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2017-09-15 15:01:34 +02:00
# Test packet dumping
# $Id: dump.t 38 2006-11-14 01:46:05Z lem $
no utf8;
use IO::File;
use Test::More tests => 257;
use Net::Radius::Packet;
use Net::Radius::Dictionary;
# Init the dictionary for our test run...
my $fh = new IO::File "dict.$$", ">";
print $fh <<EOF;
ATTRIBUTE User-Name 1 string
ATTRIBUTE User-Password 2 string
ATTRIBUTE NAS-IP-Address 4 ipaddr
close $fh;
END { unlink 'dict.' . $$; }
# Build a request and test it is ok
my $p = new Net::Radius::Packet;
isa_ok($p, 'Net::Radius::Packet');
$p->set_attr("User-Name" => 'FOO@MY.DOMAIN');
$p->set_attr("NAS-IP-Address" => "");
my $str;
# Really special chars
for my $c (0 .. 31, 127..255)
$p->set_authenticator(substr("Char-" . chr($c) . "\x0" x 16, 0, 16));
$str = $p->str_dump;
my $re = sprintf('(?m)^Authentic:\s+Char-\\\\x\{%x\}(?:\\\\x\{0\})+$', $c);
like($str, qr/$re/, "Correct dump of chr($c)");
# Really normal chars
for my $c (32..35, 44..45, 47 .. 62, 64 .. 90, 95, 97..122, 124)
$p->set_authenticator(substr("Char-" . chr($c) . "\x0" x 16, 0, 16));
$str = $p->str_dump;
my $re = sprintf('(?m)^Authentic:\s+Char-%s(?:\\\\x\{0\})+$', chr($c));
like($str, qr/$re/, "Correct dump of chr($c)");
# Things that mean something special to Perl
for my $c (42, 43, 46, 63)
$p->set_authenticator(substr("Char-" . chr($c) . "\x0" x 16, 0, 16));
$str = $p->str_dump;
my $re = sprintf('(?m)^Authentic:\s+Char-\\%s(?:\\\\x\{0\})+$', chr($c));
like($str, qr/$re/, "Correct dump of chr($c)");
# Quote-like things
for my $c (36..41, 91..94, 96, 123..125)
$p->set_authenticator(substr("Char-" . chr($c) . "\x0" x 16, 0, 16));
$str = $p->str_dump;
my $re = sprintf('(?m)^Authentic:\s+Char-\\\\\\%s(?:\\\\x\{0\})+$',
like($str, qr/$re/, "Correct dump of chr($c)");