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2024-05-27 16:40:40 +02:00
# This file is a Tcl script to test menubuttons in Tk. It is
# organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# SCCS: @(#) menubut.test 1.16 96/08/21 09:56:19
# XXX This test file is woefully incomplete right now. If any part
# XXX of a procedure has tests then the whole procedure has tests,
# XXX but many procedures have no tests.
if {[lsearch [image types] test] < 0} {
puts "This application hasn't been compiled with the \"test\" image"
puts "type, so I can't run this test. Are you sure you're using"
puts "tktest instead of wish?"
if {[info procs test] != "test"} {
source defs
foreach i [winfo children .] {
destroy $i
wm geometry . {}
raise .
eval image delete [image names]
image create test image1
menubutton .mb -text "Test"
pack .mb
set i 1
foreach test {
{-activebackground #012345 #012345 non-existent
{unknown color name "non-existent"}}
{-activeforeground #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
{unknown color name "non-existent"}}
{-anchor nw nw bogus {bad anchor position "bogus": must be n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center}}
{-background #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
{unknown color name "non-existent"}}
{-bd 4 4 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
{-bg #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent {unknown color name "non-existent"}}
{-bitmap questhead questhead badValue {bitmap "badValue" not defined}}
{-borderwidth 1.3 1 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
{-cursor arrow arrow badValue {bad cursor spec "badValue"}}
{-disabledforeground #00ff00 #00ff00 xyzzy {unknown color name "xyzzy"}}
{-fg #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"}}
{-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* bogus
{font "bogus" doesn't exist}}
{-foreground #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"}}
{-height 18 18 20.0 {expected integer but got "20.0"}}
{-highlightbackground #112233 #112233 ugly {unknown color name "ugly"}}
{-highlightcolor #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"}}
{-highlightthickness 18 18 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
{-image image1 image1 bogus {image "bogus" doesn't exist}}
{-indicatoron yes 1 no_way {expected boolean value but got "no_way"}}
{-justify right right bogus {bad justification "bogus": must be left, right, or center}}
{-menu "any old string" "any old string" {} {}}
{-padx 12 12 420x {bad screen distance "420x"}}
{-pady 12 12 420x {bad screen distance "420x"}}
{-relief groove groove 1.5 {bad relief type "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, or sunken}}
{-state normal normal bogus {bad state value "bogus": must be normal, active, or disabled}}
{-takefocus "any string" "any string" {} {}}
{-text "Sample text" {Sample text} {} {}}
{-textvariable i i {} {}}
{-underline 5 5 3p {expected integer but got "3p"}}
{-width 402 402 3p {expected integer but got "3p"}}
{-wraplength 100 100 6x {bad screen distance "6x"}}
} {
set name [lindex $test 0]
test menubutton-1.$i {configuration options} {
.mb configure $name [lindex $test 1]
lindex [.mb configure $name] 4
} [lindex $test 2]
incr i
if {[lindex $test 3] != ""} {
test menubutton-1.$i {configuration options} {
list [catch {.mb configure $name [lindex $test 3]} msg] $msg
} [list 1 [lindex $test 4]]
.mb configure $name [lindex [.mb configure $name] 3]
incr i
test menubutton-2.1 {Tk_MenubuttonCmd procedure} {
list [catch {menubutton} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "menubutton pathName ?options?"}}
test menubutton-2.2 {Tk_MenubuttonCmd procedure} {
list [catch {menubutton foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad window path name "foo"}}
test menubutton-2.3 {Tk_MenubuttonCmd procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb
winfo class .mb
} {Menubutton}
test menubutton-2.4 {Tk_ButtonCmd procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
list [catch {menubutton .mb -gorp foo} msg] $msg [winfo exists .mb]
} {1 {unknown option "-gorp"} 0}
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text "Test Menu"
pack .mb
test menubutton-3.1 {MenuButtonWidgetCmd procedure} {
list [catch {.mb} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".mb option ?arg arg ...?"}}
test menubutton-3.2 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
list [catch {.mb c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "c": must be cget or configure}}
test menubutton-3.3 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
list [catch {.mb cget} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".mb cget option"}}
test menubutton-3.4 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
list [catch {.mb cget a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".mb cget option"}}
test menubutton-3.5 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
list [catch {.mb cget -gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown option "-gorp"}}
test menubutton-3.6 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
.mb configure -highlightthickness 3
.mb cget -highlightthickness
} {3}
test menubutton-3.7 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
llength [.mb configure]
} {31}
test menubutton-3.8 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
list [catch {.mb configure -gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown option "-gorp"}}
test menubutton-3.9 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
list [catch {.mb co -bg #ffffff -fg} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-fg" missing}}
test menubutton-3.10 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
