1983 lines
58 KiB
1983 lines
58 KiB
# This file tests the tclFCmd.c file.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# SCCS: @(#) fCmd.test 1.18 96/10/14 14:38:39
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source defs}
if {$user == "root"} {
puts "Skipping fCmd tests. They depend on not being able to write to"
puts "certain directories. It would be too dangerous to run them as root."
proc createfile {file {string a}} {
set f [open $file w]
puts -nonewline $f $string
close $f
return $string
# checkcontent --
# Ensures that file "file" contains only the string "matchString"
# returns 0 if the file does not exist, or has a different content
proc checkcontent {file matchString} {
if {[catch {
set f [open $file]
set fileString [read $f]
close $f
}]} {
return 0
return [string match $matchString $fileString]
proc cleanup {args} {
foreach p ". $args" {
set x ""
catch {
set x [glob [file join $p tf*] [file join $p td*]]
if {$x != ""} {
eval file delete -force $x
proc contents {file} {
set f [open $file r]
set r [read $f]
close $f
set r
set testConfig(NT) 0
set testConfig(95) 0
switch $tcl_platform(os) {
"Windows NT" {set testConfig(NT) 1}
"Windows 95" {set testConfig(95) 1}
set root [lindex [file split [pwd]] 0]
# A really long file name
# length of long is 1216 chars, which should be greater than any static
# buffer or allowable filename.
set long "abcdefghihjllmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890"
append long $long
append long $long
append long $long
append long $long
append long $long
test fcmd-1.1 {TclFileRenameCmd} {
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 tf2
glob tf*
} {tf2}
test fcmd-2.1 {TclFileCopyCmd} {
createfile tf1
file copy tf1 tf2
lsort [glob tf*]
} {tf1 tf2}
test fcmd-3.1 {FileCopyRename: FileForceOption fails} {
list [catch {file rename -xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-xyz": should be -force or --}}
test fcmd-3.2 {FileCopyRename: not enough args} {
list [catch {file rename xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "file rename ?options? source ?source ...? target"}}
test fcmd-3.3 {FileCopyRename: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {
list [catch {file rename xyz ~nonexistantuser} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "nonexistantuser" doesn't exist}}
test fcmd-3.4 {FileCopyRename: Tcl_TranslateFileName passes} {
list [catch {file copy tf1 ~} msg] $msg
} {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
test fcmd-3.5 {FileCopyRename: target doesn't exist: stat(target) != 0} {
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
test fcmd-3.6 {FileCopyRename: target tf3 is not a directory: !S_ISDIR(target)} {
createfile tf3
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
test fcmd-3.7 {FileCopyRename: target exists & is directory} {
file mkdir td1
createfile tf1 tf1
file rename tf1 td1
contents [file join td1 tf1]
} {tf1}
test fcmd-3.8 {FileCopyRename: too many arguments: argc - i > 2} {
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
test fcmd-3.9 {FileCopyRename: too many arguments: argc - i > 2} {
list [catch {file copy -force -- tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
} {1 {error copying: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
test fcmd-3.10 {FileCopyRename: just 2 arguments} {
createfile tf1 tf1
file rename tf1 tf2
contents tf2
} {tf1}
test fcmd-3.11 {FileCopyRename: just 2 arguments} {
createfile tf1 tf1
file rename -force -force -- tf1 tf2
contents tf2
} {tf1}
test fcmd-3.12 {FileCopyRename: move each source: 1 source} {
createfile tf1 tf1
file mkdir td1
file rename tf1 td1
contents [file join td1 tf1]
} {tf1}
test fcmd-3.13 {FileCopyRename: move each source: multiple sources} {
createfile tf1 tf1
createfile tf2 tf2
createfile tf3 tf3
createfile tf4 tf4
file mkdir td1
file rename tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 td1
list [contents [file join td1 tf1]] [contents [file join td1 tf2]] \
[contents [file join td1 tf3]] [contents [file join td1 tf4]]
} {tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4}
test fcmd-3.14 {FileCopyRename: FileBasename fails} {
file mkdir td1
list [catch {file rename ~nonexistantuser td1} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "nonexistantuser" doesn't exist}}
test fcmd-3.15 {FileCopyRename: source[0] == '\0'} {unixOrPc} {
file mkdir td1
list [catch {file rename / td1} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "/" to "td1": file already exists}}
test fcmd-3.16 {FileCopyRename: break on first error} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
createfile tf3
createfile tf4
file mkdir td1
createfile [file join td1 tf3]
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "tf3" to "[file join td1 tf3]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-4.1 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: make each dir: 1 dir} {
file mkdir td1
glob td*
} {td1}
test fcmd-4.2 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: make each dir: multiple dirs} {
file mkdir td1 td2 td3
lsort [glob td*]
} {td1 td2 td3}
test fcmd-4.3 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: stops on first error} {
createfile tf1
catch {file mkdir td1 td2 tf1 td3 td4}
glob td1 td2 tf1 td3 td4
} {td1 td2 tf1}
test fcmd-4.4 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {
list [catch {file mkdir ~nonexistantuser} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "nonexistantuser" doesn't exist}}
test fcmd-4.5 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: Tcl_SplitPath returns 0: *name == '\0'} {
list [catch {file mkdir ""} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't create directory "": no such file or directory}}
test fcmd-4.6 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: one level deep} {
file mkdir td1
glob td1
} {td1}
test fcmd-4.7 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: multi levels deep} {
file mkdir [file join td1 td2 td3 td4]
glob td1 [file join td1 td2]
} "td1 [file join td1 td2]"
test fcmd-4.8 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: already exist: lstat(target) == 0} {
file mkdir td1
set x [file exist td1]
file mkdir td1
list $x [file exist td1]
} {1 1}
test fcmd-4.9 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: exists, not dir} {
createfile tf1
list [catch {file mkdir tf1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't create directory "[file join tf1]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-4.10 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: exists, is dir} {
file mkdir td1
set x [file exist td1]
