2024-05-28 17:59:32 +02:00

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Archie 3.5 Beta
Patch level 3:
- Support for ls-lR.gz files
- New WWW front-end to the Archie database.
- Improved search speed.
- ISO-Latin-1 support for searches.
- bug fixes as well..
Some notes on how to install or take advantage of the new features.
You must have gzip and gunzip on your system.
You need to edit the files
modify the line anonftp:unix_bsd:image:.Z:anonymous:::-R:*?:ls-lR
to anonftp:unix_bsd:image:.gz,.Z:anonymous:::-R:*?:ls-lR
you need to modify the file
~archie/etc/ (read the instructions in that file)
WWW front-end
Thw files related to the WWW front-end are in ~archie/cgi
You will find in ~archie/cgi/bin
a perl script (archie) and a binary program (cgi-client).
The top part of the perl script will tell you what needs to
be setup.
In ~archie/cgi/html are the different gif files and search forms.
They are not in their final stage ... so do not hesitate to
give us your comments.
The files archie and archie-adv in that directory should
be modified to indicate where the perl script is located.
We recommend that a uniform url be used for archie so that
Archie users will easily find the search page. and
New in this release:
Here are the major added components to the system with some
of the key points involved in each one of them.
- Support for a new database module (webindex)
- retrieval of HTML pages through http protocol
- Keyword extraction
- Controlled crawling of the WWW
- Site by site basis
- Content extraction
- configurable stoplist (keyword exclusion)
- New database structure
- More reliable structure.
- New search engine
- Based on a paged tree structured index
- Faster searches
- Less memory required
- More disk space for construction of the index
- New search interface
- cgi-bin compliant interface
- A better domain filter for anonftp
- results can be pre-configured to return in a certain order
(e.g. ftp sites close to the server first)
- configurable on a server basis
Fixed bugs
- the ``-t'' switch on arcontrol creates the new files and work files
in the specified temp directory and not in ~archie/db/tmp
- Lock files are now created in ~archie/db/locks
- host_manage can handle multiple preferred hostsnames
Currently working on:
- Rewrite of the cgi-bin front-end to be more flexible.
- Archie Help page
- Regular Expressions with the new search engine.
- New set of manpages and documentation.
- Additional type of searches
Currently testing:
- dirsrv with the new database technology.
Known Problems:
- arexchange of webindex will not fully functional
it will not transfer .excerpt files. We still need to experiment
with indexing of the Web and see what is involved with
exchanges of data.