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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
* tkInt.h --
* Declarations for things used internally by the Tk
* procedures but not exported outside the module.
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
* license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
* above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
* all copies of this software.
* $Header: /user6/ouster/wish/RCS/tkInt.h,v 1.98 93/10/07 09:59:17 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _TKINT
#define _TKINT
#ifndef _XLIB_H_
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#ifndef _XUTIL_H
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#ifndef _TK
#include "tk.h"
#ifndef _TCL
#include "tcl.h"
* Opaque type declarations:
typedef struct Tk_PostscriptInfo Tk_PostscriptInfo;
typedef struct TkGrabEvent TkGrabEvent;
* One of the following structures is maintained for each display
* containing a window managed by Tk:
typedef struct TkDisplay {
Display *display; /* Xlib's info about display. */
struct TkDisplay *nextPtr; /* Next in list of all displays. */
char *name; /* Name of display (with any screen
* identifier removed). Malloc-ed. */
Time lastEventTime; /* Time of last event received for this
* display. */
* Information used by tkFocus.c and tkEvent.c:
struct TkWindow *focusTopLevelPtr;
/* Pointer to the top-level window that
* currently contains the focus for this
* display. NULL means none of the
* top-levels managed by this application
* contains the focus. */
int focussedOnEnter; /* Non-zero means the focus was set
* implicitly from an Enter event rather
* than from a FocusIn event. */
* Information used primarily by tkBind.c:
int bindInfoStale; /* Non-zero means the variables in this
* part of the structure are potentially
* incorrect and should be recomputed. */
unsigned int modeModMask; /* Has one bit set to indicate the modifier
* corresponding to "mode shift". If no
* such modifier, than this is zero. */
unsigned int ignoreModMask; /* If any of the following modifiers are
* present in an event but not in the
* corresponding pattern, they don't prevent
* the pattern from matching the event. */
enum {IGNORE, CAPS, SHIFT} lockUsage;
/* Indicates how to interpret lock modifier. */
int numModKeyCodes; /* Number of entries in modKeyCodes array
* below. */
KeyCode *modKeyCodes; /* Pointer to an array giving keycodes for
* all of the keys that have modifiers
* associated with them. Malloc'ed, but
* may be NULL. */
* Information used by tkError.c only:
struct TkErrorHandler *errorPtr;
/* First in list of error handlers
* for this display. NULL means
* no handlers exist at present. */
int deleteCount; /* Counts # of handlers deleted since
* last time inactive handlers were
* garbage-collected. When this number
* gets big, handlers get cleaned up. */
int (*defaultHandler) _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display,
XErrorEvent *eventPtr));
/* X's default event handler: invoked
* if an error occurs that we can't handle
* ourselves. */
* Information used by tkSend.c only:
Tk_Window commWindow; /* Window used for communication
* between interpreters during "send"
* commands. NULL means send info hasn't
* been initialized yet. */
Atom commProperty; /* X's name for comm property. */
Atom registryProperty; /* X's name for property containing
* registry of interpreter names. */
int serverSecure; /* Non-zero means the server appears to
* be reasonably secure; zero means we
* should reject incoming sends because
* they can't be trusted. */
* Information used by tkSelect.c only:
Tk_Window selectionOwner; /* Current owner of selection, or
* NULL if selection isn't owned by
* a window in this process. */
int selectionSerial; /* Serial number of last XSelectionSetOwner
* request we made to server (used to
* filter out redundant SelectionClear
* events. */
Time selectionTime; /* Timestamp used to acquire selection. */
Atom multipleAtom; /* Atom for MULTIPLE. None means
* selection stuff isn't initialized. */
Atom incrAtom; /* Atom for INCR. */
Atom targetsAtom; /* Atom for TARGETS. */
Atom timestampAtom; /* Atom for TIMESTAMP. */
Atom textAtom; /* Atom for TEXT. */
Atom compoundTextAtom; /* Atom for COMPOUND_TEXT. */
Atom applicationAtom; /* Atom for APPLICATION. */
Atom windowNameAtom; /* Atom for WINDOW_NAME. */
* Information used by tkAtom.c only:
int atomInit; /* 0 means stuff below hasn't been
* initialized yet. */
Tcl_HashTable nameTable; /* Maps from names to Atom's. */
Tcl_HashTable atomTable; /* Maps from Atom's back to names. */
* Information used by tkCursor.c only:
Font cursorFont; /* Font to use for standard cursors.
