435 lines
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435 lines
12 KiB
# Nagios Business Process View and Nagios Business Process Analysis
# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG, Nuernberg, Germany
# Bernd Stroessreuther <berny1@users.sourceforge.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package nagiosBp;
use lib ('@libdir@');
use Exporter;
use strict;
use bsutils;
use settings;
our $settings = getSettings();
our %i18n;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(getBPs read_language_file get_lang_string getAvaiableLanguages and listAllComponentsOf);
#parse nagios-bp.conf (our own config file)
# parameter 1: the path of nagios-bp.conf file to be used
# parameter 2: a reference to the hardstates hash
# this hash is extended by this function (states of business processes are added)
# parameter 3: "true" or "false", should external scripts be executed
# defaults to "true"
# returns: hash reference with descriptions of all business processes
# returns: hash reference with priorities of all business processes
# returns: hash reference with the outputs of all external-info scripts
# empty if parameter 3 is "false"
# returns: hash reference with all info-urls
# returns: hash reference with the formula for each business process
sub getBPs()
my $nagios_bp_conf = shift;
my $hardstates = shift;
my $execute_external_scripts = shift || "true";
my (@fields, @fields_state, $in, $formula, $num_of_operators, $result, %display_status, %display, %script_out, %info_url, %components, $description, $i, $min_ok, $name_ext, $name, $script, $status, $url, $var);
open (IN, "<$nagios_bp_conf") or nagdie("unable to read $nagios_bp_conf");
while ($in = <IN>)
# filter comments (starting with #) and blank lines
if ($in !~ m/^#/ && $in !~ m/^ *$/)
#print "$in";
# for all display definitions (lines starting with "display")
if ($in =~ m/^display/)
$in = substr($in, 8);
($status, $name, $description) = split(/;/, $in);
$display{$name} = $description;
$display_status{$name} = $status;
#print "name: $name description: $description\n";
# for all external_info definitions (lines starting with "external_info")
elsif ($in =~ m/^external_info/)
if ($execute_external_scripts ne "false")
$in = substr($in, 14);
($name_ext, $script) = split(/;/, $in);
open(SCRIPT, "$script |") or die "unable to execute script $script";
$script_out{$name_ext} = <SCRIPT>;
#print "name: $name_ext out: $script_out{$name_ext}\n";
# for all info_url definitions (lines starting with "info_url")
elsif ($in =~ m/^info_url/)
$in = substr($in, 9);
($name_ext, $url) = split(/;/, $in);
$info_url{$name_ext} = $url;
# for all variable definitions (containing a =)
if ($in =~ m/=/)
@fields = split(/ *= */, $in);
$var = cutOffSpaces($fields[0]);
if ($var =~ m/;/ ) { nagdie("variable names are not allowed to contain semicolon") }
$formula = cutOffSpaces($fields[1]);
if ($formula =~ m/\|/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($formula =~ m/\+/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($formula =~ m/&/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($num_of_operators > 1) { nagdie("no formulas mixing up the different operators") }
# formulas containig only one element are used the same way as "and" formulas
if ($formula !~ m/\|/ && $formula !~ m/&/ && $formula !~ m/\+/) { $formula .= " &" }
#remember every single variable definition for later reverse lookup
$components{$var} = $formula;
# for formulas with "or"
if ($formula =~ m/\|/)
@fields = split(/ *\| */, $formula);
@fields_state = ();
for ($i=0; $i<@fields; $i++)
@fields_state[$i] = $hardstates->{$fields[$i]};
#print "$i: $fields[$i]: $hardstates{$fields[$i]}\n";
$result = &or(@fields_state);
#print "$var $result\n";
$hardstates->{$var} = $result;
# for formulas with "and"
if ($formula =~ m/&/)
@fields = split(/ *& */, $formula);
@fields_state = ();
for ($i=0; $i<@fields; $i++)
@fields_state[$i] = $hardstates->{$fields[$i]};
#print "$i: $fields[$i]: $hardstates{$fields[$i]}\n";
$result = &and(@fields_state);
#print "$var $result\n";
$hardstates->{$var} = $result;
# for formulas "x of y" (symbol +)
if ($formula =~ m/\+/)
if ($formula =~ m/^(\d+) *of: *(.+)/)
$formula = $2;
$min_ok = $1;
@fields = split(/ *\+ */, $formula);
@fields_state = ();
for ($i=0; $i<@fields; $i++)
@fields_state[$i] = $hardstates->{$fields[$i]};
#print "$i: $fields[$i]: $hardstates{$fields[$i]}\n";
$result = &x_of_y($min_ok, @fields_state);
#print "debug: $var $result\n";
$hardstates->{$var} = $result;
nagdie('syntax must be: <var> = <num> of: <var1> + <var2> [+ <varn>]*');
#&printHash(\%components, "DEBUG components: ");
return(\%display, \%display_status, \%script_out, \%info_url, \%components);
# making an "and" conjuctions of states
sub and()
my @params = @_;
my %states = ( 0 => "UNKNOWN", 1 => "OK", 2 => "UNKNOWN", 3 => "WARNING", 4 => "CRITICAL" );
my %statesrev = ( "OK" => 1, "UNKNOWN" => 2, "WARNING" => 3, "CRITICAL" => 4);
my $i;
my $max = 0;
my $value;
for ($i=0; $i<@params; $i++)
$value = $statesrev{$params[$i]};
if ($value eq "") {$value = 2}
if ($value > $max) { $max = $value }
#print "$params[$i]: $value\n";
# making an "or" conjuctions of states
sub or()
my @params = @_;
my %states = ( 1 => "OK", 2 => "UNKNOWN", 3 => "WARNING", 4 => "CRITICAL", 5 => "UNKNOWN" );
my %statesrev = ( "OK" => 1, "UNKNOWN" => 2, "WARNING" => 3, "CRITICAL" => 4);
my $i;
my $min = 5;
my $value;
for ($i=0; $i<@params; $i++)
$value = $statesrev{$params[$i]};
if ($value eq "") {$value = 2}
if ($value < $min) { $min = $value }
#print "$params[$i]: $value\n";
# making an "x_of_y" conjuctions of states
sub x_of_y()
my @params = @_;
my $i;
my %state_counts;
my $return = "UNKNOWN";
my $min_ok = shift(@params);
#print "min_ok: $min_ok\n";
for ($i=0; $i<@params; $i++)
#print "parm $i: \"$params[$i]\"\n";
if ($state_counts{"OK"} >= $min_ok) { $return="OK" }
elsif ($state_counts{"OK"} + $state_counts{"WARNING"} >= $min_ok) { $return="WARNING" }
else { $return="CRITICAL" }
# internationalization: read the different output strings in a given language
# and store the strings in global hash i18n
# there it can be accessed by get_lang_string()
# param 1: the language, can be a single language abreviation like "de", "en",...
# or a string like a Accept-Language HTTP Header
# HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='en,en-us;q=0.8,de-de;q=0.5,de;q=0.3'
# param 2: default language e. g. "en"
# if the given language is unavailable
sub read_language_file()
my $lang = shift;
my $default_lang = shift;
my ($in, $name, $value, $filename, @languagepriority, $i, @searchresult, $available_lang);
die "default_lang is not valid\n" if ($default_lang !~ m/^[a-z][a-z]$/);
$available_lang = &getAvaiableLanguages();
#print "lang: $lang\n";
#print "default_lang: $default_lang\n";
#print "available_lang: " . join(", ", @$available_lang) . "\n";
# extract language out of accept language header
if ($lang !~ m/^[a-z][a-z]$/)
#print "lang: $lang\n";
@languagepriority = split(/[,;]/, $lang);
for ($i=0; $i<@languagepriority; $i++)
next if ($languagepriority[$i] =~ m/^q=/);
$languagepriority[$i] =~ s/-[a-z][a-z]//;
next if ($languagepriority[$i] !~ m/^[a-z][a-z]$/);
#print "$languagepriority[$i]\n";
@searchresult = grep(/$languagepriority[$i]/, @$available_lang);
#print scalar @searchresult . "\n";
if (@searchresult > 0)
$lang = $languagepriority[$i];
if ($lang !~ m/^[a-z][a-z]$/)
$lang = $default_lang;
#print "lang: $lang\n";
# load the best matching language file
$filename = "$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_LANG'}/i18n_$lang.txt";
if ( ! -r $filename )
$lang = $default_lang;
$filename = "$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_LANG'}/i18n_$lang.txt";
open(IN, "<$filename") or die "unable to read language file $filename\n";
while($in = <IN>)
if ($in !~ m/^\s*#/ && $in !~ m/^\s*$/)
#print $in;
($name, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $in);
#print "name: $name, value: $value\n";
$i18n{$name} = $value;
sub get_lang_string()
my $string = shift;
my $substituted = "";
my $i=1;
my $var="";
if (defined $i18n{$string})
# allow variable susbstitution
$substituted = $i18n{$string};
while ($var = shift)
$substituted =~ s/__var${i}__/$var/g;
# build a list of available languages
sub getAvaiableLanguages()
my (@available_lang, $fname);
opendir(DIR, $settings->{'NAGIOSBP_LANG'}) or die "unable to open directory for language files $settings->{'NAGIOSBP_LANG'}\n";
while ($fname = readdir(DIR))
if (-f "$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_LANG'}/$fname" && $fname =~ m/i18n_([a-z][a-z]).txt$/)
#print "available_lang: $1\n";
push(@available_lang, $1);
sub nagdie()
print $_[0] . "\n";
sub listAllComponentsOf()
my $bp = shift;
my $bps_hashref = shift;
my (@act_bp_components, $k, %result_list, $act_component, $bps_left_in_result);
#print "DEBUG starting func listAllComponentsOf for $bp\n";
$result_list{$bp} = 1;
$bps_left_in_result = 1;
#print "DEBUG func bp: resultlist now contains $bps_left_in_result bps:\n";
while ($bps_left_in_result > 0)
$bps_left_in_result = 0;
foreach $act_component (keys %result_list)
if ($act_component !~ m/;/)
#print "DEBUG func bp: is bp $act_component\n";
$bps_hashref->{$act_component} =~ s/\s*\d+\s+of:\s*//;
@act_bp_components = split(/\s*&|\||\+\s*/, $bps_hashref->{$act_component});
#print "DEBUG func bp: $act_component contains " . join(/,/, @act_bp_components) . "\n";
#print "DEBUG func bp: deleting \"$act_component\"\n";
for ($k=0; $k<@act_bp_components; $k++)
$act_bp_components[$k] = cutOffSpaces($act_bp_components[$k]);
#print "DEBUG func bp: adding \"$act_bp_components[$k]\"\n";
$result_list{$act_bp_components[$k]} = 1;
#print "DEBUG func bp: there were $bps_left_in_result bps\n";
#print "DEBUG func bp: resultlist now contains:\n";
#foreach $act_bp (keys %$bps_hashref)
# print "DEBUG func act_bp: $act_bp\n";
# #printArray(\@act_bp_components);
# for ($k=0; $k<@act_bp_components; $k++)
# {
# $act_bp_components[$k] = &cutOffSpaces($act_bp_components[$k]);
# #print "DEBUG func: act_bp_components \"$act_bp_components[$k]\"\n";
# }
# #@match = grep(/^$search$/, @component_list);
# #printArray(\@match);
return(keys %result_list);