236 lines
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236 lines
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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* Pagination library.
* $Id: Pagination.php 3769 2008-12-15 00:48:56Z zombor $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
class Pagination_Core {
// Config values
protected $base_url = '';
protected $directory = 'pagination';
protected $style = 'classic';
protected $uri_segment = 3;
protected $query_string = '';
protected $items_per_page = 20;
protected $total_items = 0;
protected $auto_hide = FALSE;
// Autogenerated values
protected $url;
protected $current_page;
protected $total_pages;
protected $current_first_item;
protected $current_last_item;
protected $first_page;
protected $last_page;
protected $previous_page;
protected $next_page;
protected $sql_offset;
protected $sql_limit;
* Constructs and returns a new Pagination object.
* @param array configuration settings
* @return object
public function factory($config = array())
return new Pagination($config);
* Constructs a new Pagination object.
* @param array configuration settings
* @return void
public function __construct($config = array())
// No custom group name given
if ( ! isset($config['group']))
$config['group'] = 'default';
// Pagination setup
Kohana::log('debug', 'Pagination Library initialized');
* Sets config values.
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param array configuration settings
* @return void
public function initialize($config = array())
// Load config group
if (isset($config['group']))
// Load and validate config group
if ( ! is_array($group_config = Kohana::config('pagination.'.$config['group'])))
throw new Kohana_Exception('pagination.undefined_group', $config['group']);
// All pagination config groups inherit default config group
if ($config['group'] !== 'default')
// Load and validate default config group
if ( ! is_array($default_config = Kohana::config('pagination.default')))
throw new Kohana_Exception('pagination.undefined_group', 'default');
// Merge config group with default config group
$group_config += $default_config;
// Merge custom config items with config group
$config += $group_config;
// Assign config values to the object
foreach ($config as $key => $value)
if (property_exists($this, $key))
$this->$key = $value;
// Clean view directory
$this->directory = trim($this->directory, '/').'/';
// Build generic URL with page in query string
if ($this->query_string !== '')
// Extract current page
$this->current_page = isset($_GET[$this->query_string]) ? (int) $_GET[$this->query_string] : 1;
// Insert {page} placeholder
$_GET[$this->query_string] = '{page}';
// Create full URL
$base_url = ($this->base_url === '') ? Router::$current_uri : $this->base_url;
$this->url = url::site($base_url).'?'.str_replace('%7Bpage%7D', '{page}', http_build_query($_GET));
// Reset page number
$_GET[$this->query_string] = $this->current_page;
// Build generic URL with page as URI segment
// Use current URI if no base_url set
$this->url = ($this->base_url === '') ? Router::$segments : explode('/', trim($this->base_url, '/'));
// Convert uri 'label' to corresponding integer if needed
if (is_string($this->uri_segment))
if (($key = array_search($this->uri_segment, $this->url)) === FALSE)
// If uri 'label' is not found, auto add it to base_url
$this->url[] = $this->uri_segment;
$this->uri_segment = count($this->url) + 1;
$this->uri_segment = $key + 2;
// Insert {page} placeholder
$this->url[$this->uri_segment - 1] = '{page}';
// Create full URL
$this->url = url::site(implode('/', $this->url)).Router::$query_string;
// Extract current page
$this->current_page = URI::instance()->segment($this->uri_segment);
// Core pagination values
$this->total_items = (int) max(0, $this->total_items);
$this->items_per_page = (int) max(1, $this->items_per_page);
$this->total_pages = (int) ceil($this->total_items / $this->items_per_page);
$this->current_page = (int) min(max(1, $this->current_page), max(1, $this->total_pages));
$this->current_first_item = (int) min((($this->current_page - 1) * $this->items_per_page) + 1, $this->total_items);
$this->current_last_item = (int) min($this->current_first_item + $this->items_per_page - 1, $this->total_items);
// If there is no first/last/previous/next page, relative to the
// current page, value is set to FALSE. Valid page number otherwise.
$this->first_page = ($this->current_page === 1) ? FALSE : 1;
$this->last_page = ($this->current_page >= $this->total_pages) ? FALSE : $this->total_pages;
$this->previous_page = ($this->current_page > 1) ? $this->current_page - 1 : FALSE;
$this->next_page = ($this->current_page < $this->total_pages) ? $this->current_page + 1 : FALSE;
// SQL values
$this->sql_offset = (int) ($this->current_page - 1) * $this->items_per_page;
$this->sql_limit = sprintf(' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ', $this->items_per_page, $this->sql_offset);
* Generates the HTML for the chosen pagination style.
* @param string pagination style
* @return string pagination html
public function render($style = NULL)
// Hide single page pagination
if ($this->auto_hide === TRUE AND $this->total_pages <= 1)
return '';
if ($style === NULL)
// Use default style
$style = $this->style;
// Return rendered pagination view
return View::factory($this->directory.$style, get_object_vars($this))->render();
* Magically converts Pagination object to string.
* @return string pagination html
public function __toString()
return $this->render();
* Magically gets a pagination variable.
* @param string variable key
* @return mixed variable value if the key is found
* @return void if the key is not found
public function __get($key)
if (isset($this->$key))
return $this->$key;
* Adds a secondary interface for accessing properties, e.g. $pagination->total_pages().
* Note that $pagination->total_pages is the recommended way to access properties.
* @param string function name
* @return string
public function __call($func, $args = NULL)
return $this->__get($func);
} // End Pagination Class