReplica(const std::string& osd_uuid);
/** Any modification to the object must obtain a lock first. */
boost::mutex mutex_;
/** Reference to Client which did open this volume. */
ClientImplementation* client_;
/** UUID of the Client (needed to distinguish Locks of different clients). */
const std::string& client_uuid_;
/** UUIDIterator of the MRC. */
UUIDIterator* mrc_uuid_iterator_;
/** UUIDIterator which contains the UUIDs of all replicas. */
UUIDIterator* osd_uuid_iterator_;
/** Needed to resolve UUIDs. */
UUIDResolver* uuid_resolver_;
/** Multiple FileHandle may refer to the same File and therefore unique file
* properties (e.g. Path, FileId, XlocSet) are stored in a FileInfo object. */
FileInfo* file_info_;
// TODO(mberlin): Add flags member.
/** Contains a file size update which has to be written back (or NULL). */
/** Pointer to object owned by VolumeImplemention */
pbrpc::MRCServiceClient* mrc_service_client_;
/** Pointer to object owned by VolumeImplemention */
pbrpc::OSDServiceClient* osd_service_client_;
const std::map<pbrpc::StripingPolicyType,
StripeTranslator*>& stripe_translators_;
/** Set to true if async writes (max requests > 0, no O_SYNC) are enabled. */
const bool async_writes_enabled_;
/** Set to true if an async write of this file_handle failed. If true, this
* file_handle is broken and no further writes/reads/truncates are possible.
bool async_writes_failed_;
/** The object cache, or NULL if not enabled. */
ObjectCache* object_cache_;
const Options& volume_options_;
/** Auth needed for ServiceClients. Always set to AUTH_NONE by Volume. */
const pbrpc::Auth& auth_bogus_;
/** For same reason needed as auth_bogus_. Always set to user "xtreemfs". */
const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials_bogus_;
XCapManager xcap_manager_;
FRIEND_TEST(VolumeImplementationTest, FileSizeUpdateAfterFlush);
FRIEND_TEST(VolumeImplementationTest, FilesLockingReleaseNonExistantLock);
FRIEND_TEST(VolumeImplementationTest, FilesLockingReleaseExistantLock);
FRIEND_TEST(VolumeImplementationTest, FilesLockingLastCloseReleasesAllLocks);
FRIEND_TEST(VolumeImplementationTest, FilesLockingReleaseLockOfProcess);
} // namespace xtreemfs