* None means font not loaded yet. */
* Information used by tkGrab.c only:
struct TkWindow *grabWinPtr;
/* Window in which the pointer is currently
* grabbed, or NULL if none. */
struct TkWindow *eventualGrabWinPtr;
/* Value that grabWinPtr will have once the
* grab event queue (below) has been
* completely emptied. */
struct TkWindow *buttonWinPtr;
/* Window in which first mouse button was
* pressed while grab was in effect, or NULL
* if no such press in effect. */
struct TkWindow *serverWinPtr;
/* If no application contains the pointer then
* this is NULL. Otherwise it contains the
* last window for which we've gotten an
* Enter or Leave event from the server (i.e.
* the last window known to have contained
* the pointer). Doesn't reflect events
* that were synthesized in tkGrab.c. */
TkGrabEvent *firstGrabEventPtr;
/* First in list of enter/leave events
* synthesized by grab code. These events
* must be processed in order before any other
* events are processed. NULL means no such
* events. */
TkGrabEvent *lastGrabEventPtr;
/* Last in list of synthesized events, or NULL
* if list is empty. */
int grabFlags; /* Miscellaneous flag values. See definitions
* in tkGrab.c. */
* Miscellaneous information:
Tk_ColorModel *colorModels; /* Array of color models, one per screen;
* indicates whether windows should attempt
* to use full color for display, just mono,
* etc. Malloc'ed. */
} TkDisplay;
* One of the following structures exists for each error handler
* created by a call to Tk_CreateErrorHandler. The structure
* is managed by tkError.c.
typedef struct TkErrorHandler {
TkDisplay *dispPtr; /* Display to which handler applies. */
unsigned long firstRequest; /* Only errors with serial numbers
* >= to this are considered. */
unsigned long lastRequest; /* Only errors with serial numbers
* <= to this are considered. This
* field is filled in when XUnhandle
* is called. -1 means XUnhandle
* hasn't been called yet. */
int error; /* Consider only errors with this
* error_code (-1 means consider
* all errors). */
int request; /* Consider only errors with this
* major request code (-1 means
* consider all major codes). */
int minorCode; /* Consider only errors with this
* minor request code (-1 means
* consider all minor codes). */
Tk_ErrorProc *errorProc; /* Procedure to invoke when a matching
* error occurs. NULL means just ignore
* errors. */
ClientData clientData; /* Arbitrary value to pass to
* errorProc. */
struct TkErrorHandler *nextPtr;
/* Pointer to next older handler for
* this display, or NULL for end of
* list. */
} TkErrorHandler;
* One of the following structures exists for each event handler
* created by calling Tk_CreateEventHandler. This information
* is used by tkEvent.c only.
typedef struct TkEventHandler {
unsigned long mask; /* Events for which to invoke
* proc. */
Tk_EventProc *proc; /* Procedure to invoke when an event
* in mask occurs. */
ClientData clientData; /* Argument to pass to proc. */
struct TkEventHandler *nextPtr;
/* Next in list of handlers
* associated with window (NULL means
* end of list). */
} TkEventHandler;
* One of the following structures exists for each selection
* handler created by calling Tk_CreateSelHandler. This
* information is used by tkSelect.c only.
typedef struct TkSelHandler {
Atom target; /* Target type for selection
* conversion, such as TARGETS or
* STRING. */
Atom format; /* Format in which selection
* info will be returned, such
* as STRING or ATOM. */
Tk_SelectionProc *proc; /* Procedure to generate selection
* in this format. */
ClientData clientData; /* Argument to pass to proc. */
int size; /* Size of units returned by proc
* (8 for STRING, 32 for almost
* anything else). */
struct TkSelHandler *nextPtr;
/* Next selection handler associated
* with same window (NULL for end of
* list). */
} TkSelHandler;
* Tk keeps one of the following data structures for each main
* window (created by a call to Tk_CreateMainWindow). It stores
* information that is shared by all of the windows associated
* with a particular main window.
typedef struct TkMainInfo {
struct TkWindow *winPtr; /* Pointer to main window. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter associated with application. */
Tcl_HashTable nameTable; /* Hash table mapping path names to TkWindow
* structs for all windows related to this
* main window. Managed by tkWindow.c. */
Tk_BindingTable bindingTable;
/* Used in conjunction with "bind" command
* to bind events to Tcl commands. */
struct TkWindow *focusPtr; /* Identifies window that currently has the
* focus (or that will get the focus the next
* time the pointer enters any of the top-level
* windows associated with this main window).
* NULL means nobody has the focus.
* Managed by tkFocus.c. */
struct TkWindow *focusDefaultPtr;
/* Window that is to receive the focus by
* default when the focusPtr window is
* deleted. */
struct ElArray *optionRootPtr;
/* Top level of option hierarchy for this
* main window. NULL means uninitialized.
* Managed by tkOption.c. */
struct TkMainInfo *nextPtr; /* Next in list of all main windows managed by
* this process. */
} TkMainInfo;
* Tk keeps one of the following structures for each window.
