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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the file
* <usc-license.h>.
#include <usc-license.h>
#ifndef PFS_PERRNO_H
#define PFS_PERRNO_H
#include <pfs_threads.h>
/* this file and lib/pfs/perrmesg.c should be updated simultaneously */
* perrno.h - definitions for perrno
* This file contains the declarations and defintions of of the external
* error values in which errors are returned by the pfs and psrv
* libraries.
extern char *p_err_text[];
extern char *p_warn_text[];
#define perrno p_th_arperrno[p__th_self_num()]
#define pwarn p_th_arpwarn[p__th_self_num()]
#define p_warn_string p_th_arp_warn_string[p__th_self_num()]
#define p_err_string p_th_arp_err_string[p__th_self_num()]
/* Error codes returned or found in perrno */
#ifndef PSUCCESS
#define PSUCCESS 0
/* Error codes 1 through 20 are reserved for the ardp library */
/* Defined in include/ardp.h */
/* vl_insert */
#define VL_INSERT_ALREADY_THERE 21 /* Link already exists */
#define VL_INSERT_CONFLICT 22 /* Link exists with same name */
/* ul_insert */
#define UL_INSERT_ALREADY_THERE 25 /* Link already exists */
#define UL_INSERT_SUPERSEDING 26 /* Replacing existing link */
#define UL_INSERT_POS_NOTFOUND 27 /* Prv entry not in dir->ulinks */
/* rd_vdir */
#define RVD_DIR_NOT_THERE 41 /* Temporary NOT_FOUND */
#define RVD_NO_CLOSED_NS 42 /* Namespace not closed w/ object:: */
#define RVD_NO_NS_ALIAS 43 /* No alias for namespace NS#: */
#define RVD_NS_NOT_FOUND 44 /* Specified namespace not found */
/* pfs_access */
#define PFSA_AM_NOT_SUPPORTED 51 /* Access method not supported */
/* p__map_cache */
#define PMC_DELETE_ON_CLOSE 55 /* Delete cached copy on close */
#define PMC_RETRIEVE_FAILED 56 /* Unable to retrieve file */
/* mk_vdir */
/* #define MKVD_ALREADY_EXISTS 61 * Directory already exists */
/* #define MKVD_NAME_CONFLICT 62 * Link with name already exists */
/* vfsetenv */
#define VFSN_NOT_A_VS 65 /* Not a virtual system */
#define VFSN_CANT_FIND_DIR 66 /* Not a virtual system */
/* add_vlink */
/* #define ADDVL_ALREADY_EXISTS 71 * Directory already exists */
/* #define ADDVL_NAME_CONFLICT 72 * Link with name already exists */
/* pset_at */
#define PSET_AT_TARGET_NOT_AN_OBJECT 81 /* The link passed to PSET_AT() has a
TARGET such that it does not
refer to an object, so we can't set
any object attributes on it. */
/* Error codes for parsing problems. */
#define PARSE_ERROR 101 /* General parsing syntax error . */
/* Local error codes on server */
/* dsrdir */
#define DSRDIR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY 111 /* Not a directory name */
/* dsrfinfo */
#define DSRFINFO_NOT_A_FILE 121 /* Object not found */
#define DSRFINFO_FORWARDED 122 /* Object has moved */
/* Error codes that may be returned by various procedures */
#define PFS_FILE_NOT_FOUND 230 /* File not found */
#define PFS_DIR_NOT_FOUND 231 /* Directory in path not found */
#define PFS_SYMLINK_DEPTH 232 /* Max sym-link depth exceeded */
#define PFS_ENV_NOT_INITIALIZED 233 /* Can't read environment */
#define PFS_EXT_USED_AS_DIR 234 /* Can't use externals as dirs */
#define PFS_MAX_FWD_DEPTH 235 /* Exceeded max forward depth */
/* Error codes returned by directory server */
/* some of these duplicate errors from individual routines */
/* some of those error codes should be eliminated */
#define DIRSRV_WAIS 240 /* WAIS gateway failure */
#define DIRSRV_GOPHER 241 /* Gopher gateway failure */
#define DIRSRV_AUTHENT_REQ 242 /* Authentication required */
#define DIRSRV_NOT_AUTHORIZED 243 /* Not authorized */
#define DIRSRV_NOT_FOUND 244 /* Not found */
#define DIRSRV_BAD_VERS 245
#define DIRSRV_ALREADY_EXISTS 247 /* Identical link already exists */
#define DIRSRV_NAME_CONFLICT 248 /* Link with name already exists */
#define DIRSRV_TOO_MANY 249 /* Too many matches to return */
#define DIRSRV_UNIMPLEMENTED 251 /* Unimplemented command */
#define DIRSRV_ERROR 253
#define DIRSRV_SERVER_FAILED 254 /* Unspecified server failure */
#ifndef PFAILURE
#define PFAILURE 255 /* Random other complaint. */
/* If DEBUG_PFAILURE is defined, then the no-op function it_failed() will be
called right before any function originates a PFAILURE return. This can be
handy in tracking down an error in library usage when a library call is
returning PFAILURE to you. This is normally not enabled so that we can
avoid the overhead of the unnecessary call to it_failed().
it_failed() is in lib/pfs/perrmesg.c. */
#define RETURNPFAILURE do { it_failed(); return(PFAILURE); } while(0)
/* Warning codes */
#define PNOWARN 0 /* No warning indicated */
#define PWARN_OUT_OF_DATE 1 /* Software is out of date */
#define PWARN_MSG_FROM_SERVER 2 /* Warning in p_warn_string */
#define PWARN_UNRECOGNIZED_RESP 3 /* Unrecognized line in response */
#define PWARNING 255 /* Warning in p_warn_string */
/* Function to reset error and warning codes */
extern void p_clear_errors(void);
#if 0
/* This macro is deprecated and will go away soon. Use p_clear_errors()
instead. */
#define clear_prospero_errors() p_clear_errors()
#endif /*PFS_PERRNO_H*/