2018-03-22 16:07:01 +01:00

604 lines
22 KiB

package Crypt::KeyWrap;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.021';
use Exporter 'import';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw(aes_key_wrap aes_key_unwrap gcm_key_wrap gcm_key_unwrap pbes2_key_wrap pbes2_key_unwrap ecdh_key_wrap ecdh_key_unwrap ecdhaes_key_wrap ecdhaes_key_unwrap rsa_key_wrap rsa_key_unwrap)] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Carp;
use Crypt::Mode::ECB;
use Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM qw(gcm_encrypt_authenticate gcm_decrypt_verify);
use Crypt::PRNG qw(random_bytes);
use Crypt::KeyDerivation qw(pbkdf2);
use Crypt::Digest qw(digest_data);
use Config;
# JWS:
# JWE:
# JWK:
# JWA: - !!! this is important !!!
sub _LSB {
my ($bytes, $data) = @_;
my $len = length $data;
return $len > $bytes ? substr($data, $len-$bytes, $bytes) : $data;
sub _MSB {
my ($bytes, $data) = @_;
my $len = length $data;
return $len > $bytes ? substr($data, 0, $bytes) : $data;
sub _N2RAW {
my ($bytes, $n) = @_;
if ($bytes == 8) {
return pack("N", 0) . pack("N", $n) if $Config{uvsize} == 4; #workaround
return pack("N", $n >> 32) . pack("N", $n & 0xFFFFFFFF);
return pack("N", $n & 0xFFFFFFFF) if $bytes == 4;
sub aes_key_wrap {
my ($kek, $pt_data, $cipher, $padding, $inverse) = @_;
$cipher = 'AES' unless defined $cipher;
$padding = $cipher eq 'AES' ? 1 : 0 unless defined $padding;
my ($A, $B, $P, $R);
croak "aes_key_wrap: no KEK" unless defined $kek;
croak "aes_key_wrap: no PT data" unless defined $pt_data;
my $klen = length $kek;
croak "aes_key_wrap: invalid KEK length" unless $klen == 16 || $klen == 24 || $klen == 32;
croak "aes_key_wrap: cipher must be AES or DES_EDE" unless $cipher eq 'AES' || $cipher eq 'DES_EDE';
croak "aes_key_wrap: padding not allowed with DES_EDE" if $padding && $cipher eq 'DES_EDE';
my $ECB = Crypt::Mode::ECB->new($cipher, 0);
my $blck = $cipher eq 'DES_EDE' ? 4 : 8; # semiblock size in bytes, for AES 8, for 3DES 4
my $IV = pack("H*", "A6" x $blck);
my $len = length $pt_data;
if ($len % $blck > 0) {
croak "aes_key_wrap: pt_data length not multiply of $blck" if !$padding;
$pt_data .= chr(0) x ($blck - ($len % $blck));
$IV = pack("H*", "A65959A6") . pack("N", $len);
my $n = length($pt_data) / $blck;
$P->[$_] = substr($pt_data, $_*$blck, $blck) for (0..$n-1);
if ($n == 1) {
return $inverse ? $ECB->decrypt($IV . $P->[0], $kek)
: $ECB->encrypt($IV . $P->[0], $kek);
$A = $IV;
$R->[$_] = $P->[$_] for (0..$n-1);
for my $j (0..5) {
for my $i (0..$n-1) {
$B = $inverse ? $ECB->decrypt($A . $R->[$i], $kek)
: $ECB->encrypt($A . $R->[$i], $kek);
$A = _MSB($blck, $B) ^ _N2RAW($blck, ($n*$j)+$i+1);
$R->[$i] = _LSB($blck, $B);
my $rv = $A;
$rv .= $R->[$_] for (0..$n-1);
return $rv;
sub aes_key_unwrap {
my ($kek, $ct_data, $cipher, $padding, $inverse) = @_;
$cipher = 'AES' unless defined $cipher;
$padding = $cipher eq 'AES' ? 1 : 0 unless defined $padding;
my ($A, $B, $C, $P, $R);
croak "aes_key_unwrap: no KEK" unless defined $kek;
croak "aes_key_unwrap: no CT data" unless defined $ct_data;
my $klen = length $kek;
