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2011-12-28 23:48:02 +01:00
# ChangeLog for dev-java/oracle-jre-bin
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/oracle-jre-bin/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2011/12/18 09:52:17 sera Exp $
28 Dec 2011; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com>
correct find of empty dirs
28 Dec 2011; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com>
add arm keyword
28 Dec 2011; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com>
rework for arm
2011-12-28 23:48:02 +01:00
*oracle-jre-bin- (18 Dec 2011)
18 Dec 2011; Ralph Sennhauser <sera@gentoo.org>
Version bump. #394581
21 Nov 2011; Ralph Sennhauser <sera@gentoo.org>
Remove vulnarable
21 Nov 2011; Ralph Sennhauser <sera@gentoo.org>
oracle-jre-bin-, oracle-jre-bin-
Use java-vm-2.eclass to set PaX markings
*oracle-jre-bin- (04 Nov 2011)
04 Nov 2011; Vlastimil Babka <caster@gentoo.org>
Revbump to add sandbox.d addpredict file, bug #388127.
*oracle-jre-bin- (21 Oct 2011)
21 Oct 2011; Vlastimil Babka <caster@gentoo.org>
Version bump, security bug #388055.
*oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0-r1 (15 Sep 2011)
15 Sep 2011; Serkan Kaba <serkan@gentoo.org> -oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0.ebuild,
+oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0-r1.ebuild, files/oracle-jre-bin-1.7.env:
Revbump to fix env file.
13 Sep 2011; Serkan Kaba <serkan@gentoo.org> oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0.ebuild:
*oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0 (10 Sep 2011)
10 Sep 2011; Serkan Kaba <serkan@gentoo.org> +oracle-jre-bin-1.7.0.ebuild,
+files/oracle-jre-bin-1.7.env, +files/fontconfig.Gentoo.properties,
New package, successor of sun-jre-bin for Java7. Thanks to sera and Caster.
Bug #376779.