file mkdir td1
list $x [file exist td1]
} {1 1}
test fcmd-4.11 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno != ENOENT} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
testchmod 000 td1/td2
set msg [list [catch {file mkdir td1/td2/td3/td4} msg] $msg]
testchmod 755 td1/td2
set msg
} {1 {can't create directory "td1/td2/td3": permission denied}}
test fcmd-4.12 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno != ENOENT} {macOnly} {
list [catch {file mkdir nonexistantvolume:} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't create directory "nonexistantvolume:": invalid argument}}
test fcmd-4.13 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno == ENOENT} {
set x [file exist td1]
file mkdir td1
list $x [file exist td1]
} {0 1}
test fcmd-4.14 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory fails} {unixOnly nonPortable} {
list [catch {file mkdir /tf1} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't create directory "/tf1": permission denied}}
test fcmd-4.15 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory fails} {pcOnly} {
# error message is either "permission denied" or "file already exists"
catch {file mkdir c:.} msg
string range $msg 0 26
} {can't create directory "c:"}
test fcmd-4.16 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory fails} {macOnly} {
list [catch {file mkdir ${root}:} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't create directory "${root}:": no such file or directory}}]
test fcmd-4.17 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory succeeds} {
file mkdir tf1
file exists tf1
} {1}
test fcmd-5.1 {TclFileDeleteCmd: FileForceOption fails} {
list [catch {file delete -xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-xyz": should be -force or --}}
test fcmd-5.2 {TclFileDeleteCmd: not enough args} {
list [catch {file delete -force -force} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "file delete ?options? file ?file ...?"}}
test fcmd-5.3 {TclFileDeleteCmd: 1 file} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file mkdir td1
file delete tf2
glob tf* td*
} {tf1 td1}
test fcmd-5.4 {TclFileDeleteCmd: multiple files} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file mkdir td1
set x [list [file exist tf1] [file exist tf2] [file exist td1]]
file delete tf1 td1 tf2
lappend x [file exist tf1] [file exist tf2] [file exist tf3]
} {1 1 1 0 0 0}
test fcmd-5.5 {TclFileDeleteCmd: stop at first error} {unixOrPc} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file mkdir td1
catch {file delete tf1 td1 $root tf2}
list [file exist tf1] [file exist tf2] [file exist td1]
} {0 1 0}
test fcmd-5.6 {TclFileDeleteCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {
list [catch {file delete ~nonexistantuser} msg] $msg
} {1 {user "nonexistantuser" doesn't exist}}
test fcmd-5.7 {TclFileDeleteCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName succeeds} {
file delete ~/tf1
createfile ~/tf1
file delete ~/tf1
} {}
test fcmd-5.8 {TclFileDeleteCmd: file doesn't exist: lstat(name) != 0} {
set x [file exist tf1]
file delete tf1
list $x [file exist tf1]
} {0 0}
test fcmd-5.9 {TclFileDeleteCmd: is directory} {
file mkdir td1
file delete td1
file exist td1
} {0}
test fcmd-5.10 {TclFileDeleteCmd: TclpRemoveDirectory fails} {
file mkdir td1/td2
list [catch {file delete td1} msg] $msg
} {1 {error deleting "td1": directory not empty}}
test fcmd-6.1 {CopyRenameOneFile: bad source} {
# can't test this, because it's caught by FileCopyRename
} {}
test fcmd-6.2 {CopyRenameOneFile: bad target} {
# can't test this, because it's caught by FileCopyRename
} {}
test fcmd-6.3 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(source) != 0} {
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "tf1": no such file or directory}}
test fcmd-6.4 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(source) == 0} {
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 tf2
glob tf*
} {tf2}
test fcmd-6.5 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(target) != 0} {
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 tf2
glob tf*
} {tf2}
test fcmd-6.6 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir td1
testchmod 000 td1
createfile tf1
set msg [list [catch {file rename tf1 td1} msg] $msg]
testchmod 755 td1
set msg
} {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "td1/tf1": permission denied}}
test fcmd-6.7 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {95} {
createfile tf1
list [catch {file rename tf1 $long} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "$long": file name too long}}]
test fcmd-6.8 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {macOnly} {
createfile tf1
list [catch {file rename tf1 $long} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "$long": file name too long}}]
test fcmd-6.9 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == ENOENT} {unixOnly} {
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 tf2
glob tf*
} {tf2}
test fcmd-6.10 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(target) == 0} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}}
test fcmd-6.11 {CopyRenameOneFile: force == 0} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}}
test fcmd-6.12 {CopyRenameOneFile: force != 0} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file rename -force tf1 tf2
glob tf*
} {tf2}
test fcmd-6.13 {CopyRenameOneFile: source is dir, target is file} {
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2
createfile [file join td2 td1]
list [catch {file rename -force td1 td2} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't overwrite file "[file join td2 td1]" with directory "td1"}}]
test fcmd-6.14 {CopyRenameOneFile: source is file, target is dir} {
createfile tf1
file mkdir [file join td1 tf1]
list [catch {file rename -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
test fcmd-6.15 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpRenameFile succeeds} {
file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
file mkdir td2
createfile [file join td2 tf1]
file rename -force td2 td1
file exists [file join td1 td2 tf1]
} {1}
test fcmd-6.16 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyRenameOneFile fails} {
file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
createfile [file join td1 td2 tf1]
file mkdir td2
list [catch {file rename -force td2 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "td2" to "[file join td1 td2]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-6.17 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EINVAL} {
