
980 lines
24 KiB
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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/include/pfs.h 10Mar94+/include/pfs.h
*** 10Mar94.all/include/pfs.h Tue Apr 26 15:36:21 1994
--- 10Mar94+/include/pfs.h Mon Apr 18 21:40:49 1994
*** 1052,1058 ****
--- 1052,1061 ----
extern int lookup_precedence_by_precedencename(const char t_precedence[]);
extern char *lookup_precedencename_by_precedence(int precedence);
extern void p__set_username(char *un);
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
extern int quick_connect(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen, int timeout);
+ extern int quick_fgetc(FILE *stream, int timeout);
+ extern int quick_read(int fd, char *nptr, int nbytes, int timeout);
extern char *p_timetoasn_stcopyr(time_t ourtime, char *target);
extern int vcache2(char *host, char *remote, char *local, char *method,
int argc, char *argv[]);
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/include/vcache.h 10Mar94+/include/vcache.h
*** 10Mar94.all/include/vcache.h Tue Apr 26 15:36:22 1994
--- 10Mar94+/include/vcache.h Mon Apr 18 21:30:57 1994
*** 1,5 ****
/* Internal commands used in user/vcache */
void setpeer(char *hostn);
void set_type(char *t);
! int recvrequest(char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, char *mode);
--- 1,10 ----
/* Internal commands used in user/vcache */
void setpeer(char *hostn);
void set_type(char *t);
! int recvrequest(char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, char *amode);
! int ruserpass(char *host, char **aname, char **apass, char **aacct);
! void lostpeer(void);
! int login(char *host);
! /* Dont define command - it should use vargs, but doesnt */
! void pswitch(int flag);
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/lib/pcompat/scandir.c 10Mar94+/lib/pcompat/scandir.c
*** 10Mar94.all/lib/pcompat/scandir.c Tue Apr 26 15:37:29 1994
--- 10Mar94+/lib/pcompat/scandir.c Fri Apr 15 19:48:00 1994
*** 40,45 ****
--- 40,46 ----
#include <dirent.h>
+ #include <pfs_threads.h> /* For PFS_THREADS */
* The DIRSIZ macro gives the minimum record length which will hold
* the directory entry. This requires the amount of space in struct dirent
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/lib/pfs/socket.c 10Mar94+/lib/pfs/socket.c
*** 10Mar94.all/lib/pfs/socket.c Tue Apr 26 15:36:32 1994
--- 10Mar94+/lib/pfs/socket.c Tue Apr 19 00:49:21 1994
*** 22,31 ****
#include <pfs_threads.h>
#include <sockettime.h>
- /* How long do we want to wait before returning an error */
- #define READ_TIMEOUT 5
EXTERN_TYPEP_DEF(jmp_buf, Jmpenv);
#define Jmpenv p_th_arJmpenv[p__th_self_num()]
--- 22,27 ----
*** 53,58 ****
--- 49,64 ----
+ int
+ wait_till_stream_readable(FILE *str, int timeout)
+ {
+ if (str->_cnt > 0) return 1;
+ return (wait_till_readable(fileno(str),timeout));
+ }
+ #endif /*SELECT_APPROACH*/
/* This is adapted from interruptable_connect in gopher */
quick_connect(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen, int timeout)
*** 130,136 ****
! switch (wait_till_readable(fileno(stream),timeout)) {
case -1: p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
"INTERNAL: read select failed: %s", unixerrstr());
return NULL;
--- 136,142 ----
! switch (wait_till_stream_readable(stream,timeout)) {
case -1: p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
"INTERNAL: read select failed: %s", unixerrstr());
return NULL;
*** 147,153 ****
/* fgets can retunr an incomplete line, since it is non-blocking */
