need to invoke CASAcli using sudo which creates its own set of problems. Fixed the issue of the password box too small when running Yast in text mode and changed the text on the "Re-enter password" box to "Confirm password".
734 lines
21 KiB
734 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1
* of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc.
* To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail,
* you may find current contact information at www.novell.com.
* File: modules/CasaAts.ycp
* Package: Configuration of casa-ats
* Summary: CasaAts settings, input and output functions
* Authors: Juan Carlos Luciani <jluciani@novell.com>
* Ryan Partridge <rpartridge@novell.com>
* $Id: CasaAts.ycp 27914 2006-02-13 14:32:08Z locilka $
* Representation of the configuration of casa-ats.
* Input and output routines.
module "CasaAts";
textdomain "casa-ats";
import "Progress";
import "Report";
import "Summary";
import "Message";
import "SuSEFirewall";
import "FileUtils";
import "Service";
* Configuration File and Command Paths.
string trustedServerConfigFile = "/tmp/trusted_ats.conf";
string svcSettingsFile = "/etc/CASA/authtoken/svc/svc.settings";
string svcSettingsEditor = "/usr/share/java/CASA/authtoken/bin/CasaSvcSettingsEditor.sh";
string authPolicyFile = "/etc/CASA/authtoken/svc/auth.policy";
string authPolicyEditor = "/usr/share/java/CASA/authtoken/bin/CasaAuthPolicyEditor.sh";
string iaRealmsFile = "/etc/CASA/authtoken/svc/iaRealms.xml";
string iaRealmsEditor = "/usr/share/java/CASA/authtoken/bin/CasaIaRealmsEditor.sh";
* Settings Map
global map Settings = $[];
string port = "2645";
string service_name = "casa_atsd";
* Prototypes
global boolean Modified();
* Data was modified?
global boolean modified = false;
global boolean proposal_valid = false;
* Write only, used during autoinstallation.
* Don't run services and SuSEconfig, it's all done at one place.
global boolean write_only = false;
* Abort function
* return boolean return true if abort
global boolean() AbortFunction = Modified;
* Abort function
* @return boolean return true if abort
global define boolean Abort() ``{
if(AbortFunction != nil)
return AbortFunction () == true;
return false;
* Data was modified?
* @return true if modified
global boolean Modified() {
return modified;
global boolean IsPortOpen()
return contains(SuSEFirewall::GetAdditionalServices("TCP", "EXT"), port);
boolean ModifyFirewallPort()
boolean retVal = false;
list<string> services = SuSEFirewall::GetAdditionalServices("TCP", "EXT");
if (!contains(services, port) && Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"]:false)
services = add(services, port);
retVal = true;
else if (contains(services, port) && !Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"]:false)
services = filter(string service, services,
return (service != port);
retVal = true;
if (retVal)
SuSEFirewall::SetAdditionalServices("TCP", "EXT", services);
return retVal;
* Read all casa-ats settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Read() {
y2milestone("Read Executing");
string cmd = "";
map ret = $[];
integer exit = -1;
/* CasaAts read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Initializing CASA ATS Configuration");
// Read stages
integer steps = 2;
integer sl = 500;
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New( caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/2 */
_("Read the previous settings"),
/* Progress stage 2/2 */
_("Read the firewall status")
], [
/* Progress step 1/2 */
_("Reading the settings file..."),
/* Progress step 2/2 */
_("Reading the firewall status..."),
/* Progress finished */
// Read settings
if (Abort()) return false;
// Set defaults
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = false;
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = false;
if (FileUtils::Exists("/etc/sysconfig/casa-ats")) {
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = tolower((string)SCR::Read(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE)) == "yes";
if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"] = tolower((string)SCR::Read(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS)) == "yes";
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = tolower((string)SCR::Read(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS)) == "yes";
cmd = svcSettingsEditor + " -get ReconfigureInterval -file " + svcSettingsFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
integer exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit == 0) {
string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
list<string> output_lines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
list<string> reconfigIntervalLineComponents = splitstring(output_lines[0]:"ReconfigureInterval=60", "=");
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"] = tointeger(reconfigIntervalLineComponents[1]:"60");
if (false) Report::Error(_("Cannot read settings file."));
// Read the trusted server config