list [catch {file rename -force $root tf1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "$root" to "tf1": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itself}}]
test fcmd-6.18 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != EXDEV} {
file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
createfile [file join td1 td2 tf1]
file mkdir td2
list [catch {file rename -force td2 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "td2" to "[file join td1 td2]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-6.19 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EXDEV} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 /tmp
glob tf* /tmp/tf1
} {/tmp/tf1}
test fcmd-6.20 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EXDEV} {pcOnly} {
file delete -force c:/tcl8975@ d:/tcl8975@
file mkdir c:/tcl8975@
if [catch {file rename c:/tcl8975@ d:/}] {
list d:/tcl8975@
} else {
set msg [glob c:/tcl8975@ d:/tcl8975@]
file delete -force d:/tcl8975@
set msg
} {d:/tcl8975@}
test fcmd-6.21 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy/rename: S_ISDIR(source)} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir td1
file rename td1 /tmp
glob td* /tmp/td*
} {/tmp/td1}
test fcmd-6.22 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy/rename: !S_ISDIR(source)} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
createfile tf1
file rename tf1 /tmp
glob tf* /tmp/tf*
} {/tmp/tf1}
test fcmd-6.23 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
exec chmod 000 td1
set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 /tmp} msg] $msg]
exec chmod 755 td1
set msg
} {1 {error renaming "td1": permission denied}}
test fcmd-6.24 {CopyRenameOneFile: error uses original name} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir ~/td1/td2
exec chmod 000 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
set msg [list [catch {file copy ~/td1 td1} msg] $msg]
exec chmod 755 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
file delete -force ~/td1
set msg
} {1 {error copying "~/td1": permission denied}}
test fcmd-6.25 {CopyRenameOneFile: error uses original name} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir td2
file mkdir ~/td1
exec chmod 000 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
set msg [list [catch {file copy td2 ~/td1} msg] $msg]
exec chmod 755 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
file delete -force ~/td1
set msg
} {1 {error copying "td2" to "~/td1/td2": permission denied}}
test fcmd-6.26 {CopyRenameOneFile: doesn't use original name} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir ~/td1/td2
exec chmod 000 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]
set msg [list [catch {file copy ~/td1 td1} msg] $msg]
exec chmod 755 [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]
file delete -force ~/td1
set msg
} "1 {error copying \"~/td1\" to \"td1\": \"[file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]\": permission denied}"
test fcmd-6.27 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
file mkdir /tmp/td1
createfile /tmp/td1/tf1
list [catch {file rename -force td1 /tmp} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "/tmp/td1": file already exists}}
test fcmd-6.28 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
exec chmod 000 td1/td2/td3
set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 /tmp} msg] $msg]
exec chmod 755 td1/td2/td3
set msg
} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "/tmp/td1": "td1/td2/td3": permission denied}}
test fcmd-6.29 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory passed} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir td1/td2/td3
file rename td1 /tmp
glob td* /tmp/td1/t*
} {/tmp/td1/td2}
test fcmd-6.30 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpRemoveDirectory failed} {unixOnly nonPortable} {
if [file exists /kernel] {
set msg [list [catch {file rename /kernel td1} msg] $msg]
set a1 {1 {can't unlink "/kernel": permission denied}}
expr {$msg == $a1}
} else {
list 1
} {1}
test fcmd-6.31 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpDeleteFile passed} {unixOnly} {
cleanup /tmp
file mkdir /tmp/td1
createfile /tmp/td1/tf1
file rename /tmp/td1/tf1 tf1
list [file exists /tmp/td1/tf1] [file exists tf1]
} {0 1}
test fcmd-6.32 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy} {
list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
cleanup /tmp
test fcmd-7.1 {FileForceOption: none} {
file mkdir [file join tf1 tf2]
list [catch {file delete tf1} msg] $msg
} {1 {error deleting "tf1": directory not empty}}
test fcmd-7.2 {FileForceOption: -force} {
file mkdir [file join tf1 tf2]
file delete -force tf1
} {}
test fcmd-7.3 {FileForceOption: --} {
createfile -tf1
file delete -- -tf1
} {}
test fcmd-7.4 {FileForceOption: bad option} {
createfile -tf1
set msg [list [catch {file delete -tf1} msg] $msg]
file delete -- -tf1
set msg
} {1 {bad option "-tf1": should be -force or --}}
test fcmd-7.5 {FileForceOption: multiple times through loop} {
createfile --
createfile -force
file delete -force -force -- -- -force
list [catch {glob -- -- -force} msg] $msg
} {1 {no files matched glob patterns "-- -force"}}
test fcmd-8.1 {FileBasename: basename of ~user: argc == 1 && *path == ~} {unixOnly} {
list [catch {file rename ~$user /} msg] $msg
} "1 {error renaming \"~$user\" to \"/$user\": permission denied}"
test fcmd-9.1 {file rename: comprehensive: EACCES} {unixOnly} {
file mkdir td1
list [catch {file rename td1 /} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "/td1": permission denied}}
test fcmd-9.2 {file rename: comprehensive: source doesn't exist} {
list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error renaming "tf1": no such file or directory}}
test fcmd-9.3 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
testchmod 444 tf2
file rename tf1 tf3
file rename tf2 tf4
list [lsort [glob tf*]] [file writable tf3] [file writable tf4]
} {{tf3 tf4} 1 0}
test fcmd-9.4 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name} {
file mkdir td1 td2
testchmod 555 td2
file rename td1 td3
file rename td2 td4
list [lsort [glob td*]] [file writable td3] [file writable td4]
} {{td3 td4} 1 0}
test fcmd-9.5 {file rename: comprehensive: file to self} {
createfile tf1 tf1
createfile tf2 tf2
testchmod 444 tf2
file rename -force tf1 tf1
file rename -force tf2 tf2
list [contents tf1] [contents tf2] [file writable tf1] [file writable tf2]
} {tf1 tf2 1 0}
test fcmd-9.6 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to self} {
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2
testchmod 555 td2
file rename -force td1 .