if (retval) {
int buflen = strlen(s);
! if (s[buflen -1 ] != '\n') {
retval = quick_fgets(s+buflen, n-buflen, stream, timeout);
--- 153,159 ----
/* fgets can retunr an incomplete line, since it is non-blocking */
if (retval) {
int buflen = strlen(s);
! if ((s[buflen -1 ] != '\n') && (n-1 > buflen)) {
retval = quick_fgets(s+buflen, n-buflen, stream, timeout);
*** 158,160 ****
--- 164,223 ----
return retval;
+ #if 0
+ int
+ quick_fgetc(FILE *stream, int timeout)
+ {
+ int retval;
+ syscall_oldalarmtime = alarm(timeout);
+ if ((syscall_oldintr = signal(SIGALRM, alarmJmp)) == SIG_ERR)
+ perror("signal died:\n"), exit(-1);
+ if (setjmp(Jmpenv)) {
+ /* Note alarmJmp will reprime alarm*/
+ errno = ETIMEDOUT;
+ return(EOF);
+ }
+ #endif
+ switch (wait_till_stream_readable(stream,timeout)) {
+ case -1: p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
+ "INTERNAL: quick_fgetc: select failed: %s", unixerrstr());
+ return EOF;
+ case 0: p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
+ "waited more than %d secs for a response", timeout);
+ errno = ETIMEDOUT;
+ return EOF;
+ }
+ /* Default is going to be 1 - which is success */
+ #endif /*SELECT_APPROACH*/
+ retval = getc(stream);
+ reprimeAlarm(syscall_oldalarmtime,syscall_oldintr);
+ #endif
+ return retval;
+ }
+ #endif
+ int quick_fgetc (FILE *stream, int timeout)
+ {
+ char c[2];
+ char *retval;
+ if (!(retval = quick_fgets(c, 2, stream, timeout))) {
+ /* errno set in quick_fgets */
+ return EOF;
+ }
+ return c[0];
+ }
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.c 10Mar94+/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.c
*** 10Mar94.all/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.c Fri Mar 11 05:31:38 1994
--- 10Mar94+/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.c Mon Apr 18 14:53:21 1994
*** 215,221 ****
#define S (4L)
#define QUOTE (5L)
boolean ReadStartOfList(file)
FILE* file;
--- 214,220 ----
#define S (4L)
#define QUOTE (5L)
! #if !defined(IN_RMG)
boolean ReadStartOfList(file)
FILE* file;
*** 242,248 ****
boolean ReadEndOfList(file)
FILE* file;
--- 241,246 ----
*** 255,260 ****
--- 253,259 ----
+ #endif /*!IN_RMG*/
#define STRING_ESC '\\'
*** 487,493 ****
long ReadEndOfListOrStruct(file)
FILE* file;
--- 486,492 ----
! #if !defined(IN_RMG)
long ReadEndOfListOrStruct(file)
FILE* file;
*** 502,508 ****
long ReadString(string,file,string_size)
char* string;
--- 501,507 ----
! #endif
long ReadString(string,file,string_size)
char* string;
*** 544,550 ****
long ReadStartOfStruct(name,file)
char* name;
FILE* file;
--- 543,548 ----
*** 586,592 ****
long CheckStartOfStruct(name,file)
char* name;
FILE* file;
--- 584,589 ----
*** 603,608 ****
--- 600,606 ----
+ #if !defined(IN_RMG)
long ReadAny(destination,file)
any* destination;
*** 656,662 ****
long Read8BitArray(destination,file,length)
char* destination;
FILE* file;
--- 654,659 ----
*** 771,773 ****
--- 768,771 ----
+ #endif
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.h 10Mar94+/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.h
*** 10Mar94.all/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.h Fri Mar 11 05:31:38 1994
--- 10Mar94+/lib/psrv/wais_gw/irfileio.h Mon Apr 18 14:56:58 1994
*** 22,34 ****
long ReadString(char* string, FILE* file, long string_size);
long CheckStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
long ReadAny(any* destination, FILE* file);
! long ReadTM(struct tm* time, FILE* file);
