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* tkMenu.c --
* This module implements menus for the Tk toolkit. The menus
* support normal button entries, plus check buttons, radio
* buttons, iconic forms of all of the above, and separator
* entries.
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
* license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
* above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
* all copies of this software.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /user6/ouster/wish/RCS/tkMenu.c,v 1.55 93/08/18 16:25:41 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#include "tkConfig.h"
#include "default.h"
#include "tkInt.h"
* One of the following data structures is kept for each entry of each
* menu managed by this file:
typedef struct MenuEntry {
int type; /* Type of menu entry; see below for
* valid types. */
struct Menu *menuPtr; /* Menu with which this entry is associated. */
char *label; /* Main text label displayed in entry (NULL
* if no label). Malloc'ed. */
int labelLength; /* Number of non-NULL characters in label. */
int underline; /* Index of character to underline. */
Pixmap bitmap; /* Bitmap to display in menu entry, or None.
* If not None then label is ignored. */
char *accel; /* Accelerator string displayed at right
* of menu entry. NULL means no such
* accelerator. Malloc'ed. */
int accelLength; /* Number of non-NULL characters in
* accelerator. */
* Information related to displaying entry:
Tk_Uid state; /* State of button for display purposes:
* normal, active, or disabled. */
int height; /* Number of pixels occupied by entry in
* vertical dimension. */
int y; /* Y-coordinate of topmost pixel in entry. */
int selectorDiameter; /* Size of selector display, in pixels. */
Tk_3DBorder border; /* Structure used to draw background for
* entry. NULL means use overall border
* for menu. */
Tk_3DBorder activeBorder; /* Used to draw background and border when
* element is active. NULL means use
* activeBorder from menu. */
XFontStruct *fontPtr; /* Text font for menu entries. NULL means
* use overall font for menu. */
GC textGC; /* GC for drawing text in entry. NULL means
* use overall textGC for menu. */
GC activeGC; /* GC for drawing text in entry when active.
* NULL means use overall activeGC for
* menu. */
GC disabledGC; /* Used to produce disabled effect for entry.
* NULL means use overall disabledGC from
* menu structure. See comments for
* disabledFg in menu structure for more
* information. */
* Information used to implement this entry's action:
char *command; /* Command to invoke when entry is invoked.
* Malloc'ed. */
char *name; /* Name of variable (for check buttons and
* radio buttons) or menu (for cascade
* entries). Malloc'ed.*/
char *onValue; /* Value to store in variable when selected
* (only for radio and check buttons).
* Malloc'ed. */
char *offValue; /* Value to store in variable when not
* selected (only for check buttons).
* Malloc'ed. */
* Miscellaneous information:
int flags; /* Various flags. See below for definitions. */
} MenuEntry;
* Flag values defined for menu entries:
* ENTRY_SELECTED: Non-zero means this is a radio or check
* button and that it should be drawn in
* the "selected" state.
* ENTRY_NEEDS_REDISPLAY: Non-zero means the entry should be redisplayed.
* Types defined for MenuEntries:
* Mask bits for above types:
* Configuration specs for individual menu entries:
static Tk_ConfigSpec entryConfigSpecs[] = {
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-activebackground", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVE_BG, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, activeBorder),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-accelerator", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_ACCELERATOR, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, accel),
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-background", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_BG, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, border),
{TK_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-bitmap", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_BITMAP, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, bitmap),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-command", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_COMMAND, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, command),
{TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_FONT, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, fontPtr),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-label", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_LABEL, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, label),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-menu", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_MENU, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, name),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-offvalue", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_OFF_VALUE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, offValue),
{TK_CONFIG_UID, "-state", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_STATE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, state),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-onvalue", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_ON_VALUE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, onValue),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-value", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_VALUE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, onValue),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-variable", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_CHECK_VARIABLE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, name),
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-variable", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_RADIO_VARIABLE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, name),
{TK_CONFIG_INT, "-underline", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
DEF_MENU_ENTRY_UNDERLINE, Tk_Offset(MenuEntry, underline),
{TK_CONFIG_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
(char *) NULL, 0, 0}
* A data structure of the following type is kept for each
* menu managed by this file:
typedef struct Menu {
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window that embodies the pane. NULL
* means that the window has been destroyed
* but the data structures haven't yet been
* cleaned up.*/
Display *display; /* Display containing widget. Needed, among
* other things, so that resources can be
* freed up even after tkwin has gone away. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter associated with menu. */
MenuEntry **entries; /* Array of pointers to all the entries
* in the menu. NULL means no entries. */
int numEntries; /* Number of elements in entries. */
int active; /* Index of active entry. -1 means
* nothing active. */
* Information used when displaying widget:
Tk_3DBorder border; /* Structure used to draw 3-D
* border and background for menu. */
int borderWidth; /* Width of border around whole menu. */
Tk_3DBorder activeBorder; /* Used to draw background and border for
* active element (if any). */
int activeBorderWidth; /* Width of border around active element. */
XFontStruct *fontPtr; /* Text font for menu entries. */
XColor *fg; /* Foreground color for entries. */
GC textGC; /* GC for drawing text and other features
* of menu entries. */
XColor *disabledFg; /* Foreground color when disabled. NULL
* means use normalFg with a 50% stipple
* instead. */
Pixmap gray; /* Bitmap for drawing disabled entries in
* a stippled fashion. None means not
* allocated yet. */
GC disabledGC; /* Used to produce disabled effect. If
* disabledFg isn't NULL, this GC is used to
* draw text and icons for disabled entries.
* Otherwise text and icons are drawn with
* normalGC and this GC is used to stipple
* background across them. */
XColor *activeFg; /* Foreground color for active entry. */
GC activeGC; /* GC for drawing active entry. */
XColor *selectorFg; /* Color for selectors in radio and check
* button entries. */
GC selectorGC; /* For drawing selectors. */
int selectorSpace; /* Number of pixels to allow for displaying
* selectors in menu entries (includes extra
* space around selector). */
int labelWidth; /* Number of pixels to allow for displaying
* labels in menu entries. */
* Miscellaneous information:
Cursor cursor; /* Current cursor for window, or None. */
char *postCommand; /* Command to execute just before posting
* this menu, or NULL. Malloc-ed. */
MenuEntry *postedCascade; /* Points to menu entry for cascaded
* submenu that is currently posted, or
* NULL if no submenu posted. */
int flags; /* Various flags; see below for
* definitions. */
} Menu;
* Flag bits for menus:
* REDRAW_PENDING: Non-zero means a DoWhenIdle handler
* has already been queued to redraw
* this window.
