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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <usc-license.h>
* Written by bcn 1989-92 as part of dirsend.c in the Prospero distribution
* Modified by bcn 1/93 moved to ardp library - added asynchrony
#include <usc-license.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifdef AIX
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <ardp.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include <pmachine.h> /* for bcopy() */
extern RREQ ardp_activeQ; /* Info about active requests */
extern RREQ ardp_completeQ; /* Info about completed reqs */
extern int ardp_port; /* Opened UDP port */
extern int pfs_debug; /* Debug level */
int ardp_activeQ_len; /* Length of activeQ */
static struct timeval zerotime = {0, 0}; /* Used by select */
#define max(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)
static ardp__pr_ferror(int errcode);
* ardp_process_active - process active requests
* ardp_process_active takes no arguments. It checks to see if any responses
* are pending on the UDP port, and if so processes them, adding them
* to the request structures on ardp_activeQ. If no requests are pending
* ardp_process_active processes and requests requiring retries then
* returns.
fd_set readfds; /* Used for select */
struct sockaddr_in from; /* Reply received from */
int from_sz; /* Size of address structure */
int hdr_len; /* Header Length */
char *ctlptr; /* Pointer to control field */
unsigned short cid = 0; /* Connection ID from rcvd pkt */
unsigned char rdflag11; /* First byte of flags (bit vect)*/
unsigned char rdflag12; /* Second byte of flags (int) */
unsigned char tchar; /* For decoding extra fields */
unsigned short stmp; /* Temp short for conversions */
unsigned long ltmp; /* Temp long for converions */
int tmp; /* Temporaty return value */
int nr; /* Number octest received */
long now; /* The current time */
RREQ req = NOREQ; /* To store request info */
PTEXT pkt = NOPKT; /* Packet being processed */
PTEXT ptmp = NOPKT; /* Packet being processed */
assert(P_IS_THIS_THREAD_MASTER()); /* something_received not MT-Safe */
/* Set list of file descriptors to be checked by select */
FD_SET(ardp_port, &readfds);
/* select - either recv is ready, or not */
/* see if timeout or error or wrong descriptor */
tmp = select(ardp_port + 1, &readfds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &zerotime);
/* If tmp is zero, then nothing to process, check for timeouts */
if(tmp == 0) {
now = time(NULL);
req = ardp_activeQ;
while(req) {
if (req->status == ARDP_STATUS_ACKPEND) {
ardp_xmit(req, -1 /* just ACK; send no data packets */);
req->status = ARDP_STATUS_ACTIVE;
if((req->wait_till.tv_sec) && (now >= req->wait_till.tv_sec)) {
if(req->retries_rem-- > 0) {
req->timeout_adj.tv_sec = ARDP_BACKOFF(req->timeout_adj.tv_sec);
if (pfs_debug >= 8) {
fprintf(stderr,"Connection %d timed out - Setting timeout to %d seconds.\n",
ntohs(req->cid), (int) req->timeout_adj.tv_sec);
req->wait_till.tv_sec = now + req->timeout_adj.tv_sec;
ardp_xmit(req, req->pwindow_sz);
} else {
if(pfs_debug >= 8) {
fprintf(stderr,"Connection %d timed out - Retry count exceeded.\n",
ntohs(req->cid) );
(void) fflush(stderr);
req->status = ARDP_TIMEOUT;
req = req->next;
/* If negative, then return an error */
if((tmp < 0) || !FD_ISSET(ardp_port, &readfds)) {
if (pfs_debug)
fprintf(stderr, "select failed : returned %d port=%d\n",
tmp, ardp_port);
/* Process incoming packets */
pkt = ardp_ptalloc();
pkt->start = pkt->dat;
from_sz = sizeof(from);
if ((nr = recvfrom(ardp_port, pkt->start, sizeof(pkt->dat),
0, &from, &from_sz)) < 0) {
if (pfs_debug) perror("recvfrom");
pkt->length = nr;
*(pkt->start + pkt->length) = '\0';
if (pfs_debug >= 6)
fprintf(stderr,"Received packet from %s\n", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr));
/* If the first byte is greater than 31 we have an old version */
/* response - return error */
if((hdr_len = (unsigned char) *(pkt->start)) > 31) {
if(ardp_activeQ->next == NOREQ)
else goto check_for_pending;
/* For the current format, the first two bits are a version number */
/* and the next six are the header length (including the first byte). */
ctlptr = pkt->start + 1;
if(hdr_len >= 3) { /* Connection ID */
if(stmp) cid = stmp;
ctlptr += 2;
/* Match up response with request */
req = ardp_activeQ;
while(req) {
if(cid == req->cid) break;
req = req->next;
if(!req) { /* The request isn't on the active queue */
if (pfs_debug>=6)
fprintf(stderr,"Packet received for inactive request (cid %d)\n",
/* The following can be removed when old servers are gone */
if((cid == 0) && (ardp_activeQ->next == NOREQ))
goto check_for_pending;
if(hdr_len >= 5) { /* Packet number */
pkt->seq = ntohs(stmp);
ctlptr += 2;
else { /* No packet number specified, so this is the only one */
pkt->seq = 1;
req->rcvd_tot = 1;
if(hdr_len >= 7) { /* Total number of packets */
bcopy2(ctlptr,&stmp); /* 0 means don't know */
if(stmp) req->rcvd_tot = ntohs(stmp);
ctlptr += 2;
if(hdr_len >= 9) { /* Receievd through */
bcopy2(ctlptr,&stmp); /* 1 means received request */
req->prcvd_thru = max(ntohs(stmp),req->prcvd_thru);
ctlptr += 2;
if(hdr_len >= 11) { /* Service requested wait */
if(stmp || (req->svc_rwait != ntohs(stmp))) {
now = time(NULL);
/* New or non-zero requested wait value */
req->svc_rwait = ntohs(stmp);
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Service asked us to wait %d seconds\n",
/* Adjust out timeout */
req->timeout_adj.tv_sec = max(req->timeout.tv_sec,req->svc_rwait);
req->wait_till.tv_sec = now + req->timeout_adj.tv_sec;
/* Reset the retry count */
req->retries_rem = req->retries;
ctlptr += 2;
if(hdr_len >= 12) { /* Flags (1st byte) */
if(rdflag11 & 0x80) {
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Ack requested\n");
req->status = ARDP_STATUS_ACKPEND;
if(rdflag11 & 0x40) {
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Sequenced control packet\n");
pkt->length = -1;
ctlptr += 1;
if(hdr_len >= 13) { /* Flags (2nd byte) */
/* Reserved for future use */
ctlptr += 1;
if(rdflag12 == 2) {
/* Attempt to set back prcvd_thru */
req->prcvd_thru = ntohs(stmp);
if(rdflag12 == 1) {
/* ARDP Connection Refused */
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"***ARDP connection refused by server***\n");
req->status = ARDP_REFUSED;
goto check_for_pending;
if(rdflag12 == 4) {
/* Server Redirect */
ctlptr += 4;
ctlptr += 2;
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"***ARDP redirect to %s(%d)***\n",
ardp_xmit(req, req->pwindow_sz);
if(rdflag12 == 254) {
tchar = *ctlptr;
if(tchar & 0x1) { /* Queue position */
req->inf_queue_pos = ntohs(stmp);
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Current queue position on server is %d\n",
ctlptr += 2;
if(tchar & 0x2) { /* Expected system time */
req->inf_sys_time = ntohl(ltmp);
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Expected system time is %d seconds\n",
ctlptr += 4;
/* If ->seq 0, then an unsequenced control packet */
if(pkt->seq == 0) {
goto check_for_pending;
if(pkt->length >= 0) pkt->length -= hdr_len;
pkt->start += hdr_len;
pkt->text = pkt->start;
pkt->ioptr = pkt->start;
if(pfs_debug >= 8) fprintf(stderr,"Packet %d of %d (cid=%d)\n", pkt->seq,
req->rcvd_tot, ntohs(req->cid));
if (req->rcvd == NOPKT) {
/* Add it as the head of empty doubly linked list */
req->rcvd = pkt;
pkt->previous = pkt;
if(pkt->seq == 1) {
req->comp_thru = pkt;
req->rcvd_thru = 1;
/* If only one packet, then return it. We will assume */
/* that it is not a sequenced control packet */
if(req->rcvd_tot == 1) goto req_complete;
goto ins_done;
if(req->comp_thru && (pkt->seq <= req->rcvd_thru))
ardp_ptfree(pkt); /* Duplicate */
else if(pkt->seq < req->rcvd->seq) { /* First (sequentially) */
pkt->next = req->rcvd;
pkt->previous = req->rcvd->previous;
req->rcvd->previous = pkt;
req->rcvd = pkt;
if(req->rcvd->seq == 1) {
req->comp_thru = req->rcvd;
req->rcvd_thru = 1;
else { /* Insert later in the packet list unless duplicate */
ptmp = (req->comp_thru ? req->comp_thru : req->rcvd);
while (pkt->seq > ptmp->seq) {
if(ptmp->next == NULL) {
/* Insert at end */
ptmp->next = pkt;
pkt->previous = ptmp;
pkt->next = NULL;
req->rcvd->previous = pkt;
goto ins_done;
ptmp = ptmp->next;
if(ptmp->seq == pkt->seq) /* Duplicate */
else { /* insert before ptmp (we know were not first) */
ptmp->previous->next = pkt;
pkt->previous = ptmp->previous;
pkt->next = ptmp;
ptmp->previous = pkt;
/* Find out how much is complete and remove sequenced control packets */
while(req->comp_thru && req->comp_thru->next &&
(req->comp_thru->next->seq == (req->comp_thru->seq + 1))) {
/* We have added one more in sequence */
if(pfs_debug >= 8)
fprintf(stderr,"Packets now received through %d\n",
if(req->comp_thru->length == -1) {
/* Old comp_thru was a sequenced control packet */
ptmp = req->comp_thru;
req->comp_thru = req->comp_thru->next;
req->rcvd_thru = req->comp_thru->seq;
else {
/* Old comp_thru was a data packet */
req->comp_thru = req->comp_thru->next;
req->rcvd_thru = req->comp_thru->seq;
/* Update outgoing packets */
/* We've made progress, so reset timeout and retry count */
req->timeout_adj.tv_sec = max(req->timeout.tv_sec,req->svc_rwait);
req->retries_rem = req->retries;
/* See if there are any gaps - possibly toggle GAP status */
if(!req->comp_thru || req->comp_thru->next) {
if (req->status == ARDP_STATUS_ACTIVE) req->status = ARDP_STATUS_GAPS;
else if (req->status == ARDP_STATUS_GAPS) req->status = ARDP_STATUS_ACTIVE;
/* If incomplete, wait for more */
if (!(req->comp_thru) || (req->comp_thru->seq != req->rcvd_tot))
goto check_for_pending;
if (pfs_debug >= 7) {
fprintf(stderr,"The complete response has been received.\n");
(void) fflush(stderr);
if(req->status == ARDP_STATUS_ACKPEND) {
if (pfs_debug >= 7) {
if (req->peer.sin_family == AF_INET)
fprintf(stderr,"Acknowledging final packet to %s(%d)\n",
inet_ntoa(req->peer_addr), PEER_PORT(req));
else fprintf(stderr,"Acknowledging final packet\n");
(void) fflush(stderr);
ardp_xmit(req, req->pwindow_sz);
req->inpkt = req->rcvd;
static int
ardp__pr_ferror(int errcode)
RREQ creq;
while(ardp_activeQ) {
creq = ardp_activeQ;
ardp_activeQ->status = errcode;
perrno = errcode;