croak "aes_key_unwrap: invalid KEK length" unless $klen == 16 || $klen == 24 || $klen == 32;
croak "aes_key_unwrap: cipher must be AES or DES_EDE" unless $cipher eq 'AES' || $cipher eq 'DES_EDE';
croak "aes_key_unwrap: padding not allowed with DES_EDE" if $padding && $cipher eq 'DES_EDE';
my $ECB = Crypt::Mode::ECB->new($cipher, 0);
my $blck = $cipher eq 'DES_EDE' ? 4 : 8; # semiblock size in bytes, for AES 8, for 3DES 4
my $n = length($ct_data) / $blck - 1;
$C->[$_] = substr($ct_data, $_*$blck, $blck) for (0..$n); # n+1 semiblocks
if ($n==1) {
$B = $inverse ? $ECB->encrypt($C->[0] . $C->[1], $kek)
: $ECB->decrypt($C->[0] . $C->[1], $kek);
$A = _MSB($blck, $B);
$R->[0] = _LSB($blck, $B);
else {
$A = $C->[0];
$R->[$_] = $C->[$_+1] for (0..$n-1);
for(my $j=5; $j>=0; $j--) {
for(my $i=$n-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
$B = $inverse ? $ECB->encrypt(($A ^ _N2RAW($blck, $n*$j+$i+1)) . $R->[$i], $kek)
: $ECB->decrypt(($A ^ _N2RAW($blck, $n*$j+$i+1)) . $R->[$i], $kek);
$A = _MSB($blck, $B);
$R->[$i] = _LSB($blck, $B);
my $rv = '';
$rv .= $R->[$_] for (0..$n-1);
my $A_hex = unpack("H*", $A);
if ($A_hex eq 'a6'x$blck) {
return $rv;
elsif ($A_hex =~ /^a65959a6/ && $blck == 8) {
warn "key_unwrap: unexpected padding" unless $padding;
my $n = unpack("N", substr($A, 4, 4));
my $z = length($rv) - $n;
my $tail = unpack("H*", substr($rv, -$z));
croak "aes_key_unwrap: invalid data" unless $tail eq "00"x$z;
return substr($rv, 0, $n);
croak "aes_key_unwrap: unexpected data [$cipher/$A_hex]";
sub gcm_key_wrap {
my ($kek, $pt_data, $aad, $cipher, $iv) = @_;
$cipher = 'AES' unless defined $cipher;
$iv = random_bytes(Crypt::Cipher->blocksize($cipher)) unless defined $iv;
my ($ct_data, $tag) = gcm_encrypt_authenticate($cipher, $kek, $iv, $aad, $pt_data);
return ($ct_data, $tag, $iv);
sub gcm_key_unwrap {
my ($kek, $ct_data, $tag, $iv, $aad, $cipher) = @_;
$cipher ||= 'AES';
my $pt_data = gcm_decrypt_verify($cipher, $kek, $iv, $aad, $ct_data, $tag);
return $pt_data;
sub pbes2_key_wrap {
my ($kek, $pt_data, $alg, $salt, $iter) = @_;
my ($hash_name, $len);
if ($alg =~ /^PBES2-HS(256|384|512)\+A(128|192|256)KW$/) {
$hash_name = "SHA$1";
$len = $2/8;
my $aes_key = pbkdf2($kek, $alg."\x00".$salt, $iter, $hash_name, $len);
my $ct_data = aes_key_wrap($aes_key, $pt_data);
return $ct_data;
croak "pbes2_key_wrap: invalid alg '$alg'";
return undef;
sub pbes2_key_unwrap {
my ($kek, $ct_data, $alg, $salt, $iter) = @_;
my ($hash_name, $len);
if ($alg =~ /^PBES2-HS(256|384|512)\+A(128|192|256)KW$/) {
$hash_name = "SHA$1";
$len = $2/8;
my $aes_key = pbkdf2($kek, $alg."\x00".$salt, $iter, $hash_name, $len);
my $pt_data = aes_key_unwrap($aes_key, $ct_data);
return $pt_data;
croak "pbes2_key_unwrap: invalid alg '$alg'";
return undef;
sub rsa_key_wrap {
my ($kek_public, $pt_data, $alg) = @_;
croak "rsa_key_wrap: no Crypt::PK::RSA" unless ref $kek_public eq 'Crypt::PK::RSA';
my ($padding, $hash_name);
if ($alg eq 'RSA-OAEP') { ($padding, $hash_name) = ('oaep', 'SHA1') }
elsif ($alg eq 'RSA-OAEP-256') { ($padding, $hash_name) = ('oaep', 'SHA256') }
elsif ($alg eq 'RSA1_5') { $padding = 'v1.5' }
croak "rsa_key_wrap: invalid algorithm '$alg'" unless $padding;
my $ct_data = $kek_public->encrypt($pt_data, $padding, $hash_name);
return $ct_data;
sub rsa_key_unwrap {
my ($kek_private, $ct_data, $alg) = @_;
croak "rsa_key_unwrap: no Crypt::PK::RSA" unless ref $kek_private eq 'Crypt::PK::RSA';
croak "rsa_key_unwrap: no private key" unless $kek_private->is_private;
my ($padding, $hash_name);
if ($alg eq 'RSA-OAEP') { ($padding, $hash_name) = ('oaep', 'SHA1') }
elsif ($alg eq 'RSA-OAEP-256') { ($padding, $hash_name) = ('oaep', 'SHA256') }
elsif ($alg eq 'RSA1_5') { $padding = 'v1.5' }
croak "rsa_key_unwrap: invalid algorithm '$alg'" unless $padding;
my $pt_data = $kek_private->decrypt($ct_data, $padding, $hash_name);
return $pt_data;
# ConcatKDF -
sub _concat_kdf {
my ($hash_name, $key_size, $shared_secret, $algorithm, $apu, $apv) = @_;
$apu = '' unless defined $apu;
$apv = '' unless defined $apv;
my $hsize = Crypt::Digest->hashsize($hash_name);
my $count = int($key_size / $hsize);
$count++ if ($key_size % $hsize) > 0;
my $data = '';
for my $i (1..$count) {
$data .= digest_data('SHA256', pack("N", 1) .
$shared_secret .
pack("N", length($algorithm)) . $algorithm .
pack("N", length($apu)) . $apu .
pack("N", length($apv)) . $apv .
pack("N", 8 *$key_size));
return substr($data, 0, $key_size);
sub ecdh_key_wrap {
my ($kek_public, $enc, $apu, $apv) = @_;
croak "ecdh_key_wrap: no Crypt::PK::ECC" unless ref $kek_public eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC';
my $encryption_key_size = 256;
if ($enc =~ /^A(128|192|256)CBC-HS/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1*2;
if ($enc =~ /^A(128|192|256)GCM/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1;
my $ephemeral = Crypt::PK::ECC->new()->generate_key($kek_public->curve2hash);
my $shared_secret = $ephemeral->shared_secret($kek_public);
my $ct_data = _concat_kdf('SHA256', $encryption_key_size/8, $shared_secret, $enc, $apu, $apv);
return ($ct_data, $ephemeral->export_key_jwk('public'));
sub ecdh_key_unwrap {
my ($kek_private, $enc, $epk, $apu, $apv) = @_;
croak "ecdh_key_unwrap: no Crypt::PK::ECC" unless ref $kek_private eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC';
croak "ecdh_key_unwrap: no private key" unless $kek_private->is_private;
my $encryption_key_size = 256;
if ($enc =~ /^A(128|192|256)CBC-HS/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1*2;
if ($enc =~ /^A(128|192|256)GCM/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1;
my $ephemeral = ref($epk) eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC' ? $epk : Crypt::PK::ECC->new(ref $epk ? $epk : \$epk);
my $shared_secret = $kek_private->shared_secret($ephemeral);
my $pt_data = _concat_kdf('SHA256', $encryption_key_size/8, $shared_secret, $enc, $apu, $apv);
return $pt_data;
sub ecdhaes_key_wrap {
my ($kek_public, $pt_data, $alg, $apu, $apv) = @_;
croak "ecdhaes_key_wrap: no Crypt::PK::ECC" unless ref $kek_public eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC';
my $encryption_key_size = 256;
if ($alg =~ /^ECDH-ES\+A(128|192|256)KW$/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1;
