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<p><tt>dp_copy ?-size </tt><em><tt>amount</tt></em><tt>?&nbsp;</tt><em><tt>srcChanId</tt></em><tt>
</tt><em><tt>destChanId</tt></em><tt> ?</tt><em><tt>destChanId2</tt></em><tt>
<p>dp_copy allows bulk copying of information from one channel to
another.&nbsp; Notice that there can be more than one destination
channel (allowing for N-way copying).&nbsp; The size of the copy
can be specificied but it defaults to 4096 bytes.&nbsp; If the <em>amount</em>
requested is larger than the amount available in the source
channel, dp_copy may return less than the amount requested or
block, depending on the configuration of the source channel.</p>
<p>Note that dp_copy goes through the Tcl I/O layer, unlike <a
href="dp_send.html">dp_send</a> and <a href="dp_recv.html">dp_recv</a>.</p>
<dt>dp_copy returns the number of bytes read from the source
<dt><tt>dp_copy -size 100 $src $dest</tt></dt>
<dt><tt>dp_copy $src $dest</tt></dt>