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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1993 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <usc-copyr.h>.
* Written by bcn 2/15/93 definitions for archie API
#include <usc-copyr.h>
* You MUST select a default archie server to be used as the default server
* for the archie client program. If you do not specify a server, users
* will have to specify the server on the command line. If you do
* select a server, users can override that selection from the command
* line, but your selection will be used by default.
* To specif the default server define ARCHIE_HOST to be the name of
* the server, and optionally the following port in parenthesis if not
* the standard port. The name of the server and the port must be
* inside parentheses. For example:
* #define ARCHIE_HOST "" or
* #define ARCHIE_HOST ""
* The followin are known archie servers, with comments about the
* version of prospero they were running when this file was last modified.
* In order to work with this version of the archie client, the sites
* must be running at least version 5 of Prospero or higher.
* Known archie servers (inc port) Prospero Version and comments
* v5
* secondary server not sure of version
* v5
* v5
* v5
* v5
* v1 obsolete server
* v1 obsolete server
* v1 obsolete server
* v1 obsolete server
* v1 obsolete server
* Fill in the server for following definition, then uncomment it
* Default value for max hits. Note that this is normally different
* for different client implementations. Doing so makes it easier to
* collect statistics on the use of the various clients.
#define AQ_MAX_HITS 100
#define AQ_MAX_MATCH 100
#define AQ_MAX_HITSPM 100
* CLIENT_VERSION may be used to identify the version of the client if
* distributed separately from the Prospero distribution. The version
* command should then identify both the client version and the Prospero
* version identifiers. Note that this identifier is not sent across
* the network. You MUST also obtain a software identifier from
*, and set PFS_SW_ID in pfs.h.
* #define CLIENT_VERSION "xyz"
struct aquery { /* ** means opaque */
char *host; /* Archie server w/ opt port */
char *string; /* String to be matched */
struct filter *filters; /* Path or domain restrictions */
VLINK expand; /* Links to be expanded */
int maxhits; /* Max entries to return */
int maxmatch; /* Max strings to match */
int maxhitpm; /* Max hits per match */
int offset; /**Where to start search (opaque) */
char query_type; /* Search type - see above */
int (*cmp_proc)(); /* Comp procedure for sorting */
int flags; /* Options - see above */
VLINK results; /* The results of the query */
char *motd; /* Motd from server */
int qpos; /* Service queue pos if available */
int sys_time; /* Expected time til svc complete */
struct timeval retry_at; /* Time for retry */
int wait_fd; /* FD on which waiting */
struct vdir dirst; /**For directory query */
VLINK dirquery; /**Args to directory query */
int status; /* Status of query */
#define AQFASTCOMP /* Make assumptions about server to quicken DEFCMP */
/* Query types - search = return hits, match = return strings */
#define AQ_EXACT '=' /* Exact string search */
#define AQ_CI_SUBSTR 'S' /* Case insensitive substring search */
#define AQ_CS_SUBSTR 'C' /* Case sensitive substring search */
#define AQ_REGEX 'R' /* Regular expression search */
#define AQ_ECI_SUBSTR 's' /* Exact or case insensitive sub srch */
#define AQ_ECS_SUBSTR 'c' /* Exact or case sensitive sub search */
#define AQ_EREGEX 'r' /* Exact or regular expression search */
#define AQ_M_CI_SUBSTR 'Z' /* Case insensitive substring match */
#define AQ_M_CS_SUBSTR 'K' /* Case sensitive substring match */
#define AQ_M_REGEX 'X' /* Regular expression match */
#define AQ_M_ECI_SUBSTR 'z' /* Exact or case insensitive sub match */
#define AQ_M_ECS_SUBSTR 'k' /* Exact or case sensitive sub match */
#define AQ_M_EREGEX 'x' /* Exact or regular expression match */
#define AQ_EXP_LINK '\001' /* Expand single directory link */
#define AQ_HOSTINFO '\002' /* Obtain info on matching hosts */
#define AQ_MOTD_ONLY '\003' /* Only check for motd */
/* Flags */
#define AQ_NOSORT 0x01 /* Don't sort */
#define AQ_ASYNC 0x02 /* Run asynchronously */
#define AQ_MOTD 0x80 /* Request server's motd */
/* Status - one of the following or Prospero error code */
#define AQ_INACTIVE 0 /* Request is inactive */
#define AQ_COMPLETE -1 /* Request is complete */
#define AQ_ACTIVE -2 /* Request is executing */
/* Definitions for the comparison procedures */
#define AQ_DEFCMP aq_defcmplink /* Default for query type */
#define AQ_INVDATECMP aq_invdatecmplink /* Inverted by date */
#define aq_init(AQ) (AQ)->host = ARCHIE_HOST; \
(AQ)->string = NULL; \
(AQ)->filters = NULL; \
(AQ)->expand = (VLINK) 0; \
(AQ)->maxhits = AQ_MAX_HITS; \
(AQ)->maxmatch = AQ_MAX_MATCH; \
(AQ)->maxhitpm = AQ_MAX_HITSPM;\
(AQ)->offset = 0; \
(AQ)->query_type = AQ_EXACT; \
(AQ)->cmp_proc = AQ_DEFCMP; \
(AQ)->flags = 0; \
(AQ)->results = (VLINK) 0; \
(AQ)->motd = NULL; \
(AQ)->qpos = 0; \
(AQ)->sys_time = 0; \
(AQ)->wait_fd = -1; \
(AQ)->retry_at.tv_sec = 0; \
(AQ)->retry_at.tv_usec = 0; \
(AQ)->dirquery = (VLINK) 0; \
(AQ)->status = AQ_INACTIVE;
/* Free fields that may have been filled in in call to archie_query */
/* This must be called before a used aquery structure is freed, for */
/* example by returning from a procedure in which it was allocated */
/* on the stack. It must also be called before an aquery structure */
/* is reused. If you hang onto the results, expand, or motd fields */
/* the field should be zeroed as soon as another reference is made */
/* to it, and it then becomes your resonsibility to explicitly free */
/* the fields. */
#define aq_reset(AQ) if((AQ)->filters) fllfree((AQ)->filters); \
if((AQ)->expand) vllfree((AQ)->expand); \
if((AQ)->results) vllfree((AQ)->results); \
if((AQ)->motd) stfree((AQ)->motd); \
if((AQ)->motd) stfree((AQ)->motd); \
/* Function prototypes */
int aq_query(struct aquery*,int); /* Execute an archie query */
char *aq_lhost(VLINK,char*,int); /* Extract host name from link */
char *aq_lhsoname(VLINK); /* Extract filename from link */
int aq_defcmplink(VLINK,VLINK); /* Compare by host and filename */
int aq_invdatecmplink(VLINK,VLINK); /* Compare links inverted by date */
int aq_restrict(struct aquery*,char*,char*,char); /* Add filters */