2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00

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* Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <usc-license.h>.
#include <usc-license.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE */
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
* Written by bcn 1989-92 as pfs.h in the Prospero distribution
* Modified by bcn 1/93 separate include file and extended preq structure
* Modified by swa 11/93 error reporting; less dependent on Prospero
#include <pfs_threads.h> /* PFS threads package. */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* Unfortunately, some buggy compilers (in this case, gcc 2.1 under
VAX BSD 4.3) get upset if <netinet/in.h> is included twice. */
/* Note that the IEEE C standard specifies that multiple inclusions of an
include file should not matter. */
#if !defined(IP_OPTIONS)
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <list_macros.h>
/* Note: In doubly linked lists of the structures used for prospero, the */
/* ->previous element of the head of the list is the tail of the list and */
/* the ->next element of the tail of the list is NULL. This allows fast */
/* addition at the tail of the list. */
/* #defining this turns on extra consistency checking code in the various
memory allocators that checks for double freeing. Turn on this compilation
option if you are experimenting with the PFS library and want to make sure
you are not making this common mistake. We have left it turned on for this
ALPHA release. */
/* This consistency checking mechanism is used by the ARDP library and general
Prospero data structures. The only exception is the RREQ structure, which
does consistency checking differently. */
#define ALLOCATOR_CONSISTENCY_CHECK /* deprecated but still necessary */
#ifdef P_ALLOCATOR_CONSISTENCY_CHECK /* patterns to set the 'consistency' member
to. */
#define FREE_PATTERN P__FREE_PATTERN /* old interface deprecated */
#define INUSE_PATTERN P__INUSE_PATTERN /* old interface deprecated */
#define P__FREE_PATTERN 0Xca01babe /* pattern to use if memory is now free. */
#define P__INUSE_PATTERN 0X53ad00d /* Pattern to set consistency member to
if memory is in use. */
#define PROSPERO
#define ARDP_DEFAULT_PEER "dirsrv"/* Default destination port name */
#define ARDP_DEFAULT_PORT 1525 /* Default destination port number */
#endif /* PROSPERO */
#define ARDP_BACKOFF(x) (2 * x) /* Backoff algorithm */
#define ARDP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 4 /* Default time before retry (sec) */
#define ARDP_DEFAULT_RETRY 3 /* Default number of times to try */
#define ARDP_DEFAULT_WINDOW_SZ 16 /* Default maximum packets to send at
once, unless special request
received from client. */
#define ARDP_MAX_WINDOW_SZ 256 /* Maximum # of packets we'll send
out, no matter what a client
requests. Might be redefined
locally if you're at the far end of
a slow link. */
#define ARDP_FIRST_PRIVP 901 /* First prived local port to try */
#define ARDP_NUM_PRIVP 20 /* Number of prived ports to try */
#define ARDP_PTXT_HDR 64 /* Max offset for start */
#define ARDP_PTXT_LEN 1250 /* Max length for data to send */
#define ARDP_PTXT_LEN_R 1405 /* Max length for received data */
/* Rationale for MAX_PTXT_LEN_R: According to IEEE std. 802.5, 1492 is the */
/* max data length for an ethernet packet. IP implementers tend to use */
/* this information in deciding how large a packet could be sent without IP */
/* fragmentation occurring. Subtract 16 octets for the IP header. */
/* Subtract 8 octets for UDP header. The maximum ARDP header size is 6 bits */
/* or 64, so subtract 64 more for the ARDP header. This leaves 1404 bytes. */
/* Note we only generate 1250 bytes because there are preV5 implementations */
/* out there with smaller limits. We also add one to MAX_PTXT_LEN_R to make */
/* sure there is always room to insert a null if needed. */
/* Must leave room to insert header when sending and to strip it on receipt */
/* Definition of text structure used to pass around each packet */
struct ptext {
int consistency;
unsigned int seq; /* Packet sequence number */
int length; /* Length of text (from start) */
char *start; /* Start of packet */
char *text; /* Start of text */
char *ioptr; /* Current position for i/o */
char dat[ARDP_PTXT_DSZ];/* The data itself incl headers */
unsigned long mbz; /* ZERO to catch runaway strings */
struct ptext *previous; /* Previous element in list */
