126 lines
3.8 KiB
126 lines
3.8 KiB
# mkRuler w
# Create a canvas demonstration consisting of a ruler.
# Arguments:
# w - Name to use for new top-level window.
# This file implements a canvas widget that displays a ruler with tab stops
# that can be set individually. The only procedure that should be invoked
# from outside the file is the first one, which creates the canvas.
proc mkRuler {{w .ruler}} {
global tk_library
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
dpos $w
wm title $w "Ruler Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "Ruler"
set c $w.c
message $w.msg -font -Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-* -width 13c \
-relief raised -bd 2 -text "This canvas widget shows a mock-up of a ruler. You can create tab stops by dragging them out of the well to the right of the ruler. You can also drag existing tab stops. If you drag a tab stop far enough up or down so that it turns dim, it will be deleted when you release the mouse button."
canvas $c -width 14.8c -height 2.5c -relief raised
button $w.ok -text "OK" -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.msg $w.c -side top -fill x
pack $w.ok -side bottom -pady 5
set v(grid) .25c
set v(left) [winfo fpixels $c 1c]
set v(right) [winfo fpixels $c 13c]
set v(top) [winfo fpixels $c 1c]
set v(bottom) [winfo fpixels $c 1.5c]
set v(size) [winfo fpixels $c .2c]
set v(normalStyle) "-fill black"
if {[tk colormodel $c] == "color"} {
set v(activeStyle) "-fill red -stipple {}"
set v(deleteStyle) "-stipple @$tk_library/demos/bitmaps/grey.25 \
-fill red"
} else {
set v(activeStyle) "-fill black -stipple {}"
set v(deleteStyle) "-stipple @$tk_library/demos/bitmaps/grey.25 \
-fill black"
$c create line 1c 0.5c 1c 1c 13c 1c 13c 0.5c -width 1
for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
set x [expr $i+1]
$c create line ${x}c 1c ${x}c 0.6c -width 1
$c create line $x.25c 1c $x.25c 0.8c -width 1
$c create line $x.5c 1c $x.5c 0.7c -width 1
$c create line $x.75c 1c $x.75c 0.8c -width 1
$c create text $x.15c .75c -text $i -anchor sw
$c addtag well withtag [$c create rect 13.2c 1c 13.8c 0.5c \
-outline black -fill [lindex [$c config -bg] 4]]
$c addtag well withtag [rulerMkTab $c [winfo pixels $c 13.5c] \
[winfo pixels $c .65c]]
$c bind well <1> "rulerNewTab $c %x %y"
$c bind tab <1> "demo_selectTab $c %x %y"
bind $c <B1-Motion> "rulerMoveTab $c %x %y"
bind $c <Any-ButtonRelease-1> "rulerReleaseTab $c"
proc rulerMkTab {c x y} {
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
$c create polygon $x $y [expr $x+$v(size)] [expr $y+$v(size)] \
[expr $x-$v(size)] [expr $y+$v(size)]
proc rulerNewTab {c x y} {
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
$c addtag active withtag [rulerMkTab $c $x $y]
$c addtag tab withtag active
set v(x) $x
set v(y) $y
rulerMoveTab $c $x $y
proc rulerMoveTab {c x y} {
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
if {[$c find withtag active] == ""} {
set cx [$c canvasx $x $v(grid)]
set cy [$c canvasy $y]
if {$cx < $v(left)} {
set cx $v(left)
if {$cx > $v(right)} {
set cx $v(right)
if {($cy >= $v(top)) && ($cy <= $v(bottom))} {
set cy [expr $v(top)+2]
eval "$c itemconf active $v(activeStyle)"
} else {
set cy [expr $cy-$v(size)-2]
eval "$c itemconf active $v(deleteStyle)"
$c move active [expr $cx-$v(x)] [expr $cy-$v(y)]
set v(x) $cx
set v(y) $cy
proc demo_selectTab {c x y} {
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
set v(x) [$c canvasx $x $v(grid)]
set v(y) [expr $v(top)+2]
$c addtag active withtag current
eval "$c itemconf active $v(activeStyle)"
$c raise active
proc rulerReleaseTab c {
upvar #0 demo_rulerInfo v
if {[$c find withtag active] == {}} {
if {$v(y) != [expr $v(top)+2]} {
$c delete active
} else {
eval "$c itemconf active $v(normalStyle)"
$c dtag active