* RESIZE_PENDING: Non-zero means a call to ComputeMenuGeometry
* has already been scheduled.
* Configuration specs valid for the menu as a whole:
static Tk_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = {
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-activebackground", "activeBackground", "Foreground",
DEF_MENU_ACTIVE_BG_COLOR, Tk_Offset(Menu, activeBorder),
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-activebackground", "activeBackground", "Foreground",
DEF_MENU_ACTIVE_BG_MONO, Tk_Offset(Menu, activeBorder),
{TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-activeborderwidth", "activeBorderWidth", "BorderWidth",
DEF_MENU_ACTIVE_BORDER_WIDTH, Tk_Offset(Menu, activeBorderWidth), 0},
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-activeforeground", "activeForeground", "Background",
DEF_MENU_ACTIVE_FG_COLOR, Tk_Offset(Menu, activeFg),
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-activeforeground", "activeForeground", "Background",
DEF_MENU_ACTIVE_FG_MONO, Tk_Offset(Menu, activeFg),
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background",
{TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background",
DEF_MENU_BG_MONO, Tk_Offset(Menu, border), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY},
{TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bd", "borderWidth", (char *) NULL,
(char *) NULL, 0, 0},
{TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bg", "background", (char *) NULL,
(char *) NULL, 0, 0},
{TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth",
DEF_MENU_BORDER_WIDTH, Tk_Offset(Menu, borderWidth), 0},
{TK_CONFIG_ACTIVE_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor",
DEF_MENU_CURSOR, Tk_Offset(Menu, cursor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-disabledforeground", "disabledForeground",
"DisabledForeground", DEF_MENU_DISABLED_FG_COLOR,
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-disabledforeground", "disabledForeground",
"DisabledForeground", DEF_MENU_DISABLED_FG_MONO,
Tk_Offset(Menu, disabledFg), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY|TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
{TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-fg", "foreground", (char *) NULL,
(char *) NULL, 0, 0},
{TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font",
DEF_MENU_FONT, Tk_Offset(Menu, fontPtr), 0},
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground",
DEF_MENU_FG, Tk_Offset(Menu, fg), 0},
{TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-postcommand", "postCommand", "Command",
DEF_MENU_POST_COMMAND, Tk_Offset(Menu, postCommand), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK},
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-selector", "selector", "Foreground",
DEF_MENU_SELECTOR_COLOR, Tk_Offset(Menu, selectorFg),
{TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-selector", "selector", "Foreground",
DEF_MENU_SELECTOR_MONO, Tk_Offset(Menu, selectorFg),
{TK_CONFIG_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
(char *) NULL, 0, 0}
* Various geometry definitions:
#define MARGIN_WIDTH 2
* Forward declarations for procedures defined later in this file:
static int ActivateMenuEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((Menu *menuPtr,
int index));
static void ComputeMenuGeometry _ANSI_ARGS_((
ClientData clientData));
static int ConfigureMenu _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Menu *menuPtr, int argc, char **argv,
int flags));
static int ConfigureMenuEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Menu *menuPtr, MenuEntry *mePtr, int index,
int argc, char **argv, int flags));
static void DestroyMenu _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
static void DestroyMenuEntry _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
static void DisplayMenu _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
static void EventuallyRedrawMenu _ANSI_ARGS_((Menu *menuPtr,
MenuEntry *mePtr));
static int GetMenuIndex _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Menu *menuPtr, char *string, int *indexPtr));
static void MenuEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
XEvent *eventPtr));
static char * MenuVarProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp, char *name1, char *name2,
int flags));
static int MenuWidgetCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv));
static int PostSubmenu _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Menu *menuPtr, MenuEntry *mePtr));
* Tk_MenuCmd --
* This procedure is invoked to process the "menu" Tcl
* command. See the user documentation for details on
* what it does.
* Results:
* A standard Tcl result.
* Side effects:
* See the user documentation.
Tk_MenuCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv)
ClientData clientData; /* Main window associated with
* interpreter. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
Tk_Window tkwin = (Tk_Window) clientData;
Tk_Window new;
register Menu *menuPtr;
XSetWindowAttributes atts;
if (argc < 2) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " pathName ?options?\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
* Create the new window. Set override-redirect so the window
* manager won't add a border or argue about placement, and set
* save-under so that the window can pop up and down without a
* lot of re-drawing.
new = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, tkwin, argv[1], "");
if (new == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
atts.override_redirect = True;
atts.save_under = True;
Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(new, CWOverrideRedirect|CWSaveUnder, &atts);
* Initialize the data structure for the menu.
menuPtr = (Menu *) ckalloc(sizeof(Menu));
menuPtr->tkwin = new;
menuPtr->display = Tk_Display(new);
menuPtr->interp = interp;
menuPtr->entries = NULL;
menuPtr->numEntries = 0;
menuPtr->active = -1;
menuPtr->border = NULL;
menuPtr->borderWidth = 0;
menuPtr->activeBorder = NULL;
menuPtr->activeBorderWidth = 0;
menuPtr->fontPtr = NULL;
menuPtr->fg = NULL;
menuPtr->textGC = None;
menuPtr->disabledFg = NULL;
menuPtr->gray = None;
menuPtr->disabledGC = None;
menuPtr->activeFg = NULL;
menuPtr->activeGC = None;
menuPtr->selectorFg = NULL;
menuPtr->selectorGC = None;
menuPtr->selectorSpace = 0;
menuPtr->labelWidth = 0;
menuPtr->cursor = None;
menuPtr->postCommand = NULL;
menuPtr->postedCascade = NULL;
menuPtr->flags = 0;
Tk_SetClass(new, "Menu");
Tk_CreateEventHandler(menuPtr->tkwin, ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask,
MenuEventProc, (ClientData) menuPtr);
Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, Tk_PathName(menuPtr->tkwin), MenuWidgetCmd,
(ClientData) menuPtr, (void (*)()) NULL);
if (ConfigureMenu(interp, menuPtr, argc-2, argv+2, 0) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
interp->result = Tk_PathName(menuPtr->tkwin);
return TCL_OK;
return TCL_ERROR;
* MenuWidgetCmd --
* This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command
* that corresponds to a widget managed by this module.
* See the user documentation for details on what it does.
* Results:
* A standard Tcl result.