file rename -force td2 .
list [lsort [glob td*]] [file writable td1] [file writable td2]
} {{td1 td2} 1 0}
test fcmd-9.7 {file rename: comprehensive: file to existing file} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
createfile tfs1
createfile tfs2
createfile tfs3
createfile tfs4
createfile tfd1
createfile tfd2
createfile tfd3
createfile tfd4
testchmod 444 tfs3
testchmod 444 tfs4
testchmod 444 tfd2
testchmod 444 tfd4
set msg [list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
file rename -force tfs1 tfd1
file rename -force tfs2 tfd2
file rename -force tfs3 tfd3
file rename -force tfs4 tfd4
list [lsort [glob tf*]] $msg [file writable tfd1] [file writable tfd2] [file writable tfd3] [file writable tfd4]
} {{tf1 tf2 tfd1 tfd2 tfd3 tfd4} {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}
test fcmd-9.8 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to empty dir} {
# Under unix, you can rename a read-only directory, but you can't
# move it into another directory.
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2/td1
file mkdir tds1
file mkdir tds2
file mkdir tds3
file mkdir tds4
file mkdir tdd1/tds1
file mkdir tdd2/tds2
file mkdir tdd3/tds3
file mkdir tdd4/tds4
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
testchmod 555 tds3
testchmod 555 tds4
testchmod 555 tdd2/tds2
testchmod 555 tdd4/tds4
set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 td2} msg] $msg]
file rename -force tds1 tdd1
file rename -force tds2 tdd2
file rename -force tds3 tdd3
file rename -force tds4 tdd4
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
set w3 [file writable tdd3/tds3]
set w4 [file writable tdd4/tds4]
} else {
set w3 0
set w4 0
list [lsort [glob td*]] $msg [file writable tdd1/tds1] [file writable tdd2/tds2] $w3 $w4
} [subst {{td1 td2 tdd1 tdd2 tdd3 tdd4} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}]
test fcmd-9.9 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to non-empty dir} {
file mkdir tds1
file mkdir tds2
file mkdir tdd1/tds1/xxx
file mkdir tdd2/tds2/xxx
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
testchmod 555 tds2
set a1 [list [catch {file rename -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
set a2 [list [catch {file rename -force tds2 tdd2} msg] $msg]
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
set w2 [file writable tds2]
} else {
set w2 0
list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 [file writable tds1] $w2
} [subst {{tdd1 tdd2 tds1 tds2} {1 {error renaming "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} {1 {error renaming "tds2" to "[file join tdd2 tds2]": file already exists}} 1 0}]
test fcmd-9.10 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name and dir} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file mkdir td1
testchmod 444 tf2
file rename tf1 td1/tf3
file rename tf2 td1/tf4
list [catch {glob tf*}] [lsort [glob td1/t*]] [file writable td1/tf3] [file writable td1/tf4]
} [subst {1 {[file join td1 tf3] [file join td1 tf4]} 1 0}]
test fcmd-9.11 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name and dir} {
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2
file mkdir td3
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
testchmod 555 td2
file rename td1 td3/td3
file rename td2 td3/td4
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix"} {
set w4 [file writable td3/td4]
} else {
set w4 0
list [lsort [glob td*]] [lsort [glob td3/t*]] [file writable td3/td3] $w4
} [subst {td3 {[file join td3 td3] [file join td3 td4]} 1 0}]
test fcmd-9.12 {file rename: comprehensive: target exists} {
file mkdir td1/td2 td2/td1
testchmod 555 td2/td1
file mkdir td3/td4 td4/td3
file rename -force td3 td4
set msg [list [file exists td3] [file exists td4/td3/td4] [catch {file rename td1 td2} msg] $msg]
testchmod 755 td2/td1
set msg
} [subst {0 1 1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-9.13 {file rename: comprehensive: can't overwrite target} {
file mkdir td1/td2 td2/td1/td4
list [catch {file rename -force td1 td2} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}}]
test fcmd-9.14 {file rename: comprehensive: dir into self} {
file mkdir td1
list [glob td*] [list [catch {file rename td1 td1} msg] $msg]
} [subst {td1 {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td1 td1]": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itself}}}]
test fcmd-9.15 {file rename: comprehensive: source and target incompatible} {
file mkdir td1
createfile tf1
list [catch {file rename -force td1 tf1} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't overwrite file "tf1" with directory "td1"}}
test fcmd-9.16 {file rename: comprehensive: source and target incompatible} {
file mkdir td1/tf1
createfile tf1
list [catch {file rename -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
test fcmd-10.1 {file copy: comprehensive: source doesn't exist} {
list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
} {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
test fcmd-10.2 {file copy: comprehensive: file to new name} {
createfile tf1 tf1
createfile tf2 tf2
testchmod 444 tf2
file copy tf1 tf3
file copy tf2 tf4
list [lsort [glob tf*]] [contents tf3] [contents tf4] [file writable tf3] [file writable tf4]
} {{tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4} tf1 tf2 1 0}
test fcmd-10.3 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to new name} {
file mkdir td1/tdx
file mkdir td2/tdy
testchmod 555 td2
file copy td1 td3
file copy td2 td4
set msg [list [lsort [glob td*]] [glob td3/t*] [glob td4/t*] [file writable td3] [file writable td4]]
testchmod 755 td2
testchmod 755 td4
set msg
} [subst {{td1 td2 td3 td4} [file join td3 tdx] [file join td4 tdy] 1 0}]
test fcmd-10.4 {file copy: comprehensive: file to existing file} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
createfile tfs1
createfile tfs2
createfile tfs3
createfile tfs4
createfile tfd1
createfile tfd2
createfile tfd3
createfile tfd4
testchmod 444 tfs3
testchmod 444 tfs4
testchmod 444 tfd2
testchmod 444 tfd4
set msg [list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
file copy -force tfs1 tfd1
file copy -force tfs2 tfd2
file copy -force tfs3 tfd3
file copy -force tfs4 tfd4
list [lsort [glob tf*]] $msg [file writable tfd1] [file writable tfd2] [file writable tfd3] [file writable tfd4]
} {{tf1 tf2 tfd1 tfd2 tfd3 tfd4 tfs1 tfs2 tfs3 tfs4} {1 {error copying "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}
test fcmd-10.5 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to empty dir} {
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2/td1
file mkdir tds1
file mkdir tds2
file mkdir tds3
file mkdir tds4
file mkdir tdd1/tds1
file mkdir tdd2/tds2
file mkdir tdd3/tds3
file mkdir tdd4/tds4
testchmod 555 tds3
testchmod 555 tds4
testchmod 555 tdd2/tds2
testchmod 555 tdd4/tds4
set a1 [list [catch {file copy td1 td2} msg] $msg]
set a2 [list [catch {file copy -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
set a3 [catch {file copy -force tds2 tdd2}]
set a4 [catch {file copy -force tds3 tdd3}]
set a5 [catch {file copy -force tds4 tdd4}]
list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5