my $ephemeral = Crypt::PK::ECC->new()->generate_key($kek_public->curve2hash);
my $shared_secret = $ephemeral->shared_secret($kek_public);
my $kek = _concat_kdf('SHA256', $encryption_key_size/8, $shared_secret, $alg, $apu, $apv);
return (aes_key_wrap($kek, $pt_data), $ephemeral->export_key_jwk('public'));
sub ecdhaes_key_unwrap {
my ($kek_private, $ct_data, $alg, $epk, $apu, $apv) = @_;
croak "ecdhaes_key_unwrap: no Crypt::PK::ECC" unless ref $kek_private eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC';
croak "ecdhaes_key_unwrap: no private key" unless $kek_private->is_private;
my $encryption_key_size = 256;
if ($alg =~ /^ECDH-ES\+A(128|192|256)KW$/) {
$encryption_key_size = $1;
my $ephemeral = ref($epk) eq 'Crypt::PK::ECC' ? $epk : Crypt::PK::ECC->new(ref $epk ? $epk : \$epk);
my $shared_secret = $kek_private->shared_secret($ephemeral);
my $kek = _concat_kdf('SHA256', $encryption_key_size/8, $shared_secret, $alg, $apu, $apv);
my $pt_data = aes_key_unwrap($kek, $ct_data);
return $pt_data;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::KeyWrap - Key management/wrapping algorithms defined in RFC7518 (JWA)
# A192KW wrapping
use Crypt::KeyWrap qw(aes_key_wrap);
my $kek = pack("H*", "5840df6e29b02af1ab493b705bf16ea1ae8338f4dcc176a8"); # key encryption key
my $cek = pack("H*", "c37b7e6492584340bed12207808941155068f738"); # content encryption key
my $enc_cek = aes_key_wrap($kek, $pt_data); # encrypted content encryption key
# A192KW unwrapping
use Crypt::KeyWrap qw(aes_key_unwrap);
my $kek = pack("H*", "5840df6e29b02af1ab493b705bf16ea1ae8338f4dcc176a8");
my $enc_cek = pack("H*", "138bdeaa9b8fa7fc61f97742e72248ee5ae6ae5360d1ae6a5f54f373fa543b6a");
my $cek = aes_key_unwrap($kek, $pt_data);
Implements key management algorithms defined in L<>
BEWARE: experimental, interface of this module might change!
Supported algorithms (all defined in RFC7518):
A128KW see: aes_key_wrap() + aes_key_unwrap()
A192KW see: aes_key_wrap() + aes_key_unwrap()
A256KW see: aes_key_wrap() + aes_key_unwrap()
A128GCMKW see: gcm_key_wrap() + gcm_key_unwrap()
A192GCMKW see: gcm_key_wrap() + gcm_key_unwrap()
A256GCMKW see: gcm_key_wrap() + gcm_key_unwrap()
PBES2-HS256+A128KW see: pbes2_key_wrap() + pbes2_key_unwrap()
PBES2-HS384+A192KW see: pbes2_key_wrap() + pbes2_key_unwrap()
PBES2-HS512+A256KW see: pbes2_key_wrap() + pbes2_key_unwrap()
RSA-OAEP see: rsa_key_wrap() + rsa_key_unwrap()
RSA-OAEP-256 see: rsa_key_wrap() + rsa_key_unwrap()
RSA1_5 see: rsa_key_wrap() + rsa_key_unwrap()
ECDH-ES+A128KW see: ecdhaes_key_wrap() + ecdhaes_key_unwrap()
ECDH-ES+A192KW see: ecdhaes_key_wrap() + ecdhaes_key_unwrap()
ECDH-ES+A256KW see: ecdhaes_key_wrap() + ecdhaes_key_unwrap()
ECDH-ES see: ecdh_key_wrap() + ecdh_key_unwrap()
=head1 EXPORT
Nothing is exported by default.
You can export selected functions:
use Crypt::KeyWrap qw(aes_key_wrap gcm_key_wrap pbes2_key_wrap);
Or all of them at once:
use Crypt::KeyWrap ':all';
=head2 aes_key_wrap
AES key wrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<A128KW>, C<A192KW>, C<A256KW>).