.mb configure -fg #123456
.mb configure -bg #654321
lindex [.mb configure -fg] 4
} {#123456}
test menubutton-3.11 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
list [catch {.mb foobar} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "foobar": must be cget or configure}}
# XXX Need to add tests for several procedures here. The tests for XXX
# XXX ConfigureMenuButton aren't complete either. XXX
test menubutton-4.1 {ConfigureMenuButton procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb1}
button .mb1 -text "Menubutton 1"
list [catch {.mb1 configure -width 1i} msg] $msg $errorInfo
} {1 {expected integer but got "1i"} {expected integer but got "1i"
(processing -width option)
invoked from within
".mb1 configure -width 1i"}}
test menubutton-4.2 {ConfigureMenuButton procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb1}
button .mb1 -text "Menubutton 1"
list [catch {.mb1 configure -height 0.5c} msg] $msg $errorInfo
} {1 {expected integer but got "0.5c"} {expected integer but got "0.5c"
(processing -height option)
invoked from within
".mb1 configure -height 0.5c"}}
test menubutton-4.3 {ConfigureMenuButton procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb1}
button .mb1 -bitmap questhead
list [catch {.mb1 configure -width abc} msg] $msg $errorInfo
} {1 {bad screen distance "abc"} {bad screen distance "abc"
(processing -width option)
invoked from within
".mb1 configure -width abc"}}
test menubutton-4.4 {ConfigureMenuButton procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb1}
eval image delete [image names]
image create test image1
button .mb1 -image image1
list [catch {.mb1 configure -height 0.5x} msg] $msg $errorInfo
} {1 {bad screen distance "0.5x"} {bad screen distance "0.5x"
(processing -height option)
invoked from within
".mb1 configure -height 0.5x"}}
test menubutton-4.5 {ConfigureMenuButton procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb1}
button .mb1 -text "Sample text" -width 10 -height 2
pack .mb1
set result "[winfo reqwidth .mb1] [winfo reqheight .mb1]"
.mb1 configure -bitmap questhead
lappend result [winfo reqwidth .mb1] [winfo reqheight .mb1]
} {102 46 20 12}
# XXX Need to add tests for several procedures here. XXX
test button-5.1 {MenuButtonEventProc procedure} {
eval destroy [winfo children .]
menubutton .mb1 -bg #543210
rename .mb1 .mb2
set x {}
lappend x [winfo children .]
lappend x [.mb2 cget -bg]
destroy .mb1
lappend x [info command .mb*] [winfo children .]
} {.mb1 #543210 {} {}}
test button-6.1 {MenuButtonCmdDeletedProc procedure} {
eval destroy [winfo children .]
menubutton .mb1
rename .mb1 {}
list [info command .mb*] [winfo children .]
} {{} {}}
test menubutton-7.1 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 4 -highlightthickness 0
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {38 23}
test menubutton-7.2 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 1 -highlightthickness 2
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {36 21}
test menubutton-7.3 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 2 -padx 5 -pady 5
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {34 19}
test menubutton-7.4 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 2 -relief raised -width 40 \
-highlightthickness 2
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {48 23}
test menubutton-7.5 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 2 -relief raised -height 30 \
-highlightthickness 2
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {38 38}
test menubutton-7.6 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -bitmap question -bd 2 -relief raised \
-highlightthickness 2
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {25 35}
test menubutton-7.7 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -bitmap question -bd 2 -relief raised -width 40 \
-highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {46 33}
test menubutton-7.8 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -bitmap question -bd 2 -relief raised -height 50 \
-highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {23 56}
test menubutton-7.9 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text String -bd 2 -relief raised -padx 0 -pady 0 \
-highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {42 20}
test menubutton-7.10 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text String -bd 2 -relief raised -width 20 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 -highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {146 20}
test menubutton-7.11 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text String -bd 2 -relief raised -height 2 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 -highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {42 34}
test menubutton-7.12 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text String -bd 2 -relief raised -padx 10 -pady 5 \
-highlightthickness 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {62 30}
test menubutton-7.13 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {fonts} {
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -text String -bd 2 -relief raised \
-highlightthickness 1 -indicatoron 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {78 28}
test menubutton-7.14 {ComputeMenuButtonGeometry procedure} {nonPortable} {
# The following test is non-portable because the indicator's pixel
# size varies to maintain constant absolute size.
catch {destroy .mb}
menubutton .mb -image image1 -bd 2 -relief raised \
-highlightthickness 2 -indicatoron 1
pack .mb
list [winfo reqwidth .mb] [winfo reqheight .mb]
} {64 23}
eval image delete [image names]
eval destroy [winfo children .]