! long Read8BitArray(char* destination, FILE* file, long length);
long ReadEndOfListOrStruct(FILE* file);
long ReadStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
boolean ReadStartOfList(FILE* file);
boolean ReadEndOfList(FILE* file);
! boolean readAbsoluteTime(struct tm* time,FILE* file);
long WriteStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
long WriteEndOfStruct(FILE* file);
long WriteSymbol(char* name, FILE* file);
--- 22,34 ----
long ReadString(char* string, FILE* file, long string_size);
long CheckStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
long ReadAny(any* destination, FILE* file);
! long ReadTM(struct tm* atime, FILE* file);
! long Read8BitArray(char* destination, FILE* file, long len);
long ReadEndOfListOrStruct(FILE* file);
long ReadStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
boolean ReadStartOfList(FILE* file);
boolean ReadEndOfList(FILE* file);
! boolean readAbsoluteTime(struct tm* atime,FILE* file);
long WriteStartOfStruct(char* name, FILE* file);
long WriteEndOfStruct(FILE* file);
long WriteSymbol(char* name, FILE* file);
*** 37,46 ****
long WriteLong(long number, FILE* file);
long WriteDouble(double number, FILE* file);
long WriteAny(any* value, FILE* file);
! long Write8BitArray(long length, char* array, FILE* file);
! long WriteTM(struct tm* time, FILE* file);
long WriteStartOfList(FILE* file);
long WriteEndOfList(FILE* file);
! boolean writeAbsoluteTime(struct tm* time,FILE* file);
--- 37,46 ----
long WriteLong(long number, FILE* file);
long WriteDouble(double number, FILE* file);
long WriteAny(any* value, FILE* file);
! long Write8BitArray(long len, char* array, FILE* file);
! long WriteTM(struct tm* atime, FILE* file);
long WriteStartOfList(FILE* file);
long WriteEndOfList(FILE* file);
! boolean writeAbsoluteTime(struct tm* atime,FILE* file);
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/cmds.c 10Mar94+/user/vcache/cmds.c
*** 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/cmds.c Tue Apr 26 15:37:23 1994
--- 10Mar94+/user/vcache/cmds.c Mon Apr 18 21:18:42 1994
*** 38,44 ****
#include <pmachine.h> /* after netdb.h */
#include <perrno.h>
#include "vcache_macros.h"
extern char *home;
extern short gflag;
extern char *getenv();
--- 38,44 ----
#include <pmachine.h> /* after netdb.h */
#include <perrno.h>
#include "vcache_macros.h"
! #include <vcache.h>
extern char *home;
extern short gflag;
extern char *getenv();
*** 46,51 ****
--- 46,53 ----
extern char *rindex();
char *mname;
jmp_buf jabort;
+ /* Forward declerations */
+ static void disconnect(void);
* Connect to peer server and
*** 143,149 ****
* Terminate session, but don't exit.
! void
extern FILE *cout;
--- 145,151 ----
* Terminate session, but don't exit.
! static void
extern FILE *cout;
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/ftp.c 10Mar94+/user/vcache/ftp.c
*** 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/ftp.c Tue Apr 26 15:37:39 1994
--- 10Mar94+/user/vcache/ftp.c Tue Apr 19 01:02:11 1994
*** 44,52 ****
#include <pmachine.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include "vcache_macros.h"
#include <pfs.h> /* For quick_connect */
#include <implicit_fixes.h>
#ifdef SOLARIS
/* Should be defined in stdio.h */
--- 44,53 ----
#include <pmachine.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include "vcache_macros.h"
! #include <vcache.h>
#include <pfs.h> /* For quick_connect */
#include <implicit_fixes.h>
+ #include <sockettime.h>
#ifdef SOLARIS
/* Should be defined in stdio.h */