struct ptext *next; /* Next element in linked list */
typedef struct ptext *PTEXT;
typedef struct ptext PTEXT_ST;
#define NOPKT ((PTEXT) 0) /* NULL pointer to ptext */
/* Request structure: maintains information about pending requests */
struct rreq {
int status; /* Status of request *rr1 */
int flags; /* Options for ARDP library *rr2 */
unsigned short cid; /* Connection ID - net byte order */
short priority; /* Priority - host byte order */
int pf_priority; /* Priority assigned by pri_func */
short peer_ardp_version;/* Peer ARD protocol version *rr3 */
struct ptext *inpkt; /* Packet in process by applic */
unsigned short rcvd_tot; /* Total # of packets to receive */
struct ptext *rcvd; /* Received packets */
unsigned short rcvd_thru; /* Received all packets through # */
struct ptext *comp_thru; /* Pointer to RCVD_THRUth packet */
struct ptext *outpkt; /* Packets not yet sent */
unsigned short trns_tot; /* Total # of packets for trns */
struct ptext *trns; /* Transmitted packets */
unsigned short prcvd_thru; /* Peer's rcvd_thru (host byte ord)*/
unsigned short window_sz; /* My window size (default: 0 (sender
does whatever they choose)
(hostorder) */
unsigned short pwindow_sz; /* Peer window (dflt ARDP_WINDOW_SZ).
0 means no limit on # to send.
struct sockaddr_in peer; /* Sender/Destination */
#define peer_addr peer.sin_addr /* Address in network byte order */
#define peer_port peer.sin_port /* Port in network byte order */
struct timeval rcvd_time; /* Time request was received */
struct timeval svc_start_time; /* Time service began on request */
struct timeval svc_comp_time; /* Time service was completed */
struct timeval timeout; /* Initial time to wait for resp */
struct timeval timeout_adj; /* Adjusted time to wait for resp */
struct timeval wait_till; /* Time at which timeout expires */
unsigned short retries; /* Number of times to retry */
unsigned short retries_rem; /* Number of retries remaining */
unsigned short svc_rwait; /* Svc suggested tm2wait b4 retry */
unsigned short svc_rwait_seq; /* Seq # when scv_rwait changed */
unsigned short inf_queue_pos; /* Service queue pos if available */
int inf_sys_time; /* Expected time til svc complete */
struct pfs_auth_info *auth_info; /* Client authentication info */
#endif /* PROSPERO */
char *client_name; /* Client name string for logging */
char *peer_sw_id; /* Peer's software specific ident */
int (*cfunction)(); /* Function to call when done */
char *cfunction_args; /* Additional args to cfunction */
struct rreq *previous; /* Previous element in list */
struct rreq *next; /* Next element in linked list */
int no_matches; /* Number of matches returned */
char query_state; /* State of query S,F */
char match_type; /* Type of match E,S,R */
char cached;
char case_type; /* Case S,X */
char domain_match; /* Domain match D,X */
char path_match; /* Path match P,X */
char search_str[MAXPATHLEN]; /* search string */
char launch[30]; /* Time started the processing */
char start[30]; /* Time got request */
char end[30]; /* Time returned request */
struct rusage qtime_start; /* To figure out the timings */
struct rusage qtime_end;
struct rusage stime_start;
struct rusage stime_end;
struct rusage htime_start;
struct rusage htime_end;
int hosts; /* Hosts that contain */
int hosts_searched; /* Hosts searched */
/* *rr1: this is also used for consistency checking. */
/* Values for this field: */
#define ARDP_STATUS_NOSTART 0 /* not started or inactive */
#define ARDP_STATUS_COMPLETE -1 /* done */
#define ARDP_STATUS_ACTIVE -2 /* running */
#define ARDP_STATUS_FREE -6 /* used for consistency checking; free */
/* *rr2: There is only one flag currently defined. */
/* Send the client's preferred window size along with the next packet you
transmit. At the moment, this flag is never cleared once it is set, so all
packets are tagged with the preferred window size. There are other
strategies that will be tried later. */
/* At the moment, this flag is only set in ardp_rqalloc(). */
/* This is used only on the clients. It means they're when speaking to a
Version 0 Prospero server, but one which used the Prospero 5.0, 5.1, or 5.2
releases. */
/* *rr3: There are several odd numbers you might find. */
/* 0 is the current version of the ARDP library. */
/* -1 is an older version. This is used only on the servers when speaking to
V1 archie clients. */
/* -2 is a newer version than -1, but still old enough that bugs appeared.
