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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
* aq_query.c : Programmatic Prospero interface to Archie
* Copyright (c) 1991 by the University of Washington
* Copyright (c) 1993 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the files
* <uw-copyright.h> and <usc-copyr.h>.
* Originally part of the Prospero Archie client by Clifford
* Neuman ( Modifications, early programmatic interface,
* and new sorting code by George Ferguson (
* and Brendan Kehoe (
#include <uw-copyright.h>
#include <usc-copyr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /* for char *index() */
#include <ardp.h>
#include <pfs.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include <pmachine.h>
#include <archie.h>
extern char *p_motd;
extern int ardp_port;
* aq_query : Sends a request to _host_, telling it to search for
* _string_ using _query_type_ as the search method.
* No more than _max_hits_ matches are to be returned
* skipping over _offset_ matches.
* aq_query returns a linked list of virtual links.
* If _flags_ does not include AQ_NOTRANS, then the Archie
* responses will be translated. If _flags_ does not include
* AQ_NOSORT, then the list will be sorted using _cmp_proc_ to
* compare pairs of links. If _cmp_proc_ is NULL or AQ_DEFCMP,
* then the default comparison procedure, defcmplink(), is used
* sorting by host, then filename. If cmp_proc is AQ_INVDATECMP
* then invdatecmplink() is used, sorting inverted by date.
* otherwise a user-defined comparison procedure is called.
* aq_query returns NULL and sets perrno if the query
* failed. Note that it can return NULL with perrno == PSUCCESS
* if the query didn't fail but there were simply no matches.
* args: See archie.h for form of the aquery structure
* flags: AQ_NOSORT Don't sort results
aq_query(struct aquery *aq,int flags)
char qstring[MAX_VPATH]; /* For construting the query */
VDIR dir = &(aq->dirst); /* Directory for p_get_dir */
int gvdflags;
VLINK p,q,r,lowest,nextp,pnext,pprev;
char *components = "";
int tmp;
if(aq->status == AQ_ACTIVE) {
if((flags&AQ_ASYNC) == 0) aq->flags &= (~AQ_ASYNC);
goto cont_async;
aq->status = AQ_ACTIVE;
aq->flags = flags;
/* Set the cmp_proc if not given */
if (aq->cmp_proc == NULL) aq->cmp_proc = aq_defcmplink;
/* Make the query string */
if(aq->query_type > ' ') {
aq->maxhits, aq->maxmatch, aq->maxhitpm, aq->offset,
aq->query_type, aq->string);
else if(aq->query_type == AQ_HOSTINFO) {
components = aq->string;
else if(aq->query_type == AQ_MOTD_ONLY) qstring[0] = '\0';
/* Initialize Prospero structures */
if(aq->query_type == AQ_EXP_LINK) aq->dirquery = aq->expand;
else {
if(!(aq->host)) return(perrno = aq->status = ARDP_BAD_HOSTNAME);
aq->dirquery = vlalloc();
aq->dirquery->host = stcopyr(aq->host,aq->dirquery->host);
aq->dirquery->hsoname = stcopyr(qstring,aq->dirquery->hsoname);
aq->dirquery->filters = aq->filters;
if(aq->flags & AQ_MOTD) gvdflags |= GVD_MOTD;
if(aq->query_type == AQ_MOTD_ONLY) gvdflags |= GVD_MOTD_O;
if(aq->flags & AQ_ASYNC) gvdflags |= GVD_ASYNC;
/* Retrieve the list of matches, return error if there was one */
tmp = p_get_dir(aq->dirquery,components,dir,gvdflags,NULL);
if(tmp == DQ_ACTIVE) {
aq->wait_fd = ardp_port;
aq->qpos = dir->dqs->preq->inf_queue_pos;
aq->sys_time = dir->dqs->preq->inf_sys_time;
aq->retry_at.tv_sec = dir->dqs->preq->wait_till.tv_sec;
aq->retry_at.tv_usec = dir->dqs->preq->wait_till.tv_usec;
if(!aq->motd && p_motd) aq->motd = stcopyr(p_motd,aq->motd);
if(aq->query_type != AQ_EXP_LINK) {
aq->dirquery->filters = NULL; /* Keep them on aq->filters */
aq->dirquery = NULL;
if(p_motd) aq->motd = stcopyr(p_motd,aq->motd);
if(tmp) return(aq->status = tmp);
/* Save the links, and clear in dir in case it's used again */
aq->results = dir->links; dir->links = NULL;
/* As returned, list is sorted by suffix, and conflicting */
/* suffixes appear on a list of "replicas". We want to */
/* create a one-dimensional list sorted by host then filename */
/* and maybe by some other parameter */
/* First flatten the doubly-linked list */
for (p = aq->results; p != NULL; p = nextp) {
nextp = p->next;
if (p->replicas != NULL) {
p->next = p->replicas;
p->next->previous = p;
for (r = p->replicas; r->next != NULL; r = r->next)
/*EMPTY*/ ;
r->next = nextp;
nextp->previous = r;
p->replicas = NULL;
/* If NOSORT given, then just hand it back */
if (aq->flags & AQ_NOSORT) {
perrno = PSUCCESS;
aq->status = AQ_COMPLETE;
/* Otherwise sort it using a selection sort and the given cmp_proc */
for (p = aq->results; p != NULL; p = nextp) {
nextp = p->next;
lowest = p;
for (q = p->next; q != NULL; q = q->next)
if ((*(aq->cmp_proc))(q,lowest) < 0) lowest = q;
if (p != lowest) {
/* swap the two links */
pnext = p->next;
pprev = p->previous;
if (lowest->next != NULL)
lowest->next->previous = p;
p->next = lowest->next;
if (nextp == lowest) {
p->previous = lowest;
} else {
lowest->previous->next = p;
p->previous = lowest->previous;
if (pprev->next != NULL)
pprev->next = lowest;
if (nextp == lowest) {
lowest->next = p;
} else {
pnext->previous = lowest;
lowest->next = pnext;
if(lowest == pprev) lowest->previous = p;
else lowest->previous = pprev;
/* keep the head of the list in the right place */
if (aq->results == p) aq->results = lowest;
/* Return the links */
perrno = PSUCCESS;
aq->status = AQ_COMPLETE;
* aq_defcmplink: The default link comparison function for sorting. Compares
* links p and q first by host then by filename. Returns < 0 if p
* belongs before q, > 0 if p belongs after q, and == 0 if their
* host and filename fields are identical.
VLINK p,q;
int result;
char *phost, *qhost;
char *phson, *qhson;
char phostbuf[100],qhostbuf[100];
/* This is designed to be a fast check for EXTERNAL, but */
/* not necessarily correct. It will break if archie */
/* servers start to return other than external links */
/* a link type that begins with an E */
if (*(p->target) == 'E') {
phost = p->host;
phson = p->hsoname;
} else {
phost = phostbuf;
phson = aq_lhsoname(p);
if (*(q->target) == 'E') {
qhost = q->host;
qhson = q->hsoname;
} else {
qhost = qhostbuf;
qhson = aq_lhsoname(q);
phost = phostbuf;
phson = aq_lhsoname(p);
qhost = qhostbuf;
qhson = aq_lhsoname(q);
#endif /* AQFASTCOMP */
if ((result = strcmp(phost,qhost)) != 0)
* aq_invdatecmplink: An alternative comparison function for sorting that
* compares links p and q first by LAST-MODIFIED date,
* if they both have that attribute. If both links
* don't have that attribute or the dates are the
* same, it then calls defcmplink() and returns its
* value.
VLINK p,q;
PATTRIB pat,qat;
char *pdate,*qdate;
int result;
pdate = qdate = NULL;
for (pat = p->lattrib; pat; pat = pat->next)
if(strcmp(pat->aname,"LAST-MODIFIED") == 0)
pdate = pat->value.sequence->token;
for (qat = q->lattrib; qat; qat = qat->next)
if(strcmp(qat->aname,"LAST-MODIFIED") == 0)
qdate = qat->value.sequence->token;
if(!pdate && !qdate) return(aq_defcmplink(p,q));
if(!pdate) return(1);
if(!qdate) return(-1);
if((result=strcmp(qdate,pdate)) == 0) return(aq_defcmplink(p,q));
else return(result);
* aq_restrict - add filter to query
* aq_restrict will add a filter with name fname to an archie
* query. If a filter with the same name has already been applied,
* then the new farg is added to the argument for the existing
* filter.
aq_restrict(struct aquery *query, /* Query to restrict */
char *fname, /* Name of restriction */
char *farg, /* Args for restriction */
char sep) /* Separator */
FILTER cfil = query->filters;
char argbuf[100];
char *argp = farg;
char *argsep;
if(sep) {
argbuf[sizeof(argbuf)-1] = '\0';
argp = argbuf;
/* See if filter already exists */
while(cfil) {
if(cfil->name && (strcmp(cfil->name,fname) == 0)) {
/* Found it, add argument */
if(sep) {
while(argsep = strchr(argp,sep)) {
*argsep = '\0';
cfil->args = tkappend(argp,cfil->args);
argp = argsep+1;
cfil->args = tkappend(argp,cfil->args);
else cfil->args = tkappend(farg,cfil->args);
cfil = cfil->next;
/* Add a new filter */
cfil = flalloc();
cfil->name = stcopyr(fname,cfil->name);
cfil->type = FIL_DIRECTORY;
cfil->execution_location = FIL_SERVER;
cfil->pre_or_post = FIL_PRE;
if(sep) {
while(argsep = strchr(argp,sep)) {
*argsep = '\0';
cfil->args = tkappend(argp,cfil->args);
argp = argsep+1;
cfil->args = tkappend(argp,cfil->args);
else cfil->args = tkappend(farg,cfil->args);
char *
aq_lhsoname(VLINK l)
char *slash;
char *hostp;
if(strcmp(l->target,"EXTERNAL") == 0) return(l->hsoname);
/* Need check for FILE, but with FTP prefix */
if(strcmp(l->target,"DIRECTORY") != 0) return(l->hsoname);
if(strncmp(l->hsoname,"ARCHIE/HOST",11) == 0) {
hostp = l->hsoname + 12;
slash = strchr(hostp,'/');
if (slash) return(slash);
else return("");
/* If not ARCHIE/HOST, don't change */
char *
aq_lhost(VLINK l,char *host,int hlen)
char *slash;
if(strcmp(l->target,"EXTERNAL") == 0) return(host);
/* Need check for FILE, but with FTP prefix */
if(strcmp(l->target,"DIRECTORY") != 0) return(host);
if (strncmp(l->hsoname,"ARCHIE/HOST",11) == 0) {
*(host+hlen-1) = '\0';
slash = strchr(host,'/');
if (slash) *slash = '\0';
/* If not ARCHIE/HOST, don't change */
#if 0
* translateArchieResponse:
* If the given link is for an archie-pseudo directory, fix it.
* This is called unless AQ_NOTRANS was given to archie_query().
static void
char *slash;
if (strcmp(l->target,"DIRECTORY") == 0) {
if (strncmp(l->hsoname,"ARCHIE/HOST",11) == 0) {
l->target = stcopyr("EXTERNAL",l->target);
l->host = stcopyr(l->hsoname+12,l->host);
slash = index(l->host,'/');
if (slash) {
l->hsoname = stcopyr(slash,l->hsoname);
*slash++ = '\0';
} else
l->hsoname = stcopyr("",l->hsoname);
#endif /* 0 */