* Side effects:
* See the user documentation.
static int
MenuWidgetCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv)
ClientData clientData; /* Information about menu widget. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
register Menu *menuPtr = (Menu *) clientData;
register MenuEntry *mePtr;
int result = TCL_OK;
int length, type;
char c;
if (argc < 2) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " option ?arg arg ...?\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
Tk_Preserve((ClientData) menuPtr);
c = argv[1][0];
length = strlen(argv[1]);
if ((c == 'a') && (strncmp(argv[1], "activate", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " activate index\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (menuPtr->active == index) {
goto done;
if (index >= 0) {
if ((menuPtr->entries[index]->type == SEPARATOR_ENTRY)
|| (menuPtr->entries[index]->state == tkDisabledUid)) {
index = -1;
result = ActivateMenuEntry(menuPtr, index);
} else if ((c == 'a') && (strncmp(argv[1], "add", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
MenuEntry **newEntries;
if (argc < 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " add type ?options?\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
* Figure out the type of the new entry.
c = argv[2][0];
length = strlen(argv[2]);
if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[2], "cascade", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
} else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[2], "checkbutton", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
} else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[2], "command", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
} else if ((c == 'r')
&& (strncmp(argv[2], "radiobutton", length) == 0)) {
} else if ((c == 's')
&& (strncmp(argv[2], "separator", length) == 0)) {
} else {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad menu entry type \"",
argv[2], "\": must be cascade, checkbutton, ",
"command, radiobutton, or separator", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
* Add a new entry to the end of the menu's array of entries,
* and process options for it. Be sure to initialize even
* fields that look like they should be initialized by
* Tk_ConfigureWidget, because not all fields are processed
* for all kinds of entries, yet they all need to be
* initialized.
mePtr = (MenuEntry *) ckalloc(sizeof(MenuEntry));
newEntries = (MenuEntry **) ckalloc((unsigned)
((menuPtr->numEntries+1)*sizeof(MenuEntry *)));
if (menuPtr->numEntries != 0) {
memcpy((VOID *) newEntries, (VOID *) menuPtr->entries,
menuPtr->numEntries*sizeof(MenuEntry *));
ckfree((char *) menuPtr->entries);
menuPtr->entries = newEntries;
menuPtr->entries[menuPtr->numEntries] = mePtr;
mePtr->type = type;
mePtr->menuPtr = menuPtr;
mePtr->label = NULL;
mePtr->labelLength = 0;
mePtr->underline = -1;
mePtr->bitmap = None;
mePtr->accel = NULL;
mePtr->accelLength = 0;
mePtr->state = tkNormalUid;
mePtr->height = 0;
mePtr->y = 0;
mePtr->selectorDiameter = 0;
mePtr->border = NULL;
mePtr->activeBorder = NULL;
mePtr->fontPtr = NULL;
mePtr->textGC = None;
mePtr->activeGC = None;
mePtr->disabledGC = None;
mePtr->command = NULL;
mePtr->name = NULL;
mePtr->onValue = NULL;
mePtr->offValue = NULL;
mePtr->flags = 0;
if (ConfigureMenuEntry(interp, menuPtr, mePtr, menuPtr->numEntries-1,
argc-3, argv+3, 0) != TCL_OK) {
DestroyMenuEntry((ClientData) mePtr);
goto error;
} else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[1], "configure", length) == 0)) {
if (argc == 2) {
result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
(char *) menuPtr, (char *) NULL, 0);
} else if (argc == 3) {
result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
(char *) menuPtr, argv[2], 0);
} else {
result = ConfigureMenu(interp, menuPtr, argc-2, argv+2,
} else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(argv[1], "delete", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
int first, last, i, numDeleted;
if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " delete first ?last?\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &first) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (argc == 3) {
last = first;
} else {
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[3], &last) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if ((first < 0) || (last < first)) {
goto done;
numDeleted = last + 1 - first;
for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
Tk_EventuallyFree((ClientData) menuPtr->entries[i],
for (i = last+1; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
menuPtr->entries[i-numDeleted] = menuPtr->entries[i];
menuPtr->numEntries -= numDeleted;
if ((menuPtr->active >= first) && (menuPtr->active <= last)) {
menuPtr->active = -1;
} else if (menuPtr->active > last) {
menuPtr->active -= numDeleted;
if (!(menuPtr->flags & RESIZE_PENDING)) {
menuPtr->flags |= RESIZE_PENDING;
Tk_DoWhenIdle(ComputeMenuGeometry, (ClientData) menuPtr);
} else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(argv[1], "disable", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 2)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " disable index\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
goto done;
menuPtr->entries[index]->state = tkDisabledUid;
if (menuPtr->active == index) {
menuPtr->active = -1;
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, menuPtr->entries[index]);
} else if ((c == 'e') && (length >= 3)
&& (strncmp(argv[1], "enable", length) == 0)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " enable index\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
goto done;
menuPtr->entries[index]->state = tkNormalUid;
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, menuPtr->entries[index]);
} else if ((c == 'e') && (length >= 3)
&& (strncmp(argv[1], "entryconfigure", length) == 0)) {
int index;
if (argc < 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " entryconfigure index ?option value ...?\"",
(char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
goto done;
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[index];
Tk_Preserve((ClientData) mePtr);
if (argc == 3) {
result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, entryConfigSpecs,
(char *) mePtr, (char *) NULL,
COMMAND_MASK << mePtr->type);
} else if (argc == 4) {
result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, entryConfigSpecs,
(char *) mePtr, argv[3], COMMAND_MASK << mePtr->type);
} else {
result = ConfigureMenuEntry(interp, menuPtr, mePtr, index, argc-3,
argv+3, TK_CONFIG_ARGV_ONLY | COMMAND_MASK << mePtr->type);
Tk_Release((ClientData) mePtr);
} else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(argv[1], "index", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 3)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " index string\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
interp->result = "none";
} else {
sprintf(interp->result, "%d", index);
} else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(argv[1], "invoke", length) == 0)
&& (length >= 3)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " invoke index\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
goto done;
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[index];
if (mePtr->state == tkDisabledUid) {
goto done;
Tk_Preserve((ClientData) mePtr);
if (mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
if (mePtr->flags & ENTRY_SELECTED) {
Tcl_SetVar(interp, mePtr->name, mePtr->offValue,
} else {
Tcl_SetVar(interp, mePtr->name, mePtr->onValue,
} else if (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
Tcl_SetVar(interp, mePtr->name, mePtr->onValue, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
if ((mePtr->command != NULL) && (mePtr->type != CASCADE_ENTRY)) {
result = TkCopyAndGlobalEval(interp, mePtr->command);
Tk_Release((ClientData) mePtr);
} else if ((c == 'p') && (strncmp(argv[1], "post", length) == 0)) {
int x, y, tmp, vRootX, vRootY;
unsigned int vRootWidth, vRootHeight;
if (argc != 4) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " post x y\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if ((Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2], &x) != TCL_OK)
|| (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[3], &y) != TCL_OK)) {
goto error;
* If there is a command for the menu, execute it.
if (menuPtr->postCommand != NULL) {
result = TkCopyAndGlobalEval(menuPtr->interp,
if (result != TCL_OK) {
return result;
* Adjust the position of the menu if necessary to keep it
* visible on the screen. There are two special tricks to
* make this work right:
* 1. If a virtual root window manager is being used then
* the coordinates are in the virtual root window of
* menuPtr's parent; since the menu uses override-redirect
* mode it will be in the *real* root window for the screen,
* so we have to map the coordinates from the virtual root
* (if any) to the real root. Can't get the virtual root
* from the menu itself (it will never be seen by the wm)
* so use its parent instead (it would be better to have an
* an option that names a window to use for this...).