} [subst {{td1 td2 tdd1 tdd2 tdd3 tdd4 tds1 tds2 tds3 tds4} {1 {error copying "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}} {1 {error copying "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} 1 1 1}]
test fcmd-10.6 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to non-empty dir} {
file mkdir tds1
file mkdir tds2
file mkdir tdd1/tds1/xxx
file mkdir tdd2/tds2/xxx
testchmod 555 tds2
set a1 [list [catch {file copy -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
set a2 [list [catch {file copy -force tds2 tdd2} msg] $msg]
list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 [file writable tds1] [file writable tds2]
} [subst {{tdd1 tdd2 tds1 tds2} {1 {error copying "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} {1 {error copying "tds2" to "[file join tdd2 tds2]": file already exists}} 1 0}]
test fcmd-10.7 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name and dir} {
createfile tf1
createfile tf2
file mkdir td1
testchmod 444 tf2
file copy tf1 td1/tf3
file copy tf2 td1/tf4
list [lsort [glob tf*]] [lsort [glob td1/t*]] [file writable td1/tf3] [file writable td1/tf4]
} [subst {{tf1 tf2} {[file join td1 tf3] [file join td1 tf4]} 1 0}]
test fcmd-10.8 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name and dir} {
file mkdir td1
file mkdir td2
file mkdir td3
testchmod 555 td2
file copy td1 td3/td3
file copy td2 td3/td4
list [lsort [glob td*]] [lsort [glob td3/t*]] [file writable td3/td3] [file writable td3/td4]
} [subst {{td1 td2 td3} {[file join td3 td3] [file join td3 td4]} 1 0}]
test fcmd-10.9 {file copy: comprehensive: source and target incompatible} {
file mkdir td1
createfile tf1
list [catch {file copy -force td1 tf1} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't overwrite file "tf1" with directory "td1"}}
test fcmd-10.10 {file copy: comprehensive: source and target incompatible} {
file mkdir td1/tf1
createfile tf1
list [catch {file copy -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
} [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
# old tests
test fcmd-11.1 {TclFileRenameCmd: -- option } {
file delete -force -- -tfa1
set s [createfile -tfa1]
file rename -- -tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && ![file exists -tfa1]]
file delete tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.2 {TclFileRenameCmd: bad option } {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set s [createfile tfa1]
set r1 [catch {file rename -x tfa1 tfa2}]
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa2]]
file delete tfa1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.3 {TclFileRenameCmd: bad \# args} {
catch {file rename -- }
} {1}
test fcmd-11.4 {TclFileRenameCmd: target filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file rename tfa ~/foobar }]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.5 {TclFileRenameCmd: more than one source and target is not a directory} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
createfile tfa1
createfile tfa2
createfile tfa3
set result [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.6 {TclFileRenameCmd: : single file into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad
set s [createfile tfa1]
file mkdir tfad
file rename tfa1 tfad
set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa1]]
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.7 {TclFileRenameCmd: : multiple files into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
file mkdir tfad
file rename tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]]
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-11.8 {TclFileRenameCmd: error renaming file to directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad
file mkdir tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for renamefile() ;
test fcmd-12.1 {renamefile: source filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file rename ~/tfa1 tfa2}]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.2 {renamefile: src filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set s [createfile tfa1]
file mkdir tfad
set result [catch {file rename tfa1 ~/tfa2 tfad}]
set env(HOME) $temp
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.3 {renamefile: stat failing on source} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2}]
expr {$r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]}
} {1}
test fcmd-12.4 {renamefile: error renaming file to directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s1 [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad
file mkdir tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s1]
set r3 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.5 {renamefile: error renaming directory to file } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfad
set s [createfile tfad/tfa]
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa $s]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set r4 [file isdir tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.6 {renamefile: TclRenameFile succeeding } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set s [createfile tfa1]
file rename tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && ![file exists tfa1]]
file delete tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.7 {renamefile: renaming directory into offspring} {
file delete -force -- tfad
file mkdir tfad
file mkdir tfad/dir
set result [catch {file rename tfad tfad/dir}]
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.8 {renamefile: generic error } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfa/dir
exec chmod 555 tfa
set result [catch {file rename tfa/dir tfa2}]
exec chmod 777 tfa
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.9 {renamefile: moving a file across volumes } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa /tmp/tfa
set s [createfile tfa ]
file rename tfa /tmp
set result [expr [checkcontent /tmp/tfa $s] && ![file exists tfa]]
file delete /tmp/tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-12.10 {renamefile: moving a directory across volumes } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfad /tmp/tfad
file mkdir tfad
set s [createfile tfad/a ]
file rename tfad /tmp
set restul [expr [checkcontent /tmp/tfad/a $s] && ![file exists tfad]]
file delete -force /tmp/tfad
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for TclCopyFilesCmd()
test fcmd-13.1 {TclCopyFilesCmd: -force option } {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set s [createfile tfa1]
file copy -force tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
file delete tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.2 {TclCopyFilesCmd: -- option } {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set s [createfile -tfa1]
file copy -- -tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent -tfa1 $s]]
file delete -- -tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.3 {TclCopyFilesCmd: bad option } {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set s [createfile tfa1]
set r1 [catch {file copy -x tfa1 tfa2}]
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa2]]
file delete tfa1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.4 {TclCopyFilesCmd: bad \# args} {
catch {file copy -- }
} {1}
