
189 lines
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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
# This script demonstrates the various widgets provided by Tk,
# along with many of the features of the Tk toolkit. This file
# only contains code to generate the main window for the
# application, which invokes individual demonstrations. The
# code for the actual demonstrations is contained in separate
# ".tcl" files is this directory, which are auto-loaded by Tcl
# when they are needed. To find the code for a particular
# demo, look below for the procedure that's invoked by its menu
# entry, then grep for the file that contains the procedure
# definition.
set auto_path "$tk_library/demos $auto_path"
wm title . "Widget Demonstration"
# The code below create the main window, consisting of a
# menu bar and a message explaining the basic operation
# of the program.
frame .menu -relief raised -borderwidth 1
message .msg -font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-180* -relief raised -width 500 \
-borderwidth 1 -text "This application demonstrates the widgets provided by the Tk toolkit. The menus above are organized by widget type: each menu contains one or more demonstrations of a particular type of widget. To invoke a demonstration, press mouse button 1 over one of the menu buttons above, drag the mouse to the desired entry in the menu, then release the mouse button.
To exit this demonstration, invoke the \"Quit\" entry in the \"Misc\" menu."
pack .menu -side top -fill x
pack .msg -side bottom -expand yes -fill both
# The code below creates all the menus, which invoke procedures
# to create particular demonstrations of various widgets.
menubutton .menu.button -text "Labels/Buttons" -menu .menu.button.m \
-underline 7
menu .menu.button.m
.menu.button.m add command -label "Labels" -command "mkLabel" -underline 0
.menu.button.m add command -label "Buttons" -command "mkButton" -underline 0
.menu.button.m add command -label "Checkbuttons" -command "mkCheck" \
-underline 0
.menu.button.m add command -label "Radiobuttons" -command "mkRadio" \
-underline 0
.menu.button.m add command -label "15-puzzle" -command "mkPuzzle" -underline 0
.menu.button.m add command -label "Iconic buttons" -command "mkIcon" \
-underline 0
menubutton .menu.listbox -text "Listboxes" -menu .menu.listbox.m \
-underline 0
menu .menu.listbox.m
.menu.listbox.m add command -label "States" -command mkListbox -underline 0
.menu.listbox.m add command -label "Colors" -command mkListbox2 -underline 0
.menu.listbox.m add command -label "Well-known sayings" -command mkListbox3 \
-underline 0
menubutton .menu.entry -text "Entries" -menu .menu.entry.m \
-underline 0
menu .menu.entry.m
.menu.entry.m add command -label "Without scrollbars" -command mkEntry \
-underline 4
.menu.entry.m add command -label "With scrollbars" -command mkEntry2 \
-underline 0
.menu.entry.m add command -label "Simple form" -command mkForm \
-underline 0
menubutton .menu.text -text "Text" -menu .menu.text.m -underline 0
menu .menu.text.m
.menu.text.m add command -label "Basic text" -command mkBasic \
-underline 0
.menu.text.m add command -label "Display styles" -command mkStyles \
-underline 0
.menu.text.m add command -label "Command bindings" -command mkTextBind \
-underline 0
.menu.text.m add command -label Search -command mkTextSearch \
-underline 0
menubutton .menu.scroll -text "Scrollbars" -menu .menu.scroll.m \
-underline 0
menu .menu.scroll.m
.menu.scroll.m add command -label "Vertical" -command mkListbox2 -underline 0
.menu.scroll.m add command -label "Horizontal" -command mkEntry2 -underline 0
menubutton .menu.scale -text "Scales" -menu .menu.scale.m -underline 2
menu .menu.scale.m
.menu.scale.m add command -label "Vertical" -command mkVScale -underline 0
.menu.scale.m add command -label "Horizontal" -command mkHScale -underline 0
menubutton .menu.canvas -text "Canvases" -menu .menu.canvas.m \
-underline 0
menu .menu.canvas.m
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Item types" -command mkItems -underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "2-D plot" -command mkPlot -underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Text" -command mkCanvText -underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Arrow shapes" -command mkArrow -underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Ruler" -command mkRuler -underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Scrollable canvas" -command mkScroll \
-underline 0
.menu.canvas.m add command -label "Floor plan" -command mkFloor \
-underline 0
menubutton -text "Menus" -menu -underline 0
menu add command -label "Print hello" -command {puts stdout "Hello"} \
-accelerator Control+a -underline 6
bind .msg <Control-a> {puts stdout "Hello"} add command -label "Print goodbye" -command {\
puts stdout "Goodbye"} -accelerator Control+b -underline 6
bind .msg <Control-b> {puts stdout "Goodbye"} add command -label "Light blue background" \
-command {.msg config -bg "LightBlue1"} -underline 0 add command -label "Info on tear-off menus" -command mkTear \
-underline 0 add cascade -label "Check buttons" -menu \
-underline 0 add cascade -label "Radio buttons" -menu \
-underline 0 add command -bitmap @$tk_library/demos/bitmaps/pattern \
-command {
mkDialog .pattern {-text {The menu entry you invoked displays a bitmap rather than a text string. Other than this, it is just like any other menu entry.} -aspect 250} {OK {}}
menu add check -label "Oil checked" -variable oil add check -label "Transmission checked" -variable trans add check -label "Brakes checked" -variable brakes add check -label "Lights checked" -variable lights add separator add command -label "Show current values" \
-command "showVars oil trans brakes lights" invoke 1 invoke 3
menu add radio -label "10 point" -variable pointSize -value 10 add radio -label "14 point" -variable pointSize -value 14 add radio -label "18 point" -variable pointSize -value 18 add radio -label "24 point" -variable pointSize -value 24 add radio -label "32 point" -variable pointSize -value 32 add sep add radio -label "Roman" -variable style -value roman add radio -label "Bold" -variable style -value bold add radio -label "Italic" -variable style -value italic add sep add command -label "Show current values" -command \
"showVars pointSize style" invoke 1 invoke 7
menubutton .menu.misc -text Misc -menu .menu.misc.m -underline 1
menu .menu.misc.m
.menu.misc.m add command -label "Modal dialog (local grab)" -command {
mkDialog .modal {-text {This dialog box is a modal one. It uses Tk's "grab" command to create a "local grab" on the dialog box. The grab prevents any pointer-related events from getting to any other windows in the application. If you press the "OK" button below (or hit the Return key) then the dialog box will go away and things will return to normal.} -aspect 250 -justify left} {OK {}}
dpos .modal
tkwait visibility .modal
grab .modal
tkwait window .modal
} -underline 0
.menu.misc.m add command -label "Modal dialog (global grab)" -command {
mkDialog .modal {-text {This is another modal dialog box. However, in this case a "global grab" is used, which locks up the display so you can't talk to any windows in any applications anywhere, except for the dialog. If you press the "OK" button below (or hit the Return key) then the dialog box will go away and things will return to normal.} -aspect 250 -justify left} {OK {}}
dpos .modal
tkwait visibility .modal
grab -global .modal
tkwait window .modal
} -underline 0
.menu.misc.m add command -label "Built-in bitmaps" -command mkBitmaps \
-underline 0
.menu.misc.m add command -label "Quit" -command "destroy ." -underline 0
pack .menu.button .menu.listbox .menu.entry .menu.text .menu.scroll \
.menu.scale .menu.canvas .menu.misc -side left
# Set up for keyboard-based menu traversal
bind . <Any-FocusIn> {
if {("%d" == "NotifyVirtual") && ("%m" == "NotifyNormal")} {
focus .menu
tk_menuBar .menu .menu.button .menu.listbox .menu.entry .menu.text \
.menu.scroll .menu.scale .menu.canvas .menu.misc
# Position a dialog box at a reasonable place on the screen.
proc dpos w {
wm geometry $w +300+300