y2milestone("Reading trusted server config");
list<string> trustedServerList = [];
if (SCR::Read(.target.size, trustedServerConfigFile) > 0) {
string trustedServerListString = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, trustedServerConfigFile);
if (trustedServerListString != nil) {
trustedServerList = splitstring(trustedServerListString, "\n");
else {
y2error("Failed to read from " + trustedServerConfigFile);
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"] = trustedServerList;
// Check if we need to read the server configuration
if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
// Read the auth.policy information
cmd = sformat("%1 -list -file %2", authPolicyEditor, authPolicyFile);
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
map<string, map> authPolicy = $[];
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to read realm info from " + iaRealmsFile);
else {
string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
list<string> authPolicyLines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
string realmId = "";
string mechanism = "";
foreach(string line, authPolicyLines, {
if (tolower(line) == "auth_source:") {
realmId = "";
mechanism = "";
list<string> lineComponents = splitstring(line, "\t");
foreach(string component, lineComponents, {
if (component != "") {
list<string> settingValue = splitstring(component, ":");
if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "identity source") {
realmId = settingValue[1]:"";
else if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "authentication mechanism") {
mechanism = settingValue[1]:"";
if (realmId != "" && mechanism != "") {
map<string, boolean> authMechs = (map<string, boolean>) authPolicy[realmId]:$[];
authMechs[mechanism] = true;
authPolicy[realmId] = authMechs;
// Get a list of the configured realms in the iaRealms.xml file
cmd = iaRealmsEditor + " -list -file " + iaRealmsFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to read configured realms from " + iaRealmsFile);
else {
string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
list<string> realmIdList = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
map<string, map> realms = $[];
// Read the information about each realm
foreach(string realmId, realmIdList, {
// Make sure that it is a valid id
if (realmId != "") {
// Read the realm info from the iaRealms.xml file
cmd = sformat("%1 -get %2 -file %3", iaRealmsEditor, realmId, iaRealmsFile);
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to read realm info from " + iaRealmsFile);
else {
cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
list<string> realmIdComponents = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
map realm = $[];
list<string> ldapUrls = [];
list<string> searchRoots = [];
string stage = "";
realm["REALM_ID"] = realmId;
foreach(string component, realmIdComponents, {
if (tolower(component) == "dirtype") {
stage = "DirType";
else if (tolower(component) == "searchroots") {
stage = "SearchRoots";
else if (tolower(component) == "ldapurls") {
stage = "LdapUrls";
else {
if (stage == "DirType") {
if (component == "\teDir") {
y2milestone("%1 is eDir", realmId);
realm["EDIR_TYPE"] = true;
realm["AD_TYPE"] = false;
else {
y2milestone("%1 is %2", realmId, component);
realm["EDIR_TYPE"] = false;
realm["AD_TYPE"] = true;
else if (stage == "SearchRoots") {
list<string> ctxList = splitstring(component, "\t");
foreach(string value, ctxList, {
if (value != "") {
y2milestone("%1 ctx added", value);
searchRoots = add(searchRoots, value);
else if (stage == "LdapUrls") {
list<string> urlList = splitstring(component, "\t");
foreach(string value, urlList, {
if (value != "") {
y2milestone("%1 url added", value);
ldapUrls = add(ldapUrls, value);
else {
y2error("Error reading realm information");
realm["LDAP_URL_LIST"] = ldapUrls;
realm["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"] = searchRoots;
// Set the authentication mechanism information for the realm
map<string, boolean> authMechs = (map<string, boolean>) authPolicy[realmId]:$[];
if (authMechs != nil) {
if (authMechs["PwdAuthenticate"]:false == true)
realm["PASSWD_MECH"] = true;
realm["PASSWD_MECH"] = false;
if (authMechs["Krb5Authenticate"]:false == true)
realm["KRB_MECH"] = true;
realm["KRB_MECH"] = false;
y2error("Missing auth.policy info for " + realmId);
realms[realmId] = realm;
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"] = realms;
// read firewall settings
if (Abort()) return false;
/* Error message */
if (false) Report::Error(_("Cannot read firewall status."));
if (Abort()) return false;
/* Progress finished */
if (Abort()) return false;
modified = false;
return true;
* Write all casa-ats settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Write() {
y2milestone("Write Executing");
/* CasaAts read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Saving casa-ats Configuration");
integer sl = 500;
// Set the stages depending on whether we are configuring the
// server or not.