* Some of the information (like size and location) is a shadow
* of information managed by the X server, and some is special
* information used here, such as event and geometry management
* information. This information is (mostly) managed by tkWindow.c.
* WARNING: the declaration below must be kept consistent with the
* Tk_ClientWindow structure in tk.h. If you change one, be sure to
* change the other!!
typedef struct TkWindow {
* Structural information:
Display *display; /* Display containing window. */
TkDisplay *dispPtr; /* Tk's information about display
* for window. */
int screenNum; /* Index of screen for window, among all
* those for dispPtr. */
Visual *visual; /* Visual to use for window. If not default,
* MUST be set before X window is created. */
int depth; /* Number of bits/pixel. */
Window window; /* X's id for window. NULL means window
* hasn't actually been created yet, or it's
* been deleted. */
struct TkWindow *childList; /* First in list of child windows,
* or NULL if no children. */
struct TkWindow *lastChildPtr;
/* Last in list of child windows, or NULL
* if no children. */
struct TkWindow *parentPtr; /* Pointer to parent window (logical
* parent, not necessarily X parent), or
* NULL if this is a main window. */
struct TkWindow *nextPtr; /* Next in list of children with
* same parent (NULL if end of
* list). */
TkMainInfo *mainPtr; /* Information shared by all windows
* associated with a particular main
* window. NULL means this window is
* a rogue that isn't associated with
* any application (at present, there
* should never be any rogues). */
* Name and type information for the window:
char *pathName; /* Path name of window (concatenation
* of all names between this window and
* its top-level ancestor). This is a
* pointer into an entry in
* mainPtr->nameTable or NULL if mainPtr
* is NULL. */
Tk_Uid nameUid; /* Name of the window within its parent
* (unique within the parent). */
Tk_Uid classUid; /* Class of the window. NULL means window
* hasn't been given a class yet. */
* Geometry and other attributes of window. This information
* may not be updated on the server immediately; stuff that
* hasn't been reflected in the server yet is called "dirty".
* At present, information can be dirty only if the window
* hasn't yet been created.
XWindowChanges changes; /* Geometry and other info about
* window. */
unsigned int dirtyChanges; /* Bits indicate fields of "changes"
* that are dirty. */
XSetWindowAttributes atts; /* Current attributes of window. */
unsigned long dirtyAtts; /* Bits indicate fields of "atts"
* that are dirty. */
unsigned int flags; /* Various flag values: these are all
* defined in tk.h (confusing, but they're
* needed there for some query macros). */
* Information kept by the event manager (tkEvent.c):
TkEventHandler *handlerList;/* First in list of event handlers
* declared for this window, or
* NULL if none. */
* Information related to input focussing (tkFocus.c):
Tk_FocusProc *focusProc; /* Procedure to invoke when this window
* gets or loses the input focus. NULL
* means this window is not prepared to
* receive the focus. */
ClientData focusData; /* Arbitrary value to pass to focusProc. */
* Information used by tkOption.c to manage options for the
* window.
int optionLevel; /* -1 means no option information is
* currently cached for this window.
* Otherwise this gives the level in
* the option stack at which info is
* cached. */
* Information used by tkSelect.c to manage the selection.
TkSelHandler *selHandlerList;
/* First in list of handlers for
* returning the selection in various
* forms. */
Tk_LostSelProc *selClearProc;
ClientData selClearData; /* Info to pass to selClearProc. */
* Information used by tkGeometry.c for geometry management.
Tk_GeometryProc *geomProc; /* Procedure to handle geometry
* requests (NULL means no window is
* unmanaged). */
ClientData geomData; /* Argument for geomProc. */
int reqWidth, reqHeight; /* Arguments from last call to
* Tk_GeometryRequest, or 0's if
* Tk_GeometryRequest hasn't been
* called. */
int internalBorderWidth; /* Width of internal border of window
* (0 means no internal border). Geom.
* mgr. should not place children on top
* of the border. */
* Information maintained by tkWm.c for window manager communication.
struct TkWmInfo *wmInfoPtr; /* For top-level windows, points to
* structure with wm-related info (see
* tkWm.c). For other windows, this
* is NULL. */
} TkWindow;
* The context below is used to map from an X window id to
* the TkWindow structure associated with the window.
extern XContext tkWindowContext;
* Pointer to first entry in list of all displays currently known.
extern TkDisplay *tkDisplayList;
* Flags passed to TkMeasureChars:
#define TK_WHOLE_WORDS 1
#define TK_AT_LEAST_ONE 2
#define TK_PARTIAL_OK 4
* Location of library directory containing Tk scripts. This value
* is put in the $tkLibrary variable for each application.
