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2024-05-28 17:59:32 +02:00
.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc.
.\" All rights reserved.
.\" Archie 3.5
.\" August 1996
.\" @(#)parse_anonftp.n
.TH PARSE_ANONFTP N "August 1996"
.B parse_anonftp
\- parse the raw data for an Archie anonftp catalog site
.B parse_anonftp
.BI \-i \ <filename>
.BI \-o \ <template>
.BI \-M \ <dir>
] [
.BI \-h \ <dir>
] [
.BI \-f \ <filter\ pgm>
] [
.BI \-t \ <dir>
] [
.B \-v
] [
.BI \-l
] [
.BI \-L \ <logfile>
This program determines the appropriate parser for an Archie anonftp catalog
raw data file and invokes it.
.BI \-i \ <filename>
Input filename. Mandatory.
.BI \-o \ <template>
A "template" for the output filename. This argument is used
to determine the base name of the output file which is
used to generate the final output filename. Mandatory.
.BI \-M \ <dir>
The name of the master Archie database
directory. If not given, the program tries to look in the
.B ~archie/db
and, failing that, defaults to
.B ./db.
.BI \-h \ <dir>
The name of the Archie host database directory. If not
supplied the program will default first to
.B ~archie/db/host_db
and failing that, to
.B ./host_db
.BI \-f \ <filter\ pgm>
The name of the filter program to be run on the raw input before
parsing. If not giving the name is automatically generated. See below.
.BI \-t \ <dir>
Sets the name of the directory used for temporary files.
If not specified, the program uses
.B ~archie/db/tmp.
.BI \-v
Verbose mode. Will tell you what it is doing.
.BI \-l
Write any user output to the default log file
.B ~archie/logs/archie.log.
If desired, this can be overridden with the
.B \-L
option. Errors will by default be written to stderr.
.BI \-L \ <logfile>
The name of the file to be used for logging information.
Note that debugging information is also written to the
log file. This implies the
.B \-l
option as well.
This program is usually invoked by
.BR arcontrol (n)
automatically during the
update cycle to coordinate the parsing of raw anonftp data files. By
reading the header record the program can determine what type of
parser is to be invoked. The raw data is first run through a
preprocessing filter to remove errors and extraneous information. The
name of this filter is automatically generated from the header of the
input data unless overridden by the -f option and uses the following
.B filter_anonftp_\fI<os name>\fR
.I <os name>
is the name of the operating system running at the source
data site for the data. Thus for BSD UNIX systems the name would be,
.B filter_anonftp_unix_bsd.
If a data file fails to be sucessfully parsed, a file with a ".parse_t"
extension is left in the ~archie/db/tmp directory (unless another temporary
directory is being used). The header record will report the parsing error
in the "comment" field. If desired, the Archie administrator may attempt
to correct the file manually. If this is done, the file need only be
renamed with a ".parse" extension and will automatically be picked up by
the next parse phase of the Update Cycle.
To help the administrator identify the problem, a file with the suffix
".filtered" is also created. This file contains the raw data filtered
through the pre-processing phase and is the actual file on which the
parser was invoked.
Sites whose anonymous FTP tree does not start at "/" are not handled
correctly. This will be fixed in a later release.
The line numbers gernerated by this program when an error occurs are
incorrect since the number of lines in the header at the top of the data
file are not taken into account. The actual line causing the error is the
line number given plus the number of lines in the header. This will be
fixed in a later release.
.BR parser_output (n),
.BR arcontrol (n)
Bunyip Information Systems
Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada
Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canda,