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2024-05-28 17:59:32 +02:00
.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc.
.\" All rights reserved.
.\" Archie 3.5
.\" August 1996
.\" @(#)arretrieve.n
.TH ARRETRIEVE N "August 1996"
.B arretrieve
\- local Archie retrieval client
.B arretrieve
.BI \-M " <dir>"
] [
.BI \-h " <dir>"
] [
.BI \-C " <config>"
] [
.BI \-f " <force hosts>"
] [
.BI \-F " <remote server>"
] [
.BI \-d " <catalog list>"
] [
.BI \-T " <timeout>"
] [
.B \-j
] [
.B \-v
] [
.B \-l
] [
.BI \-L " <logfile>"
This program is normally invoked by the
.BR cron (8)
process and obtains a set of headers (See the Archie documention on `archie
headers'), from the \fIlocal\fP arserver program, corresponding to those sites
requiring update. Each header matching the critera specified by this program
(the `client') is placed in a separate file, where it is then used as the
first step of the Archie update cycle.
.BI \-M " <dir>"
The name of the master Archie database directory. If not given, the program
tries to look in the directory
.B ~archie/db
and, failing that, defaults to
.BR ./db .
.BI \-h " <dir>"
The name of the Archie host database directory. If not supplied the program
will default first to
.B ~archie/db/host_db
and failing that, to
.BR ./host_db .
.BI \-C " <config>"
Use the file
.I <config>
as the configuration file. See below.
.BI \-f " <force hosts>"
.I <force hosts>
is a colon separated list of hosts to be retrieved. This overrides the default
requests which would normally be obtained from the configuration file and
retrieves the hosts even if they are not scheduled for retrieval. Note that
the hosts information will not be retrieved if the server process at the other
end of the connection determines that the associated records are currently
inactive. All the servers listed in the configuration file are contacted for
the specified
.I <force hosts>
(unless overridden by the
.B \-F
option). The catalogs retrieved are those specified in the configuration file.
.B \-F " <remote server>"
.I <remote server>
is the name of an Archie server in the configuration file from which the
program should retrieve the information requested. No other servers are
contacted and if the given server is not listed in the configuration file no
action is taken.
.BI \-d " <catalog list>"
Only exchange those catalogs in the colon separated
.IR <catalog list> .
If none of the catalogs in the list are present in the configuration file
entry for any given server then no transfers are performed with that server.
.B \-j
The program does not perform the actual data retrieve, but prints the data
provided by the remote server process if the data retrieve were to be carried
.BI \-T " <timeout>"
If during the data retrieve the connection is idle for
.I <timeout>
minutes, abort the process. The timeout is set, by default, to 10 minutes.
.B \-v
Verbose mode. All output is written to the current log file.
.B \-l
Write any user output to the default log file
.BR ~archie/logs/archie.log .
If desired, this can be overridden with the
.B \-L
option. Errors will, by default, be written to
.IR stderr .
.BI \-L " <logfile>"
The name of the file to be used for logging information. Note that debugging
information is also written to the log file. This implies the
.B \-l
option, as well.
The program reads a configuration file which is, by default,
.B ~archie/etc/
(unless overridden by the
.B \-C
option). This file has the same format as the
file and very similar semantics to those used by arexchange program. (See
.BR arexchange (n).)
This file has lines of the following format:
.IR "<archie host> <config> " [, " <config> " ...]
.I <archie host>
is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host from which the data for the
start of the Update Cycle is to be obtained. Normally, this would be the
local Archie server. If the arserver program is running on the same host,
.I <archie host>
may be specified as `localhost'. The asterisk character (`*') may be used to
signify the fact that \fIany\fP remote Archie host may connect to the local
Archie host, although this would be very unusual.
The backslash character (`\\') is used as a line continuation marker. Each
.I <config>
consists of the following fields.
.I <db list> <domain list> <maxno> <perms> <freq> <date> <fail>
.I <db list>
A colon separated list of Archie catalogs to query the server about. An
asterisk (`*') specifies that the server is to be queried about
.I all
.I <domain list>
The colon separated list of domains to query the server about.
.I <max no>
The maximum number of sites (headers) to accept from the server at any one
time. If 0 is specified, the all available sites in need of update in the
Archie catalog will be downloaded.
.I <perms>
The character `w' here indicates the client should query the server about the
information on this line. If this character is `r' the current line is
.I <freq>
A number specifying the minimum number of minutes that are to elapse before
contacting the server with this query again. It may have the modifiers `h' or
.I immediately
following the number, specifying that the value is in units of hours or days
.I <date>
Date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format. This specifies the last time that the client
performed a query.
.I <fail>
The number of consecutive attempts to contact this server which have failed.
Note that this program will normally not be configured to contact any Archie
.B arserver
program other than the local one, since retrieval of the raw data will, under
normal circumstances, be handled by the Archie host responsible for that data
.BR cron (8),
.BR arserver (n),
.BR arexchange (n),
Archie system documentation
Bunyip Information Systems.
Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada
Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada,