287 lines
12 KiB
287 lines
12 KiB
// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2017 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Admin configuration target administration
// Website : http://www.nagiosql.org
// Date : $LastChangedDate: 2017-06-22 09:29:35 +0200 (Thu, 22 Jun 2017) $
// Author : $LastChangedBy: martin $
// Version : 3.3.0
// Revision : $LastChangedRevision: 2 $
// Define common variables
// =======================
$prePageId = 36;
$preContent = "admin/configtargets.tpl.htm";
$preTableName = 'tbl_configtarget';
$preKeyField = 'target';
$preAccess = 1;
$preFieldvars = 1;
$intIsError = 0;
$strPathMessage = "";
// Include preprocessing files
// ===========================
// Process path values (add slashes)
// =================================
$chkTfValue8 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue8);
$chkTfValue9 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue9);
$chkTfValue10 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue10);
$chkTfValue11 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue11);
$chkTfValue12 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue12);
$chkTfValue13 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue13);
$chkTfValue14 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue14);
$chkTfValue15 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue15);
$chkTfValue16 = $myVisClass->addSlash($chkTfValue16);
// Check if the permissions and other parameters
// =============================================
if (($chkModus == "modify" || $chkModus == "insert")) {
if ($chkDataId != 0) {
if ($chkSelValue1 == 1) {
$arrPaths = array($chkTfValue8,$chkTfValue9,$chkTfValue10,$chkTfValue11,$chkTfValue12,$chkTfValue13);
foreach ($arrPaths AS $elem) {
if (!$myConfigClass->dir_is_writable($elem)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage($elem." ".translate("is not writeable"),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Nagios base configuration files
if (!is_writable($chkTfValue20)) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(" "," ",translate("Nagios config file")." ".$chkTfValue20." ".translate("is not writeable")),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
} else {
$intCheck = 0;
if (file_exists($chkTfValue20) && is_readable($chkTfValue20)) {
$resFile = fopen($chkTfValue20,'r');
while (!feof($resFile)) {
$strLine = trim(fgets($resFile));
if ((substr_count($strLine,'cfg_dir') != 0) || (substr_count($strLine,'cfg_file') != 0)) {
$intCheck = 1;
if ($intCheck == 0) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(" "," ",translate("Nagios config file")." ".$chkTfValue20." ".translate("is not a valid configuration file!")),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if (!is_writable($chkTfValue14."cgi.cfg")) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(str_replace(" "," ",translate("Cgi config file")." ".$chkTfValue14."cgi.cfg"." ".translate("is not writeable")),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Check SSH Method
if (($chkSelValue1 == 3) && !function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('SSH module not loaded!'),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
// Check FTP Method
if (($chkSelValue1 == 2) && !function_exists('ftp_connect')) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('FTP module not loaded!'),$strPathMessage);
$intIsError = 1;
if ($intIsError == 1) {
$chkModus = "add";
$chkSelModify = "errormodify";
// Add or modify data
// ==================
if ((($chkModus == "insert") || ($chkModus == "modify")) && ($intGlobalWriteAccess == 0)) {
$strSQLx = "`$preTableName` SET `$preKeyField`='$chkTfValue1', `alias`='$chkTfValue2', `server`='$chkTfValue4', `method`='$chkSelValue1',
`user`='$chkTfValue5', `password`='$chkTfValue6', `ssh_key_path`='$chkTfValue7', `basedir`='$chkTfValue8',
`hostconfig`='$chkTfValue9', `serviceconfig`='$chkTfValue10', `backupdir`='$chkTfValue11',
`hostbackup`='$chkTfValue12', `servicebackup`='$chkTfValue13', `nagiosbasedir`='$chkTfValue14',
`importdir`='$chkTfValue15', `picturedir`='$chkTfValue16', `commandfile`='$chkTfValue17',
`binaryfile`='$chkTfValue18', `pidfile`='$chkTfValue19', `conffile`='$chkTfValue20', `version`=$chkSelValue2,
`access_group`=$chkSelAccGr, `active`='$chkActive',
if ($chkModus == "insert") {
$strSQL = "INSERT INTO ".$strSQLx;
} else {
$strSQL = "UPDATE ".$strSQLx." WHERE `id`=$chkDataId";
if ($intWriteAccessId == 0) {
if (($chkTfValue1 != "") && ($chkTfValue2 != "") && (($chkTfValue4 != "") || ($chkDataId == 0))) {
$intReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL,$intInsertId);
if ($intReturn == 1) {
} else {
if ($chkModus == "insert") $myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New Domain inserted:')." ".$chkTfValue1);
if ($chkModus == "modify") $myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Domain modified:')." ".$chkTfValue1);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'),$strErrorMessage);
} else {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'),$strErrorMessage);
$chkModus = "display";
if ($chkModus != "add") $chkModus = "display";
// Start content
// =============
$conttp->setVariable("TITLE",translate('Configuration domain administration'));
if ($intIsError == 1) $conttp->setVariable("PATHMESSAGE","<h2 style=\"padding-bottom:5px;\">".translate("Warning, at least one error occured, please check!")."</h2>".$strPathMessage);
// Single view
// ===========
if ($chkModus == "add") {
// Process acces group selection field
if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) {$intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group'];} else {$intFieldId = 0;}
$intReturn = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group','groupname','acc_group',0,$intFieldId);
if ($intReturn != 0) $myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage,$strErrorMessage);
// Initial add/modify form definitions
$conttp->setVariable("FILL_ALLFIELDS",translate('Please fill in all fields marked with an *'));
$conttp->setVariable("FILL_ILLEGALCHARS",translate('The following field contains not permitted characters:'));
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
// Insert data from database in "modify" mode
if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == "modify")) {
// Process data
// Connection method
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 1) $conttp->setVariable("FILE_SELECTED","selected");
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 2) {
if ($arrModifyData['method'] == 3) {
// Nagios version
if ($arrModifyData['version'] == 1) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_1","selected");
if ($arrModifyData['version'] == 2) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_2","selected");
if ($arrModifyData['version'] == 3) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_3","selected");
// Domain localhost cant' be renamed
if ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] == "localhost") {
} else if ($arrModifyData[$preKeyField] == "common") {
if ($chkSelModify == "errormodify") {
// Domain localhost cant' be renamed
if ($chkTfValue1 == "localhost") {
} else if ($chkTfValue1 == "common") {
} else {
// Connection method
if ($chkSelValue1 == 1) $conttp->setVariable("FILE_SELECTED","selected");
if ($chkSelValue1 == 2) {
if ($chkSelValue1 == 3) {
// NagiosQL version
if ($chkSelValue2 == 1) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_1","selected");
if ($chkSelValue2 == 2) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_2","selected");
if ($chkSelValue2 == 3) $conttp->setVariable("VER_SELECTED_3","selected");
// Hidden variables
// Active
if (isset ($_POST['chbActive'])) {
} else {
// List view
// ==========
if ($chkModus == "display") {
// Initial list view definitions
$mastertp->setVariable("FIELD_1",translate('Configuration target'));
// Row sorting
$strOrderString = "ORDER BY `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir";
if ($hidSortBy == 2) $strOrderString = "ORDER BY `alias` $hidSortDir";
// Count datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess)";
$booReturn = $myDBClass->getSingleDataset($strSQL,$arrDataLinesCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'),$strErrorMessage);
} else {
$intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number'];
if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) $chkLimit = 0;
// Get datasets
$strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `active`, `nodelete`, `access_group` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE `access_group` IN ($strAccess)
$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines'];
$booReturn = $myDBClass->getDataArray($strSQL,$arrDataLines,$intDataCount);
if ($booReturn == false) {
$myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'),$strErrorMessage);
// Process data
// Show messages
// Process footer
// ==============