2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00

413 lines
14 KiB

#include "ansi_compat.h"
const char *english[] =
/* ==================== alarm.c ==================== */
/* 0 */ "", /* avail */
/* 1 */ "get_var() returned a null pointer.",
/* ==================== archie.c ==================== */
/* 2 */ "", /* avail */
/* 3 */ "", /* avail */
/* 4 */ "", /* avail */
/* 5 */ "main",
/* 6 */ "unexpected argument `%s'.",
/* 7 */ "argument required after `%s'.",
/* 8 */ "can't run in both e-mail and server modes.",
/* 9 */ "`-e' option requires `-o'.",
/* 10 */ "w+",
/* 11 */ "can't open e-mail output file `%s' with mode \"w+\"",
/* 12 */ "can't freopen() `%s' onto stdout",
/* 13 */ "can't freopen() `%s' onto stderr",
/* 14 */ "", /* avail */
/* 15 */ "", /* avail */
/* 16 */ "", /* avail */
/* 17 */ "can't find home directory!",
/* 18 */ "can't chdir() to home directory, `%s'",
/* 19 */ ".",
/* 20 */ "can't chroot() to home directory",
/* 21 */ "setuid() failed",
/* 22 */ "%s/%s",
/* 23 */ "can't get new history context.",
/* 24 */ "# Version fran\347aise r\351alis\351e en collaboration avec le\n# Service des T\351l\351communications, Universit\351 du Qu\351bec \340 Montr\351al.\n\n",
/* 25 */ "stty",
/* 26 */ "# Bunyip Information Systems, Inc., 1993, 1994, 1995\n\n",
/* 27 */ "",
/* 28 */ "\n",
/* 29 */ "# Sorry, this command has been disabled by the administrator.\n",
/* 30 */ "# Wrong mode, `%s', for the `%s' command.\n",
/* 31 */ "\n>> %s\n",
/* 32 */ "help",
/* 33 */ "mail",
/* 34 */ "# Bye.\n",
/* 35 */ "# This command works only within the `help' subsystem.\n",
/* 36 */ "# Non-unique command prefix.\n",
/* 37 */ "# Sorry, the `site' command is currently unavailable.\n",
/* 38 */ "# %s\n",
/* 39 */ "# Unrecognized command `%s' in %s mode.\n",
/* 40 */ "disable_command",
/* 41 */ "`%s' requires at least one argument.",
/* 42 */ "# Pager failed; printing directly to the screen.\n",
/* 43 */ "init_from_file",
/* 44 */ "r",
/* 45 */ "man_it",
/* 46 */ "# `%s' requires a single argument.\n",
/* 47 */ "roff",
/* 48 */ "unknown return code from fork_me().",
/* 49 */ "whatis_it",
/* 50 */ "new_tmp_file",
/* 51 */ "error opening tmp file `%s'",
/* 52 */ "tempnam() failed.",
/* 53 */ "# `%s' requires at least one argument.\n",
/* 54 */ "# boolean variables do not take arguments.\n",
/* 55 */ "# `numeric' variables require a single argument.\n",
/* 56 */ "# `string' variables require an argument.\n",
/* 57 */ " ",
/* 58 */ "# `%s' is not a known variable.\n",
/* 59 */ "set_it",
/* 60 */ "unknown variable type `%d'.",
/* 61 */ "remove_tmp_file",
/* 62 */ "error unlinking `%s'",
/* 63 */ "# Sorry, I can't find a list of servers.\n",
/* 64 */ "Usage: %s [-d <#>] [-e] [-i <init-file>] [-l] [-L <logfile>] [-p <#>] [-s]\n",
/* ==================== argv.c ==================== */
/* 65 */ "can't allocate initial pointer element",
/* 66 */ "new_str",
/* 67 */ "failed to rmalloc() `%d' bytes",
/* 68 */ "argvflatten",
/* 69 */ "error malloc()ing `%u' bytes",
/* 70 */ "argvify",
/* 71 */ "failed to %s.",
/* 72 */ "initialize argv",
/* 73 */ "start new string",
/* 74 */ "insert character",
/* 75 */ "end current string",
/* 76 */ "ended in bad state, `%d'.",
/* ==================== commands.c ==================== */
/* 77 */ "cmd_disable",
/* 78 */ "`%s': %s",
/* 79 */ "get_cmd",
/* ==================== error.c ==================== */
