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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
# A trivial file transfer layer on top of DP.
# mperham 3/97
# Assumes a server has been started with "fserver"
# and a client connected to that server via "fconnect"
# The user interface:
# fconnect $host {$port} - open an RPC connection to host:port
# and a data connection to host:port-1
# port is optional
# fget $filename - copy remote file, $filename, to local machine.
# fput $filename - copy local file, $filename, to remote machine.
# fdel $filename - delete a remote file named $filename
# fdir - remote directory listing
# fpwd - print current remote directory
# fcd - change remote directory
# Problems:
# Minimal error handling at best. Need to catch more.
package require dp 4.0
proc oops {errMsg} {
puts stdout "Remote server returned error:"
puts stdout "$errMsg"
proc fget {filename} {
global f_chan dataPort host
# Make data channel
# On server side
if [catch {
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {set dataServ [dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport} $dataPort {]}
dp_RDO $f_chan eval {set dataSC [dp_accept $dataServ]}
} msg] {
puts stdout "Error opening dataServer socket (fget): $msg"
close $f_chan
# And on Client side
if [catch {
set dataClient [dp_connect tcp -host $host -port $dataPort]
} msg] {
puts stdout "Error connecting to dataServer socket: $msg"
close $f_chan
# Tell server to send file
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {set srcFile [open} $filename {r]}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {dp_send [lindex $dataSC 0] [dp_recv $srcFile]}
# Open output file on client
set destfile [open $filename {CREAT WRONLY}]
puts stdout "Getting $filename from remote host."
# Put all coming stuff to $newfile and close it
dp_send $destfile [dp_recv $dataClient]
close $destfile
# First close the Client, before you close the server !!
close $dataClient
# Close Server now
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close $srcFile}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close [lindex $dataSC 0]}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close $dataServ}
proc fput {filename} {
global f_chan dataPort host
# Make data channel
# On server side
if [catch {
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {set dataServ [dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport} $dataPort {]}
dp_RDO $f_chan eval {set dataSC [dp_accept $dataServ]}
} msg] {
puts stdout "Error opening dataServer socket (fput): $msg"
close $f_chan
# And on client side
if [catch {
set dataClient [dp_connect tcp -host $host -port $dataPort]
} msg] {
puts stdout "Error connecting to dataServer socket: $msg"
close $f_chan
# Sending on client side (local)
set srcfile [open $filename r]
puts stdout "Putting $filename to remote host."
dp_send $dataClient [dp_recv $srcfile]
# Tell server to recv file
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {set destFile [open} $filename {w]}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {dp_send $destFile [dp_recv [lindex $dataSC 0]]}
#Close client BEFORE you close Server !!
close $dataClient
close $srcfile
# Now close Server
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close $destFile}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close [lindex $dataSC 0]}
dp_RPC $f_chan eval {close $dataServ}
proc fpwd {} {
global f_chan
dp_RPC $f_chan if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {cmd.exe /c cd} else { pwd }
proc fdir {} {
global f_chan
# I think this will be broken for filenames with spaces.
# The foreach will think they are different files.
foreach a [dp_RPC $f_chan glob \*] {
puts $a
proc fdel {filename} {
global f_chan
dp_RPC $f_chan file delete $filename
proc fcd {dir} {
global f_chan
dp_RDO $f_chan -onerror oops cd $dir
proc fquit {} {
global f_chan
close $f_chan
# We need to open one channel on each side; the
# the data channel - $dataClient here, $dataSC on the server -
# will be created each time we send or recv a file
# since we can't send normal data over an RPC channel.
proc fconnect {host_add {port 19743}} {
global f_chan dataPort host
set host $host_add
set f_chan [dp_MakeRPCClient $host $port]
puts stdout "Connected to $host..."
puts stdout "Channel: $f_chan"
set dataPort [incr port -1]
puts stdout "--------- Directory Listing ----------"
puts stdout "--------- Remote Directory -----------"