#ifndef TK_LIBRARY
#define TK_LIBRARY "/usr/local/lib/tk"
* Special flag to pass to Tk_CreateFileHandler to indicate that
* the file descriptor is actually for a display, not a file, and
* should be treated specially. Make sure that this value doesn't
* conflict with TK_READABLE, TK_WRITABLE, or TK_EXCEPTION from tk.h.
#define TK_IS_DISPLAY 32
* The macro below is used to modify a "char" value (e.g. by casting
* it to an unsigned character) so that it can be used safely with
* macros such as isspace.
#define UCHAR(c) ((unsigned char) (c))
* SPECIAL HACK!!! I've started changing Tk over to use
* Tcl_PrintDouble instead of sprintf(... %g ...), but the change
* is not backwards-compatible. So, until the next incompatible
* release of Tk, the following macro replaces the Tcl_PrintDouble
* calls with sprintf again.
#define Tcl_PrintDouble(interp, value, dst) \
sprintf(dst, "%g", value)
* Miscellaneous variables shared among Tk modules but not exported
* to the outside world:
extern Tk_Uid tkActiveUid;
extern Tk_Uid tkDisabledUid;
extern TkMainInfo *tkMainWindowList;
extern Tk_Uid tkNormalUid;
* Internal procedures shared among Tk modules but not exported
* to the outside world:
extern int TkAreaToPolygon _ANSI_ARGS_((double *polyPtr,
int numPoints, double *rectPtr));
extern void TkBezierPoints _ANSI_ARGS_((double control[],
int numSteps, double *coordPtr));
extern void TkBindEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr,
XEvent *eventPtr));
extern int TkCopyAndGlobalEval _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
char *script));
extern Time TkCurrentTime _ANSI_ARGS_((TkDisplay *dispPtr));
extern int TkDeadAppCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv));
extern void TkDisplayChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display,
Drawable drawable, GC gc,
XFontStruct *fontStructPtr, char *string,
int numChars, int x, int y, int flags));
extern void TkEventDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkFocusDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern int TkFocusFilterEvent _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr,
XEvent *eventPtr));
extern void TkGetButtPoints _ANSI_ARGS_((double p1[], double p2[],
double width, int project, double m1[],
double m2[]));
extern int TkGetInterpNames _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Tk_Window tkwin));
extern int TkGetMiterPoints _ANSI_ARGS_((double p1[], double p2[],
double p3[], double width, double m1[],
double m2[]));
extern void TkGrabDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkGrabTriggerProc _ANSI_ARGS_((XEvent *eventPtr));
extern int TkInitFrame _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
Tk_Window tkwin, int toplevel, int argc,
char *argv[]));
extern int TkLineToArea _ANSI_ARGS_((double end1Ptr[2],
double end2Ptr[2], double rectPtr[4]));
extern double TkLineToPoint _ANSI_ARGS_((double end1Ptr[2],
double end2Ptr[2], double pointPtr[2]));
extern void TkMakeBezierPostscript _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
double *pointPtr, int numPoints,
Tk_PostscriptInfo *psInfoPtr));
extern int TkMeasureChars _ANSI_ARGS_((XFontStruct *fontStructPtr,
char *source, int maxChars, int startX, int maxX,
int flags, int *nextXPtr));
extern void TkOptionDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern int TkOvalToArea _ANSI_ARGS_((double *ovalPtr,
double *rectPtr));
extern double TkOvalToPoint _ANSI_ARGS_((double ovalPtr[4],
double width, int filled, double pointPtr[2]));
extern int TkPointerEvent _ANSI_ARGS_((XEvent *eventPtr,
TkWindow *winPtr));
extern int TkPolygonToArea _ANSI_ARGS_((double *polyPtr,
int numPoints, double *rectPtr));
extern double TkPolygonToPoint _ANSI_ARGS_((double *polyPtr,
int numPoints, double *pointPtr));
extern void TkQueueEvent _ANSI_ARGS_((TkDisplay *dispPtr,
XEvent *eventPtr));
extern void TkSelDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkSelEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin,
XEvent *eventPtr));
extern void TkSelPropProc _ANSI_ARGS_((XEvent *eventPtr));
extern void TkUnderlineChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display,
Drawable drawable, GC gc,
XFontStruct *fontStructPtr, char *string,
int x, int y, int flags, int firstChar,
int lastChar));
extern void TkWmDeadWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkWmMapWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkWmNewWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkWmProtocolEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr,
XEvent *evenvPtr));
extern void TkWmRestackToplevel _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr,
int aboveBelow, TkWindow *otherPtr));
extern void TkWmSetClass _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
extern void TkWmUnmapWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((TkWindow *winPtr));
#endif /* _TKINT */