test fcmd-13.5 {TclCopyFilesCmd: target filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file copy tfa ~/foobar }]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.6 {TclCopyFilesCmd: more than one source and target is not a directory} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
createfile tfa1
createfile tfa2
createfile tfa3
set result [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.7 {TclCopyFilesCmd: : single file into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad
set s [createfile tfa1]
file mkdir tfad
file copy tfa1 tfad
set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
file delete -force tfad tfa1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.8 {TclCopyFilesCmd: : multiple files into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
file mkdir tfad
file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s1]
set r4 [checkcontent tfa2 $s2]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
file delete -force tfad tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-13.9 {TclCopyFilesCmd: error copying file to directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad
file mkdir tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
set r2 [expr [checkcontent tfa $s] && [file isdir tfad/tfa]]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for copyfile()
test fcmd-14.1 {copyfile: source filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file copy ~/tfa1 tfa2}]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.2 {copyfile: dst filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set s [createfile tfa1]
file mkdir tfad
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 ~/tfa2 tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s]]
set env(HOME) $temp
file delete -force tfa1 tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.3 {copyfile: stat failing on source} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2}]
expr $r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]
} {1}
test fcmd-14.4 {copyfile: error copying file to directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s1 [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad
file mkdir tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s1]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set r4 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.5 {copyfile: error copying directory to file } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfad
set s [createfile tfad/tfa]
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa $s]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set r4 [file isdir tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.6 {copyfile: copy file succeeding } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfa2
set s [createfile tfa]
file copy tfa tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa $s] && [checkcontent tfa2 $s]]
file delete tfa tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.7 {copyfile: copy directory succeeding } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfa2
file mkdir tfa
set s [createfile tfa/file]
file copy tfa tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa/file $s] && [checkcontent tfa2/file $s]]
file delete -force tfa tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-14.8 {copyfile: copy directory failing } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa/dir/a/b/c
exec chmod 000 tfa/dir
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfa2}]
exec chmod 777 tfa/dir
set result $r1
file delete -force tfa tfa2
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for TclMkdirCmd()
test fcmd-15.1 {TclMakeDirsCmd: target filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file mkdir ~/tfa}]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
# Can Tcl_SplitPath return argc == 0? If so them we need a
# test for that code.
test fcmd-15.2 {TclMakeDirsCmd - one directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
set result [file isdirectory tfa]
file delete tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.3 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - two directories } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
file mkdir tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [file isdirectory tfa1] && [file isdirectory tfa2]]
file delete tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.4 {TclMakeDirsCmd - stat failing } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
createfile tfa/file
exec chmod 000 tfa
set result [catch {file mkdir tfa/file}]
exec chmod 777 tfa
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.5 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - making a directory several levels deep } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa/a/b/c
set result [file isdir tfa/a/b/c]
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.6 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - trying to overwrite a file } {
file delete -force -- tfa
set s [createfile tfa]
set r1 [catch {file mkdir tfa}]
set r2 [file isdir tfa]
set r3 [file exists tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && !$r2 && $r3 && [checkcontent tfa $s]]
file delete tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.7 {TclMakeDirsCmd - making several directories } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
file mkdir tfa1 tfa2/a/b/c
set result [expr [file isdir tfa1] && [file isdir tfa2/a/b/c]]
file delete -force tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-15.8 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: trying to create an existing dir} {
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfa
set result [file isdir tfa]
file delete tfa
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for TclDeleteFilesCommand()
test fcmd-16.1 { test the -- argument } {
file delete -force -- tfa
createfile tfa
file delete -- tfa
file exists tfa
} {0}
test fcmd-16.2 { test the -force and -- arguments } {
file delete -force -- tfa
createfile tfa
file delete -force -- tfa
file exists tfa
} {0}
test fcmd-16.3 { test bad option } {
file delete -force -- tfa
createfile tfa
set result [catch {file delete -dog tfa}]
file delete tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-16.4 { test not enough args } {
catch {file delete}
} {1}
test fcmd-16.5 { test not enough args with options } {
catch {file delete --}
} {1}
test fcmd-16.6 {delete: source filename translation failing} {
global env
set temp $env(HOME)
unset env(HOME)
set result [catch {file delete ~/tfa}]
set env(HOME) $temp
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-16.7 {remove a non-empty directory without -force } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
createfile tfa/a
set result [catch {file delete tfa }]
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-16.8 {remove a normal file } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
createfile tfa/a
set result [catch {file delete tfa }]
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-16.9 {error while deleting file } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
createfile tfa/a
exec chmod 555 tfa
set result [catch {file delete tfa/a }]
####### If any directory in a tree that is being removed does not
####### have write permission, the process will fail!
