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2017-09-15 15:01:34 +02:00
# Process each binary packet in the distribution, performing generic tests
# on it
# $Id: packets.t 73 2007-01-30 10:22:35Z lem $
no utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use File::Find;
use Test::More;
use Test::Warn;
use Net::Radius::Packet;
use Net::Radius::Dictionary;
# Pick a default dictionary to use in case none is defined
my $def_dict = 'dicts/dictionary';
# Find all the test inputs we will be processing here
my @inputs = ();
find ({ untaint => 1, follow => 1, no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub
return unless $File::Find::name =~ m/\.p$/;
push @inputs, $File::Find::name;
}, qw!packets!);
# Provide a test plan based in how many test inputs where found
plan tests => @inputs * 13;
# Perform the tests for each test input
for my $i (@inputs)
# Read the test input
skip "$i not readable", 12 unless -r $i and -r _;
my $fh = new IO::File $i, "r";
my $input = '';
our $VAR1 = undef; # Placeholder for the recovered structure
ok($fh, "Open test input $i for reading");
do {
local $/ = undef;
ok ($input = <$fh>, "Read non-empty test input");
ok(close $fh, "Close the test input after reading");
ok(length($input), "Test input is non-empty");
like($input, qr/# Net::Radius test input/m,
"Input looks like a test input");
unless (eval "$input" and ok(!$@, "Eval errors"))
diag $@;
skip "Problems with eval() of $i", 7;
ok(ref($VAR1) eq 'HASH', "Load $i: " .
($VAR1->{description} || 'No desc'));
# Try to build a suitable dictionary for decoding the packet
my $d;
if ($VAR1->{dictionary})
# Use bundled dictionary for decoding this packet
$d = $VAR1->{dictionary};
$d = new Net::Radius::Dictionary;
if ($VAR1->{opts}->{dictionary})
# Try to load the specified dictionaries - Ignore errors
$d->readfile($_) for @{$VAR1->{opts}->{dictionary}};
# Try to load the default dictionary
isa_ok($d, 'Net::Radius::Dictionary');
my $p;
warnings_are(sub { $p = new Net::Radius::Packet $d, $VAR1->{packet} },
[], "No warnings on packet decode");
isa_ok($p, 'Net::Radius::Packet');
if (exists($VAR1->{slots}))
is $p->attr_slots, $VAR1->{slots}, "Correct number of slots";
SKIP: { skip "Test input provides no number of slots", 1 };
if (exists($VAR1->{identifier}))
is $p->identifier, $VAR1->{identifier}, "Correct identifier";
SKIP: { skip "Test input provides no identifier", 1 };
if (exists($VAR1->{authenticator}))
is $p->authenticator, $VAR1->{authenticator},
"Correct authenticator";
SKIP: { skip "Test input provides no authenticator", 1 };