#!/usr/bin/python2 import sys import subprocess import os import tempfile args = sys.argv[1:] only_injected = "--only-injected" in args if only_injected: args.remove("--only-injected") do_spm_repo = "--no-spm-repo" not in args if not do_spm_repo: args.remove("--no-spm-repo") keyslot = "--keyslot" in args if keyslot: args.remove("--keyslot") if len(args) < 3: print("bump_kernel_tag_mods <query tag> <compile tag> <source (query) repo> <destination entropy repo> [--only-injected] [--no-spm-repo] [--keyslot]") raise SystemExit(1) kernel_tag = args.pop(0) compile_tag = args.pop(0) source_repo = args.pop(0) dest_repo = args.pop(0) sys.argv.append("--no-pid-handling") os.environ['KERNEL_DIR'] = "/usr/src/linux-" + compile_tag os.environ['ETP_REPO'] = source_repo import entropy.dep from entropy.server.interfaces import Server srv = Server() pkgs_map = {} try: repo = srv.open_repository(srv.repository()) pkg_ids = repo.searchTaggedPackages(kernel_tag) if not pkg_ids: print("!!! no packages for kernel_tag") injected_pkgs = [] normal_pkgs = [] for pkg_id in pkg_ids: injected = repo.isInjected(pkg_id) if injected: injected_pkgs.append(pkg_id) else: normal_pkgs.append(pkg_id) normal_atoms = [] injected_atoms = [] for lst, dst in ((normal_pkgs, normal_atoms), (injected_pkgs, injected_atoms)): for pkg_id in lst: if keyslot: atom_str = entropy.dep.remove_tag_from_slot(repo.retrieveKeySlotAggregated(pkg_id)) else: atom_str = "~" + entropy.dep.remove_tag(repo.retrieveAtom(pkg_id)) if do_spm_repo: spm_repo = repo.retrieveSpmRepository(pkg_id) if spm_repo is not None: atom_str += "::" + spm_repo dst.append(atom_str) finally: srv.shutdown() if not only_injected: if normal_atoms: print("normal packages: %s" % (' '.join(normal_atoms),)) if injected_atoms: print("injected packages: %s" % (' '.join(injected_atoms),)) if not (normal_atoms or injected_atoms): print("nothing to do !!") raise SystemExit(0) if normal_atoms and not only_injected: rc = subprocess.call(["emerge", "-av", "--keep-going"] + [x for x in normal_atoms]) if rc != 0: raise SystemExit(rc) subprocess.call(["etc-update"], shell = True) os.environ['ETP_REPO'] = dest_repo rc = subprocess.call(["eit", "add"] + normal_atoms) if rc != 0: raise SystemExit(rc) if injected_atoms: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ['PKGDIR'] = tmp_dir rc = subprocess.call(["emerge", "-Bav", "--nodeps"] + [x for x in injected_atoms]) if rc != 0: raise SystemExit(rc) tbz2s = [] for category in os.listdir(tmp_dir): path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, category) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue for sub_file in os.listdir(path): if not sub_file.endswith(".tbz2"): continue tbz2s.append(os.path.join(path, sub_file)) if tbz2s: os.environ['ETP_REPO'] = dest_repo rc = subprocess.call(["eit", "inject"] + tbz2s) if rc != 0: raise SystemExit(rc) raise SystemExit(0)