/* 80 */ "error: %s.\n",
/* 81 */ "ERROR",
/* 82 */ "INFO",
/* 83 */ "INTERNAL ERROR",
/* 85 */ "WARNING",
/* 86 */ "# INTERNAL ERROR: error: unknown error type, %d.\n",
/* 87 */ "# %s: %s: %s",
/* 88 */ ": unlisted error",
/* 89 */ ": ",
/* 90 */ "%s %s\n",
/* 91 */ "/tmp/lll",
/* 92 */ "w",
/* ==================== find.c ==================== */
/* 93 */ "DIRECTORY",
/* 94 */ "%s %s %s %s %s%s\n",
/* 95 */ "LAST-MODIFIED",
/* 96 */ "SIZE",
/* 97 */ "UNIX-MODES",
/* 98 */ "/",
/* 99 */ "%H:%M %e %h %Y",
/* 100 */ "%s %12s %7s %s%s\n",
/* 101 */ "AR_H_LAST_MOD",
/* 102 */ "Host %s (%s)\n",
/* 103 */ "AR_H_IP_ADDR",
/* 104 */ "Last updated %s\n",
/* 105 */ "\n Location: %s\n",
/* 106 */ " DIRECTORY %s %13s %12s %s\n",
/* 107 */ " FILE %s %13s %12s %s\n",
/* 108 */ "fprint_list_item",
/* 109 */ "unknown output style type `%d'.",
/* 110 */ "do_matches",
/* 111 */ "pager",
/* 112 */ "verbose",
/* 113 */ "terse",
/* 114 */ "machine",
/* 115 */ "\n# No matches were found.\n",
/* 116 */ "\n# Error from Prospero server - ",
/* 117 */ "find_it",
/* ==================== fork_wait.c ==================== */
/* 118 */ "working... ",
/* 119 */ "# ERROR: fork_me: fork: ",
/* 120 */ "fork_me",
/* 121 */ "error waiting for child",
/* ==================== get_types.c ==================== */
/* ==================== help.c ==================== */
/* 122 */ "help%s> ",
/* 123 */ "%s/=",
/* 124 */ "display_help",
/* 125 */ "can't access() file `%s'",
/* 126 */ "list_subtopics",
/* 127 */ "can't open directory `%s'.",
/* 128 */ "# Subtopics:\n#\n",
/* 129 */ "#\t%s\n",
/* 130 */ "# No subtopics.\n",
/* 131 */ "pop_topic",
/* 132 */ "can't find a `/' in the current directory string.",
/* 133 */ "push_topics",
/* 134 */ "# Can't find help on `%s'.\n",
/* 135 */ "help_",
/* 136 */ "can't find help file; looking in wrong directory?",
/* 137 */ "?",
/* 138 */ "done",
/* 139 */ "Can't find the file with e-mail help information.",
/* 140 */ "error getting new history context.",
/* ==================== input.c ==================== */
/* 141 */ ".\n",
/* 142 */ "readline",
/* 143 */ "can't malloc() `%d' bytes for a new line.",
/* 144 */ "error reading from `stdin'.",
/* 145 */ "unexpected return value from fread().",
/* 146 */ "error realloc()ing `%d' bytes for input line.",
/* ==================== lang.c ==================== */
/* ==================== list.c ==================== */
/* 147 */ "argument `item' is NULL.",
/* 148 */ "%s %s\n",
/* 149 */ "%-40s %15s %17s\n",
/* 150 */ "fprint_list_itme",
/* 151 */ ".*",
/* 152 */ "list_it",
/* ==================== mail.c ==================== */
/* 153 */ "mail_it",
/* 154 */ "mailto",
/* 155 */ "# You must either specify an e-mail address or set the `mailto' variable.\n",
/* 156 */ "# `%s' takes no more than one argument.\n",
/* 157 */ "# You haven't got any results to mail yet.\n",
/* 158 */ "none",
/* 159 */ "# If you specify compression you must also specify an encoding.\n",
/* 160 */ "invalid port number `%s'.",
/* 161 */ "getservbyname() failed -- can't get port for `%s'.",
/* 162 */ "can't connect to mail host: `%s'.",
/* 163 */ "error fdopen()ing socket to the mail host.",
/* 164 */ "@Begin\n",
/* 165 */ "Command: %s\n",
/* 166 */ "Compress: %s\n",
/* 167 */ "Encode: %s\n",
/* 168 */ "MaxSplitSize: %d\n",
/* 169 */ "@MailHeader\n",
/* 170 */ "To: %s\n",
/* 171 */ "From: %s@%s\n",
/* 172 */ "Reply-To: %s@%s\n",
