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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
# interface.tcl -- Tcl/Tk script that defines the GUI interface
# of the Tic Tac Toe game; Since both player X and player O
# share the same interface, they both use this script.
# The global variable player must be set up beforehand;
wm title . "TTT - $player";
# The following procedure is the callback for when a user
# presses a Tic Tac Toe GUI button;
proc mark {col row} {
global player;
# Get the current entry of the board of the given column and row.
set entry [.board entryGet $col $row];
if {[string compare S $entry] == 0} {
# Set the entry of the board to the player's symbol,
# if the current entry is an S (space).
.board entrySet $col $row $player;
# Since the board is a distributed object, any slot changes to
# it will get automatically distributed the other player.
} else {
# Otherwise, complain to the user;
puts stdout "";
puts stdout "Cannot mark that entry ($col,$row).";
puts stdout "Already marked with an $entry.";
# Procedure to create a column of Tic Tac Toe GUI buttons;
proc column {w i} {
pack append $w \
[frame $w.c$i] {left fillx filly};
pack append $w.c$i \
[button $w.c$i.0 -command "mark $i 0" -width 2] {top fillx} \
[button $w.c$i.1 -command "mark $i 1" -width 2] {top fillx} \
[button $w.c$i.2 -command "mark $i 2" -width 2] {top fillx};
# Procedure to update the text of those Tic Tac Toe GUI buttons
# according to the state of the distributed board object;
proc DisplayUpdate {} {
for {set row 0} {$row <= 2} {incr row} {
for {set col 0} {$col <= 2} {incr col} {
set entry [.board entryGet $col $row];
case $entry in {
{S} {set symbol " "}
{default} {set symbol $entry}
.main.c$col.$row configure -text $symbol;
# Instantiate the interface;
pack append . [frame .main] top;
column .main 0;
column .main 1;
column .main 2;
pack append .main \
[button .main.clear -text "Clear" -command ".board clear"] \
{top fillx} \
[button .main.quit -text "Quit" -command "exit"] \
{top fillx};