# Entropy Matter, Automated Entropy Packages Build Service, example spec file # List of packages required to be built. # Comma separated, example: app-foo/bar, bar-baz/foo # Mandatory, cannot be empty packages: app-admin/389-admin-console, app-admin/389-console, app-admin/389-ds-console, app-admin/addpatches, app-admin/amazon-ec2-init, app-admin/analog, app-admin/apache-tools, app-admin/apachetop, app-admin/apg, app-admin/augeas, app-admin/bastille, app-admin/bcfg2, app-admin/cancd, app-admin/ccze, app-admin/checkrestart, app-admin/chroot_safe, app-admin/chrootuid, app-admin/chrpath, app-admin/collectd, app-admin/conky, app-admin/conkyforecast, app-admin/conserver, app-admin/cpulimit, app-admin/cronolog, app-admin/denyhosts, app-admin/diradm, app-admin/drush, app-admin/durep, app-admin/ec2-ami-tools, app-admin/ec2-api-tools, app-admin/emacs-updater, app-admin/fetchlog, app-admin/fifo-cronolog, app-admin/flexlm, app-admin/fsvs, app-admin/gam-server, app-admin/gamin, app-admin/genromfs, app-admin/gentoo-rsync-mirror, app-admin/geolizer, app-admin/gkrellm, app-admin/gnome-system-tools, app-admin/grubconfig, app-admin/gtkdiskfree, app-admin/haskell-updater, app-admin/hddtemp, app-admin/hwreport, app-admin/ide-smart, app-admin/integrit, app-admin/kedpm, app-admin/keepassx, app-admin/killproc, app-admin/lcap, app-admin/lib_users, app-admin/listadmin, app-admin/localepurge, app-admin/logcheck, app-admin/logmon, app-admin/logrotate, app-admin/logsurfer+, app-admin/longrun, app-admin/lsat, app-admin/lsyncd, app-admin/makepasswd, app-admin/mcelog, app-admin/mcollective, app-admin/metalog, app-admin/mon, app-admin/monit, app-admin/newsyslog, app-admin/osiris, app-admin/passook, app-admin/paxtest, app-admin/perl-cleaner, app-admin/pessulus, app-admin/petrovich, app-admin/phpsyslogng, app-admin/pprocm, app-admin/prelude-lml, app-admin/prelude-manager, app-admin/procinfo, app-admin/profiler, app-admin/psmon, app-admin/puppet, app-admin/pwcrypt, app-admin/pwgen, app-admin/pydf, app-admin/qpage, app-admin/quickswitch, app-admin/rackview, app-admin/radmind, app-admin/ranpwd, app-admin/reportmagic, app-admin/rsyslog, app-admin/rudy, app-admin/showconsole, app-admin/smolt, app-admin/socklog, app-admin/sshguard, app-admin/stow, app-admin/sud, app-admin/sudo, app-admin/superadduser, app-admin/supervisor, app-admin/swatch, app-admin/sxid, app-admin/sysklogd, app-admin/syslog-ng, app-admin/syslog-summary, app-admin/syslogread, app-admin/sysrqd, app-admin/sysstat, app-admin/system-config-date, app-admin/system-config-keyboard, app-admin/system-config-printer-common, app-admin/system-config-printer-gnome, app-admin/system-config-users, app-admin/system-tools-backends, app-admin/tenshi, app-admin/testdisk, app-admin/tmpreaper, app-admin/tmpwatch, app-admin/tripwire, app-admin/ulog-acctd, app-admin/ulogd, app-admin/usbview, app-admin/usermin, app-admin/verynice, app-admin/watchfolder, app-admin/webalizer, app-admin/webalizer-xtended, app-admin/webapp-config, app-admin/whowatch, app-admin/xstow, app-admin/xtail, app-admin/yaala # Entropy repository where to commit packages # Mandatory, cannot be empty repository: sabayon-hell # Allow Source Package Manager (Portage) repository change? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no spm-repository-change: no # Allow compiling package even if it's not actually installed on system? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no not-installed: no # Allow dependencies to be pulled in? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no dependencies: yes # Allow package downgrade? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no downgrade: no # Allow package rebuild? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no rebuild: no # Make possible to continue if one or more packages fail to build? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no keep-going: yes # Allow new USE flags? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no new-useflags: yes # Allow removed USE flags? # Valid values are either "yes" or "no" # Default is: no removed-useflags: yes # Package pre execution script hook # Valid value is path to executable file # Env vars: # BUILDER_PACKAGE_NAME = name of the package that would be built # pkgpre: /home/fabio/repos/entropy/services/matter_examples/pkgpre.sh # Package build post execution script hook, executed for each package # Valid value is path to executable file # Env vars: # BUILDER_PACKAGE_NAME = name of the package that would be built # pkgpost: /home/fabio/repos/entropy/services/matter_examples/pkgpost.sh # Env vars: # MATTER_PACKAGE_NAME = name of the package that would be built. It does # not reflect the name of the failing package, because it could be just a # dependency of it. # MATTER_PORTAGE_FAILED_PACKAGE_NAME = exact name (atom, CPV) of the failing # package, the one that triggered the buildfail hook. # MATTER_PORTAGE_REPOSITORY = Portage repository from where the package # comes from # MATTER_PORTAGE_BUILD_LOG_DIR = directory containing all the build logs of # the failed package buildfail: /particles/hooks/buildfail.sh # For more info regarding exported environment variables, please see: # matter --help