/* 173 */ "Date: %s\n",
/* 174 */ "@End\n",
/* 175 */ "fputs() is EOF, errno is %d.\n",
/* 176 */ "failed! errno = %d.\n",
/* 177 */ "ferror(mfp) is %d, feof(mfp) is %d.\n",
/* 178 */ "ferror(ofp) is %d, feof(ofp) is %d.\n",
/* ==================== misc.c ==================== */
/* 179 */ "<no value>",
/* 180 */ "first_word_of",
/* 181 */ "dequote",
/* 182 */ "nuke_newline",
/* 183 */ "argument is NULL.",
/* 184 */ "Name: `%s', Value: `%s'.\n",
/* 185 */ "print_file",
/* 186 */ "error from fgets() on `%s'",
/* 187 */ "%4u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2u",
/* 188 */ "cvt_to_inttime",
/* 189 */ "error converting time `%s'.",
/* 190 */ "prosp_strftime",
/* 191 */ "prosp_strftime() failed on `%s'.",
/* 192 */ "<bad time>",
/* 193 */ "size_of_file",
/* 194 */ "can't get size of mail file `%s'.",
/* 195 */ "snarf_n_barf",
/* 196 */ "failed to fputs()",
/* 197 */ "fgets() failed",
/* 198 */ "squeeze_whitespace",
/* 199 */ "argument `str' is NULL.",
/* 200 */ "initskip",
/* 201 */ "can't malloc %d bytes for pattern.",
/* 202 */ "can't realloc %d bytes for pattern.",
/* 203 */ "# `%s' requires an argument.\n",
/* 204 */ "copy_first_word",
/* ==================== mode.c ==================== */
/* 205 */ "<no mode>",
/* 206 */ "<bad mode>",
/* 207 */ "set_mode",
/* 208 */ "unknown mode `0x%08x'; changing to %s mode.",
/* ==================== pager.c ==================== */
/* 209 */ "close_pager_file",
/* 210 */ "error from `fclose'.",
/* 211 */ "create_pager_file",
/* 212 */ "couldn't create temporary file.",
/* 213 */ "can't open newly created temporary file.",
/* 214 */ "fopen() failed on pager file.",
/* 215 */ "error from fork().",
/* 216 */ "`%s' is NULL.",
/* 217 */ "execl for pager `%s' failed",
/* 218 */ "remove_pager_file",
/* 219 */ "argument `pager_file_name' is NULL.",
/* 220 */ "error removing temporary pager file.",
/* 221 */ "set_pager_opts",
/* 222 */ "argument `val' is NULL.",
/* ==================== pexec.c ==================== */
/* 223 */ "make_argv",
/* 224 */ "argument list is not NULL terminated.",
/* 225 */ "p_close",
/* 226 */ "tried to wait for non-existant child.",
/* 227 */ "argument does not correspond to either end of the pipe.",
/* 228 */ "p_execvp",
/* 229 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: pipe: ",
/* 230 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: fdopen: ",
/* 231 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: fdopen ",
/* 232 */ "type argument to p_execvp is `%s'.",
/* 233 */ "# ERROR: pexecvp: fork ",
/* 234 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: dup2(p[1], 1) ",
/* 235 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: dup2(p[0], 0)",
/* 236 */ "# ERROR: p_execvp: execvp",
/* ==================== prospero_fix.c ==================== */
/* ==================== rmem.c ==================== */
/* 237 */ "rfree %p\n",
/* 238 */ "rmalloc: %p\n",
/* 239 */ "got %p again!\n",
/* 240 */ "set foo to %p.\n",
/* ==================== signals.c ==================== */
/* 241 */ "catch_alarm",
/* 242 */ "start",
/* 243 */ "not waiting for child",
/* 244 */ "\n# auto-logout\n",
/* 245 */ "waiting for child",
/* 246 */ "`get_var' returned null.",
/* 247 */ "you can stick around -- with %d secs left",
/* 248 */ "\n# Aborted.\n",
/* ==================== strmap.c ==================== */
/* ==================== terminal.c ==================== */