Implementation follows L<> and L<>.
The implementation is also compatible with L<>
(it supports AES based KW, KWP + TDEA/DES_EDE based TKW).
AES Key Wrap algorithm.
$enc_cek = aes_key_wrap($kek, $cek);
# or
$enc_cek = aes_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $cipher, $padding, $inverse);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (16bytes for AES128, 24 for AES192, 32 for AES256)
# $cek .. content encryption key
# optional params:
# $cipher .. 'AES' (default) or 'DES_EDE'
# $padding .. 1 (default) or 0 handle $cek padding (relevant for AES only)
# $inverse .. 0 (default) or 1 use cipher in inverse mode as defined by SP.800-38F
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek> and C<$kek> are binary octets. If you disable padding you have to make sure that
C<$cek> length is multiply of 8 (for AES) or multiply of 4 (for DES_EDE);
=head2 aes_key_unwrap
AES key unwrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<A128KW>, C<A192KW>, C<A256KW>).
AES Key Unwrap algorithm.
$cek = aes_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek);
# or
$cek = aes_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $cipher, $padding, $inverse);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (16bytes for AES128, 24 for AES192, 32 for AES256)
# $enc_cek .. encrypted content encryption key
# optional params:
# $cipher .. 'AES' (default) or 'DES_EDE'
# $padding .. 1 (default) or 0 - use $cek padding (relevant for AES only)
# $inverse .. 0 (default) or 1 - use cipher in inverse mode as defined by SP.800-38F
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek> and C<$kek> are binary octets.
=head2 gcm_key_wrap
AES GCM key wrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<A128GCMKW>, C<A192GCMKW>, C<A256GCMKW>).
($enc_cek, $tag, $iv) = gcm_key_wrap($kek, $cek);
($enc_cek, $tag, $iv) = gcm_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $aad);
($enc_cek, $tag, $iv) = gcm_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $aad, $cipher, $iv);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (16bytes for AES128, 24 for AES192, 32 for AES256)
# $cek .. content encryption key
# optional params:
# $aad .. additional authenticated data, DEFAULT is '' (empty string)
# $cipher .. cipher to be used by GCM, DEFAULT is 'AES'
# $iv .. initialization vector (if not defined a random IV is generated)
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek>, C<$aad>, C<$iv>, C<$tag> and C<$kek> are binary octets.
=head2 gcm_key_unwrap
AES GCM key unwrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<A128GCMKW>, C<A192GCMKW>, C<A256GCMKW>).
$cek = gcm_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $tag, $iv);
# or
$cek = gcm_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $tag, $iv, $aad);
# or
$cek = gcm_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $tag, $iv, $aad, $cipher);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (16bytes for AES128, 24 for AES192, 32 for AES256)
# $enc_cek .. encrypted content encryption key
# $tag .. GCM's tag
# $iv .. initialization vector
# optional params:
# $aad .. additional authenticated data, DEFAULT is '' (empty string)
# $cipher .. cipher to be used by GCM, DEFAULT is 'AES'
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek>, C<$aad>, C<$iv>, C<$tag> and C<$kek> are binary octets.
=head2 pbes2_key_wrap
PBES2 key wrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<PBES2-HS256+A128KW>, C<PBES2-HS384+A192KW>, C<PBES2-HS512+A256KW>).
$enc_cek = pbes2_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $alg, $salt, $iter);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (arbitrary length)
# $cek .. content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'PBES2-HS256+A128KW' (see rfc7518)
# $salt .. pbkdf2 salt
# $iter .. pbkdf2 iteration count
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek>, C<$salt> and C<$kek> are binary octets.
=head2 pbes2_key_unwrap
PBES2 key unwrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<PBES2-HS256+A128KW>, C<PBES2-HS384+A192KW>, C<PBES2-HS512+A256KW>).
$cek = pbes2_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $alg, $salt, $iter);
# params:
# $kek .. key encryption key (arbitrary length)
# $enc_cek .. encrypted content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'PBES2-HS256+A128KW' (see rfc7518)
# $salt .. pbkdf2 salt
# $iter .. pbkdf2 iteration count
Values C<$enc_cek>, C<$cek>, C<$salt> and C<$kek> are binary octets.