This is used only on the servers when speaking to V1 archie clients. */
/* Version 1 of the ARDP library has been designed. Not yet implemented. */
#define S_AD_SZ sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
#define PEER_PORT(req) (ntohs((req)->peer_port)) /* host byte order */
typedef struct rreq *RREQ;
typedef struct rreq RREQ_ST;
#define NOREQ ((RREQ) 0) /* NULL pointer to rreq */
/* ARDP library error status codes. */
/* These must remain in the range 0-20 for compatibility with the Prospero
File System. */
/* Note that ARDP_SUCCESS must remain 0, due to code implementation. */
#define ARDP_SUCCESS 0 /* Successful completion of call */
#define ARDP_PORT_UNKN 1 /* DIRSRV UDP port unknown */
#define ARDP_UDP_CANT 2 /* Can't open local UDP port */
#define ARDP_BAD_HOSTNAME 3 /* Can't resolve hostname */
#define ARDP_NOT_SENT 4 /* Attempt to send message failed */
#define ARDP_SELECT_FAILED 5 /* Select failed */
#define ARDP_BAD_RECV 6 /* Recvfrom failed */
#define ARDP_BAD_VERSION 7 /* bad version # in rdgram protocol */
#define ARDP_BAD_REQ 8 /* Inconsistent request structure */
#define ARDP_TIMEOUT 9 /* Timed out - retry count exceeded */
#define ARDP_REFUSED 10 /* Connection refused by server */
#define ARDP_FAILURE 11 /* Unspecified ARDP failure */
#define ARDP_TOOLONG 12 /* Buffer too long for packet */
/* These are the interface used to the ARDP library's error reporting.
These are the same as definitions used in the Prospero PFS library. */
/* extern int perrno; \* Place where error codes are set. */
extern void p_clear_errors(void); /* Clear perrno in ARDP library; clear pwarn
and p_err_string and p_warn_string as well
in PFS library. */
#define ARDP_PENDING -1 /* The request is still pending */
#define ARDP_WAIT_TILL_TO -1 /* Wait until timeout occurs */
#define ARDP_A2R_SPLIT 0x00 /* OK to split across packets */
#define ARDP_A2R_NOSPLITB 0x01 /* Don't split across packets */
#define ARDP_A2R_NOSPLITL 0x02 /* Don't split lines across packets */
#define ARDP_A2R_TAGLENGTH 0x04 /* Include length tag for buffer */
#define ARDP_A2R_COMPLETE 0x08 /* This is the final packet to add */
#define ARDP_R_INCOMPLETE 0x00 /* More messages will follow */
#define ARDP_R_NOSEND 0x02 /* Add to req->trns but don't send */
#define ARDP_R_COMPLETE 0x08 /* This is the final packet to send */
/* Queuing priorities for requests */
#define ARDP_MAX_PRI 32765 /* Maximum user proiority */
#define ARDP_MAX_SPRI 32767 /* Maximum priority for system use */
#define ARDP_MIN_PRI -32765 /* Maximum user proiority */
#define ARDP_MIN_SPRI -32768 /* Maximum priority for system use */
/* LONG_TO_SHORT_NAME is needed for linkers that can't handle long names */
#define ardp_abort RDABOR
#define ardp_abort_on_int RDABOI
#define ardp_accept RDACPT
#define ardp_activeQ RDACTV
#define ardp_add2req RDA2RQ
#define ardp_acknowledge RDACKN
#define ardp_bind_port RDBPRT
#define ardp_breply RDBREP
#define ardp_completeQ RDCMPQ
#define ardp_def_port_no RDDPNO
#define ardp_default_retry RDDFRT
#define ardp_default_timeout RDDFTO
#define ardp_doneQ RDDONQ
#define ardp_get_nxt RDGNXT
#define ardp_get_nxt_nonblocking RDGNNB
#define ardp_headers RDHDRS
#define ardp_init RDINIT
#define ardp_next_cid RDNCID
#define ardp_partialQ RDPRTQ
#define ardp_pendingQ RDPNDQ
#define ardp_port RDPORT
#define ardp_pri_func RDPRIF
#define ardp_pri_override RDOVRD
#define ardp_priority RDPRIO
#define ardp_process_active RDPACT
#define ardp_prvport RDPPRT
#define ardp_ptalloc RDPTAL
#define ardp_ptfree RDPTFR