/* 249 */ "get_key_char",
/* 250 */ "# expected a single character or `^<char>', rather than `%s'.\n",
/* 251 */ "# `%s' (0x%02x) does not make a valid control character.\n",
/* 252 */ "get_key_str",
/* 253 */ "buffer `%s' is too small.",
/* 254 */ "buf",
/* 255 */ "value of `%s' (`%lu') is out of range.",
/* 256 */ "ch",
/* 257 */ "^?",
/* 258 */ "^%c",
/* 259 */ "\\%03o",
/* 260 */ "set_window_size",
/* 261 */ "can't get winsize structure",
/* 262 */ "can't set winsize structure",
/* 263 */ "set_term_type",
/* 264 */ "# Unable to open terminal description file.\n",
/* 265 */ "# Terminal type `%s' is unknown to this system.\n",
/* 266 */ "dumb",
/* 267 */ "tgetent() returned an undocumented value; trying `dumb'.",
/* 268 */ "TERM=",
/* 269 */ "error from putenv().",
/* 270 */ "TERM",
/* 271 */ "init_term",
/* 272 */ "%s %d %d",
/* 273 */ "%s %s %s",
/* 274 */ "%d",
/* 275 */ "# Number of columns, `%s', must be numeric.\n",
/* 276 */ "# Number of rows, `%s', must be numeric.\n",
/* 277 */ "# Command format is `term <term-type> [<#rows> [<#cols>]]'.\n",
/* 278 */ "set_term",
/* 279 */ "error setting the terminal size.",
/* 280 */ "# Terminal type set to `%s %d %d'.\n",
/* 281 */ "set_tty",
/* 282 */ "# `%s' takes arguments in pairs; see help on `%s' for usage.\n",
/* 283 */ "error getting termios structure",
/* 284 */ "# `erase' character is `%s'.\n",
/* 285 */ "# `%s' is not a valid argument; see help on `%s' for usage.\n",
/* 286 */ "error setting termios structure",
/* ==================== vars.c ==================== */
/* 287 */ "# `%s' cannot be set in %s mode.\n",
/* 288 */ "# `%s' is read-only; it's value may not be changed.\n",
/* 289 */ "# `%s' is not a valid value, `help set %s' for a list.\n",
/* 290 */ "# Value must be an integer.\n",
/* 291 */ "# Value must be in the range [%d,%d].\n",
/* 292 */ "set_var_",
/* 293 */ "can't set new value.",
/* 294 */ "# Value is too long (> %d bytes).\n",
/* 295 */ "set_var",
/* 296 */ "variable has unknown type.",
/* 297 */ "# `%s' is not a known variable in `%s' mode.\n",
/* 298 */ "boolean",
/* 299 */ "# `%s' (type %s) is set.\n",
/* 300 */ "# `%s' (type %s) is not set.\n",
/* 301 */ "numeric",
/* 302 */ "string",
/* 303 */ "show_var",
/* 304 */ "variable `%s' has an unknown type.",
/* 305 */ "# `%s' (type %s) has the value `%s'.\n",
/* 306 */ "# `%s' cannot be unset -- it must always have a value.\n",
/* 307 */ "english",
/* 308 */ "francais",
/* 309 */ "# WARNING: messages will not be in `%s'.\n",
/* 310 */ "# Can't set language to `%s'. No help directory.\n",
/* ==================== version.c ==================== */
/* ==================== whatis.c ==================== */
/* 311 */ "get_whatis_list",
/* 312 */ "can't open description database, `%s'.",
/* 313 */ "%-25s %-54s\n",
/* 314 */ "# Nothing found that matched `%s'.\n",
/* ==================== EXTRA ==================== */
/* 315 */ "# `%s' does not take any arguments.\n",
/* 316 */ "error ftruncate()ing temporary file `%s'",
/* 317 */ "# `%s' requires at least two arguments.\n",
/* 318 */ "# `%s' is not a valid sub-command.\n",
/* 319 */ "# error trying to set mail path.\n",
/* 320 */ "# Search type: %s",
/* 321 */ "%sDomain: %s",
/* 322 */ "%sPath: %s",
/* 323 */ "child terminated abnormally with signal %d.",
/* 324 */ "\n ftp://%s%s \n",
/* 325 */ "\t\tDate: %12s Size: %7s\n",
/* 326 */ "Precedence: junk\n"