# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/btrfs-progs/btrfs-progs-9999.ebuild,v 1.15 2011/10/29 05:17:45 slyfox Exp $ EAPI="4" inherit eutils git-2 DESCRIPTION="Btrfs filesystem utilities" HOMEPAGE="http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/" SRC_URI="" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc64 ~x86" IUSE="acl debug-utils" DEPEND="debug-utils? ( dev-python/matplotlib ) acl? ( sys-apps/acl sys-fs/e2fsprogs )" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mason/btrfs-progs.git" EGIT_COMMIT="91d9eec1ff044394f2b98ee7fcb76713dd33b994" src_unpack() { git-2_src_unpack } src_prepare() { epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-Modify-Makefile-to-allow-optional-ACL-dependency.patch # See Sabayon ML -- DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # http://lists.sabayon.org/pipermail/devel/2011-October/007155.html epatch "${FILESDIR}"/0002-btrfs-progs-ignore-unavailable-loop-device-source-files.patch # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! # DO NOT DROP THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! epatch "${FILESDIR}"/v2-Btrfs-progs-fix-unaligned-accesses.patch # Fix hardcoded "gcc" and "make" sed -i -e 's:gcc $(CFLAGS):$(CC) $(CFLAGS):' Makefile sed -i -e 's:make:$(MAKE):' Makefile # upstream didn't bump program version sed -i -e "s:Btrfs v0\.19:v${MY_PV}:" version.sh || die } src_compile() { emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ all || die emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ btrfs-image || die if use acl; then emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ btrfs-convert || die fi } src_install() { emake mandir="/usr/share/man" bindir="/sbin" install DESTDIR="${D}" # fsck will segfault if invoked at boot, so do not make this link #dosym btrfsck /sbin/fsck.btrfs # newsbin mkfs.btrfs mkbtrfs dosym mkfs.btrfs /sbin/mkbtrfs if ! use acl; then ewarn "Note: btrfs-convert not built/installed (requires acl USE flag)" fi into /usr newbin bcp btrfs-bcp if use debug-utils; then newbin show-blocks btrfs-show-blocks else ewarn "Note: btrfs-show-blocks not installed (requires debug-utils USE flag)" fi dodoc INSTALL # emake prefix="${D}/usr/share" install-man } pkg_postinst() { ewarn "WARNING: This version of btrfs-progs uses the latest unstable code," ewarn " and care should be taken that it is compatible with the" ewarn " version of btrfs in your kernel!" }