#define ardp_ptlfree RDPTLF
#define ardp_redirect RDREDR
#define ardp_refuse RDRFSE
#define ardp_reply RDREPL
#define ardp_respond RDRESP
#define ardp_retrieve RDRETR
#define ardp_rqalloc RDRQAL
#define ardp_rqfree RDRQFR
#define ardp_rq_partialfree RDRQPF
#define ardp_rqlfree RDRQLF
#define ardp_runQ RDRUNQ
#define ardp_rwait RDRWAI
#define ardp_send RDSEND
#define ardp_set_prvport RDSPPT
#define ardp_set_queuing_policy RDSQPL
#define ardp_set_retry RDSETR
#define ardp_showbuf RDSHBF
#define ardp_snd_pkt RDSPKT
#define ardp_srvport RDSPRT
#define ardp_trap_int RDTINT
#define ardp_update_cfields RDUPCF
#define ardp_xmit RDXMIT
#define ptext_count PTXCNT
#define ptext_max PTXMAX
#define rreq_count RRQCNT
#define rreq_max RRQMAX
#endif /* LONG_TO_SHORT_NAME */
/* Please keep this list alpphabetically sorted. */
int ardp_abort(RREQ);
int ardp_abort_on_int(void);
int ardp_accept(void);
int ardp_add2req(RREQ,int,char*,int);
int ardp_acknowledge(RREQ req);
int ardp_bind_port(char*);
int ardp_breply(RREQ,int,char*,int);
RREQ ardp_get_nxt(void);
RREQ ardp_get_nxt_nonblocking(void);
int ardp_headers(RREQ);
/* Variable name "hostname" Commented out to shut up GCC -Wshadow */
int ardp_hostname2addr(const char * /* hostname */, struct sockaddr_in *hostaddr);
void ardp_hostname2addr_initcache(void);
extern int ardp_priority;
int ardp_process_active(void);
PTEXT ardp_ptalloc(void);
void ardp_ptfree(PTEXT);
void ardp_ptlfree(PTEXT);
int ardp_reply(RREQ,int,char*);
int ardp_respond(RREQ,int);
int ardp_retrieve(RREQ,int);
RREQ ardp_rqalloc(void);
void ardp_rqfree(RREQ);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void ardp_rq_partialfree(RREQ);
void ardp_rqlfree(RREQ);
int ardp_rwait(RREQ,int,short,int);
int ardp_send(RREQ,char*,struct sockaddr_in*,int);
int ardp_set_prvport(int);
int ardp_set_queuing_policy(int(*pf)(),int);
int ardp_set_retry(int,int);
void ardp_showbuf(const char *st, int length, FILE *out);
int ardp_snd_pkt(PTEXT,RREQ);
int ardp_xmit(RREQ,int);
/* these are used to look for memory leaks. Currently used by dirsrv.c to
return STATUS information. Internal to ARDP library. */
extern int dnscache_count;
extern int dnscache_max;
/* Used to see how many cached items are in */
extern int alldnscache_count;
/* Checked for memory leaks. */
extern int filelock_count;
extern int filelock_max;
extern int pfs_debug; /* used in ARDP library for error messages. */
/* Should be renamed. */
/* these are used to look for memory leaks. Currently used by dirsrv.c to
return STATUS information. */
extern int ptext_count;
extern int ptext_max;
extern int rreq_count;
extern int rreq_max;
/* Check for case-blind string equality, where s1 or s2 may be null
pointer. */
int stcaseequal(const char *s1, const char*s2);
extern const char*unixerrstr(void);
/* File locking prototypes. */
/* Could these be made ARDP internal? hope so. */
#include <../lib/ardp/flocks.h>
FILELOCK filelock_alloc(void);
void filelock_free(FILELOCK fl);
void filelock_lfree(FILELOCK fl);
void filelock_freespares(void);
void filelock_release(const char *filename, int readonly);
void filelock_obtain(const char *filename, int readonly);
/* File locking functions. Also in pfs_threads.h */
extern int locked_fclose_A(FILE *afle, const char *filename, int readonly);
extern FILE *locked_fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
int locked_fclose_and_rename(FILE *afile, const char *tmpfilename, const char *filename, int retval);
extern void locked_clear(FILE *a); /* also in pfs_threads.h */
