2010-10-16 23:52:11 +02:00
# schedulebe (c) robipolli@gmail.com
# a postfix plugin for managing events in python
# License: GPL2
# this software manage mail meeting invitation,
# notifying to bedework
# * meeting request to bedework users
# * meeting replies
# takes a mail from stdin
# check if it's a meeting request/reply
# get header from mail
# use them to make a POST request to bedework RTSVC
import StringIO
import vobject
import email, httplib
import re
import pycurl
import sys, getopt
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
_debug = False
2010-10-17 12:47:30 +02:00
#rtsvcUrl = "http://caladminurl"
#rtsvcUrl = "http://pubcaladminurl"
2010-10-16 23:52:11 +02:00
rtsvcUrl = None
conf_request_enabled = True
conf_mail_enabled = True
2010-10-17 12:47:30 +02:00
# rtsvcUser = "user1"
# rtsvcPass = "user2"
2010-10-16 23:52:11 +02:00
class Meeting:
def __init__(self):
self.ics = None
self.method = None
self.organizer = None
self.attendees = []
self.sender = None
self.recipient = []
def setMail(self, mailMessage):
def getMethod(self):
return self.ics.method.value
def getOrganizer(self):
# TODO check organizer ~= /mailto:/
o = cleanMailAddress(self.ics.vevent.organizer.value)
return o
def getAttendees(self):
if len(self.attendees) == 0:
for a in self.ics.vevent.__getattr__("attendee_list"):
return self.attendees
def validate(self):
if conf_request_enabled and self.getMethod() == "REQUEST":
#mail recipient must be internal and in attendees
# in a meeting request, organizer is the mail sender
if self.getOrganizer() != self.sender:
if _debug:
print "in %s: Organizer != sender : %s != %s" % (self.getMethod(), self.getOrganizer(), self.sender)
return False
elif self.getMethod() == "REPLY":
#the sender mail should be one of the attendees
if not self.sender in self.getAttendees():
if _debug:
print "in %s: sender != attendees : %s not contains %s" % (self.getMethod(),self.getAttendees(), self.sender)
return False
print "Error validating meeting"
return True
# check that organizer is valid
# if not __checkOrganizer(self.getOrganizer()):
# return False
def walkMail(self, mailMessage):
"""walk thru the mail looking for calendar attachment"""
"""parse attachment and set meeting.ics"""
self.sender = cleanMailAddress(mailMessage['From'])
for rcpt in mailMessage['To'].split(","):
if _debug:
print "DEBUG: from: %s, rcpt: %s" % (mailMessage['From'], mailMessage['To'])
mailWalker = mailMessage.walk()
for i in mailWalker:
if i.get_content_type() == "text/calendar":
if self != None:
icalendar = vobject.readOne(i.get_payload(decode=True))
self.ics = icalendar
if _debug:
print "Test case: %s" % i.get_payload(decode=True)
except vobject.base.ParseError:
print "Error while parsing calendar"
#end class
def __checkOrganizer(organizer):
"""check if organizer is an user of the platform"""
return True
def getMeetingInfo(meeting):
"""get meeting info """
""" TODO http://docs.python.org/library/email.html#module-email"""
meeting.method = meeting.ics.method.value
meeting.organizer = meeting
return meeting.method.value
def cleanMailAddress(mailaddress):
"""clean the mail address returning a string value (no unicode)"""
s = re.compile('^.*<(.+)>.*',re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'\1', mailaddress)
s = re.compile('mailto:',re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'', s)
return str(s.lower())
def getRecipientsFromMail(mail):
"""get the TO Header from the email"""
recipients = ["one@example.com","two@exmaple.com"]
recipient = mail['To']
return recipients
def sendRequestToBedework(meeting):
"""send a POST request to RTSVC url, setting """
""" Header: originator: me@gmail.com """
""" Header: recipient: one@example.com """
""" Header: recipient: two@example.com """
""" Header: Content-type: text/calendar """
""" .ics as POST body """
if not meeting.validate():
return False
rtsvcHeader = [ 'Content-Type:text/calendar; charset=UTF-8' ]
rtsvcHeader.append('originator: ' + meeting.sender)
if conf_mail_enabled:
rcptList = []
if meeting.getMethod() == "REQUEST":
