#!/bin/bash show_help() { echo "${0} " } ARGS="${@}" schedule="${1}" if [ "${schedule}" != "weekly" ] && [ "${schedule}" != "monthly" ] && [ "${schedule}" != "daily" ]; then echo "schedule is invalid, must be either weekly, monthly, daily" show_help exit 1 fi PRE_CHROOT="${2}" if [ "${PRE_CHROOT}" != "linux32" ] && [ "${PRE_CHROOT}" != "linux64" ]; then echo "pre-chroot is invalid, must be either linux32, linux64" show_help exit 1 fi CHROOT_DIR="${3}" if [ -z "${CHROOT_DIR}" ] || [ ! -d "${CHROOT_DIR}" ]; then echo "chroot dir is invalid" show_help exit 1 fi CHROOT_NAME="${4:-unknown}" shift 4 LOCK_FILE="${CHROOT_DIR}/.matter-build.lock" LVM_LOCK_FILE="/entropy_LOCKS/vg_chroots-lv_chroots-snapshot.lock" LOG_FILE=/var/log/particles/$(basename "${CHROOT_DIR}")-${schedule}-$(date +%Y%m%d).log # Make sure th have these directories in place mkdir -p /var/log/particles /entropy_LOCKS || exit 1 # Drop these settings from the environment as they could interfere # with interactive processing unset PORTDIR PORTAGE_TMPDIR echo "CHROOT_DIR: ${CHROOT_DIR}" echo "PRE_CHROOT: ${PRE_CHROOT}" echo "LOG_FILE: ${LOG_FILE}.bz2" echo "Acquiring locks at ${LOCK_FILE} and ${LVM_LOCK_FILE} in blocking mode, waiting until we're ready" ( flock -s --timeout=$((3600 * 12)) 10 if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then echo "Tried to acquire the LVM lock in shared mode." >&2 echo "After 12 hours, I give up. This is really wrong," >&2 echo "since the backup script should not hold the lock for" >&2 echo "this long." >&2 exit 1 fi flock -x --timeout=36000 9 rc="${?}" if [ "${rc}" != "0" ]; then echo "CANNOT ACQUIRE LOCK, QUITTING" >&2 else echo "Lock acquired, let's go" echo "Starting matter-scheduler at $(date)..." export ETP_NO_COLOR="1" pre_post="--pre /particles/hooks/pre.sh --post /particles/hooks/post.sh" # Place standard outout and standard error together to make # tee happy. Filter out stdout because it gets to mail PARTICLES_DIR="/particles/${schedule}" \ MATTER_ARGS="--commit --blocking --gentle --disable-preserved-libs ${pre_post} ${@}" "${PRE_CHROOT}" \ /build/tinderbox/matter-scheduler "${CHROOT_DIR}" 2>&1 3>&1 | tee "${LOG_FILE}" > /dev/null rc=${?} echo "Completed matter-scheduler at $(date) with exit status: ${rc}" fi bzip2 -f -k "${LOG_FILE}" # send mail echo "Hello boys and girls, this is andromeda.sabayon.org informing you that a new matter run has been eventually executed. Call : ${ARGS} Exit : ${rc} Log : ${LOG_FILE}.bz2 Do not forget to check logs before touching repositories. Thanks for reading." | mutt -s "${schedule} matter run, $(basename ${LOG_FILE})" -a "${LOG_FILE}.bz2" -- entropy-team@lists.sabayon.org # spawn GLSA and ignore any failures /build/tinderbox/glsa-scheduler "${CHROOT_DIR}" "${CHROOT_NAME}" "${PRE_CHROOT}" > /dev/null # spawn AntiMatter and ignore any failures /build/tinderbox/antimatter-scheduler "${CHROOT_DIR}" "${CHROOT_NAME}" "${PRE_CHROOT}" > /dev/null exit ${rc} ) 9> "${LOCK_FILE}" 10> "${LVM_LOCK_FILE}"