* 2. The menu may not have been mapped yet, so its current size
* might be the default 1x1. To compute how much space it
* needs, use its requested size, not its actual size.
Tk_GetVRootGeometry(Tk_Parent(menuPtr->tkwin), &vRootX, &vRootY,
&vRootWidth, &vRootHeight);
x += vRootX;
y += vRootY;
tmp = WidthOfScreen(Tk_Screen(menuPtr->tkwin))
- Tk_ReqWidth(menuPtr->tkwin);
if (x > tmp) {
x = tmp;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
tmp = HeightOfScreen(Tk_Screen(menuPtr->tkwin))
- Tk_ReqHeight(menuPtr->tkwin);
if (y > tmp) {
y = tmp;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
if ((x != Tk_X(menuPtr->tkwin)) || (y != Tk_Y(menuPtr->tkwin))) {
Tk_MoveToplevelWindow(menuPtr->tkwin, x, y);
if (!Tk_IsMapped(menuPtr->tkwin)) {
XRaiseWindow(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(menuPtr->tkwin));
} else if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(argv[1], "unpost", length) == 0)) {
if (argc != 2) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " unpost\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (result == TCL_OK) {
result = PostSubmenu(interp, menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
} else if ((c == 'y') && (strncmp(argv[1], "yposition", length) == 0)) {
int index;
if (argc != 3) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
argv[0], " yposition index\"", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
if (GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, argv[2], &index) != TCL_OK) {
goto error;
if (index < 0) {
interp->result = "0";
} else {
sprintf(interp->result, "%d", menuPtr->entries[index]->y);
} else {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad option \"", argv[1],
"\": must be activate, add, configure, delete, disable, ",
"enable, entryconfigure, index, invoke, post, ",
"unpost, or yposition", (char *) NULL);
goto error;
Tk_Release((ClientData) menuPtr);
return result;
Tk_Release((ClientData) menuPtr);
return TCL_ERROR;
* DestroyMenu --
* This procedure is invoked by Tk_EventuallyFree or Tk_Release
* to clean up the internal structure of a menu at a safe time
* (when no-one is using it anymore).
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Everything associated with the menu is freed up.
static void
ClientData clientData; /* Info about menu widget. */
register Menu *menuPtr = (Menu *) clientData;
int i;
* Free up all the stuff that requires special handling, then
* let Tk_FreeOptions handle all the standard option-related
* stuff.
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
DestroyMenuEntry((ClientData) menuPtr->entries[i]);
if (menuPtr->entries != NULL) {
ckfree((char *) menuPtr->entries);
if (menuPtr->textGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->textGC);
if (menuPtr->gray != None) {
Tk_FreeBitmap(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->gray);
if (menuPtr->disabledGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->disabledGC);
if (menuPtr->activeGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->activeGC);
if (menuPtr->selectorGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->selectorGC);
Tk_FreeOptions(configSpecs, (char *) menuPtr, menuPtr->display, 0);
ckfree((char *) menuPtr);
* DestroyMenuEntry --
* This procedure is invoked by Tk_EventuallyFree or Tk_Release
* to clean up the internal structure of a menu entry at a safe time
* (when no-one is using it anymore).
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Everything associated with the menu entry is freed up.
static void
ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to entry to be freed. */
register MenuEntry *mePtr = (MenuEntry *) clientData;
Menu *menuPtr = mePtr->menuPtr;
* Free up all the stuff that requires special handling, then
* let Tk_FreeOptions handle all the standard option-related
* stuff.
if (mePtr->name != NULL) {
Tcl_UntraceVar(menuPtr->interp, mePtr->name,
MenuVarProc, (ClientData) mePtr);
if (menuPtr->postedCascade == mePtr) {
* Ignore errors while unposting the menu, since it's possible
* that the menu has already been deleted and the unpost will
* generate an error.
PostSubmenu(menuPtr->interp, menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
if (mePtr->textGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->textGC);
if (mePtr->activeGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->activeGC);
if (mePtr->disabledGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->disabledGC);
Tk_FreeOptions(entryConfigSpecs, (char *) mePtr, menuPtr->display,
(COMMAND_MASK << mePtr->type));
ckfree((char *) mePtr);
* ConfigureMenu --
* This procedure is called to process an argv/argc list, plus
* the Tk option database, in order to configure (or
* reconfigure) a menu widget.
* Results:
* The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is
* returned, then interp->result contains an error message.
* Side effects:
* Configuration information, such as colors, font, etc. get set
* for menuPtr; old resources get freed, if there were any.
static int
ConfigureMenu(interp, menuPtr, argc, argv, flags)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for error reporting. */
register Menu *menuPtr; /* Information about widget; may or may
* not already have values for some fields. */
int argc; /* Number of valid entries in argv. */
char **argv; /* Arguments. */
int flags; /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
XGCValues gcValues;
GC newGC;
unsigned long mask;
int i;
if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, configSpecs,
argc, argv, (char *) menuPtr, flags) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
* A few options need special processing, such as setting the
* background from a 3-D border, or filling in complicated
* defaults that couldn't be specified to Tk_ConfigureWidget.
Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(menuPtr->tkwin, menuPtr->border);
gcValues.font = menuPtr->fontPtr->fid;
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->fg->pixel;
gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(menuPtr->border)->pixel;
newGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont,
if (menuPtr->textGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->textGC);
menuPtr->textGC = newGC;
if (menuPtr->disabledFg != NULL) {
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->disabledFg->pixel;
mask = GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont;
} else {
gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
if (menuPtr->gray == None) {
menuPtr->gray = Tk_GetBitmap(interp, menuPtr->tkwin,
if (menuPtr->gray == None) {
return TCL_ERROR;
gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
gcValues.stipple = menuPtr->gray;
mask = GCForeground|GCFillStyle|GCStipple;
newGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
if (menuPtr->disabledGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->disabledGC);
menuPtr->disabledGC = newGC;
gcValues.font = menuPtr->fontPtr->fid;
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->activeFg->pixel;
gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(menuPtr->activeBorder)->pixel;
newGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont,
if (menuPtr->activeGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->activeGC);
menuPtr->activeGC = newGC;
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->selectorFg->pixel;
newGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin, GCForeground|GCFont, &gcValues);
if (menuPtr->selectorGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, menuPtr->selectorGC);
menuPtr->selectorGC = newGC;
* After reconfiguring a menu, we need to reconfigure all of the
* entries in the menu, since some of the things in the children
* (such as graphics contexts) may have to change to reflect changes
* in the parent.
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
MenuEntry *mePtr;
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[i];
ConfigureMenuEntry(interp, menuPtr, mePtr, i, 0, (char **) NULL,
if (!(menuPtr->flags & RESIZE_PENDING)) {
menuPtr->flags |= RESIZE_PENDING;
Tk_DoWhenIdle(ComputeMenuGeometry, (ClientData) menuPtr);
return TCL_OK;
* ConfigureMenuEntry --
* This procedure is called to process an argv/argc list, plus
* the Tk option database, in order to configure (or
* reconfigure) one entry in a menu.
* Results:
* The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is
* returned, then interp->result contains an error message.
* Side effects:
* Configuration information such as label and accelerator get
* set for mePtr; old resources get freed, if there were any.
static int
ConfigureMenuEntry(interp, menuPtr, mePtr, index, argc, argv, flags)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for error reporting. */
Menu *menuPtr; /* Information about whole menu. */
register MenuEntry *mePtr; /* Information about menu entry; may
* or may not already have values for
* some fields. */
int index; /* Index of mePtr within menuPtr's
* entries. */
int argc; /* Number of valid entries in argv. */
char **argv; /* Arguments. */
int flags; /* Additional flags to pass to
* Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
XGCValues gcValues;
GC newGC, newActiveGC, newDisabledGC;
unsigned long mask;
* If this entry is a cascade and the cascade is posted, then unpost
* it before reconfiguring the entry (otherwise the reconfigure might
* change the name of the cascaded entry, leaving a posted menu
* high and dry).
if (menuPtr->postedCascade == mePtr) {
if (PostSubmenu(menuPtr->interp, menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL)
!= TCL_OK) {
* If this entry is a check button or radio button, then remove
* its old trace procedure.
if ((mePtr->name != NULL) &&
((mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY)
|| (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY))) {
Tcl_UntraceVar(menuPtr->interp, mePtr->name,
MenuVarProc, (ClientData) mePtr);
if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, menuPtr->tkwin, entryConfigSpecs,
argc, argv, (char *) mePtr,
flags | (COMMAND_MASK << mePtr->type)) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
* The code below handles special configuration stuff not taken
* care of by Tk_ConfigureWidget, such as special processing for
* defaults, sizing strings, graphics contexts, etc.
if (mePtr->label == NULL) {
mePtr->labelLength = 0;
} else {
mePtr->labelLength = strlen(mePtr->label);
if (mePtr->accel == NULL) {
mePtr->accelLength = 0;
} else {
mePtr->accelLength = strlen(mePtr->accel);
if (mePtr->state == tkActiveUid) {
if (index != menuPtr->active) {
ActivateMenuEntry(menuPtr, index);
} else {
if (index == menuPtr->active) {
ActivateMenuEntry(menuPtr, -1);
if ((mePtr->state != tkNormalUid) && (mePtr->state != tkDisabledUid)) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad state value \"", mePtr->state,
"\": must be normal, active, or disabled", (char *) NULL);
mePtr->state = tkNormalUid;
return TCL_ERROR;
if (mePtr->fontPtr != NULL) {
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->fg->pixel;
gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(
(mePtr->border != NULL) ? mePtr->border : menuPtr->border)
gcValues.font = mePtr->fontPtr->fid;
* Note: disable GraphicsExpose events; we know there won't be
* obscured areas when copying from an off-screen pixmap to the
* screen and this gets rid of unnecessary events.
gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
newGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin,
if (menuPtr->disabledFg != NULL) {
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->disabledFg->pixel;
mask = GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont|GCGraphicsExposures;
} else {
gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
gcValues.stipple = menuPtr->gray;
mask = GCForeground|GCFillStyle|GCStipple;
newDisabledGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
gcValues.foreground = menuPtr->activeFg->pixel;
gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(
(mePtr->activeBorder != NULL) ? mePtr->activeBorder
: menuPtr->activeBorder)->pixel;
newActiveGC = Tk_GetGC(menuPtr->tkwin,
} else {
newGC = None;
newActiveGC = None;
newDisabledGC = None;
if (mePtr->textGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->textGC);
mePtr->textGC = newGC;
if (mePtr->activeGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->activeGC);
mePtr->activeGC = newActiveGC;
if (mePtr->disabledGC != None) {
Tk_FreeGC(menuPtr->display, mePtr->disabledGC);
mePtr->disabledGC = newDisabledGC;
if ((mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY)
|| (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY)) {
char *value;
if (mePtr->name == NULL) {
mePtr->name = ckalloc((unsigned) (strlen(mePtr->label) + 1));
strcpy(mePtr->name, mePtr->label);
if (mePtr->onValue == NULL) {
mePtr->onValue = ckalloc((unsigned) (strlen(mePtr->label) + 1));
strcpy(mePtr->onValue, mePtr->label);
* Select the entry if the associated variable has the
* appropriate value, initialize the variable if it doesn't
* exist, then set a trace on the variable to monitor future
* changes to its value.
value = Tcl_GetVar(interp, mePtr->name, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
mePtr->flags &= ENTRY_SELECTED;
if (value != NULL) {
if (strcmp(value, mePtr->onValue) == 0) {
mePtr->flags |= ENTRY_SELECTED;
} else {
Tcl_SetVar(interp, mePtr->name,
(mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) ? mePtr->offValue : "",
Tcl_TraceVar(interp, mePtr->name,
MenuVarProc, (ClientData) mePtr);
if (!(menuPtr->flags & RESIZE_PENDING)) {
menuPtr->flags |= RESIZE_PENDING;
Tk_DoWhenIdle(ComputeMenuGeometry, (ClientData) menuPtr);
return TCL_OK;
* ComputeMenuGeometry --
* This procedure is invoked to recompute the size and
* layout of a menu. It is called as a when-idle handler so
* that it only gets done once, even if a group of changes is
* made to the menu.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Fields of menu entries are changed to reflect their
* current positions, and the size of the menu window
* itself may be changed.
