# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/buffalo_ls_pro_live-sources # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 28 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka Manifest: Update the kernel config 28 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka buffalo_ls_pro_live-sources-2.6.35.ebuild: bump the nas patches 28 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka buffalo_ls_pro_live-sources-2.6.35.ebuild: update kernel patch 28 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka Manifest: overwrite the kernel commandline 28 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka Manifest: modify kernel config for ls pro live 24 Oct 2010; Mario Fetka +metadata.xml: initial package based on sabayon's original