####### This is also the case with "rm -rf"
exec chmod 777 tfa
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-16.10 {deleting multiple files } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
createfile tfa1
createfile tfa2
file delete tfa1 tfa2
expr ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]
} {1}
test fcmd-16.11 { TclFileDeleteCmd: removing a nonexistant file} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file delete tfa
set result 1
} {1}
# More coverage tests for mkpath()
test fcmd-17.1 {mkdir stat failing on target but not ENOENT } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1
file mkdir tfa1
exec chmod 555 tfa1
set result [catch {file mkdir tfa1/tfa2}]
exec chmod 777 tfa1
file delete -force tfa1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-17.2 {mkdir several levels deep - relative } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa/a/b
set result [file isdir tfa/a/b ]
file delete tfa/a/b tfa/a tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-17.3 {mkdir several levels deep - absolute } {
file delete -force -- tfa
set f [file join [pwd] tfa a ]
file mkdir $f
set result [file isdir $f ]
file delete $f [file join [pwd] tfa]
set result
} {1}
# Functionality tests for TclFileRenameCmd()
test fcmd-18.1 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename (first form) in the same directory} {
file delete -force -- tfad
file mkdir tfad/dir
cd tfad/dir
set s [createfile foo ]
file rename foo bar
file rename bar ./foo
file rename ./foo bar
file rename ./bar ./foo
file rename foo ../dir/bar
file rename ../dir/bar ./foo
file rename ../../tfad/dir/foo ../../tfad/dir/bar
file rename [file join [pwd] bar] foo
file rename foo [file join [pwd] bar]
set result [expr [checkcontent bar $s] && ![file exists foo]]
cd ../..
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.2 {TclFileRenameCmd: single dir to nonexistant } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
file mkdir tfa1
file rename tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [file exists tfa2] && ![file exists tfa1]]
file delete tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.3 {TclFileRenameCmd: mixed dirs and files into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
set s [createfile tfa1 ]
file mkdir tfad1 tfad2
file rename tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
set r1 [checkcontent tfad2/tfa1 $s]
set r2 [file isdir tfad2/tfad1]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfad1]]
file delete tfad2/tfa1
file delete -force tfad2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.4 {TclFileRenameCmd: attempt to replace non-dir with dir } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad
set r1 [catch {file rename tfad tfa}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
set r3 [file isdir tfad]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
file delete tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.5 {TclFileRenameCmd: attempt to replace dir with non-dir } {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
set s [createfile tfa ]
file mkdir tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
set r3 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
# On Windows there is no easy way to determine if two files are the same
test fcmd-18.6 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename a file to itself} {macOrUnix} {
file delete -force -- tfa
set s [createfile tfa]
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfa}]
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa $s]]
file delete tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.7 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of another empty dir w/o -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.8 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of another empty dir w/ -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa
file rename -force tfa tfad
set result [expr ![file isdir tfa]]
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.9 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of a non-empty dir w/o -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.10 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of a non-empty dir w/ -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
set r1 [catch {file rename -force tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.11 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename a non-existant file} {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set r1 [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2}]
set result [expr $r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]]
} {1}
test fcmd-18.12 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a symbolic link to file} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
set s [createfile tfa1]
exec ln -s tfa1 tfa2
file rename tfa2 tfa3
set t [file type tfa3]
set result [expr { $t == "link" }]
file delete tfa1 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.13 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a symbolic link to dir} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
file mkdir tfa1
exec ln -s tfa1 tfa2
file rename tfa2 tfa3
set t [file type tfa3]
set result [expr { $t == "link" }]
file delete tfa1 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.14 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a path with sym link} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
file mkdir tfa1/a/b/c/d
file mkdir tfa2
set f [file join [pwd] tfa1/a/b]
set f2 [file join [pwd] {tfa2/b alias}]
exec ln -s $f $f2
file rename {tfa2/b alias/c} tfa3
set r1 [file isdir tfa3]
set r2 [file exists tfa1/a/b/c]
set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
file delete -force tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.15 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a file to a symlink dir} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfalink
file mkdir tfa1
set s [createfile tfa2]
exec ln -s tfa1 tfalink
file rename tfa2 tfalink
set result [checkcontent tfa1/tfa2 $s ]
file delete -force tfa1 tfalink
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-18.16 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a dangling symlink} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfalink
file mkdir tfa1
exec ln -s tfa1 tfalink
file delete tfa1
file rename tfalink tfa2
set result [expr [string compare [file type tfa2] "link"] == 0]
file delete tfa2
set result
} {1}
# Coverage tests for TclUnixRmdir
test fcmd-19.1 { remove empty directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
file delete tfa
file exists tfa
} {0}
test fcmd-19.2 { rmdir error besides EEXIST} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfa/a
exec chmod 555 tfa
set result [catch {file delete tfa/a}]
exec chmod 777 tfa
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-19.3 { recursive remove } {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfa/a
file delete -force tfa
file exists tfa
} {0}
# TclUnixDeleteFile and TraversalDelete are covered by tests from the
# TclDeleteFilesCmd suite
# Coverage tests for TraverseUnixTree(), called from TclDeleteFilesCmd
test fcmd-20.1 {TraverseUnixTree : failure opening a subdirectory directory } {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfa
file mkdir tfa
file mkdir tfa/a
exec chmod 000 tfa/a
set result [catch {file delete -force tfa}]
exec chmod 777 tfa/a
file delete -force tfa
set result
} {1}
