2017-09-15 16:12:49 +02:00

231 lines
4.8 KiB

# Test script for Test::SimpleUnit
# $Id: 15_setupteardown.t,v 1.4 2003/01/15 20:48:07 deveiant Exp $
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 07_setupteardown.t'
# Please do not commit any changes you make to the module without a
# successful 'make test'!
package main;
use strict;
BEGIN { $| = 1; }
### Load up the test framework
use Test::SimpleUnit qw{:functions};
#Test::SimpleUnit::Debug( 1 );
my %setupRuns = ();
my %teardownRuns = ();
### Test suite (in the order they're run)
my @testSuite = (
### Plain setup
# First setup function
name => 'setup',
func => sub {
# Test to make sure the setup ran
name => 'test first setup',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{first};
### Overridden setup
# Override the first setup with this, the second one
name => 'setup',
test => sub {
# Test to be sure the two setup functions have run exactly once each
name => 'test second setup',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{first};
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{second};
# Test to be sure the first setup has still only run once, but that the
# second has now run twice
name => 'test second setup again',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{first};
assertEquals 2, $setupRuns{second};
### Assure all setups run at least once
# Override the second setup with this, the third one, but then clobber this
# one with a fourth. This one should only be run once.
name => 'setup',
test => sub {
# Override the third setup with this, the fourth one.
name => 'setup',
test => sub {
# Test to be sure the first has now run once, the second twice, the third
# once, and the fourth one once.
name => 'test third and fourth setup (1st run)',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{first};
assertEquals 2, $setupRuns{second};
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{third};
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{fourth};
# Test again to be sure the first has now run once, the second twice, the
# third still only once, and the fourth two times.
name => 'test third and fourth setup (2nd run)',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{first};
assertEquals 2, $setupRuns{second};
assertEquals 1, $setupRuns{third};
assertEquals 2, $setupRuns{fourth};
### Now do the same thing for teardown functions
# First teardown function
name => 'teardown',
func => sub {
# Test to make sure the teardown hasn't yet run, but will in the second test.
name => 'test first teardown (pre-run)',
test => sub {
assertNot exists $teardownRuns{first};
# Test to make sure the teardown hasn't yet run, but will in the second test.
name => 'test first teardown (post-run)',
test => sub {
assertEquals 1, $teardownRuns{first};
### Overridden teardown
# Override the first teardown with this, the second one
name => 'teardown',
test => sub {
# Test the second teardown, pre-run
name => 'test second teardown',
test => sub {
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{first};
assertNot exists $teardownRuns{second};
# Test the second teardown, post-run
name => 'test second teardown',
test => sub {
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{first};
assertEquals 1, $teardownRuns{second};
### Assure all teardowns run at least once
# Override the second teardown with this, the third one, but then clobber this
# one with a fourth. This one should then only be run once.
name => 'teardown',
test => sub {
# Override the third teardown with this, the fourth one.
name => 'teardown',
test => sub {
# Bogus test for the third and fourth teardown, pre-run
name => 'test third and fourth teardown (pre-run)',
test => sub { 1 },
# Test to be sure the first has now run once, the second twice, and the
# third and fourth once each.
name => 'test third and fourth teardown (1st run)',
test => sub {
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{first};
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{second};
assertEquals 1, $teardownRuns{third};
assertEquals 1, $teardownRuns{fourth};
# Now make sure the third test has still only run once, but the fourth
# should have run a second time.
name => 'test third and fourth teardown (2nd run)',
test => sub {
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{first};
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{second};
assertEquals 1, $teardownRuns{third};
assertEquals 2, $teardownRuns{fourth};
runTests( @testSuite );