static void
ClientData clientData; /* Structure describing menu. */
Menu *menuPtr = (Menu *) clientData;
register MenuEntry *mePtr;
XFontStruct *fontPtr;
int maxLabelWidth, maxSelectorWidth, maxAccelWidth;
int width, height, selectorSpace;
int i, y;
if (menuPtr->tkwin == NULL) {
maxLabelWidth = maxSelectorWidth = maxAccelWidth = 0;
y = menuPtr->borderWidth;
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[i];
selectorSpace = 0;
fontPtr = mePtr->fontPtr;
if (fontPtr == NULL) {
fontPtr = menuPtr->fontPtr;
* For each entry, compute the height required by that
* particular entry, plus three widths: the width of the
* label, the width to allow for a selector to be displayed
* to the left of the label (if any), and the width of the
* accelerator to be displayed to the right of the label
* (if any). These sizes depend, of course, on the type
* of the entry.
if (mePtr->bitmap != None) {
unsigned int bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight;
Tk_SizeOfBitmap(menuPtr->display, mePtr->bitmap,
&bitmapWidth, &bitmapHeight);
mePtr->height = bitmapHeight;
width = bitmapWidth;
if (mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
selectorSpace = (14*mePtr->height)/10;
mePtr->selectorDiameter = (65*mePtr->height)/100;
} else if (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
selectorSpace = (14*mePtr->height)/10;
mePtr->selectorDiameter = (75*mePtr->height)/100;
} else {
mePtr->height = fontPtr->ascent + fontPtr->descent;
if (mePtr->label != NULL) {
(void) TkMeasureChars(fontPtr, mePtr->label,
mePtr->labelLength, 0, (int) 100000,
} else {
width = 0;
if (mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
selectorSpace = mePtr->height;
mePtr->selectorDiameter = (80*mePtr->height)/100;
} else if (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
selectorSpace = mePtr->height;
mePtr->selectorDiameter = mePtr->height;
mePtr->height += 2*menuPtr->activeBorderWidth + 2;
if (width > maxLabelWidth) {
maxLabelWidth = width;
if (mePtr->type == CASCADE_ENTRY) {
} else if (mePtr->accel != NULL) {
(void) TkMeasureChars(fontPtr, mePtr->accel, mePtr->accelLength,
0, (int) 100000, TK_NEWLINES_NOT_SPECIAL, &width);
} else {
width = 0;
if (width > maxAccelWidth) {
maxAccelWidth = width;
if (mePtr->type == SEPARATOR_ENTRY) {
mePtr->height = 4*menuPtr->borderWidth;
if (selectorSpace > maxSelectorWidth) {
maxSelectorWidth = selectorSpace;
mePtr->y = y;
y += mePtr->height;
* Got all the sizes. Update fields in the menu structure, then
* resize the window if necessary. Leave margins on either side
* of the selector (or just one margin if there is no selector).
* Leave another margin on the right side of the label, plus yet
* another margin to the right of the accelerator (if there is one).
menuPtr->selectorSpace = maxSelectorWidth + MARGIN_WIDTH;
if (maxSelectorWidth != 0) {
menuPtr->selectorSpace += MARGIN_WIDTH;
menuPtr->labelWidth = maxLabelWidth + MARGIN_WIDTH;
width = menuPtr->selectorSpace + menuPtr->labelWidth + maxAccelWidth
+ 2*menuPtr->borderWidth + 2*menuPtr->activeBorderWidth;
if (maxAccelWidth != 0) {
width += MARGIN_WIDTH;
height = y + menuPtr->borderWidth;
* The X server doesn't like zero dimensions, so round up to at least
* 1 (a zero-sized menu should never really occur, anyway).
if (width <= 0) {
width = 1;
if (height <= 0) {
height = 1;
if ((width != Tk_ReqWidth(menuPtr->tkwin)) ||
(height != Tk_ReqHeight(menuPtr->tkwin))) {
Tk_GeometryRequest(menuPtr->tkwin, width, height);
} else {
* Must always force a redisplay here if the window is mapped
* (even if the size didn't change, something else might have
* changed in the menu, such as a label or accelerator). The
* resize will force a redisplay above.
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
menuPtr->flags &= ~RESIZE_PENDING;
* DisplayMenu --
* This procedure is invoked to display a menu widget.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Commands are output to X to display the menu in its
* current mode.
static void
ClientData clientData; /* Information about widget. */
register Menu *menuPtr = (Menu *) clientData;
register MenuEntry *mePtr;
register Tk_Window tkwin = menuPtr->tkwin;
Tk_3DBorder bgBorder, activeBorder;
XFontStruct *fontPtr;
int index, baseline;
GC gc;
XPoint points[3];
menuPtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING;
if ((menuPtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) {
* Loop through all of the entries, drawing them one at a time.
for (index = 0; index < menuPtr->numEntries; index++) {
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[index];
if (!(mePtr->flags & ENTRY_NEEDS_REDISPLAY)) {
* Background.
activeBorder = mePtr->activeBorder;
if (activeBorder == NULL) {
activeBorder = menuPtr->activeBorder;
if ((mePtr->state == tkActiveUid)
|| (menuPtr->postedCascade == mePtr)) {
bgBorder = activeBorder;
Tk_Fill3DRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
bgBorder, menuPtr->borderWidth, mePtr->y,
Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*menuPtr->borderWidth, mePtr->height,
menuPtr->activeBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
gc = mePtr->activeGC;
if (gc == NULL) {
gc = menuPtr->activeGC;
} else {
bgBorder = mePtr->border;
if (bgBorder == NULL) {
bgBorder = menuPtr->border;
Tk_Fill3DRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
bgBorder, menuPtr->borderWidth, mePtr->y,
Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*menuPtr->borderWidth, mePtr->height,
if ((mePtr->state == tkDisabledUid)
&& (menuPtr->disabledFg != NULL)) {
gc = mePtr->disabledGC;
if (gc == NULL) {
gc = menuPtr->disabledGC;
} else {
gc = mePtr->textGC;
if (gc == NULL) {
gc = menuPtr->textGC;
* Draw label or bitmap for entry.