# Feature testing for TclCopyFilesCmd
test fcmd-21.1 {copy : single file to nonexistant } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set s [createfile tfa1]
file copy tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
file delete tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.2 {copy : single dir to nonexistant } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
file mkdir tfa1
file copy tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr [file isdir tfa2] && [file isdir tfa1]]
file delete tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.3 {copy : single file into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad
set s [createfile tfa1]
file mkdir tfad
file copy tfa1 tfad
set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
file delete -force tfa1 tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.4 {copy : more than one source and target is not a directory} {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
createfile tfa1
createfile tfa2
createfile tfa3
set result [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.5 {copy : multiple files into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
file mkdir tfad
file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s1]
set r4 [checkcontent tfa2 $s2]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4]
file delete -force tfa1 tfa2 tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.6 {copy : mixed dirs and files into directory } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
set s [createfile tfa1 ]
file mkdir tfad1 tfad2
file copy tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
set r1 [checkcontent tfad2/tfa1 $s]
set r2 [file isdir tfad2/tfad1]
set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s]
set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && [file isdir tfad1]]
file delete -force tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.7 {TclCopyFilesCmd : copy a dangling link } {unixOnly} {
file mkdir tfad1
exec ln -s tfad1 tfalink
file delete tfad1
file copy tfalink tfalink2
set result [string match [file type tfalink2] link]
file delete tfalink tfalink2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.8 {TclCopyFilesCmd : copy a link } {unixOnly} {
file mkdir tfad1
exec ln -s tfad1 tfalink
file copy tfalink tfalink2
set r1 [file type tfalink]
set r2 [file type tfalink2]
set r3 [file isdir tfad1]
set result [expr {("$r1" == "link" ) && ("$r2" == "link" ) && $r3}]
file delete tfad1 tfalink tfalink2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.9 {TclCopyFilesCmd : copy dir with a link in it } {unixOnly} {
file mkdir tfad1
exec ln -s "[pwd]/tfad1" tfad1/tfalink
file copy tfad1 tfad2
set result [string match [file type tfad2/tfalink] link]
file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.10 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of another empty dir w/o -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.11 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of a dir w/o -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-21.12 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of a non-empty dir w/ -force} {
file delete -force -- tfa tfad
file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
set r1 [catch {file copy -force tfa tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
file delete -force tfa tfad
set result
} {1}
# Coverage testing for TclMacRenameFile
test fcmd-22.1 { TclMacRenameFile : rename and overwrite in a single dir } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set s [createfile tfa1]
set s2 [createfile tfa2 q]
set r1 [catch {rename tfa1 tfa2}]
file rename -force tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa2 $s]]
file delete [glob tfa1 tfa2]
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-22.2 { TclMacRenameFile : attempt to overwrite itself } {macOrUnix} {
file delete -force -- tfa1
set s [createfile tfa1]
file rename -force tfa1 tfa1
set result [checkcontent tfa1 $s]
file delete tfa1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-22.3 { TclMacRenameFile : rename dir to existing dir } {
file delete -force -- d1 tfad
file mkdir d1 tfad/d1
set r1 [catch {file rename d1 tfad}]
set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir d1] && [file isdir tfad/d1]]
file delete -force d1 tfad
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-22.4 { TclMacRenameFile : rename dir to dir several levels deep } {
file delete -force -- d1 tfad
file mkdir d1 tfad/a/b/c
file rename d1 tfad/a/b/c
set result [expr ![file isdir d1] && [file isdir tfad/a/b/c/d1]]
file delete -force [glob d1 tfad]
set result
} {1}
# TclMacCopyFile needs to be redone.
test fcmd-22.5 { TclMacCopyFile : copy and overwrite in a single dir } {
file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2
set s [createfile tfa1]
set s2 [createfile tfa2 q]
set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2}]
file copy -force tfa1 tfa2
set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
file delete tfa1 tfa2
set result
} {1}
# TclMacMkdir - basic cases are covered elsewhere.
# Error cases are not covered.
# TclMacRmdir
# Error cases are not covered.
test fcmd-23.1 { TclMacRmdir : trying to remove a nonempty directory } {
file delete -force -- tfad
file mkdir tfad/dir
set result [catch {file delete tfad}]
file delete -force tfad
set result
} {1}
# TclMacDeleteFile
# Error cases are not covered.
test fcmd-24.1 { TclMacDeleteFile : deleting a normal file } {
file delete -force -- tfa1
createfile tfa1
file delete tfa1
file exists tfa1
} {0}
# TclMacCopyDirectory
# Error cases are not covered.
test fcmd-25.1 { TclMacCopyDirectory : copying a normal directory} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1/a/b/c
file copy tfad1 tfad2
set result [expr [file isdir tfad1/a/b/c] && [file isdir tfad2/a/b/c]]
file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-25.2 { TclMacCopyDirectory : copying a short path normal directory} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1
file copy tfad1 tfad2
set result [expr [file isdir tfad1] && [file isdir tfad2]]
file delete tfad1 tfad2
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-25.3 { TclMacCopyDirectory : copying dirs between different dirs} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1/x/y/z
file mkdir tfad2/dir
file copy tfad1 tfad2/dir
set result [expr [file isdir tfad1/x/y/z] && [file isdir tfad2/dir/tfad1/x/y/z]]
file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
set result
} {1}
# Functionality tests for TclDeleteFilesCmd
test fcmd-26.1 { TclDeleteFilesCmd : delete symlink} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1
exec ln -s tfad1 tfalink
file delete tfalink
set r1 [file isdir tfad1]
set r2 [file exists tfalink]
set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
file delete tfad1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-26.2 { TclDeleteFilesCmd : delete dir with symlink} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1
file mkdir tfad2
exec ln -s tfad1 tfad2/link
file delete -force tfad2
set r1 [file isdir tfad1]
set r2 [file exists tfad2]
set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
file delete tfad1
set result
} {1}
test fcmd-26.3 { TclDeleteFilesCmd : delete dangling symlink} {unixOnly} {
file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2
file mkdir tfad1
exec ln -s tfad1 tfad2
file delete tfad1
file delete tfad2
set r1 [file exists tfad1]
set r2 [file exists tfad2]
set result [expr !$r1 && !$r2]
set result
} {1}