/* Mutex stuff for pfs_threads on server side only still.. */
extern void ardp_init_mutexes(void); /* need not be called. */
#ifndef NDEBUG
extern void ardp_diagnose_mutexes(void); /* need not be called. */
#endif /*NDEBUG*/
extern p_th_mutex p_th_mutexARDP_ACCEPT; /* declared in ardp_mutexes.c */
extern p_th_mutex p_th_mutexPTEXT; /* declared in ardp_mutexes.c */
extern p_th_mutex p_th_mutexARDP_RQALLOC; /* declared in ardp_mutexes.c */
extern p_th_mutex p_th_mutexGETHOSTBYNAME; /* declared in ardp_mutexes.c */
extern p_th_mutex p_th_mutexARDP_SELFNUM; /* declared in ardp_mutexes.c */
#include <implicit_fixes.h> /* Fixes for implicit definitions */
/* Internal error handling code (formerly in pfs.h). */
/* Internal error handling routines used by the pfs code; formerly in *
* internal_error.h. These include a replacement for the assert() *
* macro, and an interface for internal error handling, better *
* documented in internal_error.c */
/* XXX These are duplicated in include/pfs_utils.h; need to do code
cleanup here. */
#ifndef NDEBUG
#ifndef assert
#define assert(expr) \
do { \
if (!(expr)) \
internal_error("assertion violated: " #expr); \
} while(0)
#endif /* assert */
#else /* NDEBUG */
#ifndef assert
#define assert(expr) do {;} while(0)
#endif /* assert() */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#if 0 /* OLD version -- keep until new one works */
#define internal_error(msg) \
do { \
write(2, "Internal error in file " __FILE__ ": ", \
sizeof "Internal error in file " __FILE__ ": " -1); \
write(2, msg, strlen(msg)); \
write(2, "\n", 1); \
if (internal_error_handler) \
(*internal_error_handler)(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
else { \
fprintf(stderr, "line of error: %d\n", __LINE__); \
abort(); \
} \
} while(0)
#ifndef internal_error
#define internal_error(msg) \
internal_error_helper(msg, __LINE__)
#define internal_error_helper(msg,line) \
do { \
write(2, "Internal error in file " __FILE__ " (line " #line "): ",\
sizeof "Internal error in file " __FILE__ " (line " #line "): " -1);\
write(2, msg, strlen(msg)); \
write(2, "\n", 1); \
if (internal_error_handler) \
(*internal_error_handler)(__FILE__, line, msg); \
/* If the internal_error_handler() ever returns, we should not continue.
*/ \
abort(); \
} while(0)
#endif /* internal_error() */
/* This function may be set to handle internal errors. Dirsrv handles them in
this way, by logging to plog. We make it int instead of void, because
older versions of the PCC (Portable C Compiler) cannot handle pointers to
void functions. */
/* variable name "line" commented out to shut up GCC -Wshadow. */
extern int (*internal_error_handler)(const char file[], int /* line */, const char mesg[]);
/* Some short macros that really hike the efficiency of this code. */
/* Like bcopy(a, b, 1), but much faster. */
#define bcopy1(a, b) do { \
((char *) (b))[0] = ((char *) (a))[0]; \
} while(0)
#define bcopy2(a, b) do { \
bcopy1(a, b); \
/* Next line depends on unary cast having higher precedence than \
addition. (Guaranteed to be true.) */ \
bcopy1((char *) (a) + 1, (char *) (b) + 1); \
} while(0)
#define bcopy4(a, b) do { \
bcopy2((a), (b)); \
bcopy2((char *) (a) + 2, (char *) (b) + 2);\
} while(0)
#define bzero1(a) do { \
((char *) (a))[0] = '\0'; \
} while(0)
#define bzero2(a) do { \
bzero1(a); \
bzero1((char *) (a) + 1); \
} while (0)
#define bzero3(a) do { \
bzero2(a); \
bzero1((char *) (a) + 2); \
} while(0)
#define bzero4(a) do { \
bzero2(a); \
bzero2((char *) (a) + 2); \
} while(0)
#endif /* not ARDP_H_INCLUDED */