rcptList = set(meeting.getAttendees()).intersection(meeting.recipient)
elif meeting.getMethod() == "REPLY":
rcptList = set(rcptList).intersection(meeting.recipient)
for a in rcptList:
rtsvcHeader.append('recipient: ' + a)
c = pycurl.Curl()
if _debug:
print "DEBUG:" + meeting.ics.serialize()
# c.setopt(c.VERBOSE, 1)
for a in rtsvcHeader: print "DEBUG:" + a
output = StringIO.StringIO()
c.setopt(c.HTTPHEADER, rtsvcHeader)
c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, meeting.ics.serialize())
c.setopt(c.URL, rtsvcUrl)
c.setopt(c.HEADER, 1)
c.setopt(c.POST, 1)
c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, output.write)
res = c.perform()
if _debug:
# print output
print """DEBUG request %d """ % c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
#response = output.read()
response = output.getvalue()
if _debug:
print "DEBUG: response: [%s]" % response
return True
def parseRecipientResponse(response):
"""return True if the scheduling request to the recipient is successful
if response.localName != 'response':
return False
for walk in response.childNodes:
if walk.localName == 'recipient':
attendees = walk.getElementsByTagName('href')
attendee = attendees[0].childNodes[0].data
elif walk.localName == 'request-status':
if _debug:
print "REPORT: attendee: %s\t\tstatus: %s" % (attendee, walk.childNodes[0].data)
v = {'2.0;Success' : True,
'1.0;Deferred' : True,
'default' : False
return v.get(walk.childNodes[0].data, 'default')
# false by default
return False
def parseResponse(response):
"""Parse the xml response of the RTSVC server
The response is like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ns1:schedule-response xmlns="DAV:" xmlns:ns1="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#">
ret = False
# strip http headers
response = response[response.index('<'):]
except ValueError:
print "DEBUG: Can't find < in response"
return False
#support multiple xml documents in response
for singleResponse in response.split('\n<?xml'):
if len(singleResponse) <= 5:
if _debug:
print "skipping short response" + singleResponse
doc = minidom.parseString(singleResponse)
for walk in doc.childNodes:
if walk.localName == 'schedule-response':
for resp in walk.getElementsByTagName(walk.prefix + ':response'):
ret = parseRecipientResponse(resp)
except ExpatError:
print "Errore nella stringa [%s] " % singleResponse
ret = False
return ret
def __notifyUpdate(isError):
"""notify the user that bedework has been nicely updated"""
if isError:
return False
return True
def countEnum(i):
for j in i:
tot = tot+1
return tot
def usage():
print "usage: schedulebe -U [-v][-h][-f file][-u[-p]]"
def main():
# parse command line options
#sys.argv[1:] strip the first argument from sys.argv[]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvf:U:u:p:", ["help", "verbose", "file", "URL", "username", "password"])
except getopt.error, msg:
print msg
print "for help use --help"
file = None
url = None
username = None
password = None
for opt,arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt == '-v':
global _debug
_debug = True
elif opt in ("-f", "--file" ):
file = arg
elif opt in ("-U", "--URL"):
url = arg
elif opt in ("-u", "--username"):
username = arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--password"):
password = arg
if (url == None) or (username != None and password == None) or (username == None and password != None):
print url
if url.find("://") == -1:
print "bad url"
global rtsvcUrl
if username != None and password != None:
schema, address = url.split("://")
rtsvcUrl = schema + "://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + address
rtsvcUrl = url
if file==None:
fd = open(file)
m = Meeting()
organizer = m.getOrganizer()
recipients = m.getAttendees()
if _debug:
print "organizer :%s\nattendees:%s\n" % (organizer, recipients)
if (__checkOrganizer(organizer)):
if (sendRequestToBedework(m)):
print "calendar event synchronized"
return True
except IOError:
print "error: file not found"
print "error: No ics found"
# if it's standalone, exec
if __name__ == "__main__":