integer steps = 0;
if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == false) {
steps = 3;
Progress::New(caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/3 */
_("Write the trusted server settings"),
/* Progress stage 2/3 */
_("Write the sysconfig settings"),
/* Progress stage 3/3 */
_("Update runlevel settings"),
], [
/* Progress step 1/3 */
_("Writing the trusted server settings..."),
/* Progress step 2/3 */
_("Writing the sysconfig settings..."),
/* Progress step 3/3 */
_("Updating runlevel settings..."),
/* Progress finished */
steps = 4;
Progress::New(caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/3 */
_("Write the trusted server settings"),
/* Progress stage 2/3 */
_("Write the sysconfig settings"),
/* Progress stage 4/4 */
_("Adjust firewall"),
/* Progress stage 3/3 */
_("Update runlevel settings")
], [
/* Progress step 1/3 */
_("Writing the trusted server settings..."),
/* Progress step 2/3 */
_("Writing the sysconfig settings..."),
/* Progress step 4/4 */
_("Adjusting firewall..."),
/* Progress step 3/3 */
_("Updating runlevel settings..."),
/* Progress finished */
// Write the trusted server list
if (Abort()) return false;
// Create trusted server config file if it does not exists,
// otherwise backup.
y2milestone("Writing trusted server config");
if (SCR::Read(.target.size, trustedServerConfigFile) < 0)
SCR::Write(.target.string, trustedServerConfigFile, "");
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp "+trustedServerConfigFile+" "+trustedServerConfigFile+".YaST2save");
// Update the trusted server config
any ret = false;
list<string> trustedServerList = Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"]:[];
string trustedServerListString = "";
if (trustedServerList != []) {
// Merge all of the addresses onto the string
trustedServerListString = mergestring(trustedServerList, "\n");
ret = SCR::Write(.target.string, trustedServerConfigFile, trustedServerListString);
if (ret != true)
y2error("Failed to write to " + trustedServerConfigFile);
// Write the /etc/sysconfig/casa-ats settings
if(Abort()) return false;
SCR::Write(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE, Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false ? "yes" : "no");
SCR::Write(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS, Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"]:true ? "yes" : "no");
SCR::Write(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS, Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"]:false ? "yes" : "no");
if (false) Report::Error (_("Cannot sysconfig settings."));
// Check if we need to save the server configuration
if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
// Create svc.settings file
string cmd = "rm -f " + svcSettingsFile;
map ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
cmd = svcSettingsEditor + " -create -file " + svcSettingsFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
integer exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to create " + svcSettingsFile);
// Write the reconfigure interval value
cmd = sformat("%1 -set ReconfigureInterval %2 -file %3",
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to set reconfigure interval");
// Create the auth.policy file
cmd = "rm -f " + authPolicyFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
cmd = authPolicyEditor + " -create -file " + authPolicyFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to create " + authPolicyFile);
// Create the iaRealms.xml file
cmd = "rm -f " + iaRealmsFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
cmd = iaRealmsEditor + " -create -file " + iaRealmsFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to create " + iaRealmsFile);
// Add the real information to auth.policy and iaRealms.xml files
map<string, map> realms = (map<string, map>) CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"]:$[];
foreach (string key, map realm, realms, {
// Pull the realm parameters into local variables
string realmId = realm["REALM_ID"]:"";
boolean eDirType = realm["EDIR_TYPE"]:true;
boolean adType = realm["AD_TYPE"]:false;