fontPtr = mePtr->fontPtr;
if (fontPtr == NULL) {
fontPtr = menuPtr->fontPtr;
baseline = mePtr->y + (mePtr->height + fontPtr->ascent
- fontPtr->descent)/2;
if (mePtr->bitmap != None) {
unsigned int width, height;
Tk_SizeOfBitmap(menuPtr->display, mePtr->bitmap, &width, &height);
XCopyPlane(menuPtr->display, mePtr->bitmap, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
gc, 0, 0, width, height,
menuPtr->borderWidth + menuPtr->selectorSpace,
(int) (mePtr->y + (mePtr->height - height)/2), 1);
} else {
baseline = mePtr->y + (mePtr->height + fontPtr->ascent
- fontPtr->descent)/2;
if (mePtr->label != NULL) {
TkDisplayChars(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), gc,
fontPtr, mePtr->label, mePtr->labelLength,
menuPtr->borderWidth + menuPtr->selectorSpace,
if (mePtr->underline >= 0) {
TkUnderlineChars(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), gc,
fontPtr, mePtr->label,
menuPtr->borderWidth + menuPtr->selectorSpace,
mePtr->underline, mePtr->underline);
* Draw accelerator or cascade arrow.
if (mePtr->type == CASCADE_ENTRY) {
points[0].x = Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*menuPtr->borderWidth
points[0].y = mePtr->y + (mePtr->height - CASCADE_ARROW_HEIGHT)/2;
points[1].x = points[0].x;
points[1].y = points[0].y + CASCADE_ARROW_HEIGHT;
points[2].x = points[0].x + CASCADE_ARROW_WIDTH;
points[2].y = points[0].y + CASCADE_ARROW_HEIGHT/2;
Tk_Fill3DPolygon(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), activeBorder,
points, 3, menuPtr->activeBorderWidth,
(menuPtr->postedCascade == mePtr) ? TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN
} else if (mePtr->accel != NULL) {
TkDisplayChars(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), gc,
fontPtr, mePtr->accel, mePtr->accelLength,
menuPtr->borderWidth + menuPtr->selectorSpace
+ menuPtr->labelWidth, baseline, TK_NEWLINES_NOT_SPECIAL);
* Draw check-button selector.
if (mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
int dim, x, y;
dim = mePtr->selectorDiameter;
x = menuPtr->borderWidth + (menuPtr->selectorSpace - dim)/2;
y = mePtr->y + (mePtr->height - dim)/2;
Tk_Fill3DRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->border, x, y, dim, dim,
menuPtr->activeBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN);
x += menuPtr->activeBorderWidth;
y += menuPtr->activeBorderWidth;
dim -= 2*menuPtr->activeBorderWidth;
if ((dim > 0) && (mePtr->flags & ENTRY_SELECTED)) {
XFillRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->selectorGC, x, y, (unsigned int) dim,
(unsigned int) dim);
* Draw radio-button selector.
if (mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY) {
XPoint points[4];
int radius;
radius = mePtr->selectorDiameter/2;
points[0].x = menuPtr->borderWidth
+ (menuPtr->selectorSpace - mePtr->selectorDiameter)/2;
points[0].y = mePtr->y + (mePtr->height)/2;
points[1].x = points[0].x + radius;
points[1].y = points[0].y + radius;
points[2].x = points[1].x + radius;
points[2].y = points[0].y;
points[3].x = points[1].x;
points[3].y = points[0].y - radius;
if (mePtr->flags & ENTRY_SELECTED) {
XFillPolygon(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->selectorGC, points, 4, Convex,
} else {
Tk_Fill3DPolygon(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->border, points, 4, menuPtr->activeBorderWidth,
Tk_Draw3DPolygon(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->border, points, 4, menuPtr->activeBorderWidth,
* Draw separator.
if (mePtr->type == SEPARATOR_ENTRY) {
XPoint points[2];
int margin;
margin = (fontPtr->ascent + fontPtr->descent)/2;
points[0].x = 2*menuPtr->borderWidth + margin;
points[0].y = mePtr->y + mePtr->height/2;
points[1].x = Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*menuPtr->borderWidth - margin;
points[1].y = points[0].y;
Tk_Draw3DPolygon(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->border, points, 2, 1, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
* If the entry is disabled with a stipple rather than a special
* foreground color, generate the stippled effect.
if ((mePtr->state == tkDisabledUid) && (menuPtr->disabledFg == NULL)) {
XFillRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->disabledGC, menuPtr->borderWidth,
(unsigned) (Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*menuPtr->borderWidth),
(unsigned) mePtr->height);
Tk_Draw3DRectangle(menuPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
menuPtr->border, 0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin),
menuPtr->borderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
* GetMenuIndex --
* Parse a textual index into a menu and return the numerical
* index of the indicated entry.
* Results:
* A standard Tcl result. If all went well, then *indexPtr is
* filled in with the entry index corresponding to string
* (ranges from -1 to the number of entries in the menu minus
* one). Otherwise an error message is left in interp->result.
* Side effects:
* None.
static int
GetMenuIndex(interp, menuPtr, string, indexPtr)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* For error messages. */
Menu *menuPtr; /* Menu for which the index is being
* specified. */
char *string; /* Specification of an entry in menu. See
* manual entry for valid .*/
int *indexPtr; /* Where to store converted relief. */
int i, y;
if ((string[0] == 'a') && (strcmp(string, "active") == 0)) {
*indexPtr = menuPtr->active;
return TCL_OK;
if ((string[0] == 'l') && (strcmp(string, "last") == 0)) {
*indexPtr = menuPtr->numEntries-1;
return TCL_OK;
if ((string[0] == 'n') && (strcmp(string, "none") == 0)) {
*indexPtr = -1;
return TCL_OK;
if (string[0] == '@') {
if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string+1, &y) == TCL_OK) {
if (y < 0) {
*indexPtr = -1;
return TCL_OK;
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
y -= menuPtr->entries[i]->height;
if (y < 0) {
if (i >= menuPtr->numEntries) {
i = -1;
*indexPtr = i;
return TCL_OK;
} else {
Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC);
if (isdigit(UCHAR(string[0]))) {
if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string, &i) == TCL_OK) {
if (i >= menuPtr->numEntries) {
i = menuPtr->numEntries - 1;
} else if (i < 0) {
i = -1;
*indexPtr = i;
return TCL_OK;
Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC);
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
char *label;
label = menuPtr->entries[i]->label;
if ((label != NULL)
&& (Tcl_StringMatch(menuPtr->entries[i]->label, string))) {
*indexPtr = i;
return TCL_OK;
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad menu entry index \"",
string, "\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
* MenuEventProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher for various
* events on menus.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* When the window gets deleted, internal structures get
* cleaned up. When it gets exposed, it is redisplayed.