=head2 rsa_key_wrap
PBES2 key wrap algorithm as defined in L<> and
L<> (implements algorithms C<RSA1_5>, C<RSA-OAEP-256>, C<RSA-OAEP>).
$enc_cek = rsa_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $alg);
# params:
# $kek .. RSA public key - Crypt::PK::RSA instance
# $cek .. content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'RSA-OAEP' (see rfc7518)
Values C<$enc_cek> and C<$cek> are binary octets.
=head2 rsa_key_unwrap
PBES2 key wrap algorithm as defined in L<> and
L<> (implements algorithms C<RSA1_5>, C<RSA-OAEP-256>, C<RSA-OAEP>).
$cek = rsa_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $alg);
# params:
# $kek .. RSA private key - Crypt::PK::RSA instance
# $enc_cek .. encrypted content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'RSA-OAEP' (see rfc7518)
Values C<$enc_cek> and C<$cek> are binary octets.
=head2 ecdhaes_key_wrap
ECDH+AESKW key agreement/wrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<ECDH-ES+A128KW>, C<ECDH-ES+A192KW>, C<ECDH-ES+A256KW>).
($enc_cek, $epk) = ecdhaes_key_wrap($kek, $cek, $alg, $apu, $apv);
# params:
# $kek .. ECC public key - Crypt::PK::ECC instance
# $cek .. content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'ECDH-ES+A256KW' (see rfc7518)
# optional params:
# $apu .. Agreement PartyUInfo Header Parameter
# $apv .. Agreement PartyVInfo Header Parameter
Values C<$enc_cek> and C<$cek> are binary octets.
=head2 ecdhaes_key_unwrap
ECDH+AESKW key agreement/unwrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithms C<ECDH-ES+A128KW>, C<ECDH-ES+A192KW>, C<ECDH-ES+A256KW>).
$cek = ecdhaes_key_unwrap($kek, $enc_cek, $alg, $epk, $apu, $apv);
# params:
# $kek .. ECC private key - Crypt::PK::ECC instance
# $enc_cek .. encrypted content encryption key
# $alg .. algorithm name e.g. 'ECDH-ES+A256KW' (see rfc7518)
# $epk .. ephemeral ECC public key (JWK/JSON or Crypt::PK::ECC)
# optional params:
# $apu .. Agreement PartyUInfo Header Parameter
# $apv .. Agreement PartyVInfo Header Parameter
Values C<$enc_cek> and C<$cek> are binary octets.
=head2 ecdh_key_wrap
ECDH (Ephememeral Static) key agreement/wrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithm C<ECDH-ES>).
($cek, $epk) = ecdh_key_wrap($kek, $enc, $apu, $apv);
# params:
# $kek .. ECC public key - Crypt::PK::ECC instance
# $enc .. encryption algorithm name e.g. 'A256GCM' (see rfc7518)
# optional params:
# $apu .. Agreement PartyUInfo Header Parameter
# $apv .. Agreement PartyVInfo Header Parameter
Value C<$cek> - binary octets, C<$epk> JWK/JSON string with ephemeral ECC public key.
=head2 ecdh_key_unwrap
ECDH (Ephememeral Static) key agreement/unwrap algorithm as defined in L<>
(implements algorithm C<ECDH-ES>).
$cek = ecdh_key_unwrap($kek, $enc, $epk, $apu, $apv);
# params:
# $kek .. ECC private key - Crypt::PK::ECC instance
# $enc .. encryption algorithm name e.g. 'A256GCM' (see rfc7518)
# $epk .. ephemeral ECC public key (JWK/JSON or Crypt::PK::ECC)
# optional params:
# $apu .. Agreement PartyUInfo Header Parameter
# $apv .. Agreement PartyVInfo Header Parameter
Value C<$cek> - binary octets.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Crypt::Cipher::AES>, L<Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM>, L<Crypt::PK::RSA>, L<Crypt::KeyDerivation>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright (c) 2015 DCIT, a.s. L<> / Karel Miko