boolean passwd_mech = realm["PASSWD_MECH"]:true;
boolean krb_mech = realm["KRB_MECH"]:false;
string proxy_username = realm["PROXY_USERNAME"]:"";
string proxy_password = realm["PROXY_PASSWD"]:"";
list<string> ldapUrls = realm["LDAP_URL_LIST"]:[];
list<string> searchRoots = realm["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"]:[];
// Update the auth.policy
if (krb_mech == true) {
cmd = authPolicyEditor + " -append -entry " + realmId + ":Krb5Authenticate -file " + authPolicyFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to add entry to " + authPolicyFile);
if (passwd_mech == true) {
cmd = authPolicyEditor + " -append -entry " + realmId + ":PwdAuthenticate -file " + authPolicyFile;
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to add entry to " + authPolicyFile);
// Update the iaRealms.xml file
if (eDirType)
cmd = sformat("%1 -set %2 -type eDir ", iaRealmsEditor, realmId);
cmd = sformat("%1 -set %2 -type ActiveDirectory ", iaRealmsEditor, realmId);
foreach (string url, ldapUrls, {
cmd = sformat("%1 -url %2", cmd, url);
foreach (string ctx, searchRoots, {
cmd = sformat("%1 -sr %2", cmd, ctx);
cmd = sformat("%1 -file %2", cmd, iaRealmsFile);
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to set realm " + realmId);
// Obtain the uid of casaatsd
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, "id -u casaatsd");
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit == 0)
string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
list<string> uidComponents = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
string uid = uidComponents[0]:"";
y2milestone("casaatsd uid = " + uid);
// Set the Proxy User Credentials in miCASA
cmd = sformat("KEYVALUE=\"%1\" CASAcli -s -u %2 -n %3 -k CN", proxy_username, uid, realmId);
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to set Proxy Username in miCASA for realm " + realmId);
cmd = sformat("KEYVALUE=\"%1\" CASAcli -s -u %2 -n %3 -k Password", proxy_password, uid, realmId);
ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
if (exit != 0)
y2error("Failed to set Proxy Password in miCASA for realm " + realmId);
y2error("Failed to obtain casaatsd uid");
// Adjust firewall as needed
if (Abort()) return false;
if (ModifyFirewallPort())
// write settings
if (!write_only)
if (false) Report::Error (_("Error adjusting firewall."));
// Enable/disable and start/stop service as needed
if (Abort()) return false;
if (Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false)
if (!Service::Enabled(service_name))
if (Service::Status(service_name) != 0)
if (Service::Enabled(service_name))
if (Service::Status(service_name) == 0)
if (false) Report::Error (_("Error updating runlevels."));
if (Abort()) return false;
/* Progress finished */
if (Abort()) return false;
return true;
* Get all casa-ats settings from the first parameter
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @param settings The YCP structure to be imported.
* @return boolean True on success
global boolean Import (map settings) {
// TODO FIXME: your code here (fill the above mentioned variables)...
return true;
* Dump the casa-ats settings to a single map
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @return map Dumped settings (later acceptable by Import ())
global map Export () {
// TODO FIXME: your code here (return the above mentioned variables)...
return $[];
* Create a textual summary and a list of unconfigured cards
* @return summary of the current configuration
global list Summary() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
/* Configuration summary text for autoyast */
return [ _("Configuration summary..."), [] ];
* Create an overview table with all configured cards
* @return table items
global list Overview() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
return [];
* Return packages needed to be installed and removed during
* Autoinstallation to insure module has all needed software
* installed.
* @return map with 2 lists.
global map AutoPackages() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
return $[ "install":[], "remove":[] ];
/* EOF */