#!/usr/bin/perl # Test packet auth code # $Id: auth.t 48 2006-11-14 20:05:11Z lem $ no utf8; use IO::File; use Test::More 'no_plan'; use Net::Radius::Packet; use Net::Radius::Dictionary; # Init the dictionary for our test run... BEGIN { my $fh = new IO::File "dict.$$", ">"; print $fh <set_identifier(42); $p->set_authenticator("\x66" x 16); $p->set_code("Access-Request"); $p->set_attr("User-Name" => 'foo'); $p->set_attr('NAS-Port-Type' => 'Virtual'); $p->set_attr('NAS-IP-Address' => ''); $p->set_attr('Service-Type' => 'Framed-User'); $p->set_attr('NAS-Port' => '42'); $p->set_attr('Calling-Station-Id' => '5551212'); $p->set_attr('Called-Station-Id' => '5551111'); $p->set_attr('Framed-Protocol' => 'PPP'); $p->set_password('bar', 'good-secret', 'User-Password'); my $q = new Net::Radius::Packet $d, $p->pack; isa_ok($q, 'Net::Radius::Packet'); my $pass = $q->password('good-secret'); is($pass, 'bar', 'Correct password when good secret used'); $pass = $q->password('bad-secret'); isnt($pass, 'bar', 'Bad password when bad secret used'); # Now test the response authentication scheme my $r = new Net::Radius::Packet $d; isa_ok($r, 'Net::Radius::Packet'); $r->set_code('Access-Accept'); $r->set_attr("User-Name" => 'foo'); $r->set_identifier($p->identifier); $r->set_authenticator($p->authenticator); my $r_data = auth_resp($r->pack, 'good-secret'); ok(auth_req_verify($r_data, 'good-secret', $p->authenticator), "Response matches request with proper secret"); ok(!auth_req_verify($r_data, 'bad-secret', $p->authenticator), "Response doesn't match request with bad secret"); # Now test the accounting authentication scheme $p = new Net::Radius::Packet $d; isa_ok($p, 'Net::Radius::Packet'); $p->set_identifier(42); $p->set_authenticator("\x0" x 16); $p->set_code("Accounting-Request"); $p->set_attr("User-Name" => 'foo'); $p->set_attr('NAS-Port-Type' => 'Virtual'); $p->set_attr('NAS-IP-Address' => ''); $p->set_attr('Service-Type' => 'Framed-User'); $p->set_attr('NAS-Port' => '42'); $p->set_attr('Calling-Station-Id' => '5551212'); $p->set_attr('Called-Station-Id' => '5551111'); $p->set_attr('Framed-Protocol' => 'PPP'); my $p_data = auth_resp($p->pack, 'good-secret'); ok(auth_acct_verify($p_data, 'good-secret'), "Validate acct req with good secret"); ok(!auth_acct_verify($p_data, 'bad-secret'), "Validate acct req with bad secret");