package Crypt::Cipher::RC2; ### BEWARE - GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.058_002'; use base qw(Crypt::Cipher); sub blocksize { Crypt::Cipher::blocksize('RC2') } sub keysize { Crypt::Cipher::keysize('RC2') } sub max_keysize { Crypt::Cipher::max_keysize('RC2') } sub min_keysize { Crypt::Cipher::min_keysize('RC2') } sub default_rounds { Crypt::Cipher::default_rounds('RC2') } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Crypt::Cipher::RC2 - Symmetric cipher RC2, key size: 40-1024 bits (Crypt::CBC compliant) =head1 SYNOPSIS ### example 1 use Crypt::Mode::CBC; my $key = '...'; # length has to be valid key size for this cipher my $iv = '...'; # 16 bytes my $cbc = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new('RC2'); my $ciphertext = $cbc->encrypt("secret data", $key, $iv); ### example 2 (slower) use Crypt::CBC; use Crypt::Cipher::RC2; my $key = '...'; # length has to be valid key size for this cipher my $iv = '...'; # 16 bytes my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new( -cipher=>'Cipher::RC2', -key=>$key, -iv=>$iv ); my $ciphertext = $cbc->encrypt("secret data"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements the RC2 cipher. Provided interface is compliant with L module. B This module implements just elementary "one-block-(en|de)cryption" operation - if you want to encrypt/decrypt generic data you have to use some of the cipher block modes - check for example L, L or L (which will be slower). =head1 METHODS =head2 new $c = Crypt::Cipher::RC2->new($key); #or $c = Crypt::Cipher::RC2->new($key, $rounds); =head2 encrypt $ciphertext = $c->encrypt($plaintext); =head2 decrypt $plaintext = $c->decrypt($ciphertext); =head2 keysize $c->keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2->keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2::keysize; =head2 blocksize $c->blocksize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2->blocksize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2::blocksize; =head2 max_keysize $c->max_keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2->max_keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2::max_keysize; =head2 min_keysize $c->min_keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2->min_keysize; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2::min_keysize; =head2 default_rounds $c->default_rounds; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2->default_rounds; #or Crypt::Cipher::RC2::default_rounds; =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * L, L =item * L =back =cut