static void
MenuEventProc(clientData, eventPtr)
ClientData clientData; /* Information about window. */
XEvent *eventPtr; /* Information about event. */
Menu *menuPtr = (Menu *) clientData;
if ((eventPtr->type == Expose) && (eventPtr->xexpose.count == 0)) {
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
} else if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) {
Tcl_DeleteCommand(menuPtr->interp, Tk_PathName(menuPtr->tkwin));
menuPtr->tkwin = NULL;
if (menuPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING) {
Tk_CancelIdleCall(DisplayMenu, (ClientData) menuPtr);
if (menuPtr->flags & RESIZE_PENDING) {
Tk_CancelIdleCall(ComputeMenuGeometry, (ClientData) menuPtr);
Tk_EventuallyFree((ClientData) menuPtr, DestroyMenu);
* MenuVarProc --
* This procedure is invoked when someone changes the
* state variable associated with a radiobutton or checkbutton
* menu entry. The entry's selected state is set to match
* the value of the variable.
* Results:
* NULL is always returned.
* Side effects:
* The menu entry may become selected or deselected.
static char *
MenuVarProc(clientData, interp, name1, name2, flags)
ClientData clientData; /* Information about menu entry. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter containing variable. */
char *name1; /* First part of variable's name. */
char *name2; /* Second part of variable's name. */
int flags; /* Describes what just happened. */
MenuEntry *mePtr = (MenuEntry *) clientData;
Menu *menuPtr;
char *value;
menuPtr = mePtr->menuPtr;
* If the variable is being unset, then re-establish the
* trace unless the whole interpreter is going away.
if (flags & TCL_TRACE_UNSETS) {
mePtr->flags &= ~ENTRY_SELECTED;
if ((flags & TCL_TRACE_DESTROYED) && !(flags & TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED)) {
Tcl_TraceVar2(interp, name1, name2,
MenuVarProc, clientData);
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
return (char *) NULL;
* Use the value of the variable to update the selected status of
* the menu entry.
value = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, name1, name2, flags & TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
if (strcmp(value, mePtr->onValue) == 0) {
if (mePtr->flags & ENTRY_SELECTED) {
return (char *) NULL;
mePtr->flags |= ENTRY_SELECTED;
} else if (mePtr->flags & ENTRY_SELECTED) {
mePtr->flags &= ~ENTRY_SELECTED;
} else {
return (char *) NULL;
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
return (char *) NULL;
* EventuallyRedrawMenu --
* Arrange for an entry of a menu, or the whole menu, to be
* redisplayed at some point in the future.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* A when-idle hander is scheduled to do the redisplay, if there
* isn't one already scheduled.
static void
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, mePtr)
register Menu *menuPtr; /* Information about menu to redraw. */
register MenuEntry *mePtr; /* Entry to redraw. NULL means redraw
* all the entries in the menu. */
int i;
if (menuPtr->tkwin == NULL) {
if (mePtr != NULL) {
} else {
for (i = 0; i < menuPtr->numEntries; i++) {
menuPtr->entries[i]->flags |= ENTRY_NEEDS_REDISPLAY;
if ((menuPtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(menuPtr->tkwin)
|| (menuPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) {
Tk_DoWhenIdle(DisplayMenu, (ClientData) menuPtr);
menuPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING;
* PostSubmenu --
* This procedure arranges for a particular submenu (i.e. the
* menu corresponding to a given cascade entry) to be
* posted.
* Results:
* A standard Tcl return result. Errors may occur in the
* Tcl commands generated to post and unpost submenus.
* Side effects:
* If there is already a submenu posted, it is unposted.
* The new submenu is then posted.
static int
PostSubmenu(interp, menuPtr, mePtr)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for invoking sub-commands and
* reporting errors. */
register Menu *menuPtr; /* Information about menu as a whole. */
register MenuEntry *mePtr; /* Info about submenu that is to be
* posted. NULL means make sure that
* no submenu is posted. */
char string[30];
int result, x, y;
if (mePtr == menuPtr->postedCascade) {
return TCL_OK;
if (menuPtr->postedCascade != NULL) {
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, menuPtr->postedCascade);
result = Tcl_VarEval(interp, menuPtr->postedCascade->name,
" unpost", (char *) NULL);
menuPtr->postedCascade = NULL;
if (result != TCL_OK) {
return result;
if ((mePtr != NULL) && (mePtr->name != NULL)) {
Tk_GetRootCoords(menuPtr->tkwin, &x, &y);
x += Tk_Width(menuPtr->tkwin);
y += mePtr->y;
sprintf(string, "%d %d", x, y);
result = Tcl_VarEval(interp, mePtr->name, " post ", string,
(char *) NULL);
if (result != TCL_OK) {
return result;
menuPtr->postedCascade = mePtr;
return TCL_OK;
* ActivateMenuEntry --
* This procedure is invoked to make a particular menu entry
* the active one, deactivating any other entry that might
* currently be active.
* Results:
* The return value is a standard Tcl result (errors can occur
* while posting and unposting submenus).
* Side effects:
* Menu entries get redisplayed, and the active entry changes.
* Submenus may get posted and unposted.
static int
ActivateMenuEntry(menuPtr, index)
register Menu *menuPtr; /* Menu in which to activate. */
int index; /* Index of entry to activate, or
* -1 to deactivate all entries. */
register MenuEntry *mePtr;
int result = TCL_OK;
if (menuPtr->active >= 0) {
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[menuPtr->active];
* Don't change the state unless it's currently active (state
* might already have been changed to disabled).
if (mePtr->state == tkActiveUid) {
mePtr->state = tkNormalUid;
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, menuPtr->entries[menuPtr->active]);
menuPtr->active = index;
if (index >= 0) {
mePtr = menuPtr->entries[index];
mePtr->state = tkActiveUid;
EventuallyRedrawMenu(menuPtr, mePtr);
Tk_Preserve((ClientData) mePtr);
if (mePtr->type == CASCADE_ENTRY) {
if (mePtr->command != NULL) {
result = TkCopyAndGlobalEval(menuPtr->interp, mePtr->command);
if (result == TCL_OK) {
result = PostSubmenu(menuPtr->interp, menuPtr, mePtr);
} else {
result = PostSubmenu(menuPtr->interp, menuPtr, (MenuEntry *) NULL);
Tk_Release((ClientData) mePtr);
return result;