*** 56,61 ****
--- 57,66 ----
#define F_OPEN_TIMEOUT 5
+ #ifndef F_READ_TIMEOUT
+ #define F_READ_TIMEOUT 60
+ #endif
struct sockaddr_in hisctladdr;
struct sockaddr_in data_addr;
int data = -1;
*** 81,95 ****
static void tvsub(struct timeval *tdiff, struct timeval *t1,
struct timeval *t0);
static void proxtrans( char *cmd, char *local, char *remote);
/* Returns hostname, or if fails then returns 0 and closes socket */
char *
! hookup(host, port)
! char *host;
! int port;
- register struct hostent *hp = 0;
int s,len;
static char hostnamebuf[80];
bzero((char *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr));
--- 86,101 ----
static void tvsub(struct timeval *tdiff, struct timeval *t1,
struct timeval *t0);
static void proxtrans( char *cmd, char *local, char *remote);
+ static int getreply(int expecteof);
+ static int initconn();
/* Returns hostname, or if fails then returns 0 and closes socket */
char *
! hookup(char *host, int port)
int s,len;
+ register struct hostent *hp = 0;
static char hostnamebuf[80];
bzero((char *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr));
*** 146,151 ****
--- 152,164 ----
code = -1;
goto bad;
+ #else
+ if ((s = quick_open_tcp_stream(host,port,F_OPEN_TIMEOUT)) < 0) {
+ ERRSYS("ftp: socket:%s %s");
+ code = -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif /*SELECT_APPROACH*/
len = sizeof (myctladdr);
if (getsockname(s, (char *)&myctladdr, &len) < 0) {
ERRSYS("ftp: getsockname:%s %s");
*** 181,198 ****
return (hostname);
(void) close(s);
return ((char *)0);
! login(host)
! char *host;
char tmp[80];
! char *user, *pass, *acct, *getlogin(), *getpass();
int n, aflag = 0;
char *myhstnm, username[120], password[120], account[120];
--- 194,214 ----
+ return(host);
+ #else
return (hostname);
+ #endif /*SELECT_APPROACH*/
(void) close(s);
return ((char *)0);
! login(char *host)
char tmp[80];
! char *user, *pass, *l_acct, *getlogin(), *getpass();
int n, aflag = 0;
char *myhstnm, username[120], password[120], account[120];
*** 201,207 ****
assert(P_IS_THIS_THREAD_MASTER()); /* getpwuid MT-Unsafe */
DISABLE_PFS(whoiampw = getpwuid(getuid()));
! user = pass = acct = 0;
if (anonlogin) {
user = "anonymous";
--- 217,223 ----
assert(P_IS_THIS_THREAD_MASTER()); /* getpwuid MT-Unsafe */
DISABLE_PFS(whoiampw = getpwuid(getuid()));
! user = pass = l_acct = 0;
if (anonlogin) {
user = "anonymous";
*** 221,227 ****
if (whoiampw != NULL)
myname = whoiampw->pw_name;
! DISABLE_PFS(code = ruserpass(host, &user, &pass, &acct));
if (user) {
strncpy(username, user, sizeof(username)-1);
--- 237,243 ----
if (whoiampw != NULL)
myname = whoiampw->pw_name;
! DISABLE_PFS(code = ruserpass(host, &user, &pass, &l_acct));
if (user) {
strncpy(username, user, sizeof(username)-1);
*** 231,243 ****
strncpy(password, pass, sizeof(password)-1);
! if (acct) {
! strncpy(account, acct, sizeof(account)-1);
! free(acct);
! acct = account;
if (code < 0) {
! user = pass = acct = NULL;
if (user) myname = user; /* Use name found in .netrc */
if (myname) {
--- 247,259 ----
strncpy(password, pass, sizeof(password)-1);
! if (l_acct) {
! strncpy(account, l_acct, sizeof(account)-1);
! free(l_acct);
! l_acct = account;
if (code < 0) {
! user = pass = l_acct = NULL;
if (user) myname = user; /* Use name found in .netrc */
if (myname) {
*** 262,276 ****
if (n == CONTINUE) {
! acct = getpass("Account:");
! n = command("ACCT %s", acct);
if (n != COMPLETE) {
ERR("Login failed.");
return (0);
! if (!aflag && acct != NULL)
! (void) command("ACCT %s", acct);
if (proxy)
--- 278,292 ----
if (n == CONTINUE) {
! l_acct = getpass("Account:");
! n = command("ACCT %s", l_acct);
if (n != COMPLETE) {
ERR("Login failed.");
return (0);
! if (!aflag && l_acct != NULL)
! (void) command("ACCT %s", l_acct);
if (proxy)
*** 333,339 ****
#include <ctype.h>
! int
getreply(int expecteof)
register int c, firstchar;
--- 349,355 ----
#include <ctype.h>
! static int
getreply(int expecteof)
register int c, firstchar;
*** 350,360 ****
for (;;) {
dig = firstchar = code = 0;
cp = reply_string;
! while ((c = getc(cin)) != '\n') {
if (verbose)
if (c == IAC) { /* handle telnet commands */
! switch (c = getc(cin)) {
case WILL:
case WONT:
c = getc(cin);
--- 366,376 ----
for (;;) {
dig = firstchar = code = 0;
cp = reply_string;
! while ((c = quick_fgetc(cin,F_READ_TIMEOUT)) != '\n') {
if (verbose)
if (c == IAC) { /* handle telnet commands */
! switch (c = quick_fgetc(cin,F_READ_TIMEOUT)) {
case WILL:
case WONT:
c = getc(cin);
*** 367,373 ****
fprintf(cout, "%c%c%c",IAC,WONT,c);
(void) fflush(cout);
! default:
--- 383,389 ----
fprintf(cout, "%c%c%c",IAC,WONT,c);
(void) fflush(cout);
! default: /* Including EOF */
*** 380,386 ****
--- 396,407 ----
return (0);
+ if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) {
+ /* Unfortunately haveto return error this way*/
+ ERR("421 Service timed out");
+ } else {
ERR("421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection");
+ }
code = 421;
*** 464,470 ****
old formula VLINKS uses #defines. */
! recvrequest(char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, char *mode)
FILE *fout, *din = 0, *mypopen();
int (*closefunc)(), mypclose(), fclose();
--- 485,491 ----
old formula VLINKS uses #defines. */
! recvrequest(char *cmd, char *local, char *remote, char *rr_mode)
FILE *fout, *din = 0, *mypopen();
int (*closefunc)(), mypclose(), fclose();
*** 618,624 ****
closefunc = mypclose;
else {
! fout = fopen(local, mode);
if (fout == NULL) {
ERRSYS("%s%s: %s",localerrst);
goto abort;
--- 639,645 ----
closefunc = mypclose;
else {
! fout = fopen(local, rr_mode);
if (fout == NULL) {
ERRSYS("%s%s: %s",localerrst);
goto abort;
*** 631,637 ****
case TYPE_I:
case TYPE_L:
errno = d = 0;
! while ((c = read(fileno(din), buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0) {
if ((d = write(fileno(fout), buf, c)) < 0)
bytes += c;
--- 652,658 ----
case TYPE_I:
case TYPE_L:
errno = d = 0;
! while ((c = quick_read(fileno(din), buf, sizeof (buf),F_READ_TIMEOUT)) > 0) {
if ((d = write(fileno(fout), buf, c)) < 0)
bytes += c;
*** 651,657 ****
case TYPE_A:
! while ((c = getc(din)) != EOF) {
while (c == '\r') {
while (hash && (bytes >= hashbytes)) {
(void) putchar('#');
--- 672,678 ----
case TYPE_A:
! while ((c = quick_fgetc(din,F_READ_TIMEOUT)) != EOF) {
while (c == '\r') {
while (hash && (bytes >= hashbytes)) {
(void) putchar('#');
*** 659,665 ****
hashbytes += sizeof (buf);
! if ((c = getc(din)) != '\n' || tcrflag) {
if (ferror (fout))
(void) putc ('\r', fout);
--- 680,687 ----
hashbytes += sizeof (buf);
! if ((c = quick_fgetc(din, F_READ_TIMEOUT))
! != '\n' || tcrflag) {
if (ferror (fout))
(void) putc ('\r', fout);
*** 764,770 ****
if (din && FD_ISSET(fileno(din), &mask)) {
! while ((c = read(fileno(din), buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)
if ((c = getreply(0)) == ERROR && code == 552) { /* needed for nic style abort */
--- 786,792 ----
if (din && FD_ISSET(fileno(din), &mask)) {
! while ((c = quick_read(fileno(din), buf, sizeof (buf),F_READ_TIMEOUT)) > 0)
if ((c = getreply(0)) == ERROR && code == 552) { /* needed for nic style abort */
*** 798,804 ****
int sendport = -1;
/* Returns: 1 failure to socket !! Can leave socket open on failure */
! int
register char *p, *a;
--- 820,826 ----
int sendport = -1;
/* Returns: 1 failure to socket !! Can leave socket open on failure */
! static int
register char *p, *a;
*** 863,870 ****
! dataconn(mode)
! char *mode;
struct sockaddr_in from;
int s, fromlen = sizeof (from);
--- 885,891 ----
! dataconn(char *dc_mode)
struct sockaddr_in from;
int s, fromlen = sizeof (from);
*** 877,883 ****
(void) close(data);
data = s;
! return (fdopen(data, mode));
--- 898,904 ----
(void) close(data);
data = s;
! return (fdopen(data, dc_mode));
*** 923,930 ****
! pswitch(flag)
! int flag;
extern int proxy, abrtflag;
SIGNAL_RET_TYPE (*oldintr)();
--- 944,950 ----
! pswitch(int flag)
extern int proxy, abrtflag;
SIGNAL_RET_TYPE (*oldintr)();
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/ruserpass.c 10Mar94+/user/vcache/ruserpass.c
*** 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/ruserpass.c Fri Mar 11 05:31:24 1994
--- 10Mar94+/user/vcache/ruserpass.c Mon Apr 18 21:18:44 1994
*** 79,86 ****
! ruserpass(host, aname, apass, aacct)
! char *host, **aname, **apass, **aacct;
char *hdir, buf[BUFSIZ], *tmp;
char myname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN], *mydomain;
--- 79,85 ----
! ruserpass(char *host, char **aname, char **apass, char **aacct)
char *hdir, buf[BUFSIZ], *tmp;
char myname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN], *mydomain;
diff -b -r -c -N 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/vcache.c 10Mar94+/user/vcache/vcache.c
*** 10Mar94.all/user/vcache/vcache.c Tue Apr 26 15:37:39 1994
--- 10Mar94+/user/vcache/vcache.c Mon Apr 25 19:47:25 1994
*** 213,230 ****
- /* Return PFAILURE or PSUCCESS. Displays a message if cache_verbose is set. */
- /* This function deliberately leaks memory. That's ok, since VCACHE will exit
- quickly, so it would be a waste of time to explicitly free the memory. */
static int
prospero_contents_get(VLINK vl, char *local)
FILE *local_file = NULL; /* file pointer for local destination */
int retval = PSUCCESS; /* return from function */
int need_newline = 0; /* set to 1 if data didn't end with a newline
/* Seek multiple instances of the attribute. */
for (at = pget_at(vl,"CONTENTS"); at; at = at->next) {
--- 213,226 ----
static int
prospero_contents_get(VLINK vl, char *local)
FILE *local_file = NULL; /* file pointer for local destination */
int retval = PSUCCESS; /* return from function */
int need_newline = 0; /* set to 1 if data didn't end with a newline
/* Seek multiple instances of the attribute. */
for (at = pget_at(vl,"CONTENTS"); at; at = at->next) {
*** 240,246 ****
if (local_file == NULL) {
ERRSYS ( "vcache: Couldn't create the local file %s: %s",
! return PFAILURE;
--- 236,242 ----
if (local_file == NULL) {
ERRSYS ( "vcache: Couldn't create the local file %s: %s",
*** 264,272 ****
if (!local_file) {
ERR("vcache: Couldn't get remote object's CONTENTS attribute.%s");
! return PFAILURE;
if (ferror(local_file)) retval = PFAILURE;
! return retval;
--- 260,271 ----
if (!local_file) {
ERR("vcache: Couldn't get remote object's CONTENTS attribute.%s");
if (ferror(local_file)) retval = PFAILURE;
! cleanup:
! if (local_file) { if (fclose(local_file)) { retval = PFAILURE; } }
! if (at) atfree(at);
! return(retval);