2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00

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# distribObj.tcl --
# This file contains utilities to manage distributed objects.
# Copyright 1992 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
# notice appears in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
# Support for triggers is kept in the trigger array. This array
# is indexed on object name and slot. The array stores a list of
# commands
proc dp_AppendTrigger {beforeAfter obj slot args} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
lappend trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) $args
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
proc dp_AppendTriggerUnique {beforeAfter obj slot args} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
if {[info exists trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter)] &&
([lsearch $trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) $args] == -1) &&
([lsearch $trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) [list $args]] == -1)} {
lappend trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) $args
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
proc dp_SetTrigger {beforeAfter obj slot args} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
set trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) [list $args]
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
proc dp_ReleaseTrigger {beforeAfter obj slot args} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
set trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) \
[ldelete $trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter) $args]
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
proc dp_ClearTriggers {beforeAfter obj slot} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
catch {unset trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter)}
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
proc dp_GetTriggers {beforeAfter obj slot} {
global trigger
if {[lsearch "before after" $beforeAfter] != -1} {
if [info exists trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter)] {
return $trigger($obj,$slot,$beforeAfter);
} else {
return {};
} else {
error "bad option \"$beforeAfter\": should be \"before\" or \"after\""
# Objects are distributed using the dp_RPC mechanism. The distribution
# information is kept in the array distObjInfo, which index on the object
# name and sometimes the process. For each object, we need
# to know the processes the owner process (or, at least,
# the next step in the path to the owner), the reference count for the
# number of times this object has been distributed to a process, and
# the processes it's been distributed to. Thus,
# owner process <== $objInfo($obj,owner)
# client processes <== $objInfo($obj,clients)
# ref count to $process <== $objInfo($obj,$process)
# Distribute an object. Two steps:
# 1. Make up a list of "-slot value" initialization arguments
# 2. Foreach client process, do an RPC to create the object if
# it's not over there, otherwise increment the reference
# count. Return an error if the object already exists on
# the far end (i.e., because someone else made it).
proc dp_DistributeObject {obj processes makeCmd} {
global objInfo
# Step 1
set params {}
foreach conf [$obj configure] {
set slot [string trimleft [lindex $conf 0] -]
lappend params -$slot [lindex $conf 2]
# Step 2
foreach proc $processes {
if {![info exist objInfo($obj,$proc)]} {
set robj [dp_RPC $proc info procs $obj]
if {[string length $robj] != 0} {
set err "Error while distributing object \"$obj\"\n"
append err "Object already exists on $proc"
error $err
if {[catch {dp_RPC $proc -events rpc -timeout 30000 \
dp_CreateRemoteObject $makeCmd $obj $params} msg]} {
error "timeout while creating object $obj on $proc: $msg"
set objInfo($obj,$proc) 0
lappend objInfo($obj,clients) $proc
dp_atclose $proc prepend "unset objInfo($obj,$proc)"
incr objInfo($obj,$proc)
# Create an object in a process.
# 1. Create the object using the makeCmd
# 2. Record the owner of the object
# 3. Arrange for cleanup if the connection dies.
proc dp_CreateRemoteObject {makeCmd obj params} {
global dp_rpcFile
global objInfo
eval $makeCmd $obj $params
set objInfo($obj,owner) $dp_rpcFile
dp_atclose $dp_rpcFile prepend "dp_DeleteRemoteObject $obj"
# Delete a remote object:
# For each client process:
# 1. Verify that the object has been distributed to the client.
# Error if not.
# 2. Decrement the reference count to the client
# 3. If reference count is zero, delete the object in the client
proc dp_UndistributeObject {obj processes} {
global objInfo;
foreach proc $processes {
if {![info exists objInfo($obj,$proc)]} {
set err "Error while undistributing object \"$obj\"\n"
append err "Object not distributed to $proc from this process"
error $err
incr objInfo($obj,$proc) -1
if {$objInfo($obj,$proc) == 0} {
dp_RDO $proc dp_DeleteRemoteObject $obj
set objInfo($obj,clients) [ldelete $objInfo($obj,clients) $proc];
unset objInfo($obj,$proc)
dp_atclose $proc delete "unset objInfo($obj,$proc)"
if {[llength $objInfo($obj,clients)] == 0} {
unset objInfo($obj,clients)
# Get names of all slots in object
proc dp_SlotNames {obj} {
set slots {};
foreach conf [$obj configure] {
set slot [string trimleft [lindex $conf 0] -];
lappend slots $slot;
return $slots
# Nuke an object. This cleans up the objInfo array and deletes the
# command from the interpreter.
# 1. Recursively delete the object in all the clients.
# 2. Clean up tables: including object owner and triggers.
# 3. Send the destroy message to the object
# 4 Delete the command from the intepreter.
proc dp_DeleteRemoteObject {obj} {
global objInfo
if {[info exists objInfo($obj,clients)]} {
foreach proc $objInfo($obj,clients) {
dp_RDO $proc dp_DeleteRemoteObject $obj
unset objInfo($obj,$proc)
unset objInfo($obj,clients)
catch {unset objInfo($obj,owner)}
foreach slot [dp_SlotNames $obj] {
catch {unset trigger($obj,$slot)}
catch {$obj destroy}
catch {rename $obj ""}
# Set a slot's value:
# If the object was created remotely (i.e., has an owner),
# then send the change to the owner. Otherwise propagate
# the change to the clients
proc dp_setf {obj args} {
global objInfo
if [info exists objInfo($obj,owner)] {
eval dp_RDO $objInfo($obj,owner) dp_setf $obj $args
} else {
eval dp_downsetf $obj $args
# Part of propagating a slot change to a client.
# Should be
# 1. Pass the change on to the clients
# 2. Process all the "before" triggers, ignoring errors.
# 3. Set the slot.
# 4. Process all the "after" triggers, ignoring errors.
proc dp_downsetf {obj args} {
global trigger objInfo
if [info exists objInfo($obj,clients)] {
foreach proc $objInfo($obj,clients) {
eval dp_RDO $proc dp_downsetf $obj $args
set len [llength $args]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set slot [lindex $args $i]
incr i
set value [lindex $args $i]
if [info exists trigger($obj,$slot,before)] {
foreach cmd $trigger($obj,$slot,before) {
catch {uplevel #0 eval $cmd}
$obj configure -$slot $value
if [info exists trigger($obj,$slot,after)] {
foreach cmd $trigger($obj,$slot,after) {
catch {uplevel #0 eval $cmd}
# Get access to a slot. Just for consistency with setf
proc dp_getf {obj slot} {$obj slot-value $slot}