111 lines
4.4 KiB
111 lines
4.4 KiB
# mkCanvText w
# Create a top-level window containing a canvas displaying a text
# string and allowing the string to be edited and re-anchored.
# Arguments:
# w - Name to use for new top-level window.
proc mkCanvText {{w .ctext}} {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
dpos $w
wm title $w "Canvas Text Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "Text"
set c $w.c
message $w.msg -font -Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-* -width 420 \
-relief raised -bd 2 -text "This window displays a string of text to demonstrate the text facilities of canvas widgets. You can point, click, and type. You can also select and then delete with Control-d. You can copy the selection with Control-v. You can click in the boxes to adjust the position of the text relative to its positioning point or change its justification."
canvas $c -relief raised -width 500 -height 400
button $w.ok -text "OK" -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.msg -side top -fill both
pack $w.c -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack $w.ok -side bottom -pady 5 -anchor center
set font -Adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-240-*
$c create rectangle 245 195 255 205 -outline black -fill red
# First, create the text item and give it bindings so it can be edited.
$c addtag text withtag [$c create text 250 200 -text "This is just a string of text to demonstrate the text facilities of canvas widgets. You can point, click, and type. You can also select and then delete with Control-d." -width 440 -anchor n -font $font -justify left]
$c bind text <1> "textB1Press $c %x %y"
$c bind text <B1-Motion> "textB1Move $c %x %y"
$c bind text <Shift-1> "$c select adjust current @%x,%y"
$c bind text <Shift-B1-Motion> "textB1Move $c %x %y"
$c bind text <KeyPress> "$c insert text insert %A"
$c bind text <Shift-KeyPress> "$c insert text insert %A"
$c bind text <Return> "$c insert text insert \\n"
$c bind text <Control-h> "textBs $c"
$c bind text <Delete> "textBs $c"
$c bind text <Control-d> "$c dchars text sel.first sel.last"
$c bind text <Control-v> "$c insert text insert \[selection get\]"
# Next, create some items that allow the text's anchor position
# to be edited.
set x 50
set y 50
set color LightSkyBlue1
mkTextConfig $c $x $y -anchor se $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+30] [expr $y] -anchor s $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+60] [expr $y] -anchor sw $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x] [expr $y+30] -anchor e $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+30] [expr $y+30] -anchor center $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+60] [expr $y+30] -anchor w $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x] [expr $y+60] -anchor ne $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+30] [expr $y+60] -anchor n $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+60] [expr $y+60] -anchor nw $color
set item [$c create rect [expr $x+40] [expr $y+40] [expr $x+50] [expr $y+50] \
-outline black -fill red]
$c bind $item <1> "$c itemconf text -anchor center"
$c create text [expr $x+45] [expr $y-5] -text {Text Position} -anchor s \
-font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-240-* -fill brown
# Lastly, create some items that allow the text's justification to be
# changed.
set x 350
set y 50
set color SeaGreen2
mkTextConfig $c $x $y -justify left $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+30] [expr $y] -justify center $color
mkTextConfig $c [expr $x+60] [expr $y] -justify right $color
$c create text [expr $x+45] [expr $y-5] -text {Justification} -anchor s \
-font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-240-* -fill brown
$c bind config <Enter> "textEnter $c"
$c bind config <Leave> "$c itemconf current -fill \$textConfigFill"
proc mkTextConfig {w x y option value color} {
set item [$w create rect [expr $x] [expr $y] [expr $x+30] [expr $y+30] \
-outline black -fill $color -width 1]
$w bind $item <1> "$w itemconf text $option $value"
$w addtag config withtag $item
set textConfigFill {}
proc textEnter {w} {
global textConfigFill
set textConfigFill [lindex [$w itemconfig current -fill] 4]
$w itemconfig current -fill black
proc textB1Press {w x y} {
$w icursor current @$x,$y
$w focus current
focus $w
$w select from current @$x,$y
proc textB1Move {w x y} {
$w select to current @$x,$y
proc textBs {w} {
set char [expr {[$w index text insert] - 1}]
if {$char >= 0} {$w dchar text $char}