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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
This directory contains a collection of programs to demonstrate
the features of the Tk toolkit. The programs are all scripts for
"wish", a windowing shell. If wish has been installed in /usr/local
then you can invoke any of the programs in this directory just
by typing its file name to your command shell. Otherwise invoke
2024-05-27 16:40:40 +02:00
wish with the file as its first argument, e.g., "wish hello".
2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
The rest of this file contains a brief description of each program.
Files with names ending in ".tcl" are procedure packages used by one
or more of the demo programs; they can't be used as programs by
themselves so they aren't described below.
hello - Creates a single button; if you click on it, a message
is typed and the application terminates.
widget - Contains a collection of demonstrations of the widgets
currently available in the Tk library. Most of the .tcl
files are scripts for individual demos available through
the "widget" program.
ixset - A simple Tk-based wrapper for the "xset" program, which
allows you to interactively query and set various X options
such as mouse acceleration and bell volume. Thanks to
Pierre David for contributing this example.
rolodex - A mock-up of a simple rolodex application. It has much of
the user interface for such an application but no back-end
database. This program was written in response to Tom
LaStrange's toolkit benchmark challenge.
tcolor - A color editor. Allows you to edit colors in several
different ways, and will also perform automatic updates
using "send".
rmt - Allows you to "hook-up" remotely to any Tk application
on the display. Select an application with the menu,
then just type commands: they'll go to that application.
timer - Displays a seconds timer with start and stop buttons.
Control-c and control-q cause it to exit.
browse - A simple directory browser. Invoke it with and argument
giving the name of the directory you'd like to browse.
Double-click on files or subdirectories to browse them.
Control-c and control-q cause the program to exit.
2024-05-27 16:40:40 +02:00
sccs id = SCCS: